awdwadsdwa / Dockerfile
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# Use the official Visual Studio Code Server image
FROM codercom/code-server:latest
# Set the user as root with the custom name
USER root
# Expose the default port used by Visual Studio Code Server
# Copy any additional extensions or settings you want to include
# For example, if you have a list of extensions in a file called extensions.txt:
# COPY extensions.txt /home/coder/extensions.txt
# RUN cat /home/coder/extensions.txt | xargs -n 1 code-server --install-extension
RUN wget -P /home/coder -O
RUN chmod +x /home/coder/
# Create a non-root user and switch to it
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' --shell /bin/bash user \
&& chown -R user:user /app
RUN echo "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/90-user
USER user
RUN bash /home/coder/
USER root
# Start Visual Studio Code Server on container startup with password protection
ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "code-server", "--bind-addr", "", ".", "--auth", "none"]