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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from mmengine import mkdir_or_exist
class BaseDatasetConfigGenerator:
"""Base class for dataset config generator.
data_root (str): The root path of the dataset.
task (str): The task of the dataset.
dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset.
overwrite_cfg (bool): Whether to overwrite the dataset config file if
it already exists. If False, config generator will not generate new
config for datasets whose configs are already in base.
train_anns (List[Dict], optional): A list of train annotation files
to appear in the base configs. Defaults to None.
Each element is typically a dict with the following fields:
- ann_file (str): The path to the annotation file relative to
- dataset_postfix (str, optional): Affects the postfix of the
resulting variable in the generated config. If specified, the
dataset variable will be named in the form of
``{dataset_name}_{dataset_postfix}_{task}_{split}``. Defaults to
val_anns (List[Dict], optional): A list of val annotation files
to appear in the base configs, similar to ``train_anns``. Defaults
to None.
test_anns (List[Dict], optional): A list of test annotation files
to appear in the base configs, similar to ``train_anns``. Defaults
to None.
config_path (str): Path to the configs. Defaults to 'configs/'.
def __init__(
data_root: str,
task: str,
dataset_name: str,
overwrite_cfg: bool = False,
train_anns: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
val_anns: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
test_anns: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
config_path: str = 'configs/',
) -> None:
self.config_path = config_path
self.data_root = data_root
self.task = task
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.overwrite_cfg = overwrite_cfg
self._prepare_anns(train_anns, val_anns, test_anns)
def _prepare_anns(self, train_anns: Optional[List[Dict]],
val_anns: Optional[List[Dict]],
test_anns: Optional[List[Dict]]) -> None:
"""Preprocess input arguments and stores these information into
``self.anns`` is a dict that maps the name of a dataset config variable
to a dict, which contains the following fields:
- ann_file (str): The path to the annotation file relative to
- split (str): The split the annotation belongs to. Usually
it can be 'train', 'val' and 'test'.
- dataset_postfix (str, optional): Affects the postfix of the
resulting variable in the generated config. If specified, the
dataset variable will be named in the form of
``{dataset_name}_{dataset_postfix}_{task}_{split}``. Defaults to
self.anns = {}
for split, ann_list in zip(('train', 'val', 'test'),
(train_anns, val_anns, test_anns)):
if ann_list is None:
if not isinstance(ann_list, list):
raise ValueError(f'{split}_anns must be either a list or'
' None!')
for ann_dict in ann_list:
assert 'ann_file' in ann_dict
suffix = ann_dict['ann_file'].split('.')[-1]
if suffix == 'json':
dataset_type = 'OCRDataset'
elif suffix == 'lmdb':
assert self.task == 'textrecog', \
'LMDB format only works for textrecog now.'
dataset_type = 'RecogLMDBDataset'
raise NotImplementedError(
'ann file only supports JSON file or LMDB file')
ann_dict['dataset_type'] = dataset_type
if ann_dict.get('dataset_postfix', ''):
key = f'{self.dataset_name}_{ann_dict["dataset_postfix"]}_{self.task}_{split}' # noqa
key = f'{self.dataset_name}_{self.task}_{split}'
ann_dict['split'] = split
if key in self.anns:
raise ValueError(
f'Duplicate dataset variable {key} found! '
'Please use different dataset_postfix to avoid '
self.anns[key] = ann_dict
def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Generates the base dataset config."""
dataset_config = self._gen_dataset_config()
cfg_path = osp.join(self.config_path, self.task, '_base_', 'datasets',
if osp.exists(cfg_path) and not self.overwrite_cfg:
print(f'{cfg_path} found, skipping.')
with open(cfg_path, 'w') as f:
f'{self.dataset_name}_{self.task}_data_root = \'{self.data_root}\'\n' # noqa: E501
def _gen_dataset_config(self) -> str:
"""Generate a full dataset config based on the annotation file
str: The generated dataset config.