# Libraries
import streamlit as st
#from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
import base64
#set page layout
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="CAS LMS Learners", initial_sidebar_state="expanded")
#iilo w adepa
st.subheader("Online Learning Platform to aid learners with data analytics course modules")
st.sidebar.header("CAS Course Structure")
#elit sidebar uses
selected_course = st.sidebar.selectbox("Course Overview & Outline", [ "Understanding Data Science and Analytics", "Course Outline", "Excel", "SQL", "PowerBI", "Python", "Streamlit App"])
if selected_course == "Understanding Data Science and Analytics":
- [Understanding Data Science and Analytics](
- [Introductory Video on Data Science](
- [Recommended Reading Material](
if selected_course == "Course Outline":
- [Course Outline](
- [Introductory About CAS](link_to_video)
elif selected_course == "Excel":
st.button("Englist Course Modules")
- [Excel/Spreadsheet Course Outline](link_to_english_slide)
- [Introductory Video on Google Spreadsheet](link_to_english_past_questions)
- [Recommended Reading Material](link_to_english_reading)
elif selected_course == "SQL":
- [SQL Course Outline](link_to_geography_slide)
- [Introductory Video on SQL](link_to_geography_past_questions)
- [Recommended Reading Material](link_to_geography_reading)
elif selected_course == "PowerBI":
- [PowerBI Course Outline](link_to_political_science_slide)
- [Introductory Video on PowerBI](link_to_political_science_past_questions)
- [Recommended Reading Material](link_to_political_science_reading)
elif selected_course == "Python":
- [Python Course Outline](link_to_philosophy_slide)
- [Introductory Video on PowerBI](link_to_philosophy_past_questions)
- [Recommended Reading Material](link_to_philosophy_reading)
elif selected_course == "Streamlit Web App":
- [Streamlit Course Outline](link_to_dance_slide)
- [Introductory Video on Streamlit](link_to_dance_past_questions)
- [Recommended Reading Material](link_to_dance_reading)
#week course modules
# import streamlit as st
### try
import streamlit as st
# Define a dictionary with courses as keys and their modules grouped by weeks and days
course_modules = {
"Excel": {
"Week 1": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to Excel", "Basic Formulas"],
"Tuesday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of Excel
"Week 2": {
"Monday": ["Advanced Excel Techniques", "Pivot Tables"],
"Tuesday": ["Macros and Automation", "Excel for Data Analysis"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 2 of Excel
"Week 3": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to Excel", "Basic Formulas"],
"Tuesday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of Excel
# Add more weeks and corresponding days/modules for Excel
"SQL": {
"Week 1": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 2": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 3": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
# Add more weeks and corresponding days/modules for SQL
"PowerBI": {
"Week 1": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 2": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 3": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
# Add more weeks and corresponding days/modules for SQL
"Python": {
"Week 1": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 2": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 3": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
"Week 4": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
# Add more weeks and corresponding days/modules for SQL
"Streamlit App": {
"Week 1": {
"Monday": ["Introduction to SQL", "Querying Databases"],
"Tuesday": ["Joins and Relationships", "Advanced SQL Queries"],
"Wednesday": ["Advanced Formulas1", "Data Visualization in Excel 2"],
"Thursday": ["Advanced Formulas 3", "Data Visualization in Excel 4"],
"Friday": ["Advanced Formulas", "Data Visualization in Excel"],
"Saturday" : ["Assigment", "Team Collaboration"],
"Sunday": ["Assignment Submission"],
# Add more days and corresponding modules for Week 1 of SQL
# Add other courses with their respective weeks, days, and modules
# Create columns for select boxes - course, week, and day
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
# Select box for Course in the first column
with col1:
selected_course = st.selectbox("Select Course", list(course_modules.keys()))
# Select box for Week in the second column
with col2:
selected_week = st.selectbox("Select Week", list(course_modules[selected_course].keys()))
# Select box for Day in the third column
with col3:
selected_day = st.selectbox("Select Day", list(course_modules[selected_course][selected_week].keys()))
# Function to display modules for the selected course, week, and day
def display_modules(course, week, day):
modules = course_modules[course][week][day]
st.write(f"### Modules for {course} on {day} of {week}")
for module in modules:
st.write(f"- {module}")
# Button to display modules
if st.button("Show Modules"):
display_modules(selected_course, selected_week, selected_day)
st.sidebar.header("CAS Company")
def main():
if st.sidebar.button("Home"):
st.title("Home Page")
st.subheader("Hi, Data Analytics Learners, Our course Modules are designed to break you to innovate with deep commitment to solve complex data problems :wave:")
#st.write("[Learn More>](")
st.write("[Explore More videos>](")
st.write("Our training programs aspire to empower individuals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in data analytics. We envision a future where our participants become proficient analysts, capable of leveraging data to drive innovation and make informed decisions across diverse industries.")
st.write("Our philosophy revolves around providing holistic training that merges theoretical understanding with practical application. We believe in cultivating an environment that nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and adaptability-essential traits for success in the dynamic field of data analytics.")
#Readiness 4 challenge
st.subheader("Readiness for Challenge")
st.write("Ou training philosophy lies in the belief that true growth comes from embracing challenges. We inspire to prepare our participants to tackle complex analytical problems head-on. We encourage them to step out oftheir comfort zones, embrace uncertainty, and view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Our programs instill resilience, adaptability, and a proactive mindset essential for success in the dynamic field of data analytics.")
#core value
st.subheader("Core Value")
- Excellence: Striving for excellence in imparting knowledge and skills, ensuring high-quality education and practical application
- Innovation: Encouraging creative thinking and innovation in problem-solving within the realm of data analytics.
- Adaptability: Embracing change and evolving alongside technological advancements in the analytics landscape.
- Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives contribute to a rich learning experience.
#Educational Guiding
st.subheader("Educational Guiding Principles")
- Hands-On Learning: Emphasizing practical, hands-on experience to reinforce theoretical knowledge
- Continuous Improvement: Promoting continuous learning and skill enhancement to stay updated with industry trends and best practices.
- Mentorship: Providing mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals to support individual growth and development
- Real-World Relevance: Aligning curriculum and exercises with real-world scenarios to prepare participants for industry demands.
- Diversity and Collaboration: Valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging collaboration to foster a rich exchange of ideas
if st.sidebar.button("About US"):
st.title("About Us")
# if st.button("Read About CAS"):
st.title("Center for Analytics Services")
st.write("The Center for Analytics Services is a pioneering data analytics company, committed to delivering innovative solutions to provide advanced analytics consulting to businesses and to offer intensive training programs for students and professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in data analytics and advanced analytical tools. With a commitment to excellence, our center serves as a hub for fostering innovation, driving business intelligence, and empowering individuals to thrive in the data-driven era. With a strong focus on Machine Learning, AI, and advanced analytics, we aim to revolutionize the way organizations make strategic decisions, optimize operations, and achieve sustainable growth")
st.write("Our vision is to be the leading provider of advanced analytics and AI services in Ghana, empowering organizations, and individuals across industries to thrive in an increasingly data-centric world. ")
st.write("Our mission is to bridge the gap between data and decision-making, empowering organizations to extract actionable insights and individuals to build rewarding careers in the field of analytics.")
st.subheader("Problem Statement")
st.write("In today’s dynamic business landscape of Ghana, organizations are grappling with a significant challenge, effectively harnessing their abundant data. Despite the exponential growth in data, converting this a challenge. Traditional analytical methods often prove inadequate in revealing concealed opportunities, understanding, and optimizing operations. Limited professionals skilled in advanced data analytics and machine learning further compounds the issue, impeding businesses from unlocking the full potential of their data. Center for Analytics Services has emerged to confront these challenges head-on. Our mission is to bridge the gap between data and effective decision-making by delivering state-of-the-art solutions, actionable insights, and expert guidance with AI technologies and BI tools")
- Advanced Analytics Consulting
- Professional Analytics Training
st.write("Our primary objective is to")
- To provide professional training for organizations, staff, professionals, and students with modern AI skills to bridge the knowledge gap in analysis and deployment
- Enable businesses harness the full potential of their data by providing cutting-edge analytics solutions.
- To implement real-time reporting and dashboards
- Empower organizations with actionable insights and data-driven strategies, ultimately helping them drive efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and unlock new opportunities in the digital age
# training
st.subheader("Training Programmes")
- Professional Development Programs: Equip professionals with the latest tools and techniques in data analytics, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape
- Career Transition Workshops: Facilitate career transitions by providing intensive training programs for individuals looking to enter the field of data analytics or data science.
- Student Training Initiatives: Collaborate with educational institutions to offer specialized training programs, preparing students for successful careers in analytics.
st.markdown("The Center for Analytics Services is committed to driving excellence in advanced data analyticsin Ghana and Africa. We aim to empower organizations and individuals to harness the full potential of data, paving the way for a future where informed decision-making is at the heart of success.")
if st.sidebar.button("CAS Services"):
st.title("Read About Our Services")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# #Adding option menu in sidebar
# with st.sidebar:
# selected = option_menu(
# menu_title=None, #main menu
# options=["Home", "About US", "CAS Services" ],
# icons=["house", "book", "envelope"],
# menu_icon="cast",
# default_index=0,
# styles={
# "container": {"pardding": "0!important", "background-color": ""},
# "icon": {"color": "orange", "font-size": "25px"},
# "nav-link":{
# "font-size": "25px",
# "text-align": "left",
# "margin": "0px",
# "--hover-color": "#eee",
# },
# "nav-link-selected": {"background-color": "green"},
# }
# )
# # Check the selected menu option
# if selected == "Home":
# st.title("Home Page")
# st.subheader("Hi, Data Analytics Learners, Our course Modules are designed to break you to innovate with deep commitment to solve complex data problems :wave:")
# #st.write("[Learn More>](")
# st.write("[Explore More videos>](")
# #
# st.subheader("Vision")
# st.write("Our training programs aspire to empower individuals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in data analytics. We envision a future where our participants become proficient analysts, capable of leveraging data to drive innovation and make informed decisions across diverse industries.")
# #philo
# st.subheader("Philosophy")
# st.write("Our philosophy revolves around providing holistic training that merges theoretical understanding with practical application. We believe in cultivating an environment that nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and adaptability-essential traits for success in the dynamic field of data analytics.")
# #Readiness 4 challenge
# st.subheader("Readiness for Challenge")
# st.write("Ou training philosophy lies in the belief that true growth comes from embracing challenges. We inspire to prepare our participants to tackle complex analytical problems head-on. We encourage them to step out oftheir comfort zones, embrace uncertainty, and view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Our programs instill resilience, adaptability, and a proactive mindset essential for success in the dynamic field of data analytics.")
# #core value
# st.subheader("Core Value")
# st.markdown("""
# - Excellence: Striving for excellence in imparting knowledge and skills, ensuring high-quality education and practical application
# - Innovation: Encouraging creative thinking and innovation in problem-solving within the realm of data analytics.
# - Adaptability: Embracing change and evolving alongside technological advancements in the analytics landscape.
# - Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives contribute to a rich learning experience.
# """)
# #Educational Guiding
# st.subheader("Educational Guiding Principles")
# st.markdown("""
# - Hands-On Learning: Emphasizing practical, hands-on experience to reinforce theoretical knowledge
# - Continuous Improvement: Promoting continuous learning and skill enhancement to stay updated with industry trends and best practices.
# - Mentorship: Providing mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals to support individual growth and development
# - Real-World Relevance: Aligning curriculum and exercises with real-world scenarios to prepare participants for industry demands.
# - Diversity and Collaboration: Valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging collaboration to foster a rich exchange of ideas
# """)
# elif selected == "About US":
# st.title("About Us")
# if st.button("Read About CAS"):
# st.title("Center for Analytics Services")
# st.subheader("Introduction")
# st.write("The Center for Analytics Services is a pioneering data analytics company, committed to delivering innovative solutions to provide advanced analytics consulting to businesses and to offer intensive training programs for students and professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in data analytics and advanced analytical tools. With a commitment to excellence, our center serves as a hub for fostering innovation, driving business intelligence, and empowering individuals to thrive in the data-driven era. With a strong focus on Machine Learning, AI, and advanced analytics, we aim to revolutionize the way organizations make strategic decisions, optimize operations, and achieve sustainable growth")
# #vision
# st.subheader("Vision")
# st.write("Our vision is to be the leading provider of advanced analytics and AI services in Ghana, empowering organizations, and individuals across industries to thrive in an increasingly data-centric world. ")
# #mision
# st.subheader("Mission")
# st.write("Our mission is to bridge the gap between data and decision-making, empowering organizations to extract actionable insights and individuals to build rewarding careers in the field of analytics.")
# #pro
# st.subheader("Problem Statement")
# st.write("In today’s dynamic business landscape of Ghana, organizations are grappling with a significant challenge, effectively harnessing their abundant data. Despite the exponential growth in data, converting this a challenge. Traditional analytical methods often prove inadequate in revealing concealed opportunities, understanding, and optimizing operations. Limited professionals skilled in advanced data analytics and machine learning further compounds the issue, impeding businesses from unlocking the full potential of their data. Center for Analytics Services has emerged to confront these challenges head-on. Our mission is to bridge the gap between data and effective decision-making by delivering state-of-the-art solutions, actionable insights, and expert guidance with AI technologies and BI tools")
# #services
# st.subheader("Services")
# st.markdown("""
# - Advanced Analytics Consulting
# - Professional Analytics Training
# """)
# #objectives
# st.subheader("Objectives")
# st.write("Our primary objective is to")
# st.markdown("""
# - To provide professional training for organizations, staff, professionals, and students with modern AI skills to bridge the knowledge gap in analysis and deployment
# - Enable businesses harness the full potential of their data by providing cutting-edge analytics solutions.
# - To implement real-time reporting and dashboards
# - Empower organizations with actionable insights and data-driven strategies, ultimately helping them drive efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and unlock new opportunities in the digital age
# """)
# # training
# st.subheader("Training Programmes")
# st.markdown("""
# - Professional Development Programs: Equip professionals with the latest tools and techniques in data analytics, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape
# - Career Transition Workshops: Facilitate career transitions by providing intensive training programs for individuals looking to enter the field of data analytics or data science.
# - Student Training Initiatives: Collaborate with educational institutions to offer specialized training programs, preparing students for successful careers in analytics.
# """)
# #
# st.markdown("The Center for Analytics Services is committed to driving excellence in advanced data analyticsin Ghana and Africa. We aim to empower organizations and individuals to harness the full potential of data, paving the way for a future where informed decision-making is at the heart of success.")
# elif selected == "Our Services":
# st.title("Read About Our Services")
def main():
st.sidebar.subheader("All Courses")
selected = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Course", ["Excel", "SQL", "PowerBI", "Python", "Streamlit App"])
if selected == "Excel":
st.title("Excel/Google Spreadsheet")
st.subheader("Introduction to Google Spreadsheet")
st.write("This course will introduce learners to the fundamental concepts of data analysis using Excel/Spreadsheet. Participants will learn to organize, clean, analyze, and visualize data using basic to advanced Excel/Spreadsheet functions and tools.")
# Week 1
st.title("Week 1")
st.subheader("Overview of Spreadsheet and Preparing Data")
# Document download
st.write("Download document to understand navigation in a spreadsheet and data preparation with required format types")
# Add your document link or download button here
# Presentation or Document
st.markdown('<iframe src="" \
width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" \
webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Video
st.subheader("Accessing Google Spreadsheet for the First Time")
st.write("A brief video to assist learners in accessing a spreadsheet on the local machine")"")
# Button for Week 2
if st.button("Week 2"):
st.subheader("Advanced Functions")
# Add content for Week 2 here
# Button for Week 3, and so on...
if st.button("Week 3"):
st.subheader("Data Visualization in Excel")
# Add content for Week 3 here
if selected == "SQL":
st.title("Excel/Google Spreadsheet")
st.subheader("Introduction to Google Spreadsheet")
st.write("This course will introduce learners to the fundamental concepts of data analysis using Excel/Spreadsheet. Participants will learn to organize, clean, analyze, and visualize data using basic to advanced Excel/Spreadsheet functions and tools.")
# Week 1
st.title("Week 1")
st.subheader("Overview of Spreadsheet and Preparing Data")
if __name__ == "__main__":
st.sidebar.markdown("Feel free to explore and enhance your learning experience!")
# Additional instructions, FAQs, or guidance can be added here for students.