francoisvdh's picture
43b3f27 verified
import gradio as gr
import requests
import json
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
def request_meddra_encode_form(req_reported_term, icd_dictionary_choice, req_terms_checkbox):
# Check if all required fields are filled and the conditions are met
if not req_reported_term:
return "**Please enter a medical term.**"
if not icd_dictionary_choice:
return "**Please select a valid ICD dictionary version.**"
if not req_terms_checkbox:
return "**You need to agree to Safeterm terms of use.**"
req_apikey = os.getenv("SAFETERM_API_KEY")
encode_output = encode_caller(req_apikey, req_reported_term, icd_dictionary_choice)
return encode_output
def encode_caller(apikey, reported_terms, icd_dictionary_choice):
url = os.getenv("SAFETERM_ENCODE_URL")
reported_terms_list = [reported_terms.strip()] # Ensure it's a list of strings
payload = json.dumps({
"reported_terms": reported_terms_list,
"version": 2023,
"medical_dictionary": icd_dictionary_choice
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {apikey}'
response =, headers=headers, data=payload)
data = response.json()
if "detail" in data:
return data["detail"]
results = []
for term_data in data.get('responses', []):
reported_term = term_data.get('reported_term', 'Term missing')
encoded_term_data = term_data.get('encoded_term')
llt_term = ''
pt_term = ''
llt_id = ''
pt_id = ''
alt_pt_term = []
result = f"Query Term:\t {reported_term}\n-------------------------\n"
if isinstance(encoded_term_data, dict) and encoded_term_data:
report = encoded_term_data.get('report', ' ')
icd_id = encoded_term_data.get('icd_code', 'no_result')
icd_term = encoded_term_data.get('icd_term', 'no_result')
icd_parent_id = encoded_term_data.get('icd_parent_code', 'no_result')
icd_parent_term = encoded_term_data.get('icd_parent_term', 'no_result')
alt_icd_terms = encoded_term_data.get('alternative_icd_terms', [])
result += f"ICD-11 Term:\t\t\t\t {icd_term} \nICD Code:\t\t\t\t\t {icd_id}\n"
# if alt_icd_terms:
# result += "\nAlternative ICD Parent Terms:\n"
# for term in alt_icd_terms:
# result += f"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{term}\n"
result += f"{report}\n-------------------------\n"
result += f"Status: {term_data['status']}"
# Add the API messages at the end.
api_message = data.get("messages", "No API message available")
api_message = "OK" if api_message is None else api_message
results.append(f"API Message: {api_message}")
return "\n".join(results)
# Create Gradio interface with improved styling
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Tab("ICD-11 Dictionary Search"):
# Multi-column layout for icd Encoder tab
with gr.Row():
# Column 1: Inputs
with gr.Column():
intro_text = gr.HTML("""
Search and code medical verbatims into ICD-11. <br>
The best match ICD-11 term and code is reported. <br>
encode_reported_terms = gr.Dropdown(
["Vertigo symptoms",
"Ankle Sprain During Soccer Game",
"a bigg Migrein W1th 0Ra", "Asthmatic Episode Triggered by Pollen",
"Acute Sinusitis Post-Flu"],
label="Medical term",
info="Enter your medical term here or choose from presets.",
icd_dictionaries = ['ICD-11']
icd_dictionary = gr.Dropdown(choices=icd_dictionaries, label="ICD Dictionary", value='ICD-11')
terms_text = gr.HTML("""
I consent to the storage of my personal data for training and communication purposes.
terms_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="I agree.")
submit_button = gr.Button("Search")
# Column 2: Output and Terms of use
with gr.Column():
api_response_encode = gr.Textbox(label="Result"),
inputs=[encode_reported_terms, icd_dictionary, terms_checkbox],
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("ClinBAY (c) 2024. Contact us at")