from asyncio import create_subprocess_shell, gather, sleep | |
from logging import ERROR, INFO, basicConfig, getLogger | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from random import choice | |
from shutil import rmtree | |
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE | |
from typing import Any, List | |
from uuid import uuid4 | |
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException | |
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse | |
from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPStatusError, RequestError | |
from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl | |
from uvicorn import run as uvicorn_run | |
need_logging = True | |
basicConfig(level = INFO if need_logging else ERROR) | |
logger = getLogger(__name__) | |
oxipng_bin = Path(__file__).parent / 'oxipng' | |
if not oxipng_bin.stat().st_mode & 0o111: | |
oxipng_bin.chmod(0o755) | |
tokens = [ | |
# мне в общем-то все равно на эти токены | |
'7e0ea3da6a73d77003c1abba7f0ea13c', | |
'bc2e68b5918e5bb59ebca6c05d73daf9', | |
'fecbfbe0938bcd1df27b7a9be1702cc9', | |
'04e9981d4d0981964cb4c9753173244d', | |
'dee75b07981c7aa211628ea7c7cbc03d', | |
] | |
async def download_png(url: str, folder: str, client: AsyncClient, retries: int = 5) -> Path: | |'загрузка изображения: {url}') | |
for attempt in range(retries): | |
try: | |
response = await client.get(url, timeout=30.0) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
file_path = Path(__file__).parent / folder / f'{uuid4()}.png' | |
file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
file_path.write_bytes(response.content) | |
return file_path | |
except (HTTPStatusError, RequestError) as e: | |
if attempt < retries - 1: | |
await sleep(2 ** attempt) | |
else: | |
raise e | |
async def download_pngs(urls: str | list[str]) -> list[Any]: | |
urls = [urls] if isinstance(urls, str) else urls | |'скачивается список список из {len(urls)}: {urls}') | |
# бот coze имеет баг, и из воркфлоу прибавляет предыдущий ответ к ссылкам, если включен контекст чата: | |
valid_urls = [url for url in urls if url and '\n' not in url and '\\n' not in url and url.strip() != ''] | |
if len(valid_urls) != len(urls): | |
logger.warning(f'некорректные ссылки удалены из списка: {set(urls) - set(valid_urls)}') | |
async with AsyncClient() as client: | |
tasks = [download_png(url, str(uuid4()), client) for url in valid_urls] | |
return list(await gather(*tasks)) | |
async def optimize_png(image_path: Path, retries: int = 3) -> None: | |
command = f'{oxipng_bin.resolve()} --opt 2 --strip safe --out {image_path} {image_path}' | |'оптимизация картинки {image_path}') | |
for attempt in range(retries): | |
try: | |
process = await create_subprocess_shell(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) | |
stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() | |
if process.returncode == 0: | |
return | |
else: | |
raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, command, output=stdout, stderr=stderr) | |
except CalledProcessError as e: | |
logger.error(f'ошибка при оптимизации {image_path}') | |
if attempt < retries - 1: | |
await sleep(2 ** attempt) | |
else: | |
raise e | |
async def optimize_pngs(image_paths: list[str | Path] | str | Path) -> None: | |
image_paths = [Path(image_file) for image_file in ([image_paths] if not isinstance(image_paths, list) else image_paths)] | |'оптимизируется список список из {len(image_paths)}: {image_paths}') | |
tasks = [optimize_png(image_path) for image_path in image_paths] | |
await gather(*tasks) | |
async def telegraph_upload_png(file_path: str | Path) -> str | None: | |
file_path = Path(file_path) | |
if not file_path.is_file() or file_path.stat().st_size > 5 * 1024 * 1024: | |
return None | |
url = '' | |
headers = { | |
'authority': url.rsplit('/')[2], | |
'accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', | |
'origin': url.rsplit('/', 1)[0], | |
'referer': url.rsplit('/', 1)[0], | |
'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', | |
} | |
async with AsyncClient() as client: | |
try: | |
response = await, headers=headers, files={'file': ('blob', file_path.read_bytes(), 'image/png')}) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
result = response.json() | |
except: | |
return None | |
if response.is_success and 'error' not in result: | |
link = result[0]['src'] | |
return url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + link | |
else: | |
return None | |
async def upload_image_to_imgbb(file_path: Path) -> str | None: | |
url = f'{choice(tokens)}' | |
try: | |
with'rb') as file: | |
files = {'image': (, file, 'image/png')} | |
data = {} | |
async with AsyncClient() as client: | |
response = await, files=files, data=data, timeout=30) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
json = response.json() | |
if json.get('success'): | |
return json['data']['url'] | |
except: | |
return None | |
async def upload_image(file_path: Path | str) -> str | None: | |
file_path = Path(file_path) | |
return await telegraph_upload_png(file_path) or await upload_image_to_imgbb(file_path) | |
async def optimize_and_upload(images_urls: list[str] | str) -> list[str]: | |
images_urls = [images_urls] if isinstance(images_urls, str) else images_urls | |'принятые ссылки в обработку ({len(images_urls)}): {images_urls}') | |
images_paths = await download_pngs(images_urls) | |
await optimize_pngs(images_paths) | |
new_images_urls = [] | |
for image_path in images_paths: | |
new_url = await upload_image(image_path) | |
if new_url: | |
new_images_urls.append(new_url) | |'загружено изображение {image_path} в {new_url}') | |
try: | |
image_path.unlink() | |
except Exception as e: | |
logger.error(f'не удалось удалить файл {image_path}: {e}') | |'новые ссылки: ({len(new_images_urls)}): {new_images_urls}') | |
try: | |
rmtree(images_paths[0].parent) | |
except Exception as e: | |
logger.error(f'не удалось удалить файл {images_paths[0].parent}: {e}') | |
return new_images_urls | |
app = FastAPI() | |
class ImageURLs(BaseModel): | |
urls: List[HttpUrl] | |
async def read_root(): | |
return PlainTextResponse('ну пролапс, ну и что', status_code=200) | |
async def optimize_images_endpoint(image_urls: ImageURLs): | |
try: | |
optimized_urls = await optimize_and_upload([str(url) for url in image_urls.urls]) | |
return {"optimized_urls": optimized_urls} | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
uvicorn_run(app, host='', port=7860, timeout_keep_alive=90) | |