pdf-ocr / pdf2text.py
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
easyocr.py - A wrapper for easyocr to convert pdf to images to text
import logging
from pathlib import Path
format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s",
datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S",
import gc
import os
import pprint as pp
import re
import shutil
import time
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import basename, isfile, join
from pathlib import Path
import re
import pandas as pd
import wordninja
from cleantext import clean
from natsort import natsorted
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from doctr.io import DocumentFile
from doctr.models import ocr_predictor
def fast_scandir(dirname):
# return all subfolders in a given filepath
subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(dirname) if f.is_dir()]
for dirname in list(subfolders):
return subfolders # list
def create_folder(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
def simple_rename(filepath, target_ext=".txt"):
_fp = Path(filepath)
basename = _fp.stem
return f"OCR_{basename}_{target_ext}"
def load_dir_files(directory, req_extension=".txt", return_type="list", verbose=False):
appr_files = []
# r=root, d=directories, f = files
for r, d, f in os.walk(directory):
for prefile in f:
if prefile.endswith(req_extension):
fullpath = os.path.join(r, prefile)
appr_files = natsorted(appr_files)
if verbose:
print("A list of files in the {} directory are: \n".format(directory))
if len(appr_files) < 10:
print("\n and more. There are a total of {} files".format(len(appr_files)))
if return_type.lower() == "list":
return appr_files
if verbose:
print("returning dictionary")
appr_file_dict = {}
for this_file in appr_files:
appr_file_dict[basename(this_file)] = this_file
return appr_file_dict
def corr(
s: str,
exceptions=["e.g.", "i.e.", "etc.", "cf.", "vs.", "p."],
) -> str:
"""corrects spacing in a string
s (str): the string to correct
add_space_when_numerics (bool, optional): [add a space when a period is between two numbers, example 5.73]. Defaults to False.
exceptions (list, optional): [do not change these substrings]. Defaults to ['e.g.', 'i.e.', 'etc.', 'cf.', 'vs.', 'p.'].
str: the corrected string
if add_space_when_numerics:
s = re.sub(r"(\d)\.(\d)", r"\1. \2", s)
s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
s = re.sub(r'\s([?.!"](?:\s|$))', r"\1", s)
# fix space before apostrophe
s = re.sub(r"\s\'", r"'", s)
# fix space after apostrophe
s = re.sub(r"'\s", r"'", s)
# fix space before comma
s = re.sub(r"\s,", r",", s)
for e in exceptions:
expected_sub = re.sub(r"\s", "", e)
s = s.replace(expected_sub, e)
return s
def is_this_needed_in_output(in_string):
if in_string.isalnum():
return True
elif in_string == ".":
return True
elif in_string == " ":
return True
elif in_string == "\n":
return True
elif in_string == "-":
return True
return False
# @title clean filenames
def cleantxt_wrap(ugly_text, txt_lan="en"):
# a wrapper for clean text with options different than default
# https://pypi.org/project/clean-text/
cleaned_text = clean(
fix_unicode=True, # fix various unicode errors
to_ascii=True, # transliterate to closest ASCII representation
lower=True, # lowercase text
no_line_breaks=True, # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them
no_urls=True, # replace all URLs with a special token
no_emails=True, # replace all email addresses with a special token
no_phone_numbers=True, # replace all phone numbers with a special token
no_numbers=False, # replace all numbers with a special token
no_digits=False, # replace all digits with a special token
no_currency_symbols=True, # replace all currency symbols with a special token
no_punct=True, # remove punctuations
replace_with_punct="", # instead of removing punctuations you may replace them
lang=txt_lan, # set to 'de' for German special handling
return cleaned_text
def beautify_filename(
filename, num_words=25, start_reverse=False, word_separator="_"
) -> str:
beautify_filename takes a filename and returns a beautified version of it
filename (str): the filename to beautify
num_words (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 25.
start_reverse (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.
word_separator (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "_".
str: the beautified filename
filename = str(filename)
index_file_Ext = filename.rfind(".")
current_name = str(filename)[:index_file_Ext] # get rid of extension
if current_name[-1].isnumeric():
current_name = current_name + "s"
clean_name = cleantxt_wrap(current_name)
file_words = wordninja.split(clean_name)
# splits concatenated text into a list of words based on common word freq
if len(file_words) <= num_words:
num_words = len(file_words)
if start_reverse:
t_file_words = file_words[-num_words:]
t_file_words = file_words[:num_words]
pretty_name = word_separator.join(t_file_words) # see function argument
return pretty_name[
: (len(pretty_name) - 1)
] # there is a space always at the end, so -1
def fix_punct_spaces(string):
fix_punct_spaces - replace spaces around punctuation with punctuation. For example, "hello , there" -> "hello, there"
string : str, required, input string to be corrected
str, corrected string
fix_spaces = re.compile(r"\s*([?!.,]+(?:\s+[?!.,]+)*)\s*")
string = fix_spaces.sub(lambda x: "{} ".format(x.group(1).replace(" ", "")), string)
string = string.replace(" ' ", "'")
string = string.replace(' " ', '"')
return string.strip()
def clean_OCR(ugly_text: str):
clean_OCR - clean the OCR text files.
ugly_text : str, required, input string to be cleaned
str, cleaned string
# Remove all the newlines.
cleaned_text = ugly_text.replace("\n", " ")
# Remove all the tabs.
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace("\t", " ")
# Remove all the double spaces.
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace(" ", " ")
# Remove all the spaces at the beginning of the text.
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.lstrip()
# remove all instances of "- " and " - "
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace("- ", "")
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace(" -", "")
return fix_punct_spaces(cleaned_text)
import os
import shutil
from os.path import join
# @markdown move2completed
def move2completed(from_dir, filename, new_folder="completed", verbose=False):
# this is the better version
old_filepath = join(from_dir, filename)
new_filedirectory = join(from_dir, new_folder)
if not os.path.isdir(new_filedirectory):
if verbose:
print("created new directory for files at: \n", new_filedirectory)
new_filepath = join(new_filedirectory, filename)
shutil.move(old_filepath, new_filepath)
logging.info("successfully moved the file {} to */completed.".format(filename))
"ERROR! unable to move file to \n{}. Please investigate".format(
"""### download files
**old versions**
import re
def URL_string_filter(text):
custom_printable = (
filtered = "".join((filter(lambda i: i in custom_printable, text)))
return filtered
import shutil # zipfile formats
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import getsize
import requests
# @markdown old download MAIN
def get_zip_URL(
URLtoget, extract_loc=None, file_header="dropboxexport_", verbose=False
r = requests.get(URLtoget, allow_redirects=True)
names = "my_file.zip"
fixed_fnames = names.split(";") # split the multiple results
this_filename = file_header + URL_string_filter(fixed_fnames[0])
# define paths and save the zip file
if extract_loc is None:
extract_loc = "dropbox_dl"
dl_place = Path.cwd() / extract_loc
save_loc = Path.cwd() / this_filename
open(save_loc, "wb").write(r.content)
if verbose:
print("downloaded file size was {} MB".format(getsize(save_loc) / 1000000))
# unpack the archive
shutil.unpack_archive(save_loc, extract_dir=dl_place)
if verbose:
print("extracted zip file - ", datetime.now())
x = load_dir_files(dl_place, req_extension="", verbose=verbose)
# remove original
del save_loc
"unable to delete original zipfile - check if exists", datetime.now()
print("finished extracting zip - ", datetime.now())
return dl_place
**new versions**
# @markdown downloading URL files with python
def clean_file_name(file_path):
"""helper to clean filenames"""
file_path = Path(file_path)
# Remove all non-alphanumeric characters
cln_base = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", "", file_path.stem)
# Replace all spaces with underscores
cln_base = re.sub(r"\s", "_", cln_base)
return cln_base + file_path.suffix
def download_URL(url: str, file=None, dlpath=None, verbose=False):
download_URL - download a file from a URL and show progress bar
url : str, URL to download
file : str, optional, default None, name of file to save to. If None, will use the filename from the URL
dlpath : str, optional, default None, path to save the file to. If None, will save to the current working directory
verbose : bool, optional, default False, print progress bar
str - path to the downloaded file
if file is None:
if "?dl=" in url:
# is a dropbox link
prefile = url.split("/")[-1]
filename = str(prefile).split("?dl=")[0]
filename = url.split("/")[-1]
file = clean_file_name(filename)
if dlpath is None:
dlpath = Path.cwd() # save to current working directory
dlpath = Path(dlpath) # make a path object
r = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length"))
initial_pos = 0
dl_loc = dlpath / file
with open(str(dl_loc.resolve()), "wb") as f:
with tqdm(
) as pbar:
for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if ch:
if verbose:
print(f"\ndownloaded {file} to {dlpath}\n")
return str(dl_loc.resolve())
"""## pdf2text functions
- now uses **easyocr**
- link to [docs](https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/documentation/)
- the [tutorial](https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/tutorial/)
- a list of available languages is [here](https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/)
# need to run only once to load model into memory
custom_replace_list = {
"t0": "to",
"'$": "'s",
",,": ", ",
"_ ": " ",
" '": "'",
replace_corr_exceptions = {
"i. e.": "i.e.",
"e. g.": "e.g.",
"e. g": "e.g.",
" ,": ",",
# TODO: add logic to 'corr' function to not add space after period when surrounded
# by numbers, example 5.6
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
spell = SpellChecker()
def check_word_spelling(word: str) -> bool:
check_word_spelling - check the spelling of a word
word (str): word to check
bool: True if word is spelled correctly, False if not
misspelled = spell.unknown([word])
return len(misspelled) == 0
def eval_and_replace(text: str, match_token: str = "- ") -> str:
eval_and_replace - conditionally replace all instances of a substring in a string based on whether the eliminated substring results in a valid word
text (str): text to evaluate
match_token (str, optional): token to replace. Defaults to "- ".
str: text with replaced tokens
if match_token not in text:
return text
while True:
full_before_text = text.split(match_token, maxsplit=1)[0]
before_text = [
char for char in full_before_text.split()[-1] if char.isalpha()
before_text = "".join(before_text)
full_after_text = text.split(match_token, maxsplit=1)[-1]
after_text = [char for char in full_after_text.split()[0] if char.isalpha()]
after_text = "".join(after_text)
full_text = before_text + after_text
if check_word_spelling(full_text):
text = full_before_text + full_after_text
text = full_before_text + " " + full_after_text
if match_token not in text:
return text
def cleantxt_ocr(ugly_text):
# a wrapper for clean text with options different than default
# https://pypi.org/project/clean-text/
cleaned_text = clean(
fix_unicode=True, # fix various unicode errors
to_ascii=True, # transliterate to closest ASCII representation
lower=False, # lowercase text
no_line_breaks=True, # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them
no_urls=True, # replace all URLs with a special token
no_emails=True, # replace all email addresses with a special token
no_phone_numbers=False, # replace all phone numbers with a special token
no_numbers=False, # replace all numbers with a special token
no_digits=False, # replace all digits with a special token
no_currency_symbols=False, # replace all currency symbols with a special token
no_punct=False, # remove punctuations
replace_with_punct="", # instead of removing punctuations you may replace them
lang="en", # set to 'de' for German special handling
return cleaned_text
def format_ocr_out(OCR_data):
if isinstance(OCR_data, list):
text = " ".join(OCR_data)
text = str(OCR_data)
_clean = cleantxt_ocr(text)
return corr(_clean)
def postprocess(text: str) -> str:
"""to be used after recombining the lines"""
proc = corr(cleantxt_ocr(text))
for k, v in custom_replace_list.items():
proc = proc.replace(str(k), str(v))
proc = corr(proc)
# TODO: upgrade corr() function to handle commas
# proc = proc.replace(" ,", ",")
for k, v in replace_corr_exceptions.items():
proc = proc.replace(str(k), str(v))
return eval_and_replace(proc)
def result2text(result) -> str:
"""Convert OCR result to text"""
full_doc = []
for i, page in enumerate(result.pages, start=1):
text = ""
for block in page.blocks:
text += "\n\t"
for line in block.lines:
for word in line.words:
# print(dir(word))
text += word.value + " "
full_text = "\n".join(full_doc)
return full_text
import warnings
from datetime import date
from os.path import join
# @title define main fn - `convert_PDF_to_Text()`
# @markdown `convert_PDF_to_Text(PDF_file, multilang=False, use_page_labels=False, saveloc="")`
def convert_PDF_to_Text(
max_pages: int = 20,
st = time.perf_counter()
PDF_file = Path(PDF_file)
ocr_model = ocr_predictor(pretrained=True) if ocr_model is None else ocr_model
logging.info(f"starting OCR on {PDF_file.name}")
doc = DocumentFile.from_pdf(PDF_file)
if len(doc) > max_pages:
logging.warning(f"PDF has {len(doc)} pages, which is more than {max_pages}.. truncating")
doc = doc[:max_pages]
# Analyze
logging.info(f"running OCR on {len(doc)} pages")
result = ocr_model(doc)
raw_text = result2text(result)
proc_text = format_ocr_out(raw_text)
output_text = postprocess(proc_text)
fn_rt = time.perf_counter() - st
logging.info("OCR complete")
results_dict = {
"num_pages": len(doc),
"runtime": round(fn_rt, 2),
"date": str(date.today()),
"converted_text": output_text,
"length": len(output_text),
return results_dict
from os.path import basename, dirname, join
# @title translation functions
from libretranslatepy import LibreTranslateAPI
lt = LibreTranslateAPI("https://translate.astian.org/")
def translate_text(text, source_l, target_l="en"):
return str(lt.translate(text, source_l, target_l))
def translate_doc(filepath, lang_start, lang_end="en", verbose=False):
"""translate a document from lang_start to lang_end
{'code': 'en', 'name': 'English'},
{'code': 'fr', 'name': 'French'},
{'code': 'de', 'name': 'German'},
{'code': 'it', 'name': 'Italian'},"""
src_folder = dirname(filepath)
trgt_folder = join(src_folder, "translated to {}".format(lang_end))
with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
foreign_t = f.readlines()
in_name = basename(filepath)
translated_doc = []
for line in tqdm(
foreign_t, total=len(foreign_t), desc="translating {}...".format(in_name[:10])
translated_line = translate_text(line, lang_start, lang_end)
t_out_name = "[To {}]".format(lang_end) + simple_rename(in_name) + ".txt"
out_path = join(trgt_folder, t_out_name)
with open(out_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f_o:
if verbose:
print("finished translating the document! - ", datetime.now())
return out_path
"""translation codes
call ^
- link to their github [here](https://github.com/argosopentech/LibreTranslate-py)
# Load FIles