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from typing import List, Optional
import torch
from packaging import version
if version.parse(torch.__version__) >= version.parse("1.7.0"):
import torch.fft # type: ignore
def fft2c_old(data: torch.Tensor, norm: str = "ortho") -> torch.Tensor:
Apply centered 2 dimensional Fast Fourier Transform.
data: Complex valued input data containing at least 3 dimensions:
dimensions -3 & -2 are spatial dimensions and dimension -1 has size
2. All other dimensions are assumed to be batch dimensions.
norm: Whether to include normalization. Must be one of ``"backward"``
or ``"ortho"``. See ``torch.fft.fft`` on PyTorch 1.9.0 for details.
The FFT of the input.
if not data.shape[-1] == 2:
raise ValueError("Tensor does not have separate complex dim.")
if norm not in ("ortho", "backward"):
raise ValueError("norm must be 'ortho' or 'backward'.")
normalized = True if norm == "ortho" else False
data = ifftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
data = torch.fft(data, 2, normalized=normalized)
data = fftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
return data
def ifft2c_old(data: torch.Tensor, norm: str = "ortho") -> torch.Tensor:
Apply centered 2-dimensional Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
data: Complex valued input data containing at least 3 dimensions:
dimensions -3 & -2 are spatial dimensions and dimension -1 has size
2. All other dimensions are assumed to be batch dimensions.
norm: Whether to include normalization. Must be one of ``"backward"``
or ``"ortho"``. See ``torch.fft.ifft`` on PyTorch 1.9.0 for
The IFFT of the input.
if not data.shape[-1] == 2:
raise ValueError("Tensor does not have separate complex dim.")
if norm not in ("ortho", "backward"):
raise ValueError("norm must be 'ortho' or 'backward'.")
normalized = True if norm == "ortho" else False
data = ifftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
data = torch.ifft(data, 2, normalized=normalized)
data = fftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
return data
def fft2c_new(data: torch.Tensor, norm: str = "ortho") -> torch.Tensor:
Apply centered 2 dimensional Fast Fourier Transform.
data: Complex valued input data containing at least 3 dimensions:
dimensions -3 & -2 are spatial dimensions and dimension -1 has size
2. All other dimensions are assumed to be batch dimensions.
norm: Normalization mode. See ``torch.fft.fft``.
The FFT of the input.
if not data.shape[-1] == 2:
raise ValueError("Tensor does not have separate complex dim.")
data = ifftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
data = torch.view_as_real(
torch.fft.fftn( # type: ignore
torch.view_as_complex(data), dim=(-2, -1), norm=norm
data = fftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
return data
def ifft2c_new(data: torch.Tensor, norm: str = "ortho") -> torch.Tensor:
Apply centered 2-dimensional Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
data: Complex valued input data containing at least 3 dimensions:
dimensions -3 & -2 are spatial dimensions and dimension -1 has size
2. All other dimensions are assumed to be batch dimensions.
norm: Normalization mode. See ``torch.fft.ifft``.
The IFFT of the input.
if not data.shape[-1] == 2:
raise ValueError("Tensor does not have separate complex dim.")
data = ifftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
data = torch.view_as_real(
torch.fft.ifftn( # type: ignore
torch.view_as_complex(data), dim=(-2, -1), norm=norm
data = fftshift(data, dim=[-3, -2])
return data
# Helper functions
def roll_one_dim(x: torch.Tensor, shift: int, dim: int) -> torch.Tensor:
Similar to roll but for only one dim.
x: A PyTorch tensor.
shift: Amount to roll.
dim: Which dimension to roll.
Rolled version of x.
shift = shift % x.size(dim)
if shift == 0:
return x
left = x.narrow(dim, 0, x.size(dim) - shift)
right = x.narrow(dim, x.size(dim) - shift, shift)
return, left), dim=dim)
def roll(
x: torch.Tensor,
shift: List[int],
dim: List[int],
) -> torch.Tensor:
Similar to np.roll but applies to PyTorch Tensors.
x: A PyTorch tensor.
shift: Amount to roll.
dim: Which dimension to roll.
Rolled version of x.
if len(shift) != len(dim):
raise ValueError("len(shift) must match len(dim)")
for (s, d) in zip(shift, dim):
x = roll_one_dim(x, s, d)
return x
def fftshift(x: torch.Tensor, dim: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
Similar to np.fft.fftshift but applies to PyTorch Tensors
x: A PyTorch tensor.
dim: Which dimension to fftshift.
fftshifted version of x.
if dim is None:
# this weird code is necessary for toch.jit.script typing
dim = [0] * (x.dim())
for i in range(1, x.dim()):
dim[i] = i
# also necessary for torch.jit.script
shift = [0] * len(dim)
for i, dim_num in enumerate(dim):
shift[i] = x.shape[dim_num] // 2
return roll(x, shift, dim)
def ifftshift(x: torch.Tensor, dim: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
Similar to np.fft.ifftshift but applies to PyTorch Tensors
x: A PyTorch tensor.
dim: Which dimension to ifftshift.
ifftshifted version of x.
if dim is None:
# this weird code is necessary for toch.jit.script typing
dim = [0] * (x.dim())
for i in range(1, x.dim()):
dim[i] = i
# also necessary for torch.jit.script
shift = [0] * len(dim)
for i, dim_num in enumerate(dim):
shift[i] = (x.shape[dim_num] + 1) // 2
return roll(x, shift, dim)