franklinCSS-demo / flasktest /
PrakharPratap's picture
initial commit
# import asyncio
from pyppeteer import launch
from pyppeteer.errors import ElementHandleError
import gradio as gr
async def highlight_element(page, selector):
element = await page.querySelector(selector)
if element:
await page.evaluate('element => = "yellow"', element)
styles = await page.evaluate('(element) => { const computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element); return Array.from(computedStyles).map(prop => `${prop}: ${computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop)}`); }', element)
return styles
except ElementHandleError:
return None
async def getStyles(page, selector, text_file):
await page.waitForSelector(selector)
styles = await page.evaluate('''(selector) => {
const contentTypeIndex = {};
const childs = {};
let finalString = "";
function elementIndentifier(element) {
const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
// Check for different element types
if (tagName === 'p' || tagName[0] === 'h' || tagName === 'span' || tagName === 'div' || tagName === 'ul' || tagName === 'ol') {
// Text-based elements
return `Text Content = "${element.textContent}"`;
} else if (tagName === 'img' || tagName === 'audio' || tagName === 'video') {
// Image, audio or video elements
return `src = "${element.src}"`;
} else if (tagName === 'a' || tagName === 'link') {
// Link elements
return `href = "${element.href}"`;
} else if (tagName === 'input' || tagName === 'textarea' || tagName === 'select') {
// Form elements
return `value = "${element.value}"`;
} else if (tagName === 'table') {
// Table-related elements
// Example to retrieve cell content
const cellContent = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('td, th')).map(cell => cell.innerHTML);
return `rows = "${element.rows}", "cellContent = "${cellContent.join(', ')}"`;
} else if (tagName === 'input' && (element.type === 'checkbox' || element.type === 'radio')) {
// Checkbox and Radio Button elements
return `checked = "${element.checked}"`;
function contentType(element) {
const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
// Check for different element types
if (tagName === 'p' || tagName[0] === 'h' || tagName === 'span' || tagName === 'div' || tagName === 'ul' || tagName === 'ol') {
return "text";
} else if (tagName === 'img') {
return "image";
} else if (tagName === 'audio') {
return "audio";
} else if (tagName === 'video') {
return "video";
} else if (tagName === 'a' || tagName === 'link') {
return "link";
} else if (tagName === 'input' || tagName === 'textarea' || tagName === 'select') {
return "form";
} else if (tagName === 'table') {
return "table";
} else if (tagName === 'input' && (element.type === 'checkbox' || element.type === 'radio')) {
// Checkbox and Radio Button elements
return "button";
function nameElems(element) {
for (let i = element.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(element.children.length !== 1 && element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "link"){
const s1 = element.children.length ? "container" : contentType(element);
contentTypeIndex[s1] ? contentTypeIndex[s1]++ : contentTypeIndex[s1] = 1;
const elemName = `${s1}${contentTypeIndex[s1]}`; = elemName;
if(element.children.length === 1){ = element.children[0].name;
function postorderTraversal(element) {
// Recursively traverse child nodes in postorder
for (let i = element.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Process the current element
const s1 = element.children.length ? "container" : contentType(element);
if (element.children.length > 1) {
for (let i = element.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
childs[] ? childs[].push(element.children[i].name) : childs[] = [element.children[i].name];
finalString = finalString + `${childs[]} are nested inside a container. Lets name this container as ${}. The computed styles of ${} are:-\n`;
} else if (!element.children.length && element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "link") {
finalString += `Lets name ${s1} with ${elementIndentifier(element)} as ${}. The computed styles of ${} are:-\n`;
if(element.children.length !== 1 && element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "link"){
const computedStyles = getComputedStyle(element);
desired_properties = [
"background-color", "box-sizing", "clear", "color", "display",
"flex-direction", "float", "font-family", "font-size", "font-weight",
"height", "line-height", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right",
"margin-top", "padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right",
"padding-top", "text-align", "width"
finalString += `\"\"`
for (let i = 0; i < desired_properties.length; i++) {
const prop = desired_properties[i];
finalString += `\t${prop}: ${computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop)}`;
if(prop !== "width"){
finalString += `\n`;
finalString += `\"\"\n\n`
const rootElement = document.querySelector(selector);
return finalString;
}''', selector)
with open(text_file, 'w') as f:
except ElementHandleError:
return None
async def highlightAndStyles(url, selector, franklinHTML):
browser = await launch(handleSIGINT=False, handleSIGTERM=False, handleSIGHUP=False)
page = await browser.newPage()
await page.goto(url)
text_file = "styles.txt"
image_file = "screenshot.png"
await getStyles(page, selector, text_file)
await highlight_element(page, selector)
await page.setViewport({"width": 3072, "height": 1920})
await page.screenshot({'path': image_file, 'fullPage': True})
await browser.close()
return image_file, text_file
# def run_script(url, selector):
# return await highlightAndStyles(url, selector)
# print("Screenshot and styles saved successfully!")
iface = gr.Interface(fn=highlightAndStyles, inputs=["text", "text", "text"], outputs=["image", "file"])
# default signal handlers caused the program to only run on main thread of main interpreter. KEyboard INterrupt
# caused program to go out of main thread. Switching off those default handlers made it work.