Runtime error
Runtime error
[project] | |
name = "HibiAPI" | |
version = "0.8.0" | |
description = "A program that implements easy-to-use APIs for a variety of commonly used sites" | |
readme = "" | |
license = { text = "Apache-2.0" } | |
authors = [{ name = "mixmoe", email = "" }] | |
requires-python = ">=3.9,<4.0" | |
dependencies = [ | |
"fastapi>=0.110.2", | |
"httpx[http2]>=0.27.0", | |
"uvicorn[standard]>=0.29.0", | |
"confuse>=2.0.1", | |
"loguru>=0.7.2", | |
"python-dotenv>=1.0.1", | |
"qrcode[pil]>=7.4.2", | |
"pycryptodomex>=3.20.0", | |
"sentry-sdk>=1.45.0", | |
"pydantic<2.0.0,>=1.9.0", | |
"python-multipart>=0.0.9", | |
"cashews[diskcache,redis]>=7.0.2", | |
"typing-extensions>=4.11.0", | |
"typer[all]>=0.12.3", | |
] | |
[project.urls] | |
homepage = "" | |
repository = "" | |
documentation = "" | |
[project.optional-dependencies] | |
scripts = ["pyqt6>=6.6.1", "pyqt6-webengine>=6.6.0", "requests>=2.31.0"] | |
[project.scripts] | |
hibiapi = "hibiapi.__main__:cli" | |
[build-system] | |
requires = ["pdm-backend"] | |
build-backend = "pdm.backend" | |
[] | |
dev = [ | |
"pytest>=8.1.1", | |
"pytest-httpserver>=1.0.10", | |
"pytest-cov>=5.0.0", | |
"pytest-benchmark>=4.0.0", | |
"pytest-pretty>=1.2.0", | |
"ruff>=0.4.1", | |
] | |
[] | |
includes = [] | |
[tool.pdm.scripts] | |
test = """pytest \ | |
--cov ./hibiapi/ \ | |
--cov-report xml \ | |
--cov-report term-missing \ | |
./test""" | |
start = "hibiapi run" | |
lint = "ruff check" | |
[tool.pyright] | |
typeCheckingMode = "standard" | |
[tool.ruff] | | = [ | |
# pycodestyle | |
"E", | |
# Pyflakes | |
"F", | |
# pyupgrade | |
"UP", | |
# flake8-bugbear | |
"B", | |
# flake8-simplify | |
"SIM", | |
# isort | |
"I", | |
] | |
target-version = "py39" | |