lonestar108's picture
history blame
22.3 kB
import base64
import copy
import functools
import html
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
import yaml
from PIL import Image
import modules.shared as shared
from modules.extensions import apply_extensions
from modules.html_generator import chat_html_wrapper, make_thumbnail
from modules.logging_colors import logger
from modules.text_generation import (
from modules.utils import (
def str_presenter(dumper, data):
Copied from https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/240
Makes pyyaml output prettier multiline strings.
if data.count('\n') > 0:
return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|')
return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data)
yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter)
yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.add_representer(str, str_presenter)
def get_turn_substrings(state, instruct=False):
if instruct:
if 'turn_template' not in state or state['turn_template'] == '':
template = '<|user|>\n<|user-message|>\n<|bot|>\n<|bot-message|>\n'
template = state['turn_template'].replace(r'\n', '\n')
template = '<|user|>: <|user-message|>\n<|bot|>: <|bot-message|>\n'
replacements = {
'<|user|>': state['name1_instruct' if instruct else 'name1'].strip(),
'<|bot|>': state['name2_instruct' if instruct else 'name2'].strip(),
output = {
'user_turn': template.split('<|bot|>')[0],
'bot_turn': '<|bot|>' + template.split('<|bot|>')[1],
'user_turn_stripped': template.split('<|bot|>')[0].split('<|user-message|>')[0],
'bot_turn_stripped': '<|bot|>' + template.split('<|bot|>')[1].split('<|bot-message|>')[0],
for k in output:
output[k] = replace_all(output[k], replacements)
return output
def generate_chat_prompt(user_input, state, **kwargs):
impersonate = kwargs.get('impersonate', False)
_continue = kwargs.get('_continue', False)
also_return_rows = kwargs.get('also_return_rows', False)
history = kwargs.get('history', state['history'])['internal']
is_instruct = state['mode'] == 'instruct'
# Find the maximum prompt size
max_length = get_max_prompt_length(state)
all_substrings = {
'chat': get_turn_substrings(state, instruct=False),
'instruct': get_turn_substrings(state, instruct=True)
substrings = all_substrings['instruct' if is_instruct else 'chat']
# Create the template for "chat-instruct" mode
if state['mode'] == 'chat-instruct':
wrapper = ''
command = state['chat-instruct_command'].replace('<|character|>', state['name2'] if not impersonate else state['name1'])
wrapper += state['context_instruct']
wrapper += all_substrings['instruct']['user_turn'].replace('<|user-message|>', command)
wrapper += all_substrings['instruct']['bot_turn_stripped']
if impersonate:
wrapper += substrings['user_turn_stripped'].rstrip(' ')
elif _continue:
wrapper += apply_extensions('bot_prefix', substrings['bot_turn_stripped'], state)
wrapper += history[-1][1]
wrapper += apply_extensions('bot_prefix', substrings['bot_turn_stripped'].rstrip(' '), state)
wrapper = '<|prompt|>'
if is_instruct:
context = state['context_instruct']
context = replace_character_names(
# Build the prompt
rows = [context]
min_rows = 3
i = len(history) - 1
while i >= 0 and get_encoded_length(wrapper.replace('<|prompt|>', ''.join(rows))) < max_length:
if _continue and i == len(history) - 1:
if state['mode'] != 'chat-instruct':
rows.insert(1, substrings['bot_turn_stripped'] + history[i][1].strip())
rows.insert(1, substrings['bot_turn'].replace('<|bot-message|>', history[i][1].strip()))
string = history[i][0]
if string not in ['', '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>']:
rows.insert(1, replace_all(substrings['user_turn'], {'<|user-message|>': string.strip(), '<|round|>': str(i)}))
i -= 1
if impersonate:
if state['mode'] == 'chat-instruct':
min_rows = 1
min_rows = 2
rows.append(substrings['user_turn_stripped'].rstrip(' '))
elif not _continue:
# Add the user message
if len(user_input) > 0:
rows.append(replace_all(substrings['user_turn'], {'<|user-message|>': user_input.strip(), '<|round|>': str(len(history))}))
# Add the character prefix
if state['mode'] != 'chat-instruct':
rows.append(apply_extensions('bot_prefix', substrings['bot_turn_stripped'].rstrip(' '), state))
while len(rows) > min_rows and get_encoded_length(wrapper.replace('<|prompt|>', ''.join(rows))) >= max_length:
prompt = wrapper.replace('<|prompt|>', ''.join(rows))
if also_return_rows:
return prompt, rows
return prompt
def get_stopping_strings(state):
stopping_strings = []
if state['mode'] in ['instruct', 'chat-instruct']:
stopping_strings += [
state['turn_template'].split('<|user-message|>')[1].split('<|bot|>')[0] + '<|bot|>',
state['turn_template'].split('<|bot-message|>')[1] + '<|user|>'
replacements = {
'<|user|>': state['name1_instruct'],
'<|bot|>': state['name2_instruct']
for i in range(len(stopping_strings)):
stopping_strings[i] = replace_all(stopping_strings[i], replacements).rstrip(' ').replace(r'\n', '\n')
if state['mode'] in ['chat', 'chat-instruct']:
stopping_strings += [
if 'stopping_strings' in state and isinstance(state['stopping_strings'], list):
stopping_strings += state.pop('stopping_strings')
return stopping_strings
def chatbot_wrapper(text, state, regenerate=False, _continue=False, loading_message=True):
history = state['history']
output = copy.deepcopy(history)
output = apply_extensions('history', output)
state = apply_extensions('state', state)
if shared.model_name == 'None' or shared.model is None:
logger.error("No model is loaded! Select one in the Model tab.")
yield output
just_started = True
visible_text = None
stopping_strings = get_stopping_strings(state)
is_stream = state['stream']
# Prepare the input
if not any((regenerate, _continue)):
visible_text = html.escape(text)
# Apply extensions
text, visible_text = apply_extensions('chat_input', text, visible_text, state)
text = apply_extensions('input', text, state, is_chat=True)
# *Is typing...*
if loading_message:
yield {'visible': output['visible'] + [[visible_text, shared.processing_message]], 'internal': output['internal']}
text, visible_text = output['internal'][-1][0], output['visible'][-1][0]
if regenerate:
# *Is typing...*
if loading_message:
yield {'visible': output['visible'] + [[visible_text, shared.processing_message]], 'internal': output['internal']}
elif _continue:
last_reply = [output['internal'][-1][1], output['visible'][-1][1]]
if loading_message:
yield {'visible': output['visible'][:-1] + [[visible_text, last_reply[1] + '...']], 'internal': output['internal']}
# Generate the prompt
kwargs = {
'_continue': _continue,
'history': output,
prompt = apply_extensions('custom_generate_chat_prompt', text, state, **kwargs)
if prompt is None:
prompt = generate_chat_prompt(text, state, **kwargs)
# Generate
reply = None
for j, reply in enumerate(generate_reply(prompt, state, stopping_strings=stopping_strings, is_chat=True)):
# Extract the reply
visible_reply = re.sub("(<USER>|<user>|{{user}})", state['name1'], reply)
visible_reply = html.escape(visible_reply)
if shared.stop_everything:
output['visible'][-1][1] = apply_extensions('output', output['visible'][-1][1], state, is_chat=True)
yield output
if just_started:
just_started = False
if not _continue:
output['internal'].append(['', ''])
output['visible'].append(['', ''])
if _continue:
output['internal'][-1] = [text, last_reply[0] + reply]
output['visible'][-1] = [visible_text, last_reply[1] + visible_reply]
if is_stream:
yield output
elif not (j == 0 and visible_reply.strip() == ''):
output['internal'][-1] = [text, reply.lstrip(' ')]
output['visible'][-1] = [visible_text, visible_reply.lstrip(' ')]
if is_stream:
yield output
output['visible'][-1][1] = apply_extensions('output', output['visible'][-1][1], state, is_chat=True)
yield output
def impersonate_wrapper(text, state):
if shared.model_name == 'None' or shared.model is None:
logger.error("No model is loaded! Select one in the Model tab.")
yield ''
prompt = generate_chat_prompt('', state, impersonate=True)
stopping_strings = get_stopping_strings(state)
yield text + '...'
reply = None
for reply in generate_reply(prompt + text, state, stopping_strings=stopping_strings, is_chat=True):
yield (text + reply).lstrip(' ')
if shared.stop_everything:
def generate_chat_reply(text, state, regenerate=False, _continue=False, loading_message=True):
history = state['history']
if regenerate or _continue:
text = ''
if (len(history['visible']) == 1 and not history['visible'][0][0]) or len(history['internal']) == 0:
yield history
for history in chatbot_wrapper(text, state, regenerate=regenerate, _continue=_continue, loading_message=loading_message):
yield history
# Same as above but returns HTML for the UI
def generate_chat_reply_wrapper(text, state, regenerate=False, _continue=False):
if state['start_with'] != '' and not _continue:
if regenerate:
text, state['history'] = remove_last_message(state['history'])
regenerate = False
_continue = True
send_dummy_message(text, state)
send_dummy_reply(state['start_with'], state)
for i, history in enumerate(generate_chat_reply(text, state, regenerate, _continue, loading_message=True)):
yield chat_html_wrapper(history, state['name1'], state['name2'], state['mode'], state['chat_style']), history
def remove_last_message(history):
if len(history['visible']) > 0 and history['internal'][-1][0] != '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>':
last = history['visible'].pop()
last = ['', '']
return html.unescape(last[0]), history
def send_last_reply_to_input(history):
if len(history['visible']) > 0:
return html.unescape(history['visible'][-1][1])
return ''
def replace_last_reply(text, state):
history = state['history']
if len(text.strip()) == 0:
return history
elif len(history['visible']) > 0:
history['visible'][-1][1] = html.escape(text)
history['internal'][-1][1] = apply_extensions('input', text, state, is_chat=True)
return history
def send_dummy_message(text, state):
history = state['history']
history['visible'].append([html.escape(text), ''])
history['internal'].append([apply_extensions('input', text, state, is_chat=True), ''])
return history
def send_dummy_reply(text, state):
history = state['history']
if len(history['visible']) > 0 and not history['visible'][-1][1] == '':
history['visible'].append(['', ''])
history['internal'].append(['', ''])
history['visible'][-1][1] = html.escape(text)
history['internal'][-1][1] = apply_extensions('input', text, state, is_chat=True)
return history
def clear_chat_log(state):
greeting = replace_character_names(state['greeting'], state['name1'], state['name2'])
mode = state['mode']
history = state['history']
history['visible'] = []
history['internal'] = []
if mode != 'instruct':
if greeting != '':
history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', greeting]]
history['visible'] += [['', apply_extensions('output', greeting, state, is_chat=True)]]
return history
def redraw_html(history, name1, name2, mode, style, reset_cache=False):
return chat_html_wrapper(history, name1, name2, mode, style, reset_cache=reset_cache)
def save_history(history, path=None):
p = path or Path('logs/exported_history.json')
if not p.parent.is_dir():
with open(p, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(history, indent=4))
return p
def load_history(file, history):
file = file.decode('utf-8')
j = json.loads(file)
if 'internal' in j and 'visible' in j:
return j
return history
return history
def save_persistent_history(history, character, mode):
if mode in ['chat', 'chat-instruct'] and character not in ['', 'None', None] and not shared.args.multi_user:
save_history(history, path=Path(f'logs/persistent_{character}.json'))
def load_persistent_history(state):
if shared.session_is_loading:
shared.session_is_loading = False
return state['history']
if state['mode'] == 'instruct':
return state['history']
character = state['character_menu']
greeting = replace_character_names(state['greeting'], state['name1'], state['name2'])
should_load_history = (not shared.args.multi_user and character not in ['None', '', None])
old_p = Path(f'logs/{character}_persistent.json')
p = Path(f'logs/persistent_{character}.json')
if should_load_history and old_p.exists():
logger.warning(f"Renaming {old_p} to {p}")
if should_load_history and p.exists():
f = json.loads(open(p, 'rb').read())
if 'internal' in f and 'visible' in f:
history = f
history = {'internal': [], 'visible': []}
history['internal'] = f['data']
history['visible'] = f['data_visible']
history = {'internal': [], 'visible': []}
if greeting != "":
history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', greeting]]
history['visible'] += [['', apply_extensions('output', greeting, state, is_chat=True)]]
return history
def replace_character_names(text, name1, name2):
text = text.replace('{{user}}', name1).replace('{{char}}', name2)
return text.replace('<USER>', name1).replace('<BOT>', name2)
def generate_pfp_cache(character):
cache_folder = Path("cache")
if not cache_folder.exists():
for path in [Path(f"characters/{character}.{extension}") for extension in ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']]:
if path.exists():
img = make_thumbnail(Image.open(path))
img.save(Path('cache/pfp_character.png'), format='PNG')
return img
return None
def load_character(character, name1, name2, instruct=False):
context = greeting = turn_template = ""
greeting_field = 'greeting'
picture = None
# Delete the profile picture cache, if any
if Path("cache/pfp_character.png").exists() and not instruct:
if instruct:
name1 = name2 = ''
folder = 'instruction-templates'
folder = 'characters'
if character not in ['None', '', None]:
picture = generate_pfp_cache(character)
filepath = None
for extension in ["yml", "yaml", "json"]:
filepath = Path(f'{folder}/{character}.{extension}')
if filepath.exists():
if filepath is None:
logger.error(f"Could not find character file for {character} in {folder} folder. Please check your spelling.")
return name1, name2, picture, greeting, context, turn_template.replace("\n", r"\n")
file_contents = open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
data = json.loads(file_contents) if extension == "json" else yaml.safe_load(file_contents)
# Finding the bot's name
for k in ['name', 'bot', '<|bot|>', 'char_name']:
if k in data and data[k] != '':
name2 = data[k]
# Find the user name (if any)
for k in ['your_name', 'user', '<|user|>']:
if k in data and data[k] != '':
name1 = data[k]
if 'context' in data:
context = data['context']
if not instruct:
context = context.strip() + '\n'
elif "char_persona" in data:
context = build_pygmalion_style_context(data)
greeting_field = 'char_greeting'
if greeting_field in data:
greeting = data[greeting_field]
if 'turn_template' in data:
turn_template = data['turn_template']
context = shared.settings['context']
name2 = shared.settings['name2']
greeting = shared.settings['greeting']
return name1, name2, picture, greeting, context, turn_template.replace("\n", r"\n")
def load_character_memoized(character, name1, name2, instruct=False):
return load_character(character, name1, name2, instruct=instruct)
def upload_character(file, img, tavern=False):
decoded_file = file if type(file) == str else file.decode('utf-8')
data = json.loads(decoded_file)
data = yaml.safe_load(decoded_file)
if 'char_name' in data:
name = data['char_name']
greeting = data['char_greeting']
context = build_pygmalion_style_context(data)
yaml_data = generate_character_yaml(name, greeting, context)
name = data['name']
yaml_data = generate_character_yaml(data['name'], data['greeting'], data['context'])
outfile_name = name
i = 1
while Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.yaml').exists():
outfile_name = f'{name}_{i:03d}'
i += 1
with open(Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.yaml'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
if img is not None:
logger.info(f'New character saved to "characters/{outfile_name}.yaml".')
return gr.update(value=outfile_name, choices=get_available_characters())
def build_pygmalion_style_context(data):
context = ""
if 'char_persona' in data and data['char_persona'] != '':
context += f"{data['char_name']}'s Persona: {data['char_persona']}\n"
if 'world_scenario' in data and data['world_scenario'] != '':
context += f"Scenario: {data['world_scenario']}\n"
if 'example_dialogue' in data and data['example_dialogue'] != '':
context += f"{data['example_dialogue'].strip()}\n"
context = f"{context.strip()}\n"
return context
def upload_tavern_character(img, _json):
_json = {'char_name': _json['name'], 'char_persona': _json['description'], 'char_greeting': _json['first_mes'], 'example_dialogue': _json['mes_example'], 'world_scenario': _json['scenario']}
return upload_character(json.dumps(_json), img, tavern=True)
def check_tavern_character(img):
if "chara" not in img.info:
return "Not a TavernAI card", None, None, gr.update(interactive=False)
decoded_string = base64.b64decode(img.info['chara']).replace(b'\\r\\n', b'\\n')
_json = json.loads(decoded_string)
if "data" in _json:
_json = _json["data"]
return _json['name'], _json['description'], _json, gr.update(interactive=True)
def upload_your_profile_picture(img):
cache_folder = Path("cache")
if not cache_folder.exists():
if img is None:
if Path("cache/pfp_me.png").exists():
img = make_thumbnail(img)
logger.info('Profile picture saved to "cache/pfp_me.png"')
def generate_character_yaml(name, greeting, context):
data = {
'name': name,
'greeting': greeting,
'context': context,
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v} # Strip falsy
return yaml.dump(data, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf"))
def generate_instruction_template_yaml(user, bot, context, turn_template):
data = {
'user': user,
'bot': bot,
'turn_template': turn_template,
'context': context,
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v} # Strip falsy
return yaml.dump(data, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf"))
def save_character(name, greeting, context, picture, filename):
if filename == "":
logger.error("The filename is empty, so the character will not be saved.")
data = generate_character_yaml(name, greeting, context)
filepath = Path(f'characters/{filename}.yaml')
save_file(filepath, data)
path_to_img = Path(f'characters/{filename}.png')
if picture is not None:
logger.info(f'Saved {path_to_img}.')
def delete_character(name, instruct=False):
for extension in ["yml", "yaml", "json"]: