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import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pickle
import sklearn
from PIL import Image
# Load the saved components
with open("dt_model.pkl", "rb") as f:
components = pickle.load(f)
# Extract the individual components
num_imputer = components["num_imputer"]
cat_imputer = components["cat_imputer"]
encoder = components["encoder"]
scaler = components["scaler"]
dt_model = components["models"]
# Create the app
# Add an image or logo to the app
image ='grocery_store.jpg')
# Open the image file
#add app title
st.title(":moneybag: SALES PREDICTION MACHINE LEARNING APP :moneybag:")
# Add some text
st.write("Enter some data for Prediction.")
# Create the input fields
input_data = {}
col1,col2,col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
input_data['store_nbr'] = st.slider("store_nbr",0,54)
input_data['products'] = st.selectbox("products", ['AUTOMOTIVE', 'CLEANING', 'BEAUTY', 'FOODS', 'STATIONERY',
input_data['onpromotion'] =st.number_input("onpromotion",step=1)
input_data['state'] = st.selectbox("state", ['Pichincha', 'Cotopaxi', 'Chimborazo', 'Imbabura',
'Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas', 'Bolivar', 'Pastaza',
'Tungurahua', 'Guayas', 'Santa Elena', 'Los Rios', 'Azuay', 'Loja',
'El Oro', 'Esmeraldas', 'Manabi'])
with col2:
input_data['store_type'] = st.selectbox("store_type",['D', 'C', 'B', 'E', 'A'])
input_data['cluster'] = st.number_input("cluster",step=1)
input_data['dcoilwtico'] = st.number_input("dcoilwtico",step=1)
input_data['year'] = st.number_input("year",step=1)
with col3:
input_data['month'] = st.slider("month",1,12)
input_data['day'] = st.slider("day",1,31)
input_data['dayofweek'] = st.number_input("dayofweek,0=Sun and 6=Sat",step=1)
input_data['end_month'] = st.selectbox("end_month",['True','False'])
# Create a button to make a prediction
if st.button("Predict"):
# Convert the input data to a pandas DataFrame
input_df = pd.DataFrame([input_data])
# Selecting categorical and numerical columns separately
cat_columns = [col for col in input_df.columns if input_df[col].dtype == 'object']
num_columns = [col for col in input_df.columns if input_df[col].dtype != 'object']
# Apply the imputers
input_df_imputed_cat = cat_imputer.transform(input_df[cat_columns])
input_df_imputed_num = num_imputer.transform(input_df[num_columns])
# Encode the categorical columns
input_encoded_df = pd.DataFrame(encoder.transform(input_df_imputed_cat).toarray(),
# Scale the numerical columns
input_df_scaled = scaler.transform(input_df_imputed_num)
input_scaled_df = pd.DataFrame(input_df_scaled , columns = num_columns)
#joining the cat encoded and num scaled
final_df = pd.concat([input_encoded_df, input_scaled_df], axis=1)
# Make a prediction
prediction =dt_model.predict(final_df)[0]
# Display the prediction
st.write(f"The predicted sales are: {prediction}.")
input_df.to_csv("data.csv", index=False)