Runtime error
Runtime error
# Bissmillah | |
# | |
# | |
import streamlit as st | |
import os | |
from os import listdir | |
import wget | |
from PIL import Image | |
import io | |
import numpy as np | |
import cv2 | |
import itertools | |
import sys | |
from deepface import DeepFace | |
def load_model(): | |
wpath = 'test_detection/yolov5/weights/' | |
if not os.path.exists(wpath): | |
#st.write('path didnt exist, so creation ! ') | |
#os.system("python pip uninstall opencv-python") | |
os.system("python -m pip install numpy torch pandas Pillow opencv-python-headless PyYAML>=5.3.1 torchvision>=0.8.1 matplotlib seaborn>=0.11.0 easydict") | |
with st.spinner('Downloading model weights for crowdhuman_yolov5m'): | |
#os.system('wget -O yolov5/weights/') | |
os.system('wget -nc -O test_detection/yolov5/weights/') | |
#st.write('in function load_model', os.listdir('yolov5/weights/')) | |
else: | |
#st.write('path alredy exist, so no creation ! ') | |
print("Model is here.") | |
#=================================================================================== | |
# Ft saving uploaded video to directory | |
def save_uploaded_vid(uploadedfile): | |
with open(os.path.join("test_detection/data",,"wb") as f: | |
f.write(uploadedfile.getbuffer()) | |
return #st.success("Video saved in data dir ") | |
#@st.cache(ttl=3600, max_entries=10) | |
def load_output_video(vid): | |
if isinstance(vid, str): | |
video = open(vid, 'rb') | |
else: | |
video = | |
vname = | |
save_uploaded_vid(vid) | |
return video | |
def starter(): | |
st.image('test_detection/data/LOGOGlob.png', width = 400) | |
st.title("Test of Person detection") | |
st.text("") | |
st.text("") | |
#st.success("Welcome! Please upload a video!") | |
args = { 'ParisManif' : 'ParisManif.mp4' } | |
vid_upload = st.file_uploader(label= 'Welcome! Please upload a video! ', type = ['mp4', 'avi']) | |
vid_open = "test_detection/data/"+args['ParisManif'] if vid_upload is None else vid_upload | |
vname = args['ParisManif'] if vid_upload is None else | |
video = load_output_video(vid_open) | | | |
vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture( "test_detection/data/"+vname) | |
#frames = cv.get_frames("data/"+vname) | |
success, frame0 = | |
frame0 = cv2.cvtColor(frame0, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
#st.write('shape of frame 01 : ', frame0.shape) | |
return vname, frame0 | |
#=================================================================================== | |
def prediction(vname): | |
vpath='test_detection/data/'+vname | |
wpath = 'test_detection/yolov5/weights/' | |
if os.path.exists(wpath): | |
with st.spinner('Running detection...'): | |
os.system("python test_detection/ --yolo_weights test_detection/yolov5/weights/ --img 352 --save-vid --save-txt --classes 1 --conf-thres 0.4 --source " + vpath) | |
os.system("ffmpeg -i inference/output/"+vname + " -vcodec libx264 -y inference/output/output_"+vname) | |
path = 'inference/output/output_'+vname | |
if os.path.exists(path): | |
video_file = open(path, 'rb') | |
video_bytes = | | | |
#=================================================================================== | |
def extract_heads(filepath, frame0): | |
nbperson = 0 | |
listhead = [] | |
if os.path.exists(filepath): | |
#st.write("filepath : ", filepath) | |
array_from_file = np.loadtxt(filepath, dtype=int) | |
#st.write('np of array load : ', array_from_file.shape) | |
array_from_file = np.delete(array_from_file,np.s_[7:10], axis=1) | |
nbperson = np.unique(array_from_file[:,1]).shape[0] | |
st.subheader('Display some detected heads :') | |
st.write(' Number of detected heads : ', nbperson ) | |
rows = 5 | |
cols = 10 | |
nbheads = rows*cols | |
frame = frame0 | |
cont = array_from_file | |
for a in range(nbheads): | |
numh = a | |
head = frame[cont[numh][3]:cont[numh][3]+cont[numh][5],cont[numh][2]:cont[numh][2]+cont[numh][4],:] | |
listhead.append(head) | |
#st.write('Len of liste heads : ', len(listhead)) | |
return nbperson, listhead | |
#********************************************************************************************* | |
def display_heads_(nbperson, listhead): | |
rows_ = 10 | |
cols_ = 5 | |
k = 0 | |
for i in range(1, rows_): | |
cols = st.columns(cols_) | |
for j in range(1, cols_): | |
k = k + 1 | |
cols[j].header("Person " + str(k)) | |
cols[j].image(listhead[k], use_column_width=True, width=150, caption = str(k) ) | |
return | |
#********************************************************************************************* | |
#=================================================================================== | |
def main(): | |
vname, frame0 = starter() | |
#st.write('vname befor prediction ',vname) | |
nbperson = 0 | |
if st.button('Heads detection!'): | |
prediction(vname) | |
filepath = 'inference/output/'+vname | |
filepath = filepath[:-3]+'txt' | |
#st.write('filepath : ',filepath) | |
st.success("Click again to retry or try a different video by uploading") | |
nbperson, listhead = extract_heads(filepath, frame0) | |
display_heads_(nbperson, listhead) | |
st.subheader('Continue to face analysis :') | |
obj = DeepFace.analyze(img_path = listhead[1], actions = ['age', 'gender'], enforce_detection=False) | |
st.write('age : ', obj['age'], 'gender : ', obj['gender']) | |
return | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
os.system('git clone --recurse-submodules') | |
load_model() | |
st.write("bismillah") | |
print("Bismillah") | |
main() | |