import streamlit as st | |
import yfinance as yf | |
import numpy as np | |
from ripser import Rips | |
import persim | |
import plotly.graph_objs as go | |
import warnings | |
import pandas as pd | |
# Function to fetch stock or crypto data | |
def fetch_data(ticker_name, start_date, end_date): | |
raw_data =, start=start_date, end=end_date) | |
adjusted_close = raw_data['Adj Close'].dropna() | |
prices = adjusted_close.values | |
log_returns = np.log(prices[1:] / prices[:-1]) | |
return adjusted_close, log_returns | |
# Function to compute Wasserstein distances | |
def compute_wasserstein_distances(log_returns, window_size, rips): | |
n = len(log_returns) - (2 * window_size) + 1 | |
distances = np.full((n, 1), np.nan) | |
for i in range(n): | |
segment1 = log_returns[i:i+window_size].reshape(-1, 1) | |
segment2 = log_returns[i+window_size:i+(2*window_size)].reshape(-1, 1) | |
if segment1.shape[0] != window_size or segment2.shape[0] != window_size: | |
continue | |
dgm1 = rips.fit_transform(segment1) | |
dgm2 = rips.fit_transform(segment2) | |
distance = persim.wasserstein(dgm1[0], dgm2[0], matching=False) | |
distances[i] = distance | |
return distances | |
# Streamlit app configuration | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
st.title("Market Crash Analysis with Topology") | |
st.write(""" | |
This application analyzes asset price data using Wasserstein distances to detect changes in price dynamics over time. | |
Wasserstein distances, derived from persistence diagrams in Topological Data Analysis (TDA), help identify significant shifts in asset price behaviors for both stocks and cryptocurrencies. | |
""") | |
with st.expander("Wasserstein Distance Methodology", expanded=False): | |
# Explanation of the Wasserstein Distance method | |
st.subheader("Wasserstein Distance Methodology") | |
st.write(""" | |
The Wasserstein distance is a measure from optimal transport theory, used here to compare distributions of log returns in different time windows. | |
A high Wasserstein distance indicates a significant change in the price dynamics, which might suggest a market event or shift in investor sentiment. | |
""") | |
st.latex(r''' | |
W(P, Q) = \inf_{\gamma \in \Pi(P, Q)} \mathbb{E}_{(x,y) \sim \gamma} [d(x, y)] | |
''') | |
st.write(""" | |
- Where \( W(P, Q) \) is the Wasserstein distance between distributions \( P \) and \( Q \). | |
- \( d(x, y) \) is the distance between points \( x \) and \( y \). | |
- \( \gamma \) is a joint distribution with marginals \( P \) and \( Q \). | |
""") | |
# Interpretation of results | |
st.subheader("Interpretation of Results") | |
st.write(""" | |
**Wasserstein Distance Analysis:** | |
The Wasserstein distance quantifies changes in the log returns of asset prices over time. | |
A high distance indicates a significant shift in price dynamics, potentially due to a market event or a change in investor behavior. | |
""") | |
st.sidebar.title(""" | |
Input Parameters | |
""") | |
#st.write(f"Threshold: {threshold}") | |
# Sidebar for "How to Use" instructions inside an expander, closed by default | |
with st.sidebar.expander("How to Use", expanded=False): | |
st.write(""" | |
**How to use this app:** | |
1. Enter the stock or crypto ticker symbol (e.g., `^GSPC` for S&P 500 or `BTC-USD` for Bitcoin). | |
2. Specify the start and end dates for the analysis period. | |
3. Adjust the window size for the sliding window analysis. | |
4. Set the alert threshold for detecting significant changes in price dynamics. | |
5. Click 'Run Analysis' to start. | |
""") | |
# Input parameters inside an expander, open by default | |
with st.sidebar.expander("Input Parameters", expanded=True): | |
ticker_name = st.text_input('Enter Stock or Crypto Symbol (e.g., AAPL or BTC-USD)', '^GSPC', help="Enter the ticker symbol for the stock or cryptocurrency you want to analyze.") | |
start_date_string = st.date_input('Start Date', pd.to_datetime('2020-01-01'), help="Select the start date for the data range.") | |
end_date_string = st.date_input('End Date', pd.to_datetime( + pd.Timedelta(days=1)), help="Select the end date for the data range.") | |
# Parameters for the selected method inside an expander, open by default | |
with st.sidebar.expander("Parameters", expanded=True): | |
window_size = st.slider('Window Size', min_value=5, max_value=50, value=20, help="Set the window size for the sliding window analysis.") | |
threshold = st.slider('Alert Threshold', min_value=0.02, max_value=0.2, value=0.075, step=0.005, help="Set the threshold for detecting significant changes in price dynamics.") | |
# Run Analysis button in the sidebar | |
if st.sidebar.button('Run Analysis'): | |
st.write(f"Analyzing {ticker_name} from {start_date_string} to {end_date_string} with window size {window_size} and threshold {threshold}") | |
# Fetch data | |
prices, log_returns = fetch_data(ticker_name, start_date_string, end_date_string) | |
rips = Rips(maxdim=2) | |
wasserstein_dists = compute_wasserstein_distances(log_returns, window_size, rips) | |
# Plotting with Plotly | |
dates = prices.index[window_size:-window_size] | |
valid_indices = ~np.isnan(wasserstein_dists.flatten()) | |
valid_dates = dates[valid_indices] | |
valid_distances = wasserstein_dists[valid_indices].flatten() | |
alert_indices = [i for i, d in enumerate(valid_distances) if d > threshold] | |
alert_dates = [valid_dates[i] for i in alert_indices] | |
alert_values = [prices.iloc[i + window_size] for i in alert_indices] | |
# Plot price and alerts | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=valid_dates, y=prices.iloc[window_size:-window_size], mode='lines', name='Price')) | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=alert_dates, y=alert_values, mode='markers', name='Alert', marker=dict(color='red', size=8))) | |
fig.update_layout(title=f'{ticker_name} Prices Over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Price') | |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) | |
# Plot Wasserstein distances | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=valid_dates, y=valid_distances, mode='lines', name='Wasserstein Distance', line=dict(color='blue', width=2))) | |
fig.add_hline(y=threshold, line_dash='dash', line_color='red', annotation_text=f'Threshold: {threshold}', annotation_position='bottom right') | |
fig.update_layout(title='Wasserstein Distances Over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Wasserstein Distance') | |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) | |
st.write(""" | |
**Plot Interpretation:** | |
- The first plot shows the asset price over time with alerts marked in red. | |
- The second plot displays the Wasserstein distances over time, with the threshold indicated by a dashed red line. Peaks above this line represent significant changes in price dynamics. | |
""") | |
st.markdown( | |
""" | |
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/* Adjust the width of the sidebar */ | |
[data-testid="stSidebar"] { | |
width: 500px; /* Change this value to set the width you want */ | |
} | |
</style> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
# Hide the default Streamlit menu and footer | |
hide_streamlit_style = """ | |
<style> | |
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;} | |
footer {visibility: hidden;} | |
</style> | |
""" | |
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |