history blame
7.63 kB
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu
#set page/use all #df is your dataframe
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Ecotiva Carbon Calculator", initial_sidebar_state="expanded")
st.subheader("Leading Tomorrow's Climate Action Today")
"India": {
"Transport": 0.14, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.02, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.25, # kgCO2/meal, 2.5 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.1 # kgCO2/meal
"UK": {
"Transport": 0.12, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.03, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.15, # kgCO2/meal, 2.3 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.09 # kgCO2/meal
"Germany": {
"Transport": 0.13, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.02, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.20, # kgCO2/meal, 2.4 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.1 # kgCO2/meal
"USA": {
"Transport": 0.15, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.025, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.35, # kgCO2/meal, 2.7 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.12 # kgCO2/meal
"West_Africa": {
"Transport": 0.18, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.04, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.40, # kgCO2/meal, 2.8 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.15 # kgCO2/meal
"East_Africa": {
"Transport": 0.17, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.035, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.38, # kgCO2/meal, 2.76 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.14 # kgCO2/meal
"Central_Africa": {
"Transport": 0.19, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.038, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.45, # kgCO2/meal, 2.9 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.16 # kgCO2/meal
"South_Africa": {
"Transport": 0.16, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.03, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.30, # kgCO2/meal, 2.6 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.11 # kgCO2/meal
"North_Africa": {
"Transport": 0.2, # kgCO2/km
"Electricity": 0.036, # kgCO2/kWh
"Diet": 1.48, # kgCO2/meal, 2.96 kgCO2/kg
"Waste": 0.17 # kgCO2/meal
st.sidebar.header("Your Carbbon Footprint")
#Adding option menu in sidebar
with st.sidebar:
selected = option_menu(
menu_title=None, #main menu
options=["Home", "About US", "Products", "Solutions", "Company", "Emissions", "Scope 1-3" ],
icons=["house", "book", "envelope"],
"container": {"pardding": "0!important", "background-color": ""},
"icon": {"color": "orange", "font-size": "25px"},
"font-size": "25px",
"text-align": "left",
"margin": "0px",
"--hover-color": "#eee",
"nav-link-selected": {"background-color": "green"},
## change menu to home page horizontal
# selected = option_menu(
# menu_title=None, #"main menu"
# options=["Home", "Projects", "Contact"],
# icons=["house", "book", "envelope"],
# menu_icon="cast",
# default_index=0,
# orientation="horizontal",
# styles={
# "container": {"pardding": "0!important", "background-color": "white"},
# "icon": {"color": "orange", "font-size": "25px"},
# "nav-link":{
# "font-size": "25px",
# "text-align": "left",
# "margin": "0px",
# "--hover-color": "#eee",
# },
# "nav-link-selected": {"background-color": "green"},
# }
# )
#if option select menu
if selected == "Home":
st.title(f"You have selected {selected}")
if selected == "Projects":
st.title(f"You have selected {selected}")
if selected == "Contact":
st.title(f"You have selected {selected}")
st.title ("Ecotiva Carbon Accounting Software")
#user input
st.subheader("Your Country")
country = st.selectbox("Select", ['India','UK', 'USA', 'West_Africa', 'East_Africa', 'Central_Africa', 'South_Africa', 'North_Africa' ])
#country = st.selectbox("Select", ['India', 'Ghana', 'Nigeria'])
#devide into columns
#col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
st.header('Scope 1')
st.subheader('Daily commute distance(in km)')
distance = st.number_input("Distance", 0, key="distance_input")
#distance = st.slider("Distance", 0, key="distance_input")
st.subheader("Monthly Electricity Consumption")
electricity = st.number_input("Electricity", 0, key='electricity_input')
with col2:
st.header('Scope 2')
st.subheader("Waste Generated per Week (per Ton)")
waste = st.slider("Waste", 0, key="waste_input")
#distance = st.number_input("Waste", 0.0, 100.0, key="waste_input")
st.subheader("Number of Meals per day")
meals = st.number_input("Meals", 0, key="meals_input")
if distance > 0:
distance = distance * 365
if electricity > 0:
electricity = electricity * 12
if meals > 0:
meal = meals * 365
if waste > 0:
waste = waste * 52
#Calculate Carbon Emission
#Defind the variables
transportation_emissions = EMISSION_FACTORS[country]['Transport'] * distance
electricity_emissions = EMISSION_FACTORS[country]['Electricity'] * electricity
diet_emissions = EMISSION_FACTORS[country]['Diet'] * meals
waste_emissions = EMISSION_FACTORS[country]['Waste'] * waste
#Round off here
transportation_emissions = round(transportation_emissions / 1000, 2)
electricity_emissions = round(electricity_emissions / 1000, 2)
diet_emissions = round(diet_emissions / 1000, 2)
waste_emissions = round(waste_emissions / 1000, 2)
#Convert to tonnes and round off to 2 decimal places
total_emissions = round(
transportation_emissions + electricity_emissions + diet_emissions + waste_emissions, 2
if st.button("Calculate Emissions"):
#Display Result
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col3:
st.subheader('Carbon Emission by Categories')" Transportation: {transportation_emissions} tonnes C02 per year")" Electricity: {electricity_emissions} tonnes C02 per year")" Diet: {diet_emissions} tonnes C02 per year")" Waste: {waste_emissions} tonnes C02 per year")
with col4:
st.subheader("Total Carbon Footprint")" Your total carbon footprint is: {total_emissions} tonnes C02 per year")
st.warning("In 2021, C02 emissions per capita for Ghana was 1.9 tonnes. Between 2000 and 2021, total emission per capita of Ghana grew substantially from 0.08 to 1.9 rising at an increasing annual rate that reached a maximum of 9.41% in 2021")
# with col3:
# st.subheader('Carbon Emission by Categories')
#" Transportation: (transportation_emission) tonnes C02 per year")
#" Electricity: (electricity_emissions) tonnes C02 per year")
#" Diet: (diet_emissions) tonnes C02 per year")
#" Waste: (waste_emissions) tonnes C02 per year")
# with col4:
# st.subheader("Total Carbon Footprint")
#" Your total carbon footprint is: (total_emissions) tonnes C02 per year")
# st.warning("In 2021, C02 emissions per capital for Ghana was 1.9 tones. Between 2000 and 2021, total emission per capital of Ghana grew substantially from 0.08 to 1.9 rising at an increasing annual rate that reached a maximum of 9.41% in 2021")