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// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
import * as flatbuffers from 'flatbuffers';
import { TimeUnit } from './time-unit.js';
* Timestamp is a 64-bit signed integer representing an elapsed time since a
* fixed epoch, stored in either of four units: seconds, milliseconds,
* microseconds or nanoseconds, and is optionally annotated with a timezone.
* Timestamp values do not include any leap seconds (in other words, all
* days are considered 86400 seconds long).
* Timestamps with a non-empty timezone
* ------------------------------------
* If a Timestamp column has a non-empty timezone value, its epoch is
* 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (January 1st 1970, midnight) in the *UTC* timezone
* (the Unix epoch), regardless of the Timestamp's own timezone.
* Therefore, timestamp values with a non-empty timezone correspond to
* physical points in time together with some additional information about
* how the data was obtained and/or how to display it (the timezone).
* For example, the timestamp value 0 with the timezone string "Europe/Paris"
* corresponds to "January 1st 1970, 00h00" in the UTC timezone, but the
* application may prefer to display it as "January 1st 1970, 01h00" in
* the Europe/Paris timezone (which is the same physical point in time).
* One consequence is that timestamp values with a non-empty timezone
* can be compared and ordered directly, since they all share the same
* well-known point of reference (the Unix epoch).
* Timestamps with an unset / empty timezone
* -----------------------------------------
* If a Timestamp column has no timezone value, its epoch is
* 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (January 1st 1970, midnight) in an *unknown* timezone.
* Therefore, timestamp values without a timezone cannot be meaningfully
* interpreted as physical points in time, but only as calendar / clock
* indications ("wall clock time") in an unspecified timezone.
* For example, the timestamp value 0 with an empty timezone string
* corresponds to "January 1st 1970, 00h00" in an unknown timezone: there
* is not enough information to interpret it as a well-defined physical
* point in time.
* One consequence is that timestamp values without a timezone cannot
* be reliably compared or ordered, since they may have different points of
* reference. In particular, it is *not* possible to interpret an unset
* or empty timezone as the same as "UTC".
* Conversion between timezones
* ----------------------------
* If a Timestamp column has a non-empty timezone, changing the timezone
* to a different non-empty value is a metadata-only operation:
* the timestamp values need not change as their point of reference remains
* the same (the Unix epoch).
* However, if a Timestamp column has no timezone value, changing it to a
* non-empty value requires to think about the desired semantics.
* One possibility is to assume that the original timestamp values are
* relative to the epoch of the timezone being set; timestamp values should
* then adjusted to the Unix epoch (for example, changing the timezone from
* empty to "Europe/Paris" would require converting the timestamp values
* from "Europe/Paris" to "UTC", which seems counter-intuitive but is
* nevertheless correct).
* Guidelines for encoding data from external libraries
* ----------------------------------------------------
* Date & time libraries often have multiple different data types for temporal
* data. In order to ease interoperability between different implementations the
* Arrow project has some recommendations for encoding these types into a Timestamp
* column.
* An "instant" represents a physical point in time that has no relevant timezone
* (for example, astronomical data). To encode an instant, use a Timestamp with
* the timezone string set to "UTC", and make sure the Timestamp values
* are relative to the UTC epoch (January 1st 1970, midnight).
* A "zoned date-time" represents a physical point in time annotated with an
* informative timezone (for example, the timezone in which the data was
* recorded). To encode a zoned date-time, use a Timestamp with the timezone
* string set to the name of the timezone, and make sure the Timestamp values
* are relative to the UTC epoch (January 1st 1970, midnight).
* (There is some ambiguity between an instant and a zoned date-time with the
* UTC timezone. Both of these are stored the same in Arrow. Typically,
* this distinction does not matter. If it does, then an application should
* use custom metadata or an extension type to distinguish between the two cases.)
* An "offset date-time" represents a physical point in time combined with an
* explicit offset from UTC. To encode an offset date-time, use a Timestamp
* with the timezone string set to the numeric timezone offset string
* (e.g. "+03:00"), and make sure the Timestamp values are relative to
* the UTC epoch (January 1st 1970, midnight).
* A "naive date-time" (also called "local date-time" in some libraries)
* represents a wall clock time combined with a calendar date, but with
* no indication of how to map this information to a physical point in time.
* Naive date-times must be handled with care because of this missing
* information, and also because daylight saving time (DST) may make
* some values ambiguous or non-existent. A naive date-time may be
* stored as a struct with Date and Time fields. However, it may also be
* encoded into a Timestamp column with an empty timezone. The timestamp
* values should be computed "as if" the timezone of the date-time values
* was UTC; for example, the naive date-time "January 1st 1970, 00h00" would
* be encoded as timestamp value 0.
export class Timestamp {
bb: flatbuffers.ByteBuffer|null = null;
bb_pos = 0;
__init(i:number, bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer):Timestamp {
this.bb_pos = i; = bb;
return this;
static getRootAsTimestamp(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer, obj?:Timestamp):Timestamp {
return (obj || new Timestamp()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
static getSizePrefixedRootAsTimestamp(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer, obj?:Timestamp):Timestamp {
bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH);
return (obj || new Timestamp()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
unit():TimeUnit {
const offset =!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ?!.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset) : TimeUnit.SECOND;
* The timezone is an optional string indicating the name of a timezone,
* one of:
* * As used in the Olson timezone database (the "tz database" or
* "tzdata"), such as "America/New_York".
* * An absolute timezone offset of the form "+XX:XX" or "-XX:XX",
* such as "+07:30".
* Whether a timezone string is present indicates different semantics about
* the data (see above).
timezone(optionalEncoding?:any):string|Uint8Array|null {
const offset =!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ?!.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null;
static startTimestamp(builder:flatbuffers.Builder) {
static addUnit(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, unit:TimeUnit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, TimeUnit.SECOND);
static addTimezone(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, timezoneOffset:flatbuffers.Offset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, timezoneOffset, 0);
static endTimestamp(builder:flatbuffers.Builder):flatbuffers.Offset {
const offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createTimestamp(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, unit:TimeUnit, timezoneOffset:flatbuffers.Offset):flatbuffers.Offset {
Timestamp.addUnit(builder, unit);
Timestamp.addTimezone(builder, timezoneOffset);
return Timestamp.endTimestamp(builder);