Pendrokar's picture
relocate folders
history blame
30.9 kB
"use strict"
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if (fs.existsSync(`${directory}/${file}.json`)) {
try {
const lineMeta = fs.readFileSync(`${directory}/${file}.json`, "utf8")
jsonData = JSON.parse(lineMeta)
} catch (e) {
// console.log(e)
const record = {}
record.fileName = file
record.lastChanged = fs.statSync(`${directory}/${file}`).mtime
record.jsonPath = `${directory}/${file}`
records.push([record, jsonData])
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return a[0].lastChanged<b[0].lastChanged ? (reverse?-1:1) : (reverse?1:-1)
} else {
console.warn("sort by type not recognised", sortBy)
window.makeSample = (src, newSample) => {
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promptText.innerHTML = JSON.parse(lineMeta).inputSequence
if (promptText.innerHTML.length > 130) {
promptText.innerHTML = promptText.innerHTML.slice(0, 130)+"..."
} catch (e) {
// console.log(e)
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src: src,
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258.097,383.715 254.059 C 393.790 241.689,396.099 237.993,398.474 230.445 C 403.970 212.972,394.149 194.684,376.212 188.991 C 369.142 186.747,368.803 186.724,344.733 186.779 C 330.095 186.812,322.380 186.691,322.216 186.425 C 322.078 186.203,321.971 178.951,321.977 170.310 C 321.995 146.255,321.401 141.613,317.200 133.000 C 314.009 126.457,307.690 118.680,303.142 115.694 C 302.560 115.313,301.300 114.438,300.342 113.752 C 295.986 110.631,288.986 107.881,282.402 106.704 C 280.540 106.371,262.906 106.176,220.400 106.019 L 161.000 105.800 160.763 98.800 C 159.961 75.055,143.463 56.235,120.600 52.984 C 115.148 52.208,45.292 52.225,39.960 53.003 M120.348 80.330 C 130.472 83.988,133.993 90.369,133.998 105.071 C 134.003 120.968,137.334 127.726,147.110 131.675 L 149.400 132.600 213.800 132.807 C 272.726 132.996,278.392 133.071,280.453 133.690 C 286.872 135.615,292.306 141.010,294.261 147.400 C 294.928 149.578,294.996 151.483,294.998 168.000 L 295.000 186.200 292.800 186.449 C 291.590 186.585,254.330 186.725,210.000 186.759 C 163.866 186.795,128.374 186.977,127.000 187.186 C 115.800 188.887,104.936 192.929,96.705 198.458 C 95.442 199.306,94.302 200.000,94.171 200.000 C 93.815 200.000,89.287 203.526,87.000 205.583 C 84.269 208.039,80.083 212.649,76.488 217.159 C 72.902 221.657,72.598 222.031,70.800 224.169 C 70.030 225.084,68.770 226.620,68.000 227.582 C 67.230 228.544,66.054 229.977,65.387 230.766 C 64.720 231.554,62.727 234.000,60.957 236.200 C 59.188 238.400,56.346 241.910,54.642 244.000 C 52.938 246.090,50.163 249.510,48.476 251.600 C 44.000 257.146,36.689 266.126,36.212 266.665 C 35.985 266.921,34.900 268.252,33.800 269.623 C 32.700 270.994,30.947 273.125,29.904 274.358 C 28.861 275.591,28.006 276.735,28.004 276.900 C 28.002 277.065,27.728 277.200,27.395 277.200 C 26.428 277.200,26.700 96.271,27.670 93.553 C 30.020 86.972,35.122 81.823,40.800 80.300 C 44.238 79.378,47.793 79.296,81.800 79.351 L 117.800 79.410 120.348 80.330 M369.400 214.800 C 374.239 217.220,374.273 222.468,369.489 228.785 C 367.767 231.059,364.761 234.844,364.394 235.200 C 364.281 235.310,362.373 237.650,360.154 240.400 C 357.936 243.150,354.248 247.707,351.960 250.526 C 347.732 255.736,346.053 257.821,343.202 261.400 C 341.505 263.530,340.849 264.336,334.600 271.965 C 332.400 274.651,330.204 277.390,329.720 278.053 C 329.236 278.716,328.246 279.945,327.520 280.785 C 326.794 281.624,325.300 283.429,324.200 284.794 C 323.100 286.160,321.726 287.845,321.147 288.538 C 320.568 289.232,318.858 291.345,317.347 293.233 C 308.372 304.449,306.512 306.609,303.703 309.081 C 299.300 312.956,290.855 317.633,286.000 318.886 C 277.958 320.960,287.753 320.819,159.845 320.699 C 33.557 320.581,42.330 320.726,38.536 318.694 C 34.021 316.276,35.345 310.414,42.386 301.647 C 44.044 299.583,45.940 297.210,46.600 296.374 C 47.260 295.538,48.340 294.169,49.000 293.332 C 49.660 292.495,51.550 290.171,53.200 288.167 C 54.850 286.164,57.100 283.395,58.200 282.015 C 59.300 280.635,60.920 278.632,61.800 277.564 C 62.680 276.496,64.210 274.617,65.200 273.389 C 66.190 272.162,67.188 270.942,67.418 270.678 C 67.649 270.415,71.591 265.520,76.179 259.800 C 80.767 254.080,84.634 249.310,84.773 249.200 C 84.913 249.090,87.117 246.390,89.673 243.200 C 92.228 240.010,95.621 235.780,97.213 233.800 C 106.328 222.459,116.884 215.713,128.200 213.998 C 129.300 213.832,183.570 213.719,248.800 213.748 L 367.400 213.800 369.400 214.800 " stroke="none" fill="#050505" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path id="path1" d="M0.000 46.800 C 0.000 72.540,0.072 93.600,0.159 93.600 C 0.246 93.600,0.516 92.460,0.759 91.066 C 3.484 75.417,16.060 60.496,30.800 55.422 C 35.953 53.648,36.338 53.550,40.317 52.981 C 46.066 52.159,114.817 52.161,120.600 52.984 C 143.463 56.235,159.961 75.055,160.763 98.800 L 161.000 105.800 220.400 106.019 C 262.906 106.176,280.540 106.371,282.402 106.704 C 288.986 107.881,295.986 110.631,300.342 113.752 C 301.300 114.438,302.560 115.313,303.142 115.694 C 307.690 118.680,314.009 126.457,317.200 133.000 C 321.401 141.613,321.995 146.255,321.977 170.310 C 321.971 178.951,322.078 186.203,322.216 186.425 C 322.380 186.691,330.095 186.812,344.733 186.779 C 368.803 186.724,369.142 186.747,376.212 188.991 C 381.954 190.814,388.211 194.832,391.662 198.914 C 395.916 203.945,397.373 206.765,399.354 213.800 C 399.842 215.533,399.922 201.399,399.958 107.900 L 400.000 0.000 200.000 0.000 L 0.000 0.000 0.000 46.800 M44.000 79.609 C 35.903 81.030,30.492 85.651,27.670 93.553 C 26.700 96.271,26.428 277.200,27.395 277.200 C 27.728 277.200,28.002 277.065,28.004 276.900 C 28.006 276.735,28.861 275.591,29.904 274.358 C 30.947 273.125,32.700 270.994,33.800 269.623 C 34.900 268.252,35.985 266.921,36.212 266.665 C 36.689 266.126,44.000 257.146,48.476 251.600 C 50.163 249.510,52.938 246.090,54.642 244.000 C 56.346 241.910,59.188 238.400,60.957 236.200 C 62.727 234.000,64.720 231.554,65.387 230.766 C 66.054 229.977,67.230 228.544,68.000 227.582 C 68.770 226.620,70.030 225.084,70.800 224.169 C 72.598 222.031,72.902 221.657,76.488 217.159 C 80.083 212.649,84.269 208.039,87.000 205.583 C 89.287 203.526,93.815 200.000,94.171 200.000 C 94.302 200.000,95.442 199.306,96.705 198.458 C 104.936 192.929,115.800 188.887,127.000 187.186 C 128.374 186.977,163.866 186.795,210.000 186.759 C 254.330 186.725,291.590 186.585,292.800 186.449 L 295.000 186.200 294.998 168.000 C 294.996 151.483,294.928 149.578,294.261 147.400 C 292.306 141.010,286.872 135.615,280.453 133.690 C 278.392 133.071,272.726 132.996,213.800 132.807 L 149.400 132.600 147.110 131.675 C 137.334 127.726,134.003 120.968,133.998 105.071 C 133.993 90.369,130.472 83.988,120.348 80.330 L 117.800 79.410 81.800 79.351 C 62.000 79.319,44.990 79.435,44.000 79.609 M128.200 213.998 C 116.884 215.713,106.328 222.459,97.213 233.800 C 95.621 235.780,92.228 240.010,89.673 243.200 C 87.117 246.390,84.913 249.090,84.773 249.200 C 84.634 249.310,80.767 254.080,76.179 259.800 C 71.591 265.520,67.649 270.415,67.418 270.678 C 67.188 270.942,66.190 272.162,65.200 273.389 C 64.210 274.617,62.680 276.496,61.800 277.564 C 60.920 278.632,59.300 280.635,58.200 282.015 C 57.100 283.395,54.850 286.164,53.200 288.167 C 51.550 290.171,49.660 292.495,49.000 293.332 C 48.340 294.169,47.260 295.538,46.600 296.374 C 45.940 297.210,44.044 299.583,42.386 301.647 C 35.345 310.414,34.021 316.276,38.536 318.694 C 42.330 320.726,33.557 320.581,159.845 320.699 C 287.753 320.819,277.958 320.960,286.000 318.886 C 290.855 317.633,299.300 312.956,303.703 309.081 C 306.512 306.609,308.372 304.449,317.347 293.233 C 318.858 291.345,320.568 289.232,321.147 288.538 C 321.726 287.845,323.100 286.160,324.200 284.794 C 325.300 283.429,326.794 281.624,327.520 280.785 C 328.246 279.945,329.236 278.716,329.720 278.053 C 330.204 277.390,332.400 274.651,334.600 271.965 C 340.849 264.336,341.505 263.530,343.202 261.400 C 346.053 257.821,347.732 255.736,351.960 250.526 C 354.248 247.707,357.936 243.150,360.154 240.400 C 362.373 237.650,364.281 235.310,364.394 235.200 C 364.761 234.844,367.767 231.059,369.489 228.785 C 374.273 222.468,374.239 217.220,369.400 214.800 L 367.400 213.800 248.800 213.748 C 183.570 213.719,129.300 213.832,128.200 213.998 M399.600 225.751 C 399.600 231.796,394.623 240.665,383.715 254.059 C 380.427 258.097,376.789 262.570,375.632 264.000 C 371.130 269.561,362.517 280.153,360.892 282.126 C 359.952 283.267,358.422 285.160,357.492 286.332 C 356.561 287.505,355.260 289.144,354.600 289.975 C 353.940 290.806,351.510 293.776,349.200 296.575 C 346.890 299.375,344.460 302.356,343.800 303.201 C 342.127 305.341,340.489 307.360,338.486 309.753 C 337.543 310.879,336.634 311.980,336.467 312.200 C 336.299 312.420,335.001 314.015,333.581 315.744 C 332.162 317.472,330.648 319.362,330.218 319.944 C 321.061 332.312,304.672 342.065,285.600 346.495 L 281.800 347.378 163.000 347.498 C 32.175 347.630,40.175 347.773,32.351 345.172 C 16.471 339.895,3.810 325.502,0.820 309.326 C 0.591 308.085,0.312 306.979,0.202 306.868 C 0.091 306.757,-0.000 327.667,-0.000 353.333 L 0.000 400.000 200.000 400.000 L 400.000 400.000 400.000 312.400 C 400.000 264.220,399.910 224.800,399.800 224.800 C 399.690 224.800,399.600 225.228,399.600 225.751 " stroke="none" fill="#fbfbfb" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg>`
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const containingFolder = src.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/").replaceAll("/", "\\")
// shell.showItemInFolder(src)
// Electron suddenly isn't working anymore, to open folders, since updating from v2 to v19
// Couldn't figure it out, so I'm just gonna do it myself, manually. It doesn't show the file, but at least it opens the folder
spawn(`explorer`, [containingFolder], {stdio: "ignore"})
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const doTheRest = () => {
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editData = JSON.parse(editData)
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window.sequenceEditor.isEditingFromFile = true
window.sequenceEditor.inputSequence = editData.inputSequence
window.sequenceEditor.pacing = editData.pacing
window.sequenceEditor.letters = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.letters : editData.letters
window.sequenceEditor.currentVoice = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.currentVoice : editData.currentVoice
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window.sequenceEditor.resetDurs = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.resetDurs : editData.resetDurs
window.sequenceEditor.resetEmAngry = editData.resetEmAngry
window.sequenceEditor.resetEmHappy = editData.resetEmHappy
window.sequenceEditor.resetEmSad = editData.resetEmSad
window.sequenceEditor.resetEmSurprise = editData.resetEmSurprise
window.sequenceEditor.letterFocus = []
window.sequenceEditor.ampFlatCounter = 0
window.sequenceEditor.hasChanged = false
window.sequenceEditor.sequence = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.sequence : editData.sequence
window.sequenceEditor.energyNew = (editData.pitchEditor && editData.pitchEditor.energyNew) ? editData.pitchEditor.energyNew : editData.energyNew
window.sequenceEditor.pitchNew = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.pitchNew : editData.pitchNew
window.sequenceEditor.dursNew = editData.pitchEditor ? editData.pitchEditor.dursNew : editData.dursNew
window.sequenceEditor.emAngryNew = editData.emAngryNew
window.sequenceEditor.emHappyNew = editData.emHappyNew
window.sequenceEditor.emSadNew = editData.emSadNew
window.sequenceEditor.emSurpriseNew = editData.emSurpriseNew
if (editData.styleValuesReset) {
window.sequenceEditor.registeredStyleKeys.forEach(styleKey => {
window.sequenceEditor.styleValuesReset[styleKey] = editData.styleValuesReset[styleKey]
window.sequenceEditor.styleValuesNew[styleKey] = editData.styleValuesNew[styleKey]
window.sequenceEditor.autoInferTimer = null
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paceNumbInput.value = editData.pacing
pace_slid.value = editData.pacing
window.sequenceEditor.sliderBoxes.forEach((box, i) => {box.setValueFromValue(window.sequenceEditor.dursNew[i])})
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} else {
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value: sample.querySelector("div").innerHTML
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editInProgramButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (window.userSettings.externalAudioEditor && window.userSettings.externalAudioEditor.length) {
const fileName = audio.children[0].src.split("file:///")[1].split("%20").join(" ")
const sp = spawn(window.userSettings.externalAudioEditor, [fileName], {'detached': true}, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
sp.on("error", err => {
if (err.message.includes("ENOENT")) {
window.errorModal(`${window.i18n.FOLLOWING_PATH_NOT_VALID}:<br><br> ${window.userSettings.externalAudioEditor}`)
} else {
} else {
const deleteFileButton = createElem("div", {title: window.i18n.DELETE_FILE})
deleteFileButton.innerHTML = "&#10060;"
deleteFileButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
confirmModal(`${window.i18n.SURE_DELETE}<br><br><i>${fileName}</i>`).then(confirmation => {
if (confirmation) {
window.appLogger.log(`${newSample?window.i18n.DELETING_NEW_FILE:window.i18n.DELETING}: ${src}`)
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
if (fs.existsSync(`${src}.json`)) {
return sample
window.refreshRecordsList = () => {
voiceSamples.innerHTML = ""
const outputFilesPaginationSize = window.userSettings.output_files_pagination_size
const filteredRecords = window.outputFilesState.records.filter(recordAndJson => {
if (!recordAndJson[0].fileName.toLowerCase().includes(voiceSamplesSearch.value.toLowerCase().trim())) {
if (voiceSamplesSearchPrompt.value.length) {
if (!recordAndJson[1] || !recordAndJson[1].inputSequence.toLowerCase().includes(voiceSamplesSearchPrompt.value.toLowerCase().trim())) {
return recordAndJson
const startIndex = (window.outputFilesState.paginationIndex*outputFilesPaginationSize)
const endIndex = Math.min(startIndex+outputFilesPaginationSize, filteredRecords.length)
for (let ri=startIndex; ri<endIndex; ri++) {
const numPages = Math.ceil(filteredRecords.length/outputFilesPaginationSize)
main_total_pages.innerHTML = window.i18n.PAGINATION_TOTAL_OF.replace("_1", numPages)
window.outputFilesState.totalPages = numPages
main_paginationPrev.addEventListener("click", () => {
main_pageNum.value = Math.max(1, parseInt(main_pageNum.value)-1)
window.outputFilesState.paginationIndex = main_pageNum.value-1
main_paginationNext.addEventListener("click", () => {
main_pageNum.value = Math.min(parseInt(main_pageNum.value)+1, window.outputFilesState.totalPages)
window.outputFilesState.paginationIndex = main_pageNum.value-1
// Delete all output files for a voice
voiceRecordsDeleteAllButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (window.currentModel) {
const outDir = window.userSettings[`outpath_${window.currentGame.gameId}`]+`/${currentModel.voiceId}`
const files = fs.readdirSync(outDir)
if (files.length) {
window.confirmModal(window.i18n.DELETE_ALL_FILES_CONFIRM.replace("_1", files.length).replace("_2", outDir)).then(resp => {
if (resp) {
window.deleteFolderRecursive(outDir, true)
} else {
window.errorModal(window.i18n.DELETE_ALL_FILES_ERR_NO_FILES.replace("_1", outDir))
voiceRecordsOrderByButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderBy = window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderBy=="name" ? "time" : "name"
const labels = {
"name": window.i18n.NAME,
"time": window.i18n.TIME
voiceRecordsOrderByButton.innerHTML = labels[window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderBy]
if (window.currentModel) {
const voiceRecordsList = window.userSettings[`outpath_${window.currentGame.gameId}`]+`/${window.currentModel.voiceId}`
voiceRecordsOrderByOrderButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderByOrder = window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderByOrder=="ascending" ? "descending" : "ascending"
const labels = {
"ascending": window.i18n.ASCENDING,
"descending": window.i18n.DESCENDING
voiceRecordsOrderByOrderButton.innerHTML = labels[window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderByOrder]
if (window.currentModel) {
const voiceRecordsList = window.userSettings[`outpath_${window.currentGame.gameId}`]+`/${window.currentModel.voiceId}`
voiceSamplesSearch.addEventListener("keyup", () => {
if (window.currentModel) {
window.outputFilesState.paginationIndex = 0
main_pageNum.value = 1
const voiceRecordsList = window.userSettings[`outpath_${window.currentGame.gameId}`]+`/${window.currentModel.voiceId}`
voiceSamplesSearchPrompt.addEventListener("keyup", () => {
if (window.currentModel) {
window.outputFilesState.paginationIndex = 0
main_pageNum.value = 1
const voiceRecordsList = window.userSettings[`outpath_${window.currentGame.gameId}`]+`/${window.currentModel.voiceId}`
if (Object.keys(window.userSettings).includes("voiceRecordsOrderBy")) {
const labels = {
"name": window.i18n.NAME,
"time": window.i18n.TIME
voiceRecordsOrderByButton.innerHTML = labels[window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderBy]
} else {
window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderBy = "name"
if (Object.keys(window.userSettings).includes("voiceRecordsOrderByOrder")) {
const labels = {
"ascending": window.i18n.ASCENDING,
"descending": window.i18n.DESCENDING
voiceRecordsOrderByOrderButton.innerHTML = labels[window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderByOrder]
} else {
window.userSettings.voiceRecordsOrderByOrder = "ascending"