from functools import cache |
from typing import Any, Literal, Iterable |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from zonos.config import PrefixConditionerConfig |
class Conditioner(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
output_dim: int, |
name: str, |
cond_dim: int | None = None, |
projection: Literal["none", "linear", "mlp"] = "none", |
uncond_type: Literal["learned", "none"] = "none", |
**kwargs, |
): |
super().__init__() |
self.name = name |
self.output_dim = output_dim |
self.cond_dim = cond_dim = cond_dim or output_dim |
if projection == "linear": |
self.project = nn.Linear(cond_dim, output_dim) |
elif projection == "mlp": |
self.project = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(cond_dim, output_dim), |
nn.SiLU(), |
nn.Linear(output_dim, output_dim), |
) |
else: |
self.project = nn.Identity() |
self.uncond_vector = None |
if uncond_type == "learned": |
self.uncond_vector = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_dim)) |
def apply_cond(self, *inputs: Any) -> torch.Tensor: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def forward(self, inputs: tuple[Any, ...] | None) -> torch.Tensor: |
if inputs is None: |
assert self.uncond_vector is not None |
return self.uncond_vector.data.view(1, 1, -1) |
cond = self.apply_cond(*inputs) |
cond = self.project(cond) |
return cond |
import re |
import unicodedata |
import inflect |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from kanjize import number2kanji |
from phonemizer.backend import EspeakBackend |
from sudachipy import Dictionary, SplitMode |
_inflect = inflect.engine() |
_comma_number_re = re.compile(r"([0-9][0-9\,]+[0-9])") |
_decimal_number_re = re.compile(r"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)") |
_pounds_re = re.compile(r"£([0-9\,]*[0-9]+)") |
_dollars_re = re.compile(r"\$([0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+)") |
_ordinal_re = re.compile(r"[0-9]+(st|nd|rd|th)") |
_number_re = re.compile(r"[0-9]+") |
def _remove_commas(m: re.Match) -> str: |
return m.group(1).replace(",", "") |
def _expand_decimal_point(m: re.Match) -> str: |
return m.group(1).replace(".", " point ") |
def _expand_dollars(m: re.Match) -> str: |
match = m.group(1) |
parts = match.split(".") |
if len(parts) > 2: |
return match + " dollars" |
dollars = int(parts[0]) if parts[0] else 0 |
cents = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1] else 0 |
if dollars and cents: |
dollar_unit = "dollar" if dollars == 1 else "dollars" |
cent_unit = "cent" if cents == 1 else "cents" |
return "%s %s, %s %s" % (dollars, dollar_unit, cents, cent_unit) |
elif dollars: |
dollar_unit = "dollar" if dollars == 1 else "dollars" |
return "%s %s" % (dollars, dollar_unit) |
elif cents: |
cent_unit = "cent" if cents == 1 else "cents" |
return "%s %s" % (cents, cent_unit) |
else: |
return "zero dollars" |
def _expand_ordinal(m: re.Match) -> str: |
return _inflect.number_to_words(m.group(0)) |
def _expand_number(m: re.Match) -> str: |
num = int(m.group(0)) |
if num > 1000 and num < 3000: |
if num == 2000: |
return "two thousand" |
elif num > 2000 and num < 2010: |
return "two thousand " + _inflect.number_to_words(num % 100) |
elif num % 100 == 0: |
return _inflect.number_to_words(num // 100) + " hundred" |
else: |
return _inflect.number_to_words(num, andword="", zero="oh", group=2).replace(", ", " ") |
else: |
return _inflect.number_to_words(num, andword="") |
def normalize_numbers(text: str) -> str: |
text = re.sub(_comma_number_re, _remove_commas, text) |
text = re.sub(_pounds_re, r"\1 pounds", text) |
text = re.sub(_dollars_re, _expand_dollars, text) |
text = re.sub(_decimal_number_re, _expand_decimal_point, text) |
text = re.sub(_ordinal_re, _expand_ordinal, text) |
text = re.sub(_number_re, _expand_number, text) |
return text |
PAD_ID, UNK_ID, BOS_ID, EOS_ID = 0, 1, 2, 3 |
_punctuation = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“”() *~-/\\&' |
_letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
_letters_ipa = ( |
"ɑɐɒæɓʙβɔɕçɗɖðʤəɘɚɛɜɝɞɟʄɡɠɢʛɦɧħɥʜɨɪʝɭɬɫɮʟɱɯɰŋɳɲɴøɵɸθœɶʘɹɺɾɻʀʁɽʂʃʈʧʉʊʋⱱʌɣɤʍχʎʏʑʐʒʔʡʕʢǀǁǂǃˈˌːˑʼʴʰʱʲʷˠˤ˞↓↑→↗↘'̩'ᵻ" |
) |
symbols = [*_punctuation, *_letters, *_letters_ipa] |
_symbol_to_id = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(symbols, start=len(SPECIAL_TOKEN_IDS))} |
def _get_symbol_id(s: str) -> int: |
return _symbol_to_id.get(s, 1) |
def get_symbol_ids(text: str) -> list[int]: |
return list(map(_get_symbol_id, text)) |
def tokenize_phonemes(phonemes: list[str]) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, list[int]]: |
phoneme_ids = [[BOS_ID, *get_symbol_ids(phonemes), EOS_ID] for phonemes in phonemes] |
lengths = list(map(len, phoneme_ids)) |
longest = max(lengths) |
phoneme_ids = [[PAD_ID] * (longest - len(ids)) + ids for ids in phoneme_ids] |
return torch.tensor(phoneme_ids), lengths |
def normalize_jp_text(text: str, tokenizer=Dictionary(dict="full").create()) -> str: |
text = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", text) |
text = re.sub(r"\d+", lambda m: number2kanji(int(m[0])), text) |
final_text = " ".join([x.reading_form() for x in tokenizer.tokenize(text, SplitMode.A)]) |
return final_text |
def clean(texts: list[str], languages: list[str]) -> list[str]: |
texts_out = [] |
for text, language in zip(texts, languages): |
if "ja" in language: |
text = normalize_jp_text(text) |
else: |
text = normalize_numbers(text) |
texts_out.append(text) |
return texts_out |
@cache |
def get_backend(language: str) -> "EspeakBackend": |
import logging |
from phonemizer.backend import EspeakBackend |
logger = logging.getLogger("phonemizer") |
backend = EspeakBackend( |
language, |
preserve_punctuation=True, |
with_stress=True, |
punctuation_marks=_punctuation, |
logger=logger, |
) |
logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
return backend |
def phonemize(texts: list[str], languages: list[str]) -> list[str]: |
texts = clean(texts, languages) |
batch_phonemes = [] |
for text, language in zip(texts, languages): |
backend = get_backend(language) |
phonemes = backend.phonemize([text], strip=True) |
batch_phonemes.append(phonemes[0]) |
return batch_phonemes |
class EspeakPhonemeConditioner(Conditioner): |
def __init__(self, output_dim: int, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(output_dim, **kwargs) |
self.phoneme_embedder = nn.Embedding(len(SPECIAL_TOKEN_IDS) + len(symbols), output_dim) |
def apply_cond(self, texts: list[str], languages: list[str]) -> torch.Tensor: |
""" |
Args: |
texts: list of texts to convert to phonemes |
languages: ISO 639-1 -or otherwise eSpeak compatible- language code |
""" |
device = self.phoneme_embedder.weight.device |
phonemes = phonemize(texts, languages) |
phoneme_ids, _ = tokenize_phonemes(phonemes) |
phoneme_embeds = self.phoneme_embedder(phoneme_ids.to(device)) |
return phoneme_embeds |
class FourierConditioner(Conditioner): |
def __init__( |
self, |
output_dim: int, |
input_dim: int = 1, |
std: float = 1.0, |
min_val: float = 0.0, |
max_val: float = 1.0, |
**kwargs, |
): |
assert output_dim % 2 == 0 |
super().__init__(output_dim, **kwargs) |
self.register_buffer("weight", torch.randn([output_dim // 2, input_dim]) * std) |
self.input_dim, self.min_val, self.max_val = input_dim, min_val, max_val |
def apply_cond(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
assert x.shape[-1] == self.input_dim |
x = (x - self.min_val) / (self.max_val - self.min_val) |
f = 2 * torch.pi * x.to(self.weight.dtype) @ self.weight.T |
return torch.cat([f.cos(), f.sin()], dim=-1) |
class IntegerConditioner(Conditioner): |
def __init__(self, output_dim: int, min_val: int = 0, max_val: int = 512, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(output_dim, **kwargs) |
self.min_val = min_val |
self.max_val = max_val |
self.int_embedder = nn.Embedding(max_val - min_val + 1, output_dim) |
def apply_cond(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
assert x.shape[-1] == 1 |
return self.int_embedder(x.squeeze(-1) - self.min_val) |
class PassthroughConditioner(Conditioner): |
def __init__(self, output_dim: int, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(output_dim, **kwargs) |
def apply_cond(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
assert x.shape[-1] == self.cond_dim |
return x |
_cond_cls_map = { |
"PassthroughConditioner": PassthroughConditioner, |
"EspeakPhonemeConditioner": EspeakPhonemeConditioner, |
"FourierConditioner": FourierConditioner, |
"IntegerConditioner": IntegerConditioner, |
} |
def build_conditioners(conditioners: list[dict], output_dim: int) -> list[Conditioner]: |
return [_cond_cls_map[config["type"]](output_dim, **config) for config in conditioners] |
class PrefixConditioner(Conditioner): |
def __init__(self, config: PrefixConditionerConfig, output_dim: int): |
super().__init__(output_dim, "prefix", projection=config.projection) |
self.conditioners = nn.ModuleList(build_conditioners(config.conditioners, output_dim)) |
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(output_dim) |
self.required_keys = {c.name for c in self.conditioners if c.uncond_vector is None} |
def forward(self, cond_dict: dict) -> torch.Tensor: |
if not set(cond_dict).issuperset(self.required_keys): |
raise ValueError(f"Missing required keys: {self.required_keys - set(cond_dict)}") |
conds = [] |
for conditioner in self.conditioners: |
conds.append(conditioner(cond_dict.get(conditioner.name))) |
max_bsz = max(map(len, conds)) |
assert all(c.shape[0] in (max_bsz, 1) for c in conds) |
conds = [c.expand(max_bsz, -1, -1) for c in conds] |
return self.norm(self.project(torch.cat(conds, dim=-2))) |
supported_language_codes = [ |
'af', 'am', 'an', 'ar', 'as', 'az', 'ba', 'bg', 'bn', 'bpy', 'bs', 'ca', 'cmn', |
'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-029', 'en-gb', 'en-gb-scotland', 'en-gb-x-gbclan', |
'en-gb-x-gbcwmd', 'en-gb-x-rp', 'en-us', 'eo', 'es', 'es-419', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', |
'fa-latn', 'fi', 'fr-be', 'fr-ch', 'fr-fr', 'ga', 'gd', 'gn', 'grc', 'gu', 'hak', |
'hi', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hyw', 'ia', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'jbo', 'ka', |
'kk', 'kl', 'kn', 'ko', 'kok', 'ku', 'ky', 'la', 'lfn', 'lt', 'lv', 'mi', 'mk', |
'ml', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'nb', 'nci', 'ne', 'nl', 'om', 'or', 'pa', 'pap', |
'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'py', 'quc', 'ro', 'ru', 'ru-lv', 'sd', 'shn', 'si', 'sk', |
'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tn', 'tr', 'tt', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', |
'vi-vn-x-central', 'vi-vn-x-south', 'yue' |
] |
def make_cond_dict( |
text: str = "It would be nice to have time for testing, indeed.", |
language: str = "en-us", |
speaker: torch.Tensor | None = None, |
emotion: list[float] = [0.3077, 0.0256, 0.0256, 0.0256, 0.0256, 0.0256, 0.2564, 0.3077], |
fmax: float = 22050.0, |
pitch_std: float = 20.0, |
speaking_rate: float = 15.0, |
vqscore_8: list[float] = [0.78] * 8, |
ctc_loss: float = 0.0, |
dnsmos_ovrl: float = 4.0, |
speaker_noised: bool = False, |
unconditional_keys: Iterable[str] = {"vqscore_8", "dnsmos_ovrl"}, |
device: str = "cuda", |
) -> dict: |
""" |
A helper to build the 'cond_dict' that the model expects. |
By default, it will generate a random speaker embedding |
""" |
assert language.lower() in supported_language_codes, "Please pick a supported language" |
language_code_to_id = {lang: i for i, lang in enumerate(supported_language_codes)} |
cond_dict = { |
"espeak": ([text], [language]), |
"speaker": speaker, |
"emotion": emotion, |
"fmax": fmax, |
"pitch_std": pitch_std, |
"speaking_rate": speaking_rate, |
"language_id": language_code_to_id[language], |
"vqscore_8": vqscore_8, |
"ctc_loss": ctc_loss, |
"dnsmos_ovrl": dnsmos_ovrl, |
"speaker_noised": int(speaker_noised), |
} |
for k in unconditional_keys: |
cond_dict.pop(k, None) |
for k, v in cond_dict.items(): |
if isinstance(v, (float, int, list)): |
v = torch.tensor(v) |
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): |
cond_dict[k] = v.view(1, 1, -1).to(device) |
if k == "emotion": |
cond_dict[k] /= cond_dict[k].sum(dim=-1) |
return cond_dict |