"use client" |
import { Suspense, useEffect, useRef, useState, useTransition } from "react" |
import { useLocalStorage } from "usehooks-ts" |
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" |
import { fonts } from "@/lib/fonts" |
import { GeneratedPanel } from "@/types" |
import { joinWords } from "@/lib/joinWords" |
import { useDynamicConfig } from "@/lib/useDynamicConfig" |
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button" |
import { TopMenu } from "./interface/top-menu" |
import { useStore } from "./store" |
import { Zoom } from "./interface/zoom" |
import { BottomBar } from "./interface/bottom-bar" |
import { Page } from "./interface/page" |
import { getStoryContinuation } from "./queries/getStoryContinuation" |
import { localStorageKeys } from "./interface/settings-dialog/localStorageKeys" |
import { defaultSettings } from "./interface/settings-dialog/defaultSettings" |
import { SignUpCTA } from "./interface/sign-up-cta" |
import { sleep } from "@/lib/sleep" |
export default function Main() { |
const [_isPending, startTransition] = useTransition() |
const { config, isConfigReady } = useDynamicConfig() |
const isGeneratingStory = useStore(s => s.isGeneratingStory) |
const setGeneratingStory = useStore(s => s.setGeneratingStory) |
const font = useStore(s => s.font) |
const preset = useStore(s => s.preset) |
const prompt = useStore(s => s.prompt) |
const currentNbPages = useStore(s => s.currentNbPages) |
const maxNbPages = useStore(s => s.maxNbPages) |
const previousNbPanels = useStore(s => s.previousNbPanels) |
const currentNbPanels = useStore(s => s.currentNbPanels) |
const maxNbPanels = useStore(s => s.maxNbPanels) |
const setCurrentNbPanelsPerPage = useStore(s => s.setCurrentNbPanelsPerPage) |
const setMaxNbPanelsPerPage = useStore(s => s.setMaxNbPanelsPerPage) |
const setCurrentNbPages = useStore(s => s.setCurrentNbPages) |
const setMaxNbPages = useStore(s => s.setMaxNbPages) |
const panels = useStore(s => s.panels) |
const setPanels = useStore(s => s.setPanels) |
const renderedScenes = useStore(s => s.renderedScenes) |
const captions = useStore(s => s.captions) |
const setCaptions = useStore(s => s.setCaptions) |
const zoomLevel = useStore(s => s.zoomLevel) |
const [waitABitMore, setWaitABitMore] = useState(false) |
const [userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages, setUserDefinedMaxNumberOfPages] = useLocalStorage<number>( |
localStorageKeys.userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages, |
defaultSettings.userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages |
) |
const numberOfPanels = Object.keys(panels).length |
const panelGenerationStatus = useStore(state => state.panelGenerationStatus) |
const allStatus = Object.values(panelGenerationStatus) |
const numberOfPendingGenerations = allStatus.reduce((acc, s) => (acc + (s ? 1 : 0)), 0) |
const hasAtLeastOnePage = numberOfPanels > 0 |
const hasNoPendingGeneration = |
numberOfPendingGenerations === 0 |
const hasStillMorePagesToGenerate = |
currentNbPages < maxNbPages |
const showNextPageButton = |
hasAtLeastOnePage && |
hasNoPendingGeneration && |
hasStillMorePagesToGenerate |
useEffect(() => { |
if (maxNbPages !== userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages) { |
setMaxNbPages(userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages) |
} |
}, [maxNbPages, userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages]) |
const ref = useRef({ |
existingPanels: [] as GeneratedPanel[], |
newPanelsPrompts: [] as string[], |
newCaptions: [] as string[], |
prompt: "", |
preset: "", |
}) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (isConfigReady) { |
setCurrentNbPanelsPerPage(config.nbPanelsPerPage) |
setMaxNbPanelsPerPage(config.nbPanelsPerPage) |
} |
}, [JSON.stringify(config), isConfigReady]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!prompt) { return } |
if ( |
prompt !== ref.current.prompt || |
preset?.label !== ref.current.preset) { |
ref.current = { |
existingPanels: [], |
newPanelsPrompts: [], |
newCaptions: [], |
prompt, |
preset: preset?.label || "", |
} |
} |
startTransition(async () => { |
setWaitABitMore(false) |
setGeneratingStory(true) |
const [stylePrompt, userStoryPrompt] = prompt.split("||").map(x => x.trim()) |
let limitedStylePrompt = stylePrompt.trim().slice(0, 77).trim() |
if (limitedStylePrompt.length !== stylePrompt.length) { |
console.log("Sorry folks, the style prompt was cut to:", limitedStylePrompt) |
} |
const lightPanelPromptPrefix: string = joinWords(preset.imagePrompt(limitedStylePrompt)) |
const degradedPanelPromptPrefix: string = joinWords([ |
...preset.imagePrompt(limitedStylePrompt), |
userStoryPrompt |
]) |
const nbPanelsToGenerate = 2 |
for ( |
let currentPanel = previousNbPanels; |
currentPanel < currentNbPanels; |
currentPanel += nbPanelsToGenerate |
) { |
try { |
const candidatePanels = await getStoryContinuation({ |
preset, |
stylePrompt, |
userStoryPrompt, |
nbPanelsToGenerate, |
maxNbPanels, |
existingPanels: ref.current.existingPanels, |
}) |
ref.current.existingPanels.push(...candidatePanels) |
const startAt = currentPanel |
const endAt = currentPanel + nbPanelsToGenerate |
for (let p = startAt; p < endAt; p++) { |
ref.current.newCaptions.push(ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.caption.trim() || "...") |
const newPanel = joinWords([ |
ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.instructions |
? lightPanelPromptPrefix |
: degradedPanelPromptPrefix, |
ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.instructions || "" |
]) |
ref.current.newPanelsPrompts.push(newPanel) |
console.log(`main.tsx: image prompt for panel ${p} => "${newPanel}"`) |
} |
setCaptions(ref.current.newCaptions) |
setPanels(ref.current.newPanelsPrompts) |
setGeneratingStory(false) |
} catch (err) { |
console.log("main.tsx: LLM generation failed:", err) |
setGeneratingStory(false) |
break |
} |
if (currentPanel > (currentNbPanels / 2)) { |
console.log("main.tsx: we are halfway there, hold tight!") |
} |
} |
}) |
}, [ |
prompt, |
preset?.label, |
previousNbPanels, |
currentNbPanels, |
maxNbPanels |
]) |
return ( |
<Suspense> |
<TopMenu /> |
<div className={cn( |
`flex items-start w-screen h-screen pt-24 md:pt-[72px] overflow-y-scroll`, |
`transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out`, |
zoomLevel > 105 ? `px-0` : `pl-1 pr-8 md:pl-16 md:pr-16`, |
// important: in "print" mode we need to allow going out of the screen |
`print:pt-0 print:px-0 print:pl-0 print:pr-0 print:h-auto print:w-auto print:overflow-visible`, |
fonts.actionman.className |
)}> |
<div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col w-full`, |
zoomLevel > 105 ? `items-start` : `items-center` |
)}> |
<div |
className={cn( |
`comic-page`, |
`grid grid-cols-1`, |
currentNbPages > 1 ? `md:grid-cols-2` : ``, |
// spaces between pages |
`gap-x-3 gap-y-4 md:gap-x-8 lg:gap-x-12 xl:gap-x-16`, |
// when printed |
`print:gap-x-3 print:gap-y-4 print:grid-cols-1`, |
)} |
style={{ |
width: `${zoomLevel}%` |
}}> |
{Array(currentNbPages).fill(0).map((_, i) => <Page key={i} page={i} />)} |
</div> |
{ |
showNextPageButton && |
<div className={cn( |
`flex flex-col space-y-2 pt-2 pb-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-600`, |
`print:hidden` |
)}> |
<div>Happy with your story?</div> |
<div>You can <Button onClick={() => { |
setCurrentNbPages(currentNbPages + 1) |
}}>Add page {currentNbPages + 1} 👀</Button></div> |
</div> |
} |
</div> |
</div> |
<SignUpCTA /> |
<Zoom /> |
<BottomBar /> |
<div className={cn( |
`print:hidden`, |
`z-20 fixed inset-0`, |
`flex flex-row items-center justify-center`, |
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
isGeneratingStory |
? `bg-zinc-50/30 backdrop-blur-md` |
: `bg-zinc-50/0 backdrop-blur-none pointer-events-none`, |
fonts.actionman.className |
)}> |
<div className={cn( |
`text-center text-xl text-stone-700 w-[70%]`, |
isGeneratingStory ? ``: `scale-0 opacity-0`, |
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
)}> |
{waitABitMore ? `Story is ready, but server is a bit busy!`: 'Generating a new story..'}<br/> |
{waitABitMore ? `Please hold tight..` : ''} |
</div> |
</div> |
</Suspense> |
) |
} |