xiaoximew's picture
history blame
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import re
import os
import unicodedata
from typing import List
import uuid
import hashlib
import pandas as pd
from common.call_llm import chat_stream_generator
prompt_template = """你是由猎户星空开发的AI助手,你的名字叫聚言。你可以根据下面给出的参考资料和聊天历史来回答用户问题。
### 参考资料 ###
### 聊天历史 ###
### 用户问题 ###
### 回答要求 ###
def document_prompt_template():
return """["Source_id": {doc_id},"Content": "{page_content}"]"""
def language_detect(text: str) -> str:
text = re.sub(r"([ ■◼•*…— �●⚫]+|[·\.~•、—'}\n\t]{1,})", '', text.strip())
stats = {
"zh": 0,
"ja": 0,
"ko": 0,
"en": 0,
"th": 0,
"other": 0
char_count = 0
for char in text:
code_name = unicodedata.name(char)
except Exception:
char_count += 1
# 判断是否为中文
if 'CJK' in code_name:
stats["zh"] += 1
# 判断是否为日文
elif 'HIRAGANA' in code_name or 'KATAKANA' in code_name:
stats["ja"] += 1
# 判断是否为泰文
elif "THAI" in code_name:
stats["th"] += 1
# 判断是否为韩文
elif 'HANGUL' in code_name:
stats["ko"] += 1
# 判断是否为英文
elif 'LA' in code_name:
stats["en"] += 1
stats["other"] += 1
lang = ""
ratio = 0.0
for lan in stats:
if lan == "other":
# trick: 英文按字母统计不准确,除以4大致表示word个数
if lan == "en":
stats[lan] /= 4.0
lan_r = float(stats[lan]) / char_count
if ratio < lan_r:
lang = lan
ratio = lan_r
return lang
def language_prompt(lan: str) -> str:
"zh": "中文",
"en": "英文",
"other": "中文",
"ja": "中文",
"zh_gd": "中文",
"ko": "韩文",
"th": "泰文"
return _ZH_LANGUAGE_MAP.get(lan.lower(), "中文")
def _get_chat_history(chat_history: List[List]) -> str:
if not chat_history:
return ""
chat_history_text = ""
for human_msg, ai_msg in chat_history:
human = "{'Human': '" + human_msg + "'}"
ai = "{'AI': '" + ai_msg + "'}"
chat_history_text += "[" + ", ".join([human, ai]) + "]\n"
return chat_history_text
def get_prompt(context: str, chat_history: str, question: str, trapped_switch: int, fallback: str,
citations_switch: int) -> str:
answer_prompts = ["1. 你只能根据上面参考资料中给出的事实信息来回答用户问题,不要胡编乱造。",
"2. 如果向用户提出澄清问题有助于回答问题,可以尝试提问。"]
index = 3
if len(fallback) > 0 and trapped_switch == 1:
str(index) + ". " + """如果参考资料中的信息不足以回答用户问题,请直接回答下面三个双引号中的内容:\"\"\"{fallback}\"\"\"。""".format(
index += 1
if citations_switch:
citation_prompt = "如果你给出的答案里引用了参考资料中的内容,请在答案的结尾处添加你引用的Source_id,引用的Source_id值来自于参考资料中,并用两个方括号括起来。示例:[[d97b811489b73f46c8d2cb1bc888dbbe]]、[[b6be48868de736b90363d001c092c019]]"
answer_prompts.append(str(index) + ". " + citation_prompt)
index += 1
lan = language_detect(question)
style_prompt = """请你以第一人称并且用严谨的风格来回答问题,一定要用{language}来回答,并且基于事实详细阐述。""".format(
answer_prompts.append(str(index) + ". " + style_prompt)
answer_prompts = "\n".join(answer_prompts)
prompt = prompt_template.format(context=context, chat_history=chat_history, question=question,
return prompt
def generate_doc_qa(input_text: str, history: List[List[str]], doc_df: "pd.DataFrame", trapped_switch: str, fallback: str,
citations_switch: str):
"""Generates chat responses according to the input text, history and page content."""
# handle input params
print(f"input_text: {input_text}, history: {history}, page_content: {doc_df}, trapped_switch: {trapped_switch}, fallback: {fallback}, citations_switch: {citations_switch}")
citations_switch = 1 if citations_switch == "开启引用" else 0
trapped_switch = 1 if trapped_switch == "自定义话术" else 0
fallback = fallback or ""
input_text = input_text or "你好"
history = (history or [])[-5:] # Keep the last 5 messages in history
doc_df = doc_df[doc_df["文档片段内容"].notna()]
# iterate over all documents
context = ""
source_id_map = dict()
for _, row in doc_df.iterrows():
if not row["文档片段内容"] or not row["文档片段名称"]:
source_id = hashlib.md5(str(uuid.uuid4()).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
source_id_map[source_id] = row["文档片段名称"]
context += document_prompt_template().format(doc_id=source_id, page_content=row["文档片段内容"]) + "\n\n"
prompt = get_prompt(context.strip(), _get_chat_history(history), input_text, trapped_switch, fallback,
print(f"docQA prompt: {prompt}")
messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
# append latest message
stream_response = chat_stream_generator(messages=messages, endpoint=DOC_QA_ENDPOINT)
cache = ""
for character in stream_response:
if "[" in character or cache:
cache += character
history[-1][1] += character
yield None, history
if cache:
source_ids = re.findall(r"\[\[(.*?)\]\]", cache)
print(f"Matched source ids {source_ids}")
for source_id in source_ids:
origin_source_id = source_id_map.get(source_id, source_id)
cache = cache.replace(source_id, origin_source_id)
history[-1][1] += cache
yield None, history