Runtime error
Runtime error
import ns | |
import csv | |
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
import time | |
#import streamlit_authenticator as stauth | |
#import database as db | |
import pyexcel as pe | |
st.set_page_config(page_title="PROFESSOR AI - SPLITTER", page_icon=":bar_chart:") | |
placeholder = st.empty() | |
authentication_status=True | |
if authentication_status: | |
placeholder.empty() | |
def save_input_file(input_file): | |
with open(os.path.join("inputm.csv"), "wb") as f: | |
f.write(input_file.getbuffer()) | |
return st.success("Source File Uploaded") | |
#authenticator.logout("Logout", "sidebar") | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
col4, col5 = st.columns([7,1]) | |
with col1: | |
reg = st.selectbox( | |
'Enter the regulation 13 | 17 | 21 : ', | |
(13, 17, 21)) | |
with col2: | |
ass = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose the assessment : ', | |
("IA1", "IA2", "MODEL", "Lab", "Project", "Custom")) | |
if ass == "Custom": | |
with col3: | |
que_count = st.number_input('Enter the Question Count : ' , min_value=1, max_value=100, value=1, step=1) | |
dep = None | |
co_lister = [] | |
ms_lister = [] | |
if ass == "MODEL": | |
dep = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose the Department', | |
("S & H", "Other")) | |
if dep == "S & H": | |
dep = 1 | |
elif dep == "Other": | |
dep = 2 | |
if ass == "Custom": | |
st.markdown(f""" | |
<div style="margin-top:35px"> | |
<div> | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.write("COPO NUMBERS") | |
for i in range(que_count): | |
# que = st.text_input(f"Enter the question {i+1} co number : ", placeholder="CO1") | |
que = st.selectbox(f"Enter the question {i+1} co number : ", | |
("CO - 1", "CO - 2", "CO - 3", "CO - 4", "CO - 5", "CO - 6", "CO - 7", "CO - 8", "CO - 9", "CO - 10", "CO - 11", "CO - 12", "CO - 13", "CO - 14", "CO - 15", "CO - 16", "CO - 17", "CO - 18", "CO - 19", "CO - 20")) | |
if que == "CO - 1": | |
que = 1 | |
if que == "CO - 2": | |
que = 2 | |
if que == "CO - 3": | |
que = 3 | |
if que == "CO - 4": | |
que = 4 | |
if que == "CO - 5": | |
que = 5 | |
if que == "CO - 6": | |
que = 6 | |
if que == "CO - 7": | |
que = 7 | |
if que == "CO - 8": | |
que = 8 | |
if que == "CO - 9": | |
que = 9 | |
if que == "CO - 10": | |
que = 10 | |
if que == "CO - 11": | |
que = 11 | |
if que == "CO - 12": | |
que = 12 | |
if que == "CO - 13": | |
que = 13 | |
if que == "CO - 14": | |
que = 14 | |
if que == "CO - 15": | |
que = 15 | |
if que == "CO - 16": | |
que = 16 | |
if que == "CO - 17": | |
que = 17 | |
if que == "CO - 18": | |
que = 18 | |
if que == "CO - 19": | |
que = 19 | |
if que == "CO - 20": | |
que = 20 | |
co_lister.append(que) | |
st.markdown(f""" | |
<div style="margin-top:35px"> | |
<div> | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.write("COPO MARKS") | |
for i in range(que_count): | |
mque = st.selectbox(f"Enter the question {i+1} mark : ", | |
(2, 8, 13, 15, 16, 20)) | |
ms_lister.append(mque) | |
st.markdown(f""" | |
<div style="margin-top:35px"> | |
<div> | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
with col4: | |
file_name = st.text_input('Enter the Output File Name: ', placeholder="COPO_File") | |
with col5: | |
st.markdown(f""" | |
<div style="margin-top:35px"> | |
<div> | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.button("Submit") | |
trunc_file = "inputm.csv" | |
f = open(trunc_file, "w+") | |
f.close() | |
# if ass != "Custom": | |
input_mark = st.text_area(f"Enter the marks of {ass}: ") | |
arr = [int(i) for i in input_mark.strip().split("\n") if i] | |
with open("inputm.csv", 'a') as my_file: | |
for i in arr: | |
my_file.write(str(i) + "\n") | |
if ass == "IA1": | |
ass = 1 | |
elif ass == "IA2": | |
ass = 2 | |
elif ass == "MODEL": | |
ass = 3 | |
elif ass == "Lab": | |
ass = 4 | |
elif ass == "Project": | |
ass = 5 | |
elif ass == "Custom": | |
ass = 6 | |
col7, col8, col9 = st.columns([1,4,1]) | |
def getbtn(btn_func): | |
if btn_func: | |
st.warning("Wait while Generating...") | |
ns.ranCOS(reg, ass, file_name, dep, co_lister, ms_lister) | |
df = pd.read_csv(f"{file_name}.csv",skiprows=2) | |
st.write(df) | |
time.sleep(3) | |
if file_name is not None: | |
pe.save_book_as(file_name=file_name+".csv", dest_file_name=f"{file_name}.xls") | |
with open(file_name + ".xls", 'rb') as my_file: | |
with col9: | |
st.download_button(label = 'Download', data = my_file, file_name = file_name + '.xls', mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') | |
os.remove(file_name + ".csv") | |
st.success("Generated Successfully!") | |
time.sleep(2) | |
try: | |
os.remove(file_name + ".xls") | |
except: | |
print("File not found") | |
with col8: | |
st.empty() | |
with col7: | |
res_btn = st.button("Generate") | |
getbtn(res_btn) | |