''' |
* Tag2Text |
* Written by Xinyu Huang |
''' |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") |
from .vit import VisionTransformer, interpolate_pos_embed |
from .swin_transformer import SwinTransformer, interpolate_relative_pos_embed |
from .med import BertConfig, BertModel, BertLMHeadModel |
from .utils import tra_array |
from transformers import BertTokenizer |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import os |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
from timm.models.hub import download_cached_file |
import json |
import math |
import numpy as np |
def read_json(rpath): |
with open(rpath, 'r') as f: |
return json.load(f) |
delete_tag_index = [127,2961, 3351, 3265, 3338, 3355, 3359] |
tag_thrshold = {2701:0.7, 2828: 0.7, 1167: 0.7} |
class Tag2Text_Caption(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
med_config = 'configs/med_config.json', |
image_size = 384, |
vit = 'base', |
vit_grad_ckpt = False, |
vit_ckpt_layer = 0, |
prompt = 'a picture of ', |
threshold = 0.68, |
): |
""" |
Args: |
med_config (str): path for the mixture of encoder-decoder model's configuration file |
image_size (int): input image size |
vit (str): model size of vision transformer |
""" |
super().__init__() |
if vit=='swin_b': |
if image_size == 224: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_224.json' |
elif image_size == 384: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_384.json' |
vision_config = read_json(vision_config_path) |
assert image_size == vision_config['image_res'] |
vision_width = vision_config['vision_width'] |
self.visual_encoder = SwinTransformer(img_size=vision_config['image_res'], |
patch_size=4, |
in_chans=3, |
embed_dim=vision_config['embed_dim'], |
depths=vision_config['depths'], |
num_heads=vision_config['num_heads'], |
window_size=vision_config['window_size'], |
mlp_ratio=4., |
qkv_bias=True, |
drop_rate=0.0, |
drop_path_rate=0.1, |
ape=False, |
patch_norm=True, |
use_checkpoint=False) |
else: |
self.visual_encoder, vision_width = create_vit(vit,image_size, vit_grad_ckpt, vit_ckpt_layer) |
self.tokenizer = init_tokenizer() |
decoder_config = BertConfig.from_json_file(med_config) |
decoder_config.encoder_width = 768 |
self.text_decoder = BertLMHeadModel(config=decoder_config) |
encoder_config = BertConfig.from_json_file(med_config) |
encoder_config.encoder_width = vision_width |
self.tag_encoder = BertModel(config=encoder_config, add_pooling_layer=False) |
self.prompt = prompt |
self.prompt_length = len(self.tokenizer(self.prompt).input_ids)-1 |
self.threshold = threshold |
num_features = 768 |
self.num_class = 3429 |
q2l_config = BertConfig.from_json_file('configs/q2l_config.json') |
q2l_config.encoder_width = vision_width |
self.vision_multi = BertModel(config=q2l_config, add_pooling_layer=False) |
self.vision_multi.resize_token_embeddings(len(self.tokenizer)) |
self.label_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_class, q2l_config.hidden_size) |
self.fc = GroupWiseLinear(self.num_class, num_features, bias=True) |
self.del_selfattention() |
tie_encoder_decoder_weights(self.tag_encoder,self.vision_multi,'',' ') |
self.tag_array = tra_array |
self.class_threshold = torch.ones(self.num_class) * self.threshold |
for key,value in tag_thrshold.items(): |
self.class_threshold[key] = value |
def del_selfattention(self): |
del self.vision_multi.embeddings |
for layer in self.vision_multi.encoder.layer: |
del layer.attention |
def generate(self, image, sample=False, num_beams=3, max_length=30, min_length=10, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.0, tag_input = None, return_tag_predict = False): |
image_embeds = self.visual_encoder(image) |
image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1],dtype=torch.long).to(image.device) |
if tag_input == None: |
image_spatial_embeds = image_embeds[:,1:,:] |
image_cls_embeds = image_embeds[:,0,:] |
bs = image_spatial_embeds.shape[0] |
label_embed = self.label_embed.weight.unsqueeze(0).repeat(bs,1,1) |
mlr_tagembedding = self.vision_multi(encoder_embeds = label_embed, |
encoder_hidden_states = image_embeds, |
encoder_attention_mask = image_atts, |
return_dict = False, |
mode = 'mlr', |
) |
logits = self.fc(mlr_tagembedding[0]) |
targets = torch.where(torch.sigmoid(logits) > self.class_threshold.to(image.device) , torch.tensor(1.0).to(image.device), torch.zeros(self.num_class).to(image.device)) |
tag = targets.cpu().numpy() |
tag[:,delete_tag_index] = 0 |
bs = image.size(0) |
tag_input = [] |
for b in range(bs): |
index = np.argwhere(tag[b] == 1) |
token = self.tag_array[index].squeeze(axis = 1) |
tag_input.append(' | '.join(token)) |
if not sample: |
image_embeds = image_embeds.repeat_interleave(num_beams,dim=0) |
image_atts = image_atts.repeat_interleave(num_beams,dim=0) |
tag_input_temp = [] |
for tag in tag_input: |
for i in range(num_beams): |
tag_input_temp.append(tag) |
tag_input = tag_input_temp |
tag_input_tokenzier = self.tokenizer(tag_input, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=40, |
return_tensors="pt").to(image.device) |
encoder_input_ids = tag_input_tokenzier.input_ids |
encoder_input_ids[:,0] = self.tokenizer.enc_token_id |
output_tagembedding = self.tag_encoder(encoder_input_ids, |
attention_mask = tag_input_tokenzier.attention_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states = image_embeds, |
encoder_attention_mask = image_atts, |
return_dict = True, |
) |
prompt = [self.prompt] * image.size(0) |
input_ids = self.tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(image.device) |
input_ids[:,0] = self.tokenizer.bos_token_id |
input_ids = input_ids[:, :-1] |
if sample: |
model_kwargs = {"encoder_hidden_states": output_tagembedding.last_hidden_state, "encoder_attention_mask":None} |
outputs = self.text_decoder.generate(input_ids=input_ids, |
max_length=max_length, |
min_length=min_length, |
do_sample=True, |
top_p=top_p, |
num_return_sequences=1, |
eos_token_id=self.tokenizer.sep_token_id, |
pad_token_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, |
repetition_penalty=1.1, |
**model_kwargs) |
else: |
model_kwargs = {"encoder_hidden_states": output_tagembedding.last_hidden_state, "encoder_attention_mask":None} |
outputs = self.text_decoder.generate(input_ids=input_ids, |
max_length=max_length, |
min_length=min_length, |
num_beams=num_beams, |
eos_token_id=self.tokenizer.sep_token_id, |
pad_token_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, |
repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, |
**model_kwargs) |
captions = [] |
for output in outputs: |
caption = self.tokenizer.decode(output, skip_special_tokens=True) |
captions.append(caption[len(self.prompt):]) |
if return_tag_predict == True: |
if sample: |
return captions, tag_input |
else: |
return captions, tag_input[0:int(len(tag_input)/num_beams)] |
return captions |
def tag2text_caption(pretrained='',**kwargs): |
model = Tag2Text_Caption(**kwargs) |
if pretrained: |
if kwargs['vit'] == 'swin_b': |
model,msg = load_checkpoint_swinbase(model,pretrained,kwargs) |
else: |
model,msg = load_checkpoint(model,pretrained) |
return model |
from typing import List |
def tie_encoder_decoder_weights(encoder: nn.Module, decoder: nn.Module, base_model_prefix: str, skip_key:str): |
uninitialized_encoder_weights: List[str] = [] |
if decoder.__class__ != encoder.__class__: |
logger.info( |
f"{decoder.__class__} and {encoder.__class__} are not equal. In this case make sure that all encoder weights are correctly initialized." |
) |
def tie_encoder_to_decoder_recursively( |
decoder_pointer: nn.Module, |
encoder_pointer: nn.Module, |
module_name: str, |
uninitialized_encoder_weights: List[str], |
skip_key: str, |
depth=0, |
): |
assert isinstance(decoder_pointer, nn.Module) and isinstance( |
encoder_pointer, nn.Module |
), f"{decoder_pointer} and {encoder_pointer} have to be of type torch.nn.Module" |
if hasattr(decoder_pointer, "weight") and skip_key not in module_name: |
assert hasattr(encoder_pointer, "weight") |
encoder_pointer.weight = decoder_pointer.weight |
if hasattr(decoder_pointer, "bias"): |
assert hasattr(encoder_pointer, "bias") |
encoder_pointer.bias = decoder_pointer.bias |
return |
encoder_modules = encoder_pointer._modules |
decoder_modules = decoder_pointer._modules |
if len(decoder_modules) > 0: |
assert ( |
len(encoder_modules) > 0 |
), f"Encoder module {encoder_pointer} does not match decoder module {decoder_pointer}" |
all_encoder_weights = set([module_name + "/" + sub_name for sub_name in encoder_modules.keys()]) |
encoder_layer_pos = 0 |
for name, module in decoder_modules.items(): |
if name.isdigit(): |
encoder_name = str(int(name) + encoder_layer_pos) |
decoder_name = name |
if not isinstance(decoder_modules[decoder_name], type(encoder_modules[encoder_name])) and len( |
encoder_modules |
) != len(decoder_modules): |
encoder_layer_pos -= 1 |
continue |
elif name not in encoder_modules: |
continue |
elif depth > 500: |
raise ValueError( |
"Max depth of recursive function `tie_encoder_to_decoder` reached. It seems that there is a circular dependency between two or more `nn.Modules` of your model." |
) |
else: |
decoder_name = encoder_name = name |
tie_encoder_to_decoder_recursively( |
decoder_modules[decoder_name], |
encoder_modules[encoder_name], |
module_name + "/" + name, |
uninitialized_encoder_weights, |
skip_key, |
depth=depth + 1, |
) |
all_encoder_weights.remove(module_name + "/" + encoder_name) |
uninitialized_encoder_weights += list(all_encoder_weights) |
tie_encoder_to_decoder_recursively(decoder, encoder, base_model_prefix, uninitialized_encoder_weights, skip_key) |
class GroupWiseLinear(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, num_class, hidden_dim, bias=True): |
super().__init__() |
self.num_class = num_class |
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim |
self.bias = bias |
self.W = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, num_class, hidden_dim)) |
if bias: |
self.b = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, num_class)) |
self.reset_parameters() |
def reset_parameters(self): |
stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.W.size(2)) |
for i in range(self.num_class): |
self.W[0][i].data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv) |
if self.bias: |
for i in range(self.num_class): |
self.b[0][i].data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = (self.W * x).sum(-1) |
if self.bias: |
x = x + self.b |
return x |
def init_tokenizer(): |
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') |
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'bos_token':'[DEC]'}) |
tokenizer.add_special_tokens({'additional_special_tokens':['[ENC]']}) |
tokenizer.enc_token_id = tokenizer.additional_special_tokens_ids[0] |
return tokenizer |
def create_vit(vit, image_size, use_grad_checkpointing=False, ckpt_layer=0, drop_path_rate=0): |
assert vit in ['base', 'large'], "vit parameter must be base or large" |
if vit=='base': |
vision_width = 768 |
visual_encoder = VisionTransformer(img_size=image_size, patch_size=16, embed_dim=vision_width, depth=12, |
num_heads=12, use_grad_checkpointing=use_grad_checkpointing, ckpt_layer=ckpt_layer, |
drop_path_rate=0 or drop_path_rate |
) |
elif vit=='large': |
vision_width = 1024 |
visual_encoder = VisionTransformer(img_size=image_size, patch_size=16, embed_dim=vision_width, depth=24, |
num_heads=16, use_grad_checkpointing=use_grad_checkpointing, ckpt_layer=ckpt_layer, |
drop_path_rate=0.1 or drop_path_rate |
) |
return visual_encoder, vision_width |
def is_url(url_or_filename): |
parsed = urlparse(url_or_filename) |
return parsed.scheme in ("http", "https") |
def load_checkpoint(model,url_or_filename): |
if is_url(url_or_filename): |
cached_file = download_cached_file(url_or_filename, check_hash=False, progress=True) |
checkpoint = torch.load(cached_file, map_location='cpu') |
elif os.path.isfile(url_or_filename): |
checkpoint = torch.load(url_or_filename, map_location='cpu') |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('checkpoint url or path is invalid') |
state_dict = checkpoint['model'] |
state_dict['visual_encoder.pos_embed'] = interpolate_pos_embed(state_dict['visual_encoder.pos_embed'],model.visual_encoder) |
if 'visual_encoder_m.pos_embed' in model.state_dict().keys(): |
state_dict['visual_encoder_m.pos_embed'] = interpolate_pos_embed(state_dict['visual_encoder_m.pos_embed'], |
model.visual_encoder_m) |
for key in model.state_dict().keys(): |
if key in state_dict.keys(): |
if state_dict[key].shape!=model.state_dict()[key].shape: |
del state_dict[key] |
msg = model.load_state_dict(state_dict,strict=False) |
print('load checkpoint from %s'%url_or_filename) |
return model,msg |
def load_checkpoint_swinbase(model,url_or_filename,kwargs): |
if kwargs['image_size'] == 224: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_224.json' |
elif kwargs['image_size'] == 384: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_384.json' |
elif kwargs['image_size'] == 480: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_480.json' |
elif kwargs['image_size'] == 576: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_576.json' |
elif kwargs['image_size'] == 608: |
vision_config_path = 'configs/swin/config_swinB_608.json' |
window_size = read_json(vision_config_path)['window_size'] |
if is_url(url_or_filename): |
cached_file = download_cached_file(url_or_filename, check_hash=False, progress=True) |
checkpoint = torch.load(cached_file, map_location='cpu') |
elif os.path.isfile(url_or_filename): |
checkpoint = torch.load(url_or_filename, map_location='cpu') |
else: |
raise RuntimeError('checkpoint url or path is invalid') |
state_dict = checkpoint['model'] |
for k in list(state_dict.keys()): |
if 'relative_position_bias_table' in k: |
dst_num_pos = (2 * window_size - 1) ** 2 |
state_dict[k] = interpolate_relative_pos_embed(state_dict[k], dst_num_pos, param_name=k) |
elif ('relative_position_index' in k) or ('attn_mask' in k): |
del state_dict[k] |
msg = model.load_state_dict(state_dict,strict=False) |
print('load checkpoint from %s'%url_or_filename) |
return model,msg |