acronym,expansion | |
2day,today | |
2m2h,too much too handle | |
2moro,tomorrow | |
2nite,tonight | |
4eae,for ever and ever | |
aaf,as a friend | |
aar,at any rate | |
aayf,as always your friend | |
abd,already been done | |
ack,acknowledge | |
adih,another day in hell | |
adn,any day now | |
adr,address | |
aeap,as early as possible | |
afaic,as far as i am concerned | |
afaik,as far as i know | |
aka,also known as | |
ama,ask me anything | |
ambw,all my best wishes | |
aml,all my love | |
aota,all of the above | |
asap,as soon as possible | |
atb,all the best | |
ateotd,at the end of the day | |
atm,at the moment | |
awol,absent without leave | |
aydy,are you done yet | |
ayec,at your earliest convenience | |
ayor,at your own risk | |
ays,are you serious | |
aysos,are you stupid or something | |
ayt,are you there | |
b/c,because | |
b4,before | |
b4n,bye for now | |
bau,business as usual | |
bbiaf,be back in a few | |
bbiam,be back in a minute | |
bbias,be back in a sec | |
bbs,be back soon | |
bbt,be back tomorrow | |
bcnu,be seeing you | |
bcoy,big crush on you | |
bd,big deal | |
bf,boy friend | |
bfaw,best friend at work | |
bfd,big freaking deal | |
bff,best friends forever | |
bffn,best friend for now | |
bfn,bye for now | |
bg,big grin | |
bgwm,be gentle with me | |
bhl8,be home late | |
bib,boss is back | |
bn,bad news | |
bol,be on later | |
bot,back on topic | |
boyf,boyfriend | |
brb,be right back | |
brh,be right here | |
bro,brother | |
brt,be right there | |
bt,but | |
btw,by the way | |
byoc,bring your own computer | |
cmb,call me back | |
cmiiw,correct me if i am wrong | |
cob,close of business | |
csl,cannot stop laughing | |
cu,see you | |
cua,see you around | |
cul,see you later | |
cwyl,chat with you later | |
cya,cover your ass | |
cye,check your e mail | |
cyo,see you online | |
dkdc,do not know do not care | |
dm,direct message | |
dts,do not think so | |
dur,do you remember | |
dwbh,do not worry be happy | |
e1,everyone | |
ef4t,effort | |
eod,end of discussion | |
f2f,face to face | |
ftf,face to face | |
faq,frequently asked questions | |
fb,facebook | |
ff,follow friday | |
fish,first in still here | |
fitb,fill in the blank | |
ftbomh,from the bottom of my heart | |
ftl,for the loss | |
ftw,for the win | |
fwb,friend with benefits | |
fwiw,for what it is worth | |
fyeo,for your eyes only | |
fyi,for your information | |
g4c,going for coffee | |
ga,go ahead | |
gac,get a clue | |
gas,greetings and salutations | |
gb,goodbye | |
gbu,god bless you | |
gf,girl friend | |
gfn,gone for now | |
glhf,good luck have fun | |
gmta,great minds think alike | |
gnite,good night | |
gr8,great | |
gratz,congratulations | |
grl,girl | |
gtsy,good to see you | |
h&k,hugs and kisses | |
h2cus,hope to see you soon | |
h8,hate | |
hag1,have a good one | |
hagn,have a good night | |
hand,have a nice day | |
hawt,have a wonderful day | |
hmb,hit be back | |
hmu,hit me up | |
hoas,hold on a second | |
hru,how are you | |
ht,hat tip or heard through | |
hth,hope this helps | |
hw,homework | |
iac,in any case | |
iae,in any event | |
ianal,i am not a lawyer | |
iao,i am out | |
ic,i see | |
icymi,in case you missed it | |
idc,i do not care | |
ihni,i have no idea | |
iirc,if i remember correctly | |
ikr,i know right | |
ily,i love you | |
im,instant message | |
imho,in my humble opinion | |
imo,in my opinion | |
ims,i am sorry | |
irl,in real life | |
isly,i still love you | |
iso,in search of | |
iu2u,it is up to you | |
iykwim,if you know what i mean | |
j/k,just kidding | |
j4f,just for fun | |
jff,just for fun | |
jic,just in case | |
jlmk,just let me know | |
jmo,just my opinion | |
jsyk,just so you know | |
jw,just wondering | |
k,okay | |
kk,okay | |
kiss,keep it simple stupid | |
kit,keep in touch | |
l8,late | |
l8r,later | |
lho,laughing head off | |
lmao,laughing my ass off | |
lmbo,laughing my butt off | |
lmk,let me know | |
lol,lots of love | |
lol,laughing out loud | |
loti,laughing on the inside | |
ltns,long time no see | |
lylas,love you like a sister | |
lysm,love you so much | |
mc,merry christmas | |
mgmt,management | |
mm,music monday | |
msm,mainstream media | |
mu,miss you | |
myob,mind your own business | |
nagi,not a good idea | |
nfm,not for me | |
nfs,not for sale | |
nm,nothing much | |
nm,not much | |
noyb,none of your business | |
np,no problem | |
nsfl,not safe for life | |
nsfw,not safe for work | |
nts,note to self | |
nvm,never mind | |
oh,overheard | |
oic,oh i see | |
omg,oh my god | |
omw,on my way | |
orly,oh really | |
ot,off topic | |
otb,off to bed | |
otoh,on the other hand | |
otp,on the phone | |
ott,over the top | |
paw,parents are watching | |
pcm,please call me | |
pls,please | |
pov,point of view | |
ppl,people | |
ptb,please text back | |
ptmm,please tell me more | |
qq,crying | |
rak,random act of kindness | |
rbtl,read between the lines | |
rip,rest in peace | |
rl,real life | |
rofl,rolling on the floor laughing | |
rt ,real time | |
rtm,read the manual | |
rys,are you single | |
sby,somebody | |
sfaik,so far as i know | |
sh,shit happens | |
simyc,sorry i missed your call | |
sis,sister | |
sitd,still in the dark | |
smh,shaking my head | |
sol,sooner or later | |
srsly,seriously | |
sry,sorry | |
ssdd,same stuff different day | |
stby,sucks to be you | |
swak,sealed with a kiss | |
swyp,so what is your problem | |
tafn,that is all for now | |
tba,to be announced | |
tbc,to be continued | |
tbh,to be honest | |
tbl,text back later | |
tcb,take care of business | |
tfh,thread from hell | |
tfs,thanks for sharing | |
tfti,thanks for the invitation | |
tgif,thank god it is friday | |
thx,thanks | |
tia,thanks in advance | |
tiad,tomorrow is another day | |
time,tears in my eyes | |
tlc,tender loving care | |
tlk2ul8r,talk to you later | |
tmi,too much information | |
tmrw,tomorrow | |
ttyl,talk to you later | |
ttys,talk to you soon | |
tyfyc,thank you for your comment | |
tyvm,thank you very much | |
u4e,you forever | |
ur,your | |
vat,value added tax | |
vbg,very big grin | |
vsf,very sad face | |
wam,wait a minute | |
wb,welcome back | |
wc,who cares | |
we,whatever | |
weg,wicked evil grin | |
witp,what is the point | |
wknd,weekend | |
wtf,what the fuck | |
wth,what the heck | |
wtpa,where the party at | |
wuf,where are you from | |
wycm,will you call me | |
wywh,wish you were here | |
xlnt,excellent | |
xoxo,hugs and kisses | |
ycmu,you crack me up | |
ygm,you have got mail | |
ymmv,your mileage may vary | |
yolo,you only live once | |
ytb,you are the best | |
yw,you are welcome | |
ywsyls,you win some you lose some | |
aab,average at best | |
aac,apple audio compression | |
aaf,always and forever | |
aak,alive and kicking | |
aamof,as a matter of fact | |
aap,always a pleasure | |
aar,at any rate | |
aarp,american association of retired persons | |
aat,and another thing at all times | |
aawy,and also with you | |
aayf,as always your friend | |
abc,american born chinese | |
abd,already been done | |
abdc,americas best dance crew | |
abf,all but face | |
abfab,absolutely fabulous | |
abg,asian baby girl | |
abh,actual bodily harm | |
abp,already been posted | |
abu,anyone but united | |
ac,air conditioning alternating current | |
aclu,american civil liberties union | |
acme,a company that makes everything | |
acp,automatic colt pistol | |
acta,anti counterfeiting trade agreement | |
acu,army combat uniform | |
ad,anno domini | |
adad,another day another dollar | |
add,attention deficit disorder | |
aded,all day every day | |
adgth,all dogs go to heaven | |
adhd,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | |
adl,all day long | |
adn,any day now | |
adr,all due respect | |
ads,aim down sights | |
adsl,asymmetric digital subscriber line | |
adtr,a day to remember | |
ae,american eagle | |
aeae,and ever and ever | |
aeap,as early as possible | |
afaia,as far as i am aware | |
afaiaa,as far as i am aware | |
afaiac,as far as i am concerned | |
afaic,as far as i am concerned | |
afaics,as far as i can see | |
afaict,as far as i can tell | |
afaik,as far as i know | |
afair,as far as i remember | |
afap,as far as possible | |
afc,away from computer | |
affa,angels forever forever angels | |
afi,a fire inside | |
afk,away from keyboard | |
afl,australian football league | |
afn,all for now | |
afp,away from phone | |
afrl,away from real life | |
afs,always forever and seriously | |
agc,automatic gain control | |
agh,are not going to happen | |
agm,annual general meeting | |
agp,accelerated graphics port | |
agt,americas got talent | |
agw,all going well | |
ai,artificial intelligence as if | |
aib,am i boverd | |
aids,acquired immune deficiency syndrome | |
aigf,all in good fun | |
aiic,as if i care | |
aikrn,all i know right now | |
aimh,always in my heart | |
ainec,and it is not even close | |
aio,all in one | |
aisb,as i said before | |
aisi,as i see it | |
aitr,adult in the room | |
aityd,and i think you do | |
aiui,as i understand it | |
aiyc,as if you care | |
aj,apple juice | |
aktf,always keep the faith | |
alf,animal liberation front | |
alg,are not life grand | |
alihal,at least i have a life | |
alkqn,almighty latin king and queen nation | |
alol,actually laughing out loud | |
alotbsol,always look on the bright side of life | |
alu,arithmetic logic unit | |
alwp,actual laughter was produced | |
am,ante meridiem amplitude modulation | |
ama,ask me anything against medical advice | |
amaa,ask me almost anything | |
amap,as much as possible | |
amc,american motors corportation | |
amd,advanced micro devices | |
amg,ah my god | |
aml,all my love | |
amn,any minute now | |
amof,as a matter of fact | |
amog,alpha male of group | |
amt,alpha methyltryptamine | |
amv,anime music video | |
amw,americas most wanted | |
an,authors note | |
anc,african national congress | |
anfawfos,and now for a word from our sponsor | |
anfscd,and now for something completely different | |
ansi,american national standards institute | |
antm,americas next top model | |
anzac,australian and new zealand army corps | |
ao,adults only | |
aob,any other business | |
aod,all of day | |
aoe,area of effect | |
aok,age of kings all ok | |
aom,age of mythology | |
aon,all or nothing as of now | |
aos,ahead of schedule | |
aot,as opposed to among other things | |
aota,all of the above | |
aots,attack of the show | |
aow,all out war | |
aoyp,angel on your pillow | |
ap,associated press | |
apb,all points bulletin | |
apc,armoured personnel carrier | |
api,application programming interface | |
apm,actions per minute | |
apn,as per normal | |
apo,authorized personnel only | |
apu,as per usual | |
apyr,as per your request | |
aq,adventure quest | |
aqap,as quickly as possible | |
aqf,ay que funny | |
ar,assault rifle | |
ark,act of random kindness | |
arpa,advanced research projects agency | |
arpanet,advanced research projects agency network | |
arpu,average revenue per user | |
asaic,as soon as i can | |
asaik,as soon as i know | |
asap,as soon as possible | |
asas,as soon as sensible | |
asat,as simple as that | |
asayc,as soon as you can | |
asbo,anti social behaviour order | |
ascii,american standard code for information interchange | |
aspca,american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals | |
at&t,american telephone and telegraph | |
ata,ait to air actual time of arrival | |
atap,any time any place | |
atb,all the best | |
atc,air traffic control | |
atd,attention to detail | |
ateotd,at the end of the day | |
atf,all time favorite | |
atgatt,all the gear all the time | |
ath,all time high | |
atm,at the moment automated teller machine | |
atmo,according to my opinion | |
atn,any time now | |
atoy,always thinking of you | |
atq,answer the question | |
atst,at the same time | |
att,at this time all the time | |
attt,are not that the truth | |
atv,all terrain vehicle | |
atvb,all the very best | |
atw,all the way | |
atwa,air trees water animals all the way alive | |
bac,back at computer blood alcohol content by any chance | |
bacs,bankers automated clearing system | |
bagl,bust a gut laughing | |
bah,bored as hell | |
bb,big brother be back | |
bb4n,bye bye for now | |
bbam,be back after meal | |
bbb,bugging beyond belief | |
bbbw,big beautiful black woman | |
bbc,british broadcasting corporation | |
bbeg,big bad evil guy | |
bbfl,best buds for life | |
bbfn,bye bye for now | |
bbg,best be going | |
bbiab,be back in a bit | |
bbiaf,be back in a few | |
bbiam,be back in a minute | |
bbias,be back in a sec | |
bbiaw,be back in a while | |
bbk,boy better know | |
bbl,be back later | |
bbm,blackberry messaging | |
bbml,be back much later | |
bbn,be back never | |
bbo,being bored online | |
bbq,barbecue better be quick | |
bbr,blonde brunette redhead | |
bbs,be back soon bulletin board system | |
bbt,be back tomorrow | |
bbv,brags beats and variance | |
bbw,big beautiful woman | |
bbwl,be back way later | |
bc,before christ | |
bcbw,bow chica bow wow | |
bcc,blind carbon copy | |
bcd,behind closed doors | |
bce,before common era | |
bcf,best cousin forever | |
bcg,birth control glasses | |
bcs,bowl championship series | |
bd,big deal | |
bdn,busy doing nothing | |
bdoml,best day of my life | |
bdu,brain dead user battle dress uniform | |
bfa,best friends always | |
bfab,born from a boombox back for a bit | |
bfam,brother from another mother | |
bfb,better from behind | |
bff,best friends forever | |
bffae,best friends forever and ever best friends for all eternity | |
bffl,best friend for life | |
bffle,best friends for like ever | |
bffltddup,best friends for life till death do us part | |
bffn,best friend for now | |
bffwb,best friend forever with benefits | |
bfitw,best friend in the world | |
bfk,big fat kiss | |
bfmv,bullet for my valentine | |
bfn,bye for now | |
bfp,bad for pics big fat positive ie pregnant | |
bftp,blast from the past | |
bfut,best friends until tomorrow | |
bfwb,best friend with benefits | |
bg,bad game baby gangster | |
bgd,black gangster disciples | |
bgf,best girl friend | |
bgl,big game license likes fat people | |
bgm,background music | |
bgt,britains got talent | |
bh,be happy bloody hell big head | |
bhd,bad hair day | |
bhh,bless her heart | |
bhl8,be home late | |
bhm,big handsome man | |
bho,barak hussein obama | |
bhs,be home soon | |
biab,back in a bit | |
bic,believe it comrade | |
bicbw,but i could be wrong | |
bieh,best i ever had | |
biffl,best internet friend for life | |
bing,but it is not google | |
bm,bowel movement black man bmw | |
bm4l,best mates for life | |
bmak,blow me a kiss | |
bmb,bebo me back | |
bmbo,blow my brains out | |
bme,body modification ezine | |
bmfe,best mates forever | |
bmfl,best mates for life | |
bmg,be my guest | |
bmi,body mass index | |
bml,bless my life | |
bmoc,big man on campus | |
bms,bitchy men syndrome | |
bmt,before my time basic military training | |
bmth,bring me the horizon | |
bmttve,best mates til the very end | |
bmus,beam me up scotty | |
bmv,be my valentine | |
bmw,bavarian motor works | |
bmx,bicycle motocross | |
bnb,bad news bears bed n breakfast bread n butter | |
bnf,big name fan | |
bni,batteries not included | |
bnib,brand new in box | |
bnoc,big name on campus | |
bnp,british national party | |
bnr,but not really | |
bnwot,brand new without tags | |
bnwt,brand new with tags | |
bo,body odour | |
boat,bust out another thousand | |
bobfoc,body off baywatch face off crimewatch | |
boed,book of exalted deeds | |
bogo,buy one get one | |
bogof,buy one get one free | |
bogsat,bunch of guys sitting around talking | |
cc,credit card carbon copy crowd control country code | |
ccc,coricidin cough and cold | |
ccg,collectible card game | |
ccie,cisco certified internetwork expert | |
ccl,could not care less | |
ccna,cisco certified network associate | |
ccr,creedence clearwater revival | |
cctv,closed circuit television | |
ccw,counterclockwise carrying a concealed weapon | |
cd,compact disc cross dresser | |
cdc,cult of the dead cow crudely drawn cock | |
cdma,code division multiple access | |
cd rw,compact disk rewritable | |
clwy,cannot live without you | |
cm,call me | |
cmar,cry me a river | |
cmb,call me back | |
cme,close my eyes | |
cmeo,crying my eyes out | |
cmh,cross my heart | |
cmho,cry my heart out | |
cmi,count me in | |
cmiiw,correct me if i am wrong | |
cmiyc,catch me if you can | |
cml,call me later | |
cmn,call me now | |
cmos,complementary metal oxide semiconductor | |
cms,content management system | |
cmu,cracks me up | |
cmyk,cyan magenta yellow key | |
cnn,cable news network | |
cny,chinese new year | |
co,commanding officer corrections officer company counter offer | |
coa,certificate of authenticity | |
cod,cash on delivery call of duty | |
col,crying out loud | |
crb,criminal records bureau | |
crbt,crying real big tears | |
cwtsy,cannot wait to see you | |
cwyl,chat with you later | |
cyb,count your blessings | |
cybi,can you believe it | |
cydi,can you dig it | |
cydm,check your direct messages | |
cye,check your email | |
cyf,cross your fingers | |
cyl,catch you later | |
cym,check your mail | |
dln,do not look now | |
dls,dirty little secret | |
dltbbb,do not let the bed bugs bite | |
dltbgyd,do not let the bastards grind you down | |
dltm,do not lie to me | |
dlv,demonstration of lower value | |
dm,do not mind does not matter direct message | |
dmaf,do not make a fuss | |
dmal,drop me a line | |
dmb,dave matthews band | |
dmc,deep meaningful conversation | |
dmca,digital millennium copyright act | |
dmi,do not mention it | |
dmiid,do not mind if i do | |
dmm,do not mind me | |
dmml,do not make me laugh | |
dms,dirty money syndicate | |
dmt,di methyl tryptamine | |
dmta,dirty minds think alike | |
dmv,department of motor vehicles | |
dmw,dead man walking | |
dmx,dark man x | |
dmy,do not mess yourself | |
dmz,de militarized zone | |
dn,doing nothing | |
dna,deoxyribonucleic acid did not attend does not apply | |
dnc,democratic national committee | |
dnd,do not disturb | |
dndc,do not know do not care | |
dne,do not erase does not exist | |
dnf,did not finish | |
dnftt,do not feed the troll | |
dnk,do not know | |
dnm,does not matter deep and meaningful | |
dnp,do not post | |
dnr,do not resuscitate | |
dns,domain name service did not start | |
dntk,do not need to know | |
dnw,do not want | |
doa,dead on arrival deteriorate on approach | |
dob,date of birth | |
doc,doctor drug of choice | |
dod,day of defeat | |
doe,depends on experience | |
dof,depth of field | |
dofl,dying on floor laughing | |
drt,dead right there | |
ds,darling son | |
dsd,do some damage | |
dsl,digital subscriber line | |
dslr,digital single lens reflex | |
dsp,digital signal processing | |
dss,department of social services | |
dst,daylight saving time | |
dt,down town | |
dta,do not trust anyone | |
dtam,death to all men | |
dtb,do not text back | |
dtc,down to cuddle | |
dtd,drunk till dawn drunk till death | |
dte,down to earth | |
dth,down to hang | |
dtl,does the look | |
dtm,doing too much dead to me | |
dtms,does that make sense | |
dtmwtd,do not tell me what to do | |
dtp,disturbing the peace | |
dtr,define the relationship | |
dtrt,do the right thing | |
dts,down the shore down to snuggle | |
dtt,do not touch that | |
dttc,do not text the cell | |
dttm,do not talk to me | |
dtyt,do not take your time | |
ebm,electronic body music | |
ebt,electronic benefits transfer | |
elol,evil laugh out loud | |
eob,end of business | |
eoc,end of conversion | |
eod,end of discussion | |
eoe,equal opportunity employer | |
eof,end of file | |
eog,end of grade | |
eol,end of lecture | |
eom,end of message | |
eor,end of rant | |
eos,end of show | |
eot,end of thread | |
eotd,end of the day | |
eotw,end of the world | |
eotwawki,end of the world as we know it | |
eow,end of watch | |
epos,electronic point of sale | |
eprom,electronically programmable rom | |
erp,erotic role play | |
esa,european space agency | |
esb,empire stikes back | |
esd,electro static discharge | |
esl,english as second language | |
esol,english for speakers of other languages | |
esp,extra sensory perception | |
espn,entertainment and sports programming network | |
esrb,entertainment software rating board | |
est,eastern standard time established | |
estd,easier said than done | |
et,extra terrestrial | |
eta,estimated time of arrival edited to add | |
etc,et cetera | |
etd,estimated time of departure | |
etf,escape the fate | |
etid,everytime i die | |
etw,enjoy the weekend | |
eu,european union | |
eua,end user agreement | |
euc,excellent used condition | |
eula,end user license agreement | |
ev,expected value | |
fya,for your amusement | |
fyc,for your convenience for your consideration | |
fye,for your entertainment | |
fyeo,for your eyes only | |
fyi,for your information | |
fyk,for your knowledge | |
fym,free your mind | |
fyp,fixed your post | |
fyr,for your review for your records | |
fyt,for your time | |
g o a t,greatest of all time | |
ga,go ahead | |
gac,guilty as charged get a clue | |
gafia,get away from it all | |
gafm,get away from me | |
gb,great britain gigabyte | |
gba,god bless america | |
gbfn,goodbye for now | |
gbh,grievous bodily harm | |
gbml,good bye my love | |
gbnf,gone but not forgotten | |
gbp,great british pounds | |
gbtm,get back to me | |
gbtw,get back to work | |
gbu,god bless you | |
gbwy,god be with you | |
gby,god bless you | |
gc,good contition | |
gcf,good clean fun | |
gcmg,god calls me god | |
gcse,general certificate of secondary education | |
gcwok,gay couple without kids | |
gd,gangsta disciple | |
gdfr,going down for real | |
gdi,god damn it | |
gdp,gross domestic product | |
ge,good evening | |
ged,general educational development | |
gfa,grenade free america | |
gfak,go fly a kite | |
gfc,global financial crisis | |
gfete,grinning from ear to ear | |
gff,grenade free foundation | |
gfi,go for it | |
gfn,gone for now | |
gfp,good for pics | |
gftw,go for the win | |
gfu,good for you | |
gfwl,games for windows live | |
gfy,good for you | |
gg,good game | |
gga,good game all | |
ggbb,good game bye bye | |
ggg,good giving and game | |
ggn,got to go now | |
ggnore,good game no rematch | |
ggoh,got to get outta here | |
gh,guitar hero | |
ghb,gamma hydroxybutyrate | |
ghd,good hair day | |
giwist,gee i wish i would said that | |
giy,google it yourself | |
giyf,google is your friend | |
gj,good job | |
gjoac,go jump off a cliff | |
gjwhf,girls just want to have fun | |
gk,good kid | |
gky,go kill yourself | |
gl,good luck good looking | |
gl hf,good luck have fun | |
gla,good luck all | |
glag,giggling like a girl | |
glotr,good luck on the rebuild | |
glta,good luck to all | |
glty,good luck to you | |
glu,girls like us | |
glws,good luck with sale | |
glwt,good luck with that | |
gm,general motors good morning genetically modified good move | |
gma,good morning america | |
gmab,give me a break | |
gmt,greenwich mean time | |
gmta,great minds think alike | |
gmv,got my vote | |
gmy,good man yourself | |
gn,good night | |
gnd,girl next door | |
gne,good night and everything | |
gnfb,good night facebook | |
gnsd,good night sweet dreams | |
goat,greatest of all time | |
gomer,get out of my emergency room unwelcome patient | |
gomf,get outta my face | |
goml,get on my level | |
goomf,get out of my face | |
gooml,get out of my life | |
gop,grand old party | |
gp,general principle | |
gpa,grade point average | |
gpc,generic pack of cigarettes | |
gpl,general public license | |
gpoy,gratuitous picture of yourself | |
gpoyw,gratuitous picture of yourself wednesday | |
gprs,general packet radio services | |
gps,global positioning system | |
gpu,graphics processing unit | |
gr,got to run | |
gsd,getting stuff done | |
gsm,global system for mobile communications | |
gsoh,good sense of humor | |
gsr,gun shot residue | |
gstq,god save the queen | |
gsw,gun shot wound | |
gtb,go to bed | |
gtbb,good to be back | |
gtbosh,glad to be of some help | |
gtd,getting things done | |
gtg,got to go | |
gtgg,got to get going | |
gth,go to hell | |
gthba,good times had by all | |
gtho,get the hell out | |
gtk,good to know | |
gtm,giggling to myself | |
gto,gran turismo omologato | |
gtrm,going to read mail | |
gtsy,good to see you | |
gtts,got the t shirt | |
gtw,got to work | |
gu,grow up | |
guti,get used to it | |
gw,good work | |
gwas,game was a success | |
gwc,guy with camera | |
gwg,girl with glasses | |
gwi,get with it | |
gwk,game winning kill | |
gwp,gift with purchase | |
gwr,guinness world records | |
gws,get well soon | |
gwtf,go with the flow | |
gwtp,get with the program | |
gyaldem,group of girls | |
gyc,get your coat | |
gyfs,get your facts straight | |
gyo,get your own | |
gyt,get yourself tested | |
hagd,have a good day | |
hage,have a good evening | |
hagl,have a good life | |
hagn,have a good night | |
hago,have a good one | |
hags,have a great summer | |
hagt,have a great time | |
haistk,how am i supposed to know | |
hand,have a nice day | |
hawt,hot having a wonderful time | |
hay,how are you | |
hayd,how are you doing | |
hayt,how are you today | |
hbd,happy birthday | |
hbk,heart break kid | |
hbn,how about now | |
hbo,home box office | |
hbp,half blood prince | |
hbt,how bout that | |
hbtu,happy birthday to you | |
hbty,happy birthday to you | |
hby,how about you | |
hc,holy cow | |
hcdajfu,he could do a job for us | |
hcit,how cool is that | |
hd,high definition | |
hdd,hard disk drive | |
hdmi,high definition multimedia interface | |
hdth,how did that happen | |
hdtv,high definition television | |
hdy,how dare you | |
hdyd,how do you do | |
hdydt,how did you do that | |
hdyk,how do you know | |
he,happy ending high explosives | |
hea,happily ever after | |
henry,high earner not rich yet | |
hf,have fun | |
hffa,hot from far away | |
hfgl,have fun good luck | |
hfy,here for you happy for you | |
hg,holy grail | |
hgh,haters going to hate | |
hgi,how goes it | |
hgl,happy go lucky | |
hgtv,home and garden television | |
hgv,heavy goods vehicle | |
hh,holding hands | |
hhis,hanging head in shame | |
hhoj,ha ha only joking | |
hhok,ha ha only kidding | |
hhvf,ha ha very funny | |
hhww,holding hands while walking | |
hig,how is it going | |
hiik,hell if i know | |
himym,how i met your mother | |
hiv,human immunodeficiency virus | |
hiwth,hate it when that happens | |
hjntiy,he is just not that into you | |
hk,hong kong hostile kids | |
hl,half life | |
hlas,hook line and sinker | |
hmb,hit me back | |
hmi,human machine interface | |
hmihy,how may i help you | |
hml,hate my life | |
hmp,help me please | |
hms,her majestys ship | |
hmu,hit me up | |
hmul,hit me up later | |
hmv,his masters voice | |
hng,horny net geek | |
hnos,home network operating system | |
hnr,hit n run | |
hny,happy new year | |
ho,hold on head office | |
hoa,home owners association | |
hoas,hold on a second | |
hoay,how old are you | |
hof,hall of fame heavy on flag | |
hog,harley owner group | |
hoh,head over heels hard of hearing | |
holland,hope our love lasts and never dies | |
hov,high occupancy vehicle | |
howdy,how do you do | |
hp,harry potter | |
hq,high quality | |
hr,human resources | |
hrc,human rights campaign | |
hrh,her royal highness | |
hsbc,hong kong and shanghai banking corporation | |
hsh,home sweet home | |
hsik,how should i know | |
hsit,how sad is that | |
hsl,hue saturation lightness | |
hsm,high school musical | |
hsp,highly sensitive person | |
hspda,high speed packet data access | |
hst,high speed train | |
hsv2,herpes simplex virus 2 | |
ht,hat tip home time handheld transceiver | |
htbt,had to be there | |
htc,hit the cell | |
hte,hard to explain | |
htg,hard to get | |
hth,hope that helps how the hell | |
hthfys,hope to hear from you soon | |
htm,hand to mouth | |
html,hypertext markup language | |
htsys,hope to see you soon | |
http,hyper text transfer protocol | |
https,hyper text transfer protocol secure | |
httr,hail to the redskins | |
hu,hollywood undead | |
hua,heard understood acknowledged | |
hvac,heating ventilating air conditioning | |
hvd,happy valentines day | |
hwb,hottie with body | |
hwga,here we go again | |
hwp,height weight proportional | |
hwsnbn,he who shall not be named | |
hwu,hey what is up | |
hwyd,how was your day | |
hyb,how you been | |
hyd,how ya doing | |
hyfb,hope you feel better | |
hyg,here you go | |
hyh,have you heard hold your horses | |
hyip,high yield investment program | |
hyp,harvard yale princeton | |
hys,have your say | |
hyu,hit you up | |
ia,i agree | |
iab,i am bored | |
iabw,in a bad way | |
iac,in any case | |
iad,it all depends | |
iae,in any event | |
iag,it is all good | |
iak,i already know | |
ial,i are not laughing i actually laughed | |
ialto,i always love that one | |
iama,i am mildly amused | |
ianad,i am not a doctor | |
ianal,i am not a lawyer | |
ias,in a second | |
iau,i adore you | |
iaw,in accordance with i agree with | |
iawtc,i agree with that comment | |
iawtcsm,i agree with this comment so much | |
iawtp,i agree with this post | |
iay,i adore you | |
ib,i am back | |
ib2d,i beg to differ | |
ib4tl,in before the lock | |
iban,international bank account number | |
ibb,i will be back | |
ibk,idiot behind keyboard | |
ibl,in before lock | |
ibm,international business machines | |
ibmts,i have been meaning to say | |
ibs,irritable bowel syndrome | |
ibtd,in before the delete i beg to differ | |
ibtl,in before the lock | |
ibuwu,i am breaking up with you | |
ibw,i will be waiting | |
ibyp,i beg your pardon | |
icam,i could not agree more | |
icay,i care about you | |
icb,i cannot believe | |
icbb,i cannot be bothered | |
icbi,i cannot believe it | |
icbinb,i cannot believe it is not butter | |
icbm,intercontinental ballistic missile | |
icbsst,i cannot believe she said that | |
icbw,it could be worse | |
icc,ice crown citadel | |
iccl,i could not care less | |
icr,i cannot remember | |
icsl,i could not stop laughing | |
icstay,i cannot stop thinking about you | |
ict,information and communication technology | |
icu,intensive care unit i see you | |
icw,in connection with i cannot wait | |
icydk,in case you did not know | |
icymi,in case you missed it | |
idbi,i do not believe it | |
idby,i do not believe you | |
idc,i do not care | |
ide,integrated development environment integrated device electronics | |
idec,i do not even care | |
idek,i do not even know | |
ideky,i do not even know you | |
idewtk,i do not even want to know | |
idfg,i do not feel good | |
idfli,i do not feel like it | |
idgad,i do not give a damn | |
idghp,i do not get hashtag phrases i do not get his or her point i do not generally hate people | |
idgi,i do not get it | |
idhac,i do not have a clue | |
idhtt,i do not have the time | |
idi,i doubt it | |
idj,i do not judge | |
idk,i do not know | |
idke,i do not know either | |
idkw,i do not know why | |
idkwtd,i do not know what to do | |
idkwym,i do not know what you mean | |
idky,i do not know why | |
idl,i do not like | |
idli,i do not like it | |
idlt,i do not like that | |
idly,i do not like you | |
idm,it does not matter intelligent dance music | |
idk,i do not know | |
idnk,i do not know | |
idr,i do not remember | |
idrc,i do not really care | |
idrk,i do not really know | |
idst,if destroyed still true | |
idt,i do not think | |
idts,i do not think so | |
idu,i do not understand | |
idunno,i do not know | |
idw,i do not want | |
idwk,i do not want to know | |
idwt,i do not want to | |
idwtai,i do not want to talk about it | |
idwtk,i do not want to know | |
ie,id est internet explorer | |
ied,improvised explosive device | |
ieee,institute of electrical and electronics engineers | |
iep,individualized education program | |
ifm,in fond memory | |
igi,i get it | |
igm,i got mine | |
igmc,i will get my coat | |
ign,in game name | |
ignb,i am going now bye | |
ignts,i have got nothing to say | |
igs,i guess so | |
igtg,i got to go | |
igu,i give up | |
igwt,in god we trust | |
igy,i get you | |
igyb,i have got your back | |
ih8u,i hate you | |
ihac,i have a customer | |
ihdk,i honestly do not know | |
ihm,i hate mondays | |
ihml,i hate my life | |
ihnc,i have no clue | |
ihni,i have no idea | |
iho,in honor of | |
ihop,international house of pancakes | |
ihp,i hate people | |
ihs,i hope so | |
iht,i hate this | |
ihy,i hate you | |
ihydm,i hope you do not mind | |
ihysm,i hate you so much | |
iib,ignorance is bliss | |
iifym,if it fits your macros | |
iih,if i am honest | |
iil,i am in love | |
iinm,if i am not mistaken | |
iir,idiot in room | |
iirc,if i remember correctly | |
iis,internet information services | |
iituwutmas,if i tell you will you tell me a secret | |
iitwi,in it to win it | |
iitywimiwhtky,if i tell you what it means i will have to kill you | |
iitywtmwybmad,if i tell you what this means will you buy me a drink | |
iitywtmwykm,if i tell you what this means will you kiss me | |
iitywybmad,if i tell you will you buy me a drink | |
iiuc,if i understand correctly | |
iiwii,it is what it is | |
iiwy,if i were you | |
ij,i am joking | |
ijaf,it is just a fact | |
ijdk,i just do not know | |
ijg,i just giggled | |
ijk,i am just kidding | |
ijl,i just laughed | |
ijs,i am just saying | |
ijwtk,i just want to know | |
ijwts,i just want to say | |
ik,i know | |
ikh,i know huh | |
ikhyf,i know how you feel | |
ikly,i kind of like you | |
ikm,i know man | |
ikmty,i know more than you | |
ikn,i know not | |
ikr,i know right | |
ikt,i knew that | |
iktf,i know the feeling | |
iktr,i know that is right | |
ikwum,i know what you mean | |
ikwydls,i know what you did last summer | |
ikwyl,i know where you live | |
ikwym,i know what you mean | |
iky,i know you | |
ikyp,i will keep you posted | |
il,in love | |
ild,ich liebe dich | |
ilh,i love him or her | |
ili,i love it | |
ilm,i lige m | |
ilml,i love my life | |
ilmo,in loving memory of | |
ilny,i love new york | |
ils,inflated lat syndrome | |
ilt,i like that | |
ily,i love you | |
ily2,i love you too | |
ilya,i love you all | |
ilyaaf,i love you as a friend | |
ilyam,i love you as a mate | |
ilyb,i love you both | |
ilyf,i will love you forever | |
ilyg,i love you guys or girls | |
ilyk,i will let you know | |
ilyl,i love you lots | |
ilylas,i love you like a sister | |
ilylt,i love you long time | |
ilym,i love you more | |
ilysdm,i love you so damn much | |
ilysm,i love you so much | |
ilysmb,i love you so much baby | |
ilysmm,i love you so much more | |
ilyt,i love you too | |
ilytb,i love you to bits | |
ilyvm,i love you very much | |
ilywamh,i love you with all my heart | |
im,instant message | |
imaho,in my absolutely honest opinion | |
imao,in my arrogant opinion | |
imap,internet message access protocol | |
imbo,in my biased opinion | |
imco,in my considered opinion | |
imd,in my defence | |
imdb,internet movie database | |
ime,in my experience | |
imeo,in my educated opinion | |
imf,international monetary fund | |
imh,in my head | |
imho,in my humble opinion | |
imk,in my knowledge | |
immao,in my most arrogant opinion | |
immd,it made my day | |
imml,it made me laugh | |
imnsho,in my not so humble opinion | |
imo,in my opinion | |
imoo,in my own opinion | |
imp,it is my pleasure | |
impo,in my personal opinion | |
imr,i mean really | |
ims,irritable male syndrome | |
imsmr,if memory serves me right | |
imu,i miss you | |
imusm,i miss you so much | |
imvu,instant messaging virtual universe | |
imwtk,inquiring minds want to know | |
imy,i miss you | |
imya,i miss you already | |
imym,i miss you more | |
imysm,i miss you so much | |
imyt,i miss you too | |
inah,i need a hug | |
inb,i am not bothered | |
inbd,it is no big deal | |
incydk,in case you did not know | |
inpo,in no particular order | |
inrs,it is not rocket science | |
ins,i am not sure | |
intk,i need to know | |
intp,introverted intuitive thinking perceiving | |
invu,i envy you | |
inwly,i never want to lose you | |
iny,i need you | |
ioab,i am on a boat | |
ioc,international olympic committee | |
ioh,i am outta here | |
ioi,indication of interest i am over it | |
ioic,if only i could | |
iokiyar,it is okay if you are a republican | |
iom,isle of man | |
iomw,i am on my way | |
ion,in other news | |
iou,i owe you | |
iow,in other words | |
ioyk,if only you knew | |
ip,internet protocol intellectual property | |
ipa,india pale ale internet protocol address | |
ipc,ignore post count | |
ipo,initial public offering | |
iq,intelligence quotient | |
ir,infrared injured reserve | |
ira,irish republican army | |
irah,insert relevant acronym here | |
irc,internet relay chat | |
irdc,i really do not care | |
irdk,i really do not know | |
irl,in real life | |
irly,i really like you | |
irmc,i rest my case | |
irs,internal revenue service | |
isb,i am so bored | |
isbn,international standard book number | |
isdk,i simply do not know | |
isdn,integrated services digital network | |
ishk,i should have known | |
isly,i still love you | |
iso,in search of | |
isp,internet service provider | |
iss,international space station i am so sorry | |
issn,international standard serial number | |
istatoy,i saw this and thought of you | |
istg,i swear to god | |
istm,it seems to me | |
istr,i seem to recall | |
iswydt,i see what you did there | |
iswym,i see what you mean | |
it,information technology | |
ita,i totally agree | |
itai,i will think about it | |
italy,i trust and love you | |
itc,in this channel in that case | |
itf,in the future | |
itg,in the groove | |
itiailwy,i think i am in love with you | |
itiky,i think i know you | |
itilu,i think i love you | |
itily,i think i love you | |
itk,in the know | |
itm,in the mouth | |
itma,it is that man again | |
itn,i think not | |
ito,in terms of | |
itoy,i am thinking of you | |
itp,inside the perimeter | |
its,i think or thought so | |
itso,in the style of | |
itt,in this thread | |
ittet,in these tough economic times | |
itv,independent tv | |
itwym,is that what you mean | |
ityf,i think you will find | |
ityl,i will tell you later | |
itym,i think you mean | |
itys,i told you so | |
ivf,in vitro fertilization | |
iwaly,i will always love you | |
iwbb,i will be back | |
iwc,internet wrestling community | |
iwhi,i would hit it | |
iwid,it is what i do | |
iwik,i wish i knew | |
iwiwt,i wish i were there | |
iwm,it was not me | |
iwoot,i want one of those | |
iwtd,i want to die | |
iwy,i want you | |
iyam,if you ask me | |
iybtyba,if you believe that you will believe anything | |
iyd,in your dreams | |
iydk,if you did not know | |
iydm,if you do not mind | |
iyf,in your face | |
iygm,if you get me | |
iyh,in your head | |
iykwim,if you know what i mean | |
iyl,if you are lucky it is your life | |
iyo,in your opinion | |
iyss,if you say so | |
iyswim,if you see what i mean | |
iytt,if you think that | |
iyw,if you want or will | |
iyww,if you were wondering | |
j,joking | |
jaf,just a friend | |
jafa,just another fucking aucklander | |
japan,just always pray at night | |
jas,just a second | |
jat,just a thought | |
jatq,just answer the question | |
jb,jail bait jonas brothers | |
jbh,just being honest | |
jbt,jack booted thug | |
jbu,just between us | |
jby,just be yourself | |
jc,jesus christ just curious just chilling | |
jcb,j c bamford | |
jd,jack daniels | |
jdi,just do it | |
jdlr,just does not look right | |
jdm,japanese domestic market | |
jff,just for fun | |
jfk,john fitzgerald kennedy new york airport just for kicks | |
jfn,just for now | |
jft,just for today | |
jftr,just for the record | |
jfy,just for you | |
jfyi,just for your information | |
jg,juicy gossip | |
jgb,just got back | |
jgh,just got home | |
jgi,just google it | |
jgl,just get lost | |
jhc,jesus h christ | |
jhp,jacketed hollow point | |
jic,just in case | |
jicydk,just in case you did not know | |
jj,just joking | |
jk,just kidding | |
jkd,jeet kune do | |
jlmk,just let me know | |
jls,jack the lad swing | |
jlt,just like that | |
jluk,just letting you know | |
jly,jesus loves you | |
jlyk,just letting you know | |
jm,just messing | |
jma,just messing around | |
jmho,just my humble opinion | |
jml,just my luck | |
jmo,just my opinion | |
jms,just making sure | |
jmt,just my thoughts | |
jn,just now | |
jooc,just out of curiosity | |
jp,just playin | |
jpa,just playing around | |
jpeg,joint photographic experts group image file format | |
jrotc,junior reserve officer training corps | |
jrpg,japanese role playing game | |
js,just saying | |
jsmn,just shoot me now | |
jsp,java server pages | |
jsu,just shut up | |
jsyk,just so you know | |
jtb,just too bad | |
jtc,join the club | |
jtlyk,just to let you know | |
jtol,just thinking out loud | |
jtoy,just thinking of you | |
jtty,just to tell you | |
jtusk,just thought you should know | |
juad,jumping up and down | |
jv,junior varsity amateur | |
jw,just wondering | |
jwas,just wait and see | |
jwd,job well done | |
jwg,just a wild guess | |
jwtk,just wanted to know | |
jwtlyk,just wanted to let you know | |
jwu,just woke up | |
jww,just was wondering | |
kafm,keep away from me | |
kcaco,keep calm and carry on | |
kcco,keep calm and chive on | |
kd,kraft dinner | |
kdr,kill or death ratio | |
kf,kind of funny | |
kfc,kentucky fried chicken | |
kgb,russian secret police | |
kh,kingdom hearts | |
khyf,know how you feel | |
kia,killed in action know it all | |
kicks,shoes thrills | |
kig,keep it gangsta | |
kim,keep it moving | |
kio,knock it off | |
kip,sleep bed | |
kir,keepin it real | |
kirf,keeping it real fake | |
kis,keep it simple | |
kisa,knight in shining armour | |
kiss,keep it simple stupid | |
kit,keep in touch | |
kiu,keep it up | |
kiv,keep in view | |
kkk,ku klux klan | |
kkkk,korean lol | |
km,keep mum | |
kmfc,keeping my fingers crossed | |
kml,killing myself laughing | |
kmn,kill me now | |
kmp,keep me posted | |
kmt,kiss my teeth | |
kmu,keep me updated | |
kod,kiss of death | |
kos,kill on sight | |
kotc,kiss on the cheek | |
koth,king of the hill | |
kotl,kiss on the lips | |
kotor,knights of the old republic | |
kp,korean pride | |
kpc,keep parents clueless | |
kpg,keep the party going | |
kpi,key performance indicator | |
kr,kind regards | |
kro,keep right on | |
ks,kill steal | |
ktbffh,keep the blue flag flying high | |
ktbspa,keep the backstreet pride alive | |
ktf,keep the faith | |
kwim,know what i mean | |
kwis,know what i am saying | |
kyfc,keep your fingers crossed | |
kyo,knock yourself out | |
kyp,keep you posted | |
lafs,love at first sight | |
lak,love and kisses | |
lal,laughing a lot or little | |
lalb,laughing a little bit | |
lam,leave a message run | |
lamn,look at me now | |
lan,local area network | |
lapd,los angeles police department | |
larp,live action role play | |
lart,luser attitude readjustment tool | |
laser,light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation | |
lat,living apart together | |
latm,laughing at the moment | |
lbc,long beach california | |
lbd,little black dress | |
lbdn,look busy doing nothing | |
lbh,let us be honest loser back home | |
lbm,little big man | |
lbnl,last but not least | |
lbr,loser beyond repair | |
lbrs,lower blackrock spire | |
lbvs,laughing but very serious | |
lbw,leg before wicket | |
lc,lower case | |
lcd,liquid crystal display | |
lcts,let us change the subject | |
ld,link dead | |
lda,long distance affair | |
ldh,long distance hug | |
ldi,let us do it | |
ldl,long distance lover | |
ldo,like duh obviously | |
ldr,long distance relationship | |
lds,latter day saint | |
le,limited edition law enforcement | |
lec,local exchange carrier | |
led,light emiting diode | |
leo,law enforcement officer | |
lev,low emission vehicle | |
lf,looking for | |
lf1m,looking for one more | |
lfdy,live fast die young | |
lfg,looking for group | |
lfm,looking for more | |
lfmf,learn from my fail | |
lfp,looking for party | |
lfti,looking forward to it | |
lftsu,look forward to seeing you | |
lfw,looking for work | |
lg,little girl | |
lgbtq,lesbian gay bisexual trans questioning | |
lgd,let us get drunk | |
lgfb,looks good from behind | |
lgmh,love gives me hope | |
lgo,life goes on | |
lgt,link goes to | |
lgtm,looks good to me | |
lh,living hell | |
lhh,laughing hella hard | |
lhk,love hugs and kisses | |
lhm,lord have mercy lord help me | |
lhyw,like hell you will | |
li,laughing inside | |
lifo,last in first out | |
lig,let it go | |
lih,laugh in head | |
lihop,let it happen on purpose | |
liita,love is in the air | |
lilaboc,life is like a box of chocolates | |
limb,laughing in my brain | |
limh,laughing in my head | |
limm,laughing in my mind | |
lirl,laughing in real life | |
lis,laughing in silence | |
lits,life is too short | |
liu,look it up | |
ljbf,let us just be friends | |
ll,laugh loudly lol | |
llap,live long and prosper | |
llc,limited liability company laughing like crazy | |
llh,laughing like hell | |
lll,loony liberal left | |
llttf,living life to the fullest | |
lm,loud mouth | |
lma,leave me alone | |
lmad,let us make a deal | |
lmam,leave me a message | |
lmap,leave me alone please | |
lmc,let me check | |
lmco,laughing my cats off | |
lmg,light machine gun | |
lmgtfy,let me google that for you | |
lmho,laughing my head off | |
lmirl,let us meet in real life | |
lmk,let me know | |
lml,love my life | |
lmpo,laughing my pants off | |
lmr,last minute resistance | |
lms,like my status last man standing | |
lmso,laughing my socks off | |
lmt,let me think | |
lmtal,let me take a look | |
lnf,lifes not fair | |
lnib,like new in box | |
lnt,leave no trace | |
loa,leave of absence | |
lol,laughing out loud | |
lolak,lots of love and kisses | |
loll,laugh out loud literally | |
lolol,lots of laughing out loud | |
lolv,lots of love | |
lomb,lying on my bed | |
loml,love of my life | |
lomo,lights out missionary only | |
lool,laughing outlandishly out loud | |
loq,laugh out quietly | |
lorl,laugh out really loud | |
los,line of site | |
lotd,link of the day | |
loti,laughing on the inside | |
lotr,lord of the rings | |
lotro,lord of the rings online | |
lovl,laughing out very loud | |
loyol,live out your own life | |
loz,legend of zelda | |
lp,long play | |
lpg,liquefied petroleum gas | |
lpt,life pro tip | |
lqi,laughing quietly inside | |
lql,laughing quite loudly | |
lqtm,laughing quietly to myself | |
lqtms,laughing quietly to myself | |
lqty,laughing quietly to yourself | |
lrf,low resolution fox | |
lrg,lifted research group | |
lrl,laughing really loud | |
lsat,law school admission test | |
lse,london school of economics low self esteem | |
lsh,laughing so hard | |
lshic,laughing so hard i am crying | |
lshidmt,laughing so hard i drop my taco | |
lshmbh,laughing so hard my belly hurts | |
lsi,limited social interaction | |
lsmft,lucky strike means fine tobacco | |
lsmih,laughing so much it hurts | |
lsp,love sick puppy | |
lss,last song syndrome | |
lstm,laughing silently to myself | |
lta,love to all | |
ltb,looking to buy | |
ltd,live or living the dream | |
ltg,learn to google | |
lth,love truth honor | |
ltic,laugh til i cry | |
ltl,living the life | |
ltm,laughing to myself | |
ltma,less talk more action | |
ltmq,laughing to myself quietly | |
ltms,laughing to myself | |
ltnc,long time no chat | |
ltns,long time no see | |
ltnt,long time no talk | |
ltp,lost the plot | |
ltr,long term relationship | |
lts,laugh to self | |
lty,laugh to yourself | |
lui,living under the infuence | |
lul,lame uncomfortable laugh | |
lulab,love you like a brother | |
lulas,love you like a sister | |
lv,louis vuitton las vegas level | |
lw,lucky win | |
lwicd,look what i can do | |
lwkm,laugh wan kill me | |
lwkmd,laugh wan kill me die | |
lwm,laugh with me | |
lwp,laughing with passion | |
lwt,look who is talking | |
lwwy,live while we are young | |
ly,love you | |
lya,love you always | |
lyaaf,love you as a friend love you always and forever | |
lyb,love you bye | |
lyf,love you forever | |
lyk,let you know | |
lyl,love you lots | |
lylab,love you like a brother | |
lylaf,love you like a friend | |
lylas,love you like a sister | |
lylc,love you like crazy | |
lylmb,love you like my brother | |
lylt,love you long time | |
lym,love you more | |
lymi,love you mean it | |
lymy,love you miss you | |
lymywy,love you miss you want you | |
lyr,love you really | |
lysm,love you so much | |
lyt,love you too | |
lytd,love you to death | |
lz,landing zone | |
ma,mom alert master of arts | |
maab,male assigned at birth | |
mac,media access control macintosh | |
madd,mothers against drunk driving | |
mapoti,most annoying people on the internet | |
mas,mildly amused smirk | |
maw,might as well | |
mawoy,may angels watch over you | |
mba,masters of business association married but available | |
mbd,my bad dudes | |
mbf,my best friend | |
mbfam,my brother from another mother | |
mbm,married black male | |
mbn,must be nice | |
mbo,must be off management buy out | |
mbps,megabits or bytes per second | |
mbr,master boot record | |
mbt,masai barefoot technology | |
mbw,married black woman | |
mc,master of ceremonies | |
mcl,much clown love | |
mcm,man crush monday | |
mcp,male chauvanist pig | |
mcr,my chemical romance | |
mcw,man crush wednesday | |
mdf,medium density fiberboard | |
mdk,murder death kill | |
mdr,mort de rire | |
mdw,memorial day weekend | |
mego,my eyes glazed over | |
mfc,mildly fat chick microsoft foundation classes | |
mfeo,made for each other | |
mfg,mit freundlichen gruessen | |
mfl,marked for later | |
mfw,my face when | |
mgby,may god bless you | |
mgd,miller genuine draft | |
mgk,machine gun kelly | |
mgm,male genital mutilation | |
mgmt,the management | |
mgo,metal gear online | |
mgs,metal gear solid | |
mh,map hack | |
mhbfy,my heart bleeds for you | |
mho,my honest opinion | |
mhoty,my hats off to you | |
mhr,many happy returns | |
mi6,military intelligence service 6 | |
mia,missing in action | |
mib,men in black mint in box | |
midi,musical instrument digital interface | |
miga,make it go away | |
mih,make it happen | |
mihop,made it happen on purpose | |
mil,mother in law | |
mimo,multiple input multiple output | |
mip,minor in possession | |
mips,million instructions per second | |
mirl,meet in real life | |
misb,mint in sealed box | |
miso,my internet shut off | |
mj,michael jackson michael jordan marijuana | |
mlas,my lips are sealed | |
mlb,major league baseball | |
mlg,major league gaming | |
mlia,my life is average | |
mlib,my life is bro | |
mlig,my life is great or good | |
mlim,my life is magic | |
mlm,multi level marketing middle finger | |
mlp,my little pony | |
mls,my life sucks | |
mltr,multiple long term relationships | |
mlyp,much like your post | |
mm,married man | |
mm2,message mode 2 | |
mma,meet me at | |
mmamp,meet me at my place | |
mmao,make me an offer | |
mmc,multimedia card | |
mmd,make my day | |
mmh,meet me halfway | |
mmi,me myself and i | |
mml,made me laugh | |
mmofps,massively multiplayer online first person shooter | |
mmorpg,massively multiplayer online role playing game | |
mms,multimedia messaging service | |
mmt,makes me think | |
mmv,mileage may vary | |
mnc,mobile network code | |
mnf,monday night football | |
mnt,maybe next time | |
mo,modus operandi | |
moab,mother of all bombs massive ordnance air blast | |
moam,man on a mission | |
moas,mother of all secrets | |
moba,multiplayer online battle arena | |
moc,marriage of convenience my own creation | |
moh,my other half | |
mol,more or less | |
moo,matter of opinion my own opinion | |
mopo,master of the painfully obvious | |
moq,minimum order quantity | |
mos,mom over shoulder | |
mot,ministry of transport test for car safety | |
motb,mother of the bride | |
motd,message of the day match of the day | |
motku,master of the known universe | |
moto,master of the obvious | |
motwyw,make of that what you will | |
mou,memorandum of understanding | |
mp,military police member of parliament | |
mpa,music publishers association | |
mpaa,motion picture assosciation of america | |
mpe,my point exactly | |
mpeg,moving picture experts group audio or visual file format | |
mpg,miles per gallon | |
mph,miles per hour | |
mpo,my personal opinion | |
mpog,multiplayer online game | |
mpua,master pick up artist | |
mpv,multi purpose vehicle | |
mr,mentally retarded | |
mre,meal ready to eat | |
mri,magnetic resonance imaging | |
mrp,manufacturers recommended price | |
mrw,my reaction when | |
msdn,microsoft developer network | |
msdos,microsoft disk operating system | |
ms dos,microsoft disk operating system | |
msf,male seeking female | |
msfam,my sister from another mister | |
msg,message monosodium glutamate | |
msi,mindless self indulgence | |
msm,mainstream media | |
msrp,manufacturers suggested retail price | |
mst,mystery science theater | |
mta,more than anything | |
mtbf,mean time between failures | |
mtbmw,may the best man win | |
mtc,more to come | |
mtd,month to date | |
mte,my thoughts exactly | |
mtf,male to female | |
mtfbwy,may the force be with you | |
mtg,magic the gathering | |
mtlbwy,may the lord be with you | |
mto,media take out | |
mtuk,more than you know | |
mtv,music television | |
mtw,mums the word | |
mtyk,more than you know | |
mu,multi user | |
mua,make up alley | |
mud,multi user dungeon | |
mung,mash until no good | |
mva,motor vehicle accident | |
mvp,most valuable player | |
mw2,modern warfare 2 | |
mw3,modern warfare 3 | |
mwc,married with children | |
mwf,married white female | |
mwi,mad with it | |
mwm,married white male | |
mwpp,moony wormtail padfoot and prongs | |
my,miss you | |
myb,mind your business | |
mych,maybe you can help | |
myf,miss your face | |
myggwy,may your god go with you | |
myl,miss you loads | |
mymp,make your mama proud | |
myob,mind your own business | |
myodb,mind your own damn business | |
mysm,miss you so much | |
myt,meet you there | |
na,not available not applicable not announced | |
naa,not at all | |
naacp,national association for the advancement of colored people | |
nabd,not a big deal | |
nac,not a chance not a chain | |
nagl,not a good look | |
nak,nursing at keyboard | |
nal,need a life | |
nalgas,buttocks | |
nalgo,not a lot going on | |
nalopkt,not a lot of people know that | |
nambla,north american man or boy love association | |
nap,not a problem | |
narp,non athletic regular person | |
naru,not a registered user | |
nas,network attached storage | |
nasa,national aeronautics and space administration | |
nascar,national association for stock car auto racing | |
nasdaq,national association of securities dealers automated quotation | |
nasl,name age sex location | |
natm,not at the moment | |
nato,north atlantic treaty organization no action talk only | |
natty,natural light beer smart good cool | |
nb,not bad nota bene | |
nba,national basketball association | |
nbb,never been better | |
nbc,national broadcasting company | |
nbd,no big deal | |
nbf,new best friend | |
nbg,nasty but good | |
nbif,no basis in fact | |
nbk,natural born killers never been kissed | |
nbm,nil by mouth not before midnight | |
nbsb,no boyfriend since birth | |
nbt,nothing but trouble | |
nbtd,nothing better to do | |
nbtw,now back to work | |
nc,no comment no choice | |
nc 17,no children under 17 | |
ncaa,national collegiate athletic association | |
ncb,never coming back | |
ncis,naval criminal investigative service | |
ncmo,non committal make out | |
ncnr,non cancelable non returnable | |
ncns,no call no show | |
nco,non commissioned officer | |
nda,non disclosure agreement | |
nde,near death experience | |
ndi,neither do i | |
ndp,new democratic party | |
ndr,non delivery report or receipt | |
nds,nintendo ds | |
nea,national education association | |
ned,non educated delinquent | |
nedm,not even doom music | |
neet,not in education employment or training | |
negl,not even going to lie | |
negu,never ever give up | |
nei,not enough information | |
ner,non existent relationship | |
nf,not funny | |
nfa,no further action | |
nfaa,not funny at all | |
nfi,no freakin idea | |
nfl,national football league | |
nfm,no further message | |
nfn,normal for norfolk | |
nfs,not for sale | |
nfsw,not for showing wife | |
nft,no further text | |
nfy,not fixed yet | |
nfz,no fly zone | |
ng,no good | |
ngh,not going to happen | |
ngl,not going to lie | |
ngo,non governmental organization | |
ngu,never give up | |
nguns,never give up never surrender | |
nh,nice hand | |
nhb,no holding back no holds barred | |
nhd,no harm done | |
nhf,no hard feelings | |
nhft,not here for that | |
nhl,national hockey league | |
nhn,not here now | |
nhoi,never heard of it | |
nhs,national health service | |
nhtb,never heard that before | |
ni,no idea | |
niamy,never in a million years | |
nib,new in box | |
nic,network interface card | |
nice,national institute of clinical excellence | |
nicu,neonatal intensive care unit | |
nid,never in doubt | |
nik,now i know | |
nimby,not in my back yard | |
niml,never in my life not in my lifetime | |
nin,nine inch nails | |
nism,need i say more | |
nitm,not in the mood | |
nitw,not in that way | |
nj,not joking nice job | |
njpw,new japan pro wrestling | |
nk,no kidding not known | |
nka,no known allergies | |
nkotb,new kid on the block | |
nkz,no kill zone | |
nla,no longer available | |
nli,not logged in | |
nlm,no laughing matter | |
nlt,no later than | |
nlyg,never let you go | |
nm,never mind nothing much no message | |
nme,new musical express | |
nmf,not my fault | |
nmg,no mames guey | |
nmh,nodding my head | |
nmhjc,not much happening just chilling | |
nmi,need more info | |
nmj,not my job | |
nmjc,not much just chat | |
nmjcu,not much just chillin you | |
nmn,no middle name | |
nmo,not my opinion | |
nmp,not my problem | |
nmr,not my responsibility | |
nms,not my style | |
nmt,not my type | |
nmu,not much you | |
nmw,no matter what | |
nmwh,no matter what happens | |
nmy,nice meeting you | |
nn,night night no need not nice | |
nnito,not necessarily in that order | |
nnto,no need to open | |
nntp,network news transfer protocol | |
nntr,no need to reply | |
noc,no one cares | |
noi,no offense intended | |
nok,not okay no one knows | |
nokd,not our kind dear | |
noly,no one likes you | |
nom,no offence meant | |
nomb,none of my business | |
nos,new old stock | |
nota,none of the above | |
notb,none of their business | |
notw,not of this world | |
noyb,none of your business | |
noydb,none of your damn business | |
np,no problem | |
npaa,no problem at all | |
npc,non player character | |
npi,no pun intended | |
npnt,no picture no talk | |
npo,never pull out | |
npr,national public radio no purchase required | |
npw,no problem whatsoever | |
npz,no problems | |
nqat,no question about that | |
nqr,not quite right | |
nr,no reply no reserve | |
nra,national rifle association | |
nre,new relationship energy | |
nrfb,never removed from box | |
nri,non resident indian non repairable item | |
nrl,national rugby league | |
nrn,no reply necessary | |
nsa,no strings attached | |
nsaw,not saying a word | |
nsd,never say die | |
nsf,not sufficient funds not so fast | |
nsfa,not safe for anyone | |
nsfl,not safe for life | |
nsftbc,not sorry for the broadcast | |
nsfv,not safe for viewing or vegetarians or vegans | |
nsfw,not safe for work | |
nsm,not so much | |
nsn,not so nice | |
nspcc,national society for prevention of cruelty to children | |
nsw,new south wales | |
nt,no thanks | |
ntb,not that bothered not too bad | |
ntbcw,not to be confused with | |
ntd,nothing to do | |
ntfs,new technology file system | |
ntk,need to know | |
ntl,nevertheless | |
ntm,not too much nothing much | |
ntmy,nice to meet you | |
ntn,no thanks needed | |
ntr,nothing to report | |
nts,nothing to say note to self | |
ntsc,national television system committee video standard | |
ntsh,nothing to see here | |
ntt,name that tune not touching that | |
nttawwt,not that there is anything wrong with that | |
nttu,not talking to you | |
ntw,not to worry | |
ntwf,neopian times writers forum | |
nty,no thank you | |
nus,national union of students | |
nvms,no visible means of support | |
nvn,not very nice | |
nvng,nothing ventured nothing gained | |
nw,no way | |
nwih,no way in hell | |
nwim,not what i mean | |
nwj,no way jose | |
nwly,never want to lose you | |
nwm,no worries mate | |
nwnc,no woman no cry | |
nwo,new world order | |
nwot,new without tags | |
nws,not work safe for messages or sites containing adult content | |
nwt,new with tags | |
ny,new york | |
nyb,not your business | |
nyc,new york city | |
nyd,new years day | |
nye,new years eve | |
nyf,not your fault | |
nyi,not yet implemented | |
nyk,not yet known now you know | |
nyob,not your own business | |
nyp,not your problem | |
nypd,new york police department | |
nyse,new york stock exchange | |
nyt,not your type new york times | |
nyu,new york university | |
oa,over acting over achiever | |
oan,on another note | |
oao,over and out | |
oap,old age pensioner | |
oatus,on a totally unrelated subject | |
oaus,on an unrelated subject | |
ob,oh brother | |
obby,oh baby | |
obe,overcome by events out of body experience order of the british empire | |
obhwf,one big happy weasely family | |
obo,or best offer | |
obq,oh be quiet | |
obtw,oh by the way | |
obx,outer banks north carolina | |
oc,of course original character orange county | |
ocd,obsessive compulsive disorder | |
ocn,of course not | |
oco,oh come on | |
ocr,optical character recognition | |
oct,on company time | |
odaat,one day at a time | |
odf,own damn fault | |
odg,oh dear god | |
odl,oh dear lord | |
odst,orbital drop shock trooper | |
odt,on dis ting | |
oe,outlook express operator error | |
oed,oxford english dictionary | |
oem,original equipment manufacurer | |
ofay,offensive term for a white person | |
ofgs,oh for gods sake | |
ofh,old folks home | |
ofoc,overwhelming feelings of concern | |
ofwgkta,odd future wolf gang kill them all | |
og,original gangster old git | |
ogim,oh god it is monday | |
ogk,only god knows | |
ogn,online gaming network | |
oh,other half | |
ohac,own house and car | |
ohim,oh hell it is monday | |
ohko,one hit knock out | |
ohn,oh hell no | |
ohs,operator head space | |
oht,one handed typing | |
ohw,one hit wonder | |
oj,only joking | |
ojd,obsessive jonas disorder | |
ojt,on job training | |
oled,organic light emitting diode | |
ollg,one less lonely girl | |
oloy,only losers obey yolo | |
oltl,one life to live | |
om,old man | |
oma,oh my allah | |
omb,on my break | |
omd,oh my days | |
omdb,over my dead body | |
omfsm,oh my flying spaghetti monster | |
omfug,other music found underground | |
omg,oh my god | |
omga,oh my giddy aunt | |
omgd,oh my god dude | |
omgna,oh my gosh not again | |
omj,oh my jonas | |
omjc,oh my jesus christ | |
oml,oh my lord | |
oms,oh my science | |
omsj,oh my sweet jesus | |
omt,one more thing | |
omw,on my way | |
omwh,on my way home | |
omz,oh my zeus | |
onm,oh never mind | |
onna,oh no not again | |
onnta,oh no not this again | |
ono,or nearest offer | |
ons,one night stand | |
ontd,oh no they did not | |
onyd,oh no you did not | |
ooa,out of ammo | |
ooak,one of a kind | |
oobe,out of body experience | |
ooc,out of control or character or context | |
oof,out of office | |
ooh,out of here | |
ooi,out of interest | |
oom,out of mana | |
oomf,one of my friends or followers | |
ooml,out of my league | |
oomm,out of my mind | |
ooo,out of office | |
oop,out of place | |
oos,out of style | |
oosoom,out of sight out of mind | |
oot,out of town | |
ootb,out of the box | |
ootc,obligatory on topic comment | |
ootd,offer of the day outfit of the day | |
ooto,out of the office | |
ootw,out of this world | |
ooyl,out of your league | |
ooym,out of your mind | |
op,original poster | |
opb,other peoples business | |
opk,other peoples kids | |
opm,other peoples money | |
opps,misspelling of oops | |
osfa,one size fits all | |
oslt,or something like that | |
oso,other significant other | |
oss,open source software | |
ost,original sound track | |
ot,off topic | |
ota,over the air | |
otb,off the boat | |
otc,over the counter | |
otd,on the dot out the door | |
ote,over the edge | |
otf,off topic forum | |
otfl,on the floor laughing | |
otg,on the go off the ground | |
oth,off the hook | |
otk,over the knee | |
otlta,one thing led to another | |
otm,of the moment one track mind | |
otn,on that note | |
oto,one time only | |
otoh,on the other hand | |
otooh,on the other other hand | |
otp,one true pairing | |
otr,on the run | |
ots,on the side | |
ott,over the top | |
otth,on the third hand | |
ottomh,off the top of my head | |
otw,on the way | |
otw,on the whole | |
oty,over to you | |
ou,open university | |
ouat,once upon a time | |
ouo,official use only | |
ova,original video animation | |
ovno,or very near offer | |
owk,other world kingdom | |
ownm,oh well never mind | |
owoa,one way or another | |
ows,occupy wall street | |
owtte,or words to that effect | |
oy,oh yeah | |
oyb,on your bike | |
oyg,oh your god | |
oyo,on your own | |
pa,personal assistant | |
pabx,private automatic branch exchange | |
pan,personal area network | |
patd,panic at the disco | |
patt,party all the time | |
paye,pay as you earn | |
payg,pay as you go | |
pb,personal best | |
pbb,pirate bulletin board | |
pbj,peanut butter and jelly | |
pbn,paintball nation | |
pbp,please be patient | |
pbq,please be quiet | |
pbr,pabst blue ribbon | |
pbs,public broadcasting service | |
pbuh,peace be upon him | |
pbwy,peace be with you | |
pc,politically correct personal computer | |
pcb,printed circuit board please come back | |
pci,peripheral component interconnect | |
pcm,please call me | |
pcmcia,personal computer memory card international association | |
pcmia,personal computer manufacturer interface adaptor | |
pcmr,pc master race | |
pd,public domain | |
pda,personal digital assistant | |
pdbaz,please do not be a zombie | |
pdea,public display of elderly affection | |
pdf,portable document format | |
pdg,pretty damn good | |
pdoa,public display of affection | |
pdp,pretty darn precious | |
pdq,pretty damn quick | |
pdt,pacific daylight time | |
pe,physical education | |
pebcac,problem exists between chair and computer | |
pebcak,problem exists between chair and keyboard | |
pebkac,problem exists between keyboard and chair | |
pemdas,parenthesis exponents multiply divide add subtract | |
pews,post election withdrawal syndrome | |
pfa,please find attached | |
pfb,please find below | |
pfc,private first class | |
pfp,picture for proof | |
pg,parental guidance | |
pga,professional golfers association | |
pgda,pretty goddamn awesome | |
pgp,pretty good privacy | |
phat,pretty hot and tempting | |
phb,pointy haired boss | |
pibe,play it by ear | |
pic,picture partner in crime | |
picnic,problem in chair not in computer | |
pimpl,pee in my pants laughing | |
pin,personal identification number | |
pipa,protect ip act | |
piq,person in question | |
pir,parent in room | |
pitme,peace in the middle east | |
pitr,parent in the room | |
piu,pump it up | |
pk,player kill | |
pkb,pot kettle black | |
pki,public key infrastructure | |
pkit,please keep in touch | |
pla,peoples liberation army | |
plc,public limited company | |
pld,poor life decision | |
plh,peace love and happiness | |
pli,potential love interest | |
pll,pretty little liar | |
plma,please leave me alone | |
plmk,please let me know | |
plos,parents looking over shoulder | |
plp,people lazily procrastinating | |
plr,private label rights | |
plrn,please leave right now | |
plu,people like us | |
plur,peace love unity and respect | |
pm,private message post meridiem | |
pma,positive mental attitude | |
pmb,private message box | |
pmc,post meal cigarette | |
pmd,put me down | |
pmf,pardon my french | |
pmfji,pardon me for jumping in | |
pmigbom,put mind in gear before opening mouth | |
pmji,pardon my jumping in | |
pmt,pre menstrual tension | |
pmymhmmfswgad,pardon me you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a damn | |
pnc,point and click partner in crime | |
pnl,peace and love | |
pnp,party and play | |
pnr,passenger name record | |
pnw,pacific north west | |
poa,plan of action | |
pod,passed out drunk | |
pof,plenty of fish | |
poi,point of interest | |
poidh,pics or it did not happen | |
pomo,permanent open market operations post modern a group of native american people in california | |
ponr,point of no return | |
potc,pirates of the carribean | |
potd,post of the day | |
poto,phantom of the opera | |
pots,parents over the shoulder | |
potus,president of the united states | |
potw,patient of the week | |
poty,post of the year | |
pov,point of view | |
pow,prisioner of war | |
ppb,parts per billion | |
ppc,pay per click | |
ppd,post potter depression | |
ppm,parts per million | |
pppw,per person per week | |
pps,post post script | |
ppu,please pick up | |
ppv,pay per view | |
pq,party quest | |
pr,public relations | |
prc,peoples republic of china | |
ps,photoshop play station post script | |
ps&qs,pints and quarts please and thank yous | |
ps2,playstation 2 | |
ps3,playstation 3 | |
ps4,playstation 4 | |
psa,publice service announcement | |
psb,please see below | |
psh,dismissive expression | |
psi,pounds per square inch greek letter | |
psm,personal short message | |
psn,playstation network | |
psp,playstation portable | |
psr,pretty standard really | |
pst,please send tell pacific standard time | |
pstn,public switched telephone network | |
psu,power supply unit | |
pt,phantasy tour physical training | |
ptb,powers that be pass the buck please text back | |
ptc,popping the collar | |
pti,pardon the interruption | |
ptl,praise the lord | |
ptm,please tell me | |
pto,paid time off | |
ptp,pay to play peer to peer | |
ptsd,post traumatic stress disorder | |
ptt,push to talk | |
ptw,play to win professional time waster | |
ptz,pan tilt zoom | |
pua,pick up artist | |
pug,pick up group | |
puv,public utility vehicle | |
pv,promotional video | |
pvc,polyvinyl chloride vinyl | |
pve,player versus environment | |
pvm,player versus monster | |
pvp,player v player | |
pvr,personal video recorder | |
pwor,proceeding with orders recieved | |
pwos,parents watching over shoulder | |
pwt,poor white trash | |
px,post exchange part exchange | |
pyp,play your position | |
pyt,pretty young thing | |
qa,quality assurance question and answer | |
qantas,queensland and northern territory aerial service | |
qap,quick as possible quickly as possible | |
qb,quarter back | |
qc,quality control | |
qed,quod erat demonstrandum | |
qfe,quoted for emphasis | |
qfmt,quoted for more truth | |
qfp,quoted for posterity | |
qft,quoted for truth | |
qi,quite interesting | |
ql,quite laughing | |
qno,quiet night out | |
qol,quality of life | |
qos,quantam of solace | |
qotd,quote of the day | |
qotsa,queens of the stone age | |
qp,quarter pound | |
qq4u,quick question for you | |
qs,quick scope | |
qvc,quality value convenience | |
r5,region 5 | |
ra,resident advisor resident assistant | |
rac,rock against communism | |
rak,random act of kindness | |
ram,random access memory | |
raok,random act of kindness | |
ras,remote access server | |
ratm,rage against the machine | |
rawl,roll around while laughing | |
rawr,right answer wrong reason | |
rbay,right back at you | |
rbg,revolutionary but gangsta | |
rbtl,read between the lines | |
rbv,red bull and vodka | |
rc,random chat radio controlled | |
rct,roller coster tycoon | |
rd,real deal | |
rdc,really do not care | |
rdh,rate date hate | |
rdj,robert downey jr | |
rdm,random death match | |
rdo,regular day off | |
rdr,red dead redemption | |
rfc,request for comment | |
rfi,request for information | |
rfid,radio frequency identification | |
rfp,request for proposal | |
rfq,request for quotation | |
rft,right first time | |
rfts,reach for the stars | |
rfyl,run for your life | |
rgb,red green blue | |
rhcp,red hot chili peppers | |
rhd,right hand drive | |
rhi,rumour has it | |
rhip,rank has its privileges | |
rhs,right hand side | |
rino,republican in name only | |
riyl,recommended if you like | |
rl,real life | |
rlab,roll like a buffalo | |
rlf,real life friend | |
rltw,rangers lead the way | |
rma,return merchandise authorization | |
rme,rolling my eyes | |
rml,read my lips | |
rmt,real money trading | |
rmv,results may vary | |
rn,right now registered nurse | |
rna,ribonucleic acid | |
rnb,rhythm and blues | |
rng,random number generator | |
rnr,rock n roll | |
ro,ragnarok online | |
roar,right of admission reserved | |
rofc,rolling on floor crying | |
rofl,rolling on floor laughing | |
roflmfao,rolling on floor laughing my fucking ass off | |
roflol,rolling on floor laughing out loud | |
rog,really old git | |
roh,ring of honor | |
roi,return on investment | |
rolf,rolling on laughing floor | |
ror,raughing out roud | |
ros,right on schedule | |
rotc,reserve officer training corps | |
rotf,rolling on the floor | |
rotffnar,rolling on the floor for no apparent reason | |
rotfl,rolling on the floor laughing | |
rotflol,rolling on the floor laughing out loud | |
rotgl,rolling on the ground laughing | |
rotk,return of the king | |
rotm,run of the mill | |
rov,remotely operated vehicle | |
row,rest of the world | |
roy,relative of yours | |
rpc,role playing chat | |
rpf,real person fiction | |
rpg,rocket propelled grenade role playing game | |
rpm,revolutions per minute | |
rps,rock paper scissors | |
rq,random questions | |
rsi,repetitive strain injury | |
rsn,real soon now | |
rspb,royal society for the protection of birds | |
rspca,royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals | |
rss,rich site summary really simple syndication | |
rsvp,repondez sil vous plait | |
rt,retweet real time | |
rta,road traffic accident | |
rtb,return to base | |
rtd,ready to drink | |
rtf,return the favour | |
rtfaq,read the faq | |
rtfd,read the fucking description | |
rtfi,read the flipping instructions | |
rtfm,read the flipping manual | |
rtft,read the fucking thread read the fucking topic | |
rtg,ready to go | |
rtm,read the manual | |
rto,radio telephone operator | |
rtr,roll tide roll | |
rts,real time strategy | |
rtv,rock the vote | |
rtw,ready to wear round the world | |
rv,recreational vehicle | |
rvb,red versus blue | |
rvr,realm versus realm | |
rw,read write | |
rwd,rear wheel drive | |
rwl,roaring with laughter | |
rwnj,right wing nut job | |
rwp,random wall post | |
rwys,reap what you sow | |
ryc,regarding your comment | |
ryn,read your note regarding your note | |
ryo,roll your own | |
sa,sibling alert | |
sab,smoking a blunt | |
sae,stamped or self addressed envelope | |
saf,single asian female | |
safm,stay away from me | |
sahd,stay at home dad | |
sahm,stay at home mom | |
sahw,stay at home wife | |
salts,smiled a little then stopped | |
sam,stop annoying me | |
sap,sad and pathetic fool | |
sase,self addressed stamped envelope | |
sat,scholastic assessment test | |
sata,serial advanced technology attachment | |
satc,sex and the city | |
sats,standard attainment tests | |
sbd,silent but deadly | |
sbf,single black female | |
sbi,surrounded by incompetence | |
sbj,sweet baby jesus | |
sbm,single black male | |
sbs,step by step | |
sbsp,spongebob squarepants | |
sbt,sorry bout that | |
scnr,sorry could not resist | |
scotus,supreme court of the united states | |
scsi,small computer system interface | |
scuba,self contained underwater breathing apparatus | |
sd,sweet dreams secure digital so drunk | |
sda,seventh day adventist | |
sdk,software development kit | |
sdmf,strength determination merciless forever society dwelling mother fucker | |
sdram,synchronous dynamic random access memory | |
seo,search engine optimization | |
sep,somebody elses problem | |
serp,search engine results page | |
sf,science fiction san francisco | |
sfam,sister from another mister | |
sflr,sorry for late reply | |
sfo,san francisco international airport | |
sfp,sorry for partying | |
sfr,smiling for real | |
sfsg,so far so good | |
sftbc,sorry for the broadcast | |
sfw,safe for work | |
sgtm,sounds good to me | |
sh,same here | |
shu,secure housing unit | |
siwoti,someone is wrong on the internet | |
slol,seriously laughing out loud | |
slr,single lens reflex | |
smao,study my ass off | |
smdh,shaking my damn head | |
smdhe,some mothers do have them | |
sme,small or medium enterprises | |
smgdh,shaking my god damn head | |
smh,shaking my head | |
smhid,shaking my head in despair | |
smhl,shaking my head laughing | |
smib,southern maryland inbred | |
smidsy,sorry mate i did not see you | |
sml,screw my life story of my life | |
smn,shoot me now | |
smog,sweet mother of god | |
smop,simple matter of programming | |
sms,short message service | |
smt,sucking my teeth | |
smtp,simple mail transfer protocol | |
snafu,situation normal all fouled up | |
snag,sensitive new age guy sausage | |
snc,social network check | |
snd,search and destroy | |
snes,super nintendo entertainment system | |
snf,so not funny | |
snm,say no more | |
snr,signal to noise ratio | |
snyk,so now you know | |
so,significant other shout out | |
soa,state of alert | |
soad,system of a down | |
soag,son of a gun | |
sog,sea of green | |
soh,sense of humor | |
sohf,sense of humor failure | |
soi,statement of intent | |
soidh,screenshot or it did not happen | |
somd,shit on my dick | |
soml,story of my life | |
somsw,someone over my shoulder watching | |
sooc,straight out of camera | |
sood,cool | |
sootb,straight out of the box | |
sop,standard operating procedure | |
sopa,stop online piracy act | |
sorn,statutory off road notification | |
sos,save our souls | |
sota,state of the art | |
srh,supporting radical habits | |
srm,stark raving mad | |
sro,standing room only | |
srt,street and racing technology | |
ss,screen shot | |
ssa,subject says all | |
ssbb,super smash brothers brawl | |
ssbhm,super sized | |
ssc,safe sane consensual | |
ssd,solid state drive | |
ssdd,same stuff different day | |
ssh,secure she will | |
ssid,service set identifier | |
ssl,secure socket layer see subject line | |
ssts,snickering softly to self | |
sswa,so say we all | |
stw,search the web | |
sty,same to you | |
styl,speak to you later | |
su,shut up | |
suad,shut up and drive | |
sul,see you later | |
sula,sweaty upper lip alert | |
tb,text back | |
tba,to be announced | |
tbbh,to be brutally honest | |
tbbt,the big bang theory | |
tbc,to be continued | |
tbch,to be completely honest | |
tbd,to be decided | |
tbe,to be edited | |
tbf,to be fair | |
tbfu,too bad for you | |
tbh,to be honest | |
tbm,tactical boyfriend mention | |
tbms,to be more specific | |
tbnt,thanks but no thanks | |
tbph,to be perfectly honest | |
tbqf,to be quite frank | |
tbqfh,to be quite fucking honest | |
tbqh,to be quite honest | |
tbr,to be real | |
tbs,tablespoon to be specified | |
tbss,too bad so sad | |
tbt,truth be told | |
tbtf,too big to fail | |
tbtg,thanks be to god | |
tbth,to be totally honest | |
tbtp,that is beside the point | |
tbu,to be updated | |
tbys,think before you speak | |
tc,take care | |
tcb,taking care of business | |
tcby,the countrys best yogurt | |
tccic,take care because i care | |
tcfc,too close for comfort | |
tcfn,take care for now | |
tcfs,too cool for school | |
tcg,trading card game | |
tcgb,take care god bless | |
tck,third culture kid | |
tcl,tool command language | |
tcob,taking care of buisness | |
tcoy,take care of yourself | |
tcp,transmission control protocol | |
tcp or ip,transmission control protocol or internet protocol | |
tctc,to close to call | |
td,touchdown | |
tddup,til death do us part | |
tddwp,til death do we part | |
tdf,to die for | |
tdg,too damn good three days grace | |
tdh,tall dark and handsome | |
tdi,turbo direct injection turbo diesel injection | |
tdl,to do list | |
tdm,team deathmatch | |
tds,technical dificulties | |
tdtf,too drunk to function | |
tdwp,the devil wears prada | |
tdy,temporarily deployed for a year | |
teotwawki,the end of the world as we know it | |
tfa,thanks for asking | |
tfc,team fortress classic | |
tfcd,time for compact disc | |
tffw,too funny for words | |
tfi,thanks for the information | |
tfios,the fault in our stars | |
tfl,tip for life transport for london | |
tflmk,thanks for letting me know | |
tflms,thanks for letting me share | |
tfln,texts from last night | |
tfm,total frat move | |
tfmtk,that is for me to know | |
tfp,thanks for playing | |
tfrm,thanks for reminding me | |
tfs,thanks for sharing | |
tft,the frozen throne thin film transistor | |
tfta,thanks for the add | |
tftc,thanks for the cache | |
tftd,thought for the day | |
tfti,thanks for the info | |
tftl,thanks for the link | |
tg,thank god transgender too good | |
tgal,think globally act locally | |
tge,misspelling of the | |
tgfg,thank god for google | |
tgfi,thank god for the internet | |
tgfl,thank god for life | |
tgft,thank god for that | |
tgi,thank god it is | |
tgia,thank god i am alive | |
tgiaf,thank god it is almost friday | |
tgif,thank god it is friday | |
tgim,thank god it is monday | |
tgio,thank god it is over | |
tgit,thank god it is thursday | |
tgod,taylor gang or die | |
tgp,thumbnail gallery post | |
tgtbt,too good to be true | |
thabto,two heads are better than one | |
thwu,to hell with you | |
tiic,the idiots in charge | |
tinag,this is not a game | |
tinalo,this is not a legal opinion | |
tinar,this is not a recommendation | |
tinstafl,there is no such thing as free lunch | |
tla,three letter acronym | |
tlc,tender loving care | |
tld,top level domain | |
tldnr,too long did not read | |
tldr,too long did not read | |
tldw,too long did not watch | |
tlgo,the list goes on | |
tli,too little information | |
tlnd,true love never dies | |
tlol,truly laughing out loud | |
tltr,too long to read | |
tlyk,to let you know | |
tm,text message text me trademark | |
tma,take my advice | |
tmai,tell me about it | |
tmb,text me back | |
tmbg,they might be giants | |
tmbi,tell me bout it | |
tme,too much effort | |
tmf,too much forehead | |
tmh,touch my hand | |
tmi,too much information | |
tmk,to my knowledge | |
tml,thank me later text me later | |
tmlt,to my last tweet | |
tmm,tell me more | |
tmms,that made me smile | |
tmn,touch me not | |
tmnt,teenage mutant ninja turtles | |
tmp,tactical machine pistol | |
tmr,tomorrow | |
tmrw,tomorrow | |
tms,too much swag | |
tmsidk,tell me something i do not know | |
tmt,too much tuna | |
tmtc,too many to count | |
tmth,too much to handle | |
tmtowtdi,there is more than one way to do it | |
tmts,too much too soon | |
tmtt,too much to text | |
tmy,tell me why | |
tmz,thirty mile zone | |
tna,total nonstop action | |
tnb,there is nothing better | |
tnbm,true norwegian black metal | |
tnf,that is not funny | |
tng,the next generation | |
tnl,to next level | |
tnln,took nothing left nothing | |
tno,trust no one | |
tnop,totally not our problem | |
tnot,take note of that | |
tnsl,took nothing signed logbook | |
tnstaafl,there is no such thing as a free lunch | |
tnt,til next time | |
tntm,that is news to me | |
to,time out | |
toc,table of contents | |
tod,time of death time of day | |
toefl,test of english as a foreign language | |
toeic,test of english for international communication | |
toft,take one for the team | |
toftt,take one for the team | |
toh,the other half | |
tol,thinking out loud thinking of laughing | |
tom,time of month | |
totb,think outside the box | |
totd,tip of the day tweet of the day | |
totga,the one that got away | |
totm,time of the month | |
totus,teleprompter of the united states | |
toy,thinking of you | |
tp,toilet paper town portal | |
tpam,the person above me | |
tpb,the pirate bay | |
tpe,total power exchange | |
tpk,total party kill | |
tpo,time place occasion | |
tps,totally pointless stuff | |
tpt,trailer park trash | |
tptb,the powers that be | |
tr,triple rainbow | |
traw,thick rich and white | |
trdmc,tears running down my cheeks | |
trdmf,tears running down my face | |
trg,tiny rascal gang | |
ttfw,too tacky for words | |
ttg,time to go | |
ttgg,time to go girl | |
tth,trying too hard | |
ttiuwp,this thread is useless without pictures | |
ttiwwp,this thread is worthless without pictures | |
ttjasi,take this job and shove it | |
ttl,thank the lord time to live | |
ttm,talk to me | |
ttmab,to the moon and back | |
ttml,talk to me later | |
tto,time to own | |
ttotm,that time of the month | |
ttp,to the point | |
ttr,time to relax | |
ttt,third tier toilet | |
ttte,thomas the tank engine | |
ttth,talk to the hand | |
tttt,these things take time | |
tttty,time to talk to you | |
ttul,talk to you later | |
ttus,talk to you soon | |
ttut,talk to you tomorrow | |
ttutt,to tell you the truth | |
tty,talk to you | |
ttyf,talk to you forever | |
ttyiab,talk to you in a bit | |
ttyitm,talk to you in the morning | |
ttyl,talk to you later | |
ttym,talk to you ma | |
ttyn,talk to you never | |
ttyrs,talk to you real soon | |
ttys,talk to you soon | |
ttyt,talk to you tomorrow | |
ttytt,to tell you the truth | |
ttyvs,talk to you very soon | |
tul,tell you later text you later | |
tvm,thanks very much | |
tw,trigger warning | |
twain,technology without an interesting name | |
twloha,to write love on her arms | |
twoc,taken without owners consent | |
twtmc,to whom this may concern | |
twu,that is what is up | |
twyl,talk with you later | |
twyms,that is what your mom said | |
ty,thank you | |
tyb,try your best | |
tybg,thank you based god | |
tyfays,thank you for all your support | |
tyfe,thank you for everything | |
tyfyt,thank you for your time | |
tyg,there you go | |
tyj,thank you jesus | |
tyl,text you later | |
tylj,thank you lord jesus | |
tym,thank you much | |
tymbi,thought you might be interested | |
tys,thank you sir | |
tysm,thank you so much | |
tysvm,thank you so very much | |
tyt,take your time | |
tyvm,thank you very much | |
uri,uniform resource indicator url | |
url,uniform resource locator internet address | |
us,united states | |
usa,united states of america | |
usaf,united states air force | |
usb,universal serial bus | |
usbm,united states black metal | |
usc,university of southern california | |
uscg,united states coast guard | |
usd,united states dollar | |
usmc,united states marine corps | |
usp,unique selling point | |
usps,united states postal service | |
uss,united states ship | |
ussr,union of soviet socialist republics | |
usw,und so weiter | |
ut,unreal tournament | |
utc,coordinated universal time under the counter | |
utd,up to date | |
ute,utility vehicle pickup truck | |
utf,unicode transformation format | |
utfl,use the force luke | |
uth,up the hoods | |
uti,urinary tract infection | |
uto,unable to obtain | |
utp,up town projects | |
utr,under the radar | |
uts,under the skin | |
utt,under the table | |
uv,unpleasant visual | |
uw,you are welcome | |
uws,upper west side | |
ue,user experience | |
uy,up yours | |
va,various artists | |
vbd,very big deal | |
vbg,very big grin | |
vbl,visible bra line | |
vbr,variable bit rate | |
vbs,very big smile | |
vc,voice chat | |
vcard,virtual business card | |
vcd,video compact disc | |
vcr,video cassette recorder | |
vdu,visual display unit | |
vfm,value for money | |
vg,video game very good | |
vga,video graphics array or adaptor | |
vgc,very good condition | |
vgg,very good game | |
vgl,very good looking | |
vgm,video game music | |
vh1,video hits one | |
vhf,very high frequency | |
vhs,video home system | |
vibe,atmosphere ambience | |
vid,video | |
vig,interest paid on a loan | |
vin,vehicle identification number | |
vip,very important person | |
viz,adult comic namely | |
vj,video jockey | |
vlan,virtual local area network | |
vlsi,very large scale integration | |
vm,voice mail | |
vma,video music awards | |
vmi,virginia military institute | |
vn,very nice | |
vnc,virtual network computing | |
vnds,very near dead stock | |
vnh,very nice hand | |
vns,very nice shot | |
voa,voice of america | |
vod,video on demand | |
voip,voice over internet telephony | |
vp,vice president | |
vpl,visible panty line | |
vpn,virtual private network | |
vr,virtual reality | |
vs,versus against | |
vt,video tape | |
vtl,visible thong line | |
vtpr,view to permanent relationship | |
vtr,video tape recorder | |
vv,very very | |
vvn,very very nice | |
vwp,very well played very well put | |
wafwot,what a fucking waste of time | |
waj,what a joke | |
wak,weird awful | |
wal,what a loser | |
wam,wait a minute what a mess | |
wamh,with all my heart | |
wamhas,with all my heart and soul | |
waml,with all my love | |
wap,wireless access point | |
wapce,women are pure concentrated evil | |
warez,cracked or pirate software | |
was,wait and see | |
way,where are you | |
wayd,what are you doing | |
waydrn,what are you doing right now | |
waylt,what are you listening to | |
wayoa,what are you on about | |
wayta,what are you talking about | |
waywo,what are you working on | |
wbb,will be back | |
wbm,want to be moderator | |
wbn,would be nice | |
wbr,with best regards | |
wbs,write back soon | |
wbt,will be there | |
wbu,what about you | |
wbw,white boy wasted | |
wby,what bout you | |
wcb,will call back | |
wcg,world cyber games | |
wcis,what can i say | |
wcs,worst case scenario | |
wcw,world championship wrestling | |
wcyd,what can you do | |
wd,well done | |
wde,worst day ever | |
wdfd,whoop dee fucking doo | |
wdh,what da hell | |
wdib,why do i bother | |
wdic,what do i care | |
wdim,what does it mean | |
wditot,why did not i think of that | |
wdmb,will do my best | |
wdoml,worst day of my life | |
wdtm,what does that mean | |
wdud,what do you do | |
wdum,what do you mean | |
wdut,what do you think | |
wdw,who dares wins | |
wdy,why do not you | |
wdyd,what did you do | |
wdydt,why did you do that what did you do today | |
wdye,what did you expect | |
wdyg,where did you go | |
wdym,what do you mean | |
wdymbt,what do you mean by that | |
wdys,what did you say | |
wdyt,what do you think | |
wdyw,what do you want | |
wdywfm,what do you want from me | |
wdywt,what did you wear today | |
wdywtta,what do you want to talk about | |
wef,with effect from | |
wep,wireless encryption protocol | |
wfyb,whatever floats your boat | |
whyb,where have you been | |
whyd,what have you done | |
wia,wounded in action | |
wip,work in progress | |
wir,when it is ready | |
with,where in the hell | |
witw,what in the world | |
wiuwy,what is up with you | |
wiwt,what i wore today wish i was there | |
wiwwu,wish i was with you | |
wiwwy,what is wrong with you | |
wiyp,what is your problem | |
wjd,what jesus did | |
wk,white knight | |
wks,well kept secret | |
wkyp,will keep you posted | |
wlm,windows live messenger | |
wltm,would like to meet | |
wlyb,who loves you baby | |
wlyk,will let you know | |
wm,woman marine | |
wma,windows media audio | |
wmd,weapons of mass destruction | |
wmf,wagging my finger | |
wmg,warner music group | |
wml,wish me luck | |
wmmows,wash my mouth out with soap | |
wmp,windows media player with much pleasure | |
wmv,windows media video | |
wmyb,what makes you beautiful | |
wn,why not what is new | |
wnditwb,we never did it this way before | |
wnl,within normal limits | |
wnohgb,where no one has gone before | |
wntt,we need to talk | |
wnwy,what is new with you | |
woat,worst of all time | |
wob,waste of bandwith | |
woc,women of color | |
woe,what on earth | |
wof,while on fire | |
wog,offensive term for a black person a foreigner | |
wom,women over mates | |
wombat,waste of money brains and time | |
wos,waste of space wife over shoulder | |
wotam,waste of time and money | |
wotcher,what are you up to | |
wotd,word of the day | |
wotlk,wrath of the lich king | |
wots,word on the street | |
wp,wrong person well played | |
wpa,wi fi protected access | |
wpm,words per minute | |
wpww,white pride world wide | |
wr,warm regards | |
wrt,with regard to | |
wru,where are you | |
wrud,what are you doing | |
wruta,what are you talking about | |
wryd,what are you doing | |
wryta,what are you talking about | |
wsic,why should i care | |
wsm,woman seeking man | |
wsp,what is up | |
wss,why so serious | |
wst,we are still friends | |
wsul,will see you later | |
wswta,what shall we talk about | |
wt,what the or who the | |
wta,winner takes all | |
wtb,want to buy | |
wtbs,with that being said | |
wtc,world trade center what the crap | |
wtd,what the deuce | |
wtdt,what to do today | |
wtdta,where they do that at | |
wtft,what the french toast | |
wtg,way to go | |
wtgp,way to go partner | |
wtgp,want to go private | |
wth,what or where or who the hell | |
wthay,who the hell are you | |
wthc,who the hell cares | |
wthigo,what the hell is going on | |
wthit,what the hell is that | |
wthiwwy,what the hell is wrong with you | |
wthn,why the heck not | |
wthru,who the hell are you | |
wtii,what time is it | |
wtk,want to know | |
wtl,will talk later | |
wtlw,welcome to last week | |
wtm,what is the matter | |
wtmi,way too much information | |
wtml,welcome to my life | |
wtmw,welcome to my world | |
wto,world trade organization | |
wtp,what is the point | |
wtt,want to trade | |
wttc,welcome to the club | |
wttir,when the time is right | |
wttj,welcome to the jungle | |
wttm,without thinking too much | |
wtw,walk through walls walk this way | |
wty,why thank you | |
wtyo,whatever turns you on | |
wuciwug,what you see is what you get | |
wud,what you doing | |
wuf,where are you from | |
wug,what you got where you going | |
wugowm,will you go out with me | |
wul,watched user list | |
wula,what are you looking at | |
wullnp,wishing you long life and prosperity | |
wum,woman wind up merchant | |
wuw,what you want | |
wuwcb,what do you want to chat about | |
wuwh,wish you were here | |
wuwt,what is up with that | |
wuwta,what you want to talk about | |
wuwtb,what you want to talk bout | |
wuwu,what is up with you | |
ww,white widow white woman | |
wwa,wiggers with attitude | |
wwbd,what would batman do | |
wwcnd,what would chuck norris do | |
wwe,world wrestling entertainment | |
wwf,world wildlife fund world wrestling federation | |
wwic,why would i care | |
wwit,what was i thinking | |
wwjbd,what would jason bourne do | |
wwjd,what would jesus do | |
wwjp,what would jesus post | |
wwotw,wicked witch of the west | |
wwtbam,who wants to be a millionaire | |
wwu,where were you | |
www,world wide web | |
wwwy,what is wrong with you | |
wwy,where were you | |
wwyd,what would you do | |
wwydt,why would you do that | |
wya,where you at | |
wyatb,wish you all the best | |
wyb,watch your back | |
wybd,what have you been doing | |
wybmv,will you be my valentine | |
wycm,will you call me | |
wyd,what you doing | |
wydn,what you doing now | |
wyf,what is your favorite | |
wyg,what you get | |
wygowm,will you go out with me | |
wyk,would you kindly | |
wyl,whatever you like | |
wylaboctgwtr,would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark | |
wylasomwtc,would you like a saucer of milk with that comment | |
wylion,whether you like it or not | |
wylscwtw,would you like some cheese with that whine | |
wylt,what you listening to | |
wym,watch your mouth what you mean | |
wymm,will you marry me | |
wyn,what is your name | |
wyp,what is your problem what is your point | |
wyr,would you rather | |
wys,what you said | |
wysiwyg,what you see is what you get | |
wyta,what you talking about | |
wyut,what you up to | |
wyw,whatever you want | |
wywh,wish you were here | |
wywta,what you want to talk about | |
yagb,you are not grizz baby | |
yala,you always live again | |
yana,you are not alone | |
yatb,you are the best | |
yatk,you are too kind | |
yatloml,you are the love of my life | |
yavw,you are very welcome | |
yaw,you are welcome | |
ybs,you will be sorry | |
ybtj,you be the judge | |
ybw,you have been warned | |
ybwm,you belong with me | |
ycmiu,you could not make it up | |
ycmu,you crack me up | |
ydek,you do not even know | |
ydi,you deserve it | |
ydk,you do not know | |
ydl,yellow dog linux | |
ydms,you do not make sense | |
ydmt,you do not mean that | |
yds,you do not say | |
ydu,you do not understand | |
yf,your friend | |
yfw,your face when | |
yg,young gangster | |
ygg,you go girl | |
ygi,you got it | |
yglt,you are going to love this | |
ygm,you get me you have got mail | |
ygpm,you have got private message | |
ygtbk,you have got to be kidding | |
ygtbkm,you have got to be kidding me | |
ygti,you get the idea | |
ygtr,you got that right | |
yha,youth hostel association | |
yhbt,you have been trolled | |
yhbw,you have been warned | |
yhgasp,you have got a serious problem | |
yhl,you have lost | |
yhm,you have mail | |
yhni,you have no idea | |
yhtbt,you had to be there | |
yid,yes i do | |
yik,yes i know | |
yitb,yours in the bond | |
yite,are you all right | |
yjltg,you just lost the game | |
yk,you are kidding | |
ykhii,you know how it is | |
ykims,you know it makes sense | |
yktr,you know the rest | |
ykw,you know who | |
ykwim,you know what i mean | |
ykwis,you know what i am saying | |
ykylm,you know you love me | |
yl,young lady | |
yli,you love it | |
ylm,you love me | |
ylod,yellow light of death | |
ylyl,you laugh you lose | |
ym,yahoo messenger your mom | |
ymbj,you must be joking | |
ymca,young mens christian association | |
ymcmb,young money cash money billionaires | |
ymmd,you made my day | |
ymml,you make me laugh | |
ymms,you make me smile | |
ymmv,your mileage may vary | |
ymw,you are most welcome | |
ynk,you never know | |
ynw,you are not welcome | |
ynwa,you will never walk alone | |
yolf,you only live forever | |
yolo,you only live once | |
yomb,you owe me big | |
yoyo,you are on your own | |
yp,your problem yes please | |
yqw,you are quite welcome | |
yr,yea right | |
yrg,you are good | |
yrmv,your results may vary | |
yro,your rights online | |
yru,why are you | |
ysc,your so cute | |
ysi,you stupid idiot | |
ysk,you should know | |
ysmtu,you so made that up | |
yss,you suck severely | |
ysvw,you are so very welcome | |
ysyl,you snooze you loose | |
yt,you think | |
ytb,you are the best | |
ytd,year to date | |
ytm,you are the man | |
ytml,you will thank me later | |
ytmnd,you are the man now dog | |
yto,you are the one | |
ytp,youtube poop | |
yttm,you talk too much you talking to me | |
yum,said when something tastes good or is attractive | |
yvw,you are very welcome | |
yw,you are welcome | |
ywca,young womens christian association | |
ywimc,your wish is my command | |
ywsyls,you win some you lose some | |
ywu,yo waz up | |