Phase2/HuyDN: Optimization speed and fix bugs
history blame contribute delete
No virus
3.47 kB
import uuid
import pytz
import io
import os
from app.configs.database import firebase_bucket, firebase_db
from docx import Document
from datetime import datetime
from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredPDFLoader
# CRUD operation
def upload_file_cvs(file_path):
# upload file to firebase storage from file_path
name_file = file_path.split("/")[-1]
blob = firebase_bucket.blob(name_file)
# return gs link
return f"gs://{}/{name_file}"
def remove_file_cvs(file_url):
# remove file from firebase storage using "gs://" link
blob = firebase_bucket.blob(file_url.split(f"gs://{}/")[1])
return True
def file_cv_doc2text(file_path):
# Read the .docx file from file
doc = Document(file_path)
# Extract text from the .docx file
text = ""
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
text += paragraph.text + "\n"
return text
# def load cv from docx file
def file_cv_pdf2text(file_path):
# Read the .pdf file from the BytesIO object
loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(file_path)
json_result = loader.load()
# take page_content from json_result
page_content = json_result[0].page_content
return page_content
def get_cv_content_by_id(id_cv):
# Get a document by id
doc = firebase_db.collection("cvs").document(id_cv).get()
return doc.to_dict()["cv_content"]
def get_all_cvs():
# Get all documents from the collection
docs = firebase_db.collection("cvs").stream()
data = []
for doc in docs:
doc_data = doc.to_dict()
doc_data["id_cv"] =
return data
def get_cv_by_id(id):
# Get a document by id
doc = firebase_db.collection("cvs").document(id).get()
return doc.to_dict()
def create_cv(data):
# get file_cv
file_cv = data["cv_content"]
# rename file name to uuid
re_name_file = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-","_") + "_" + file_cv.filename
# save uploaded file to tmp folder
cache_path = f"tmp/{re_name_file}"
with open(cache_path, "wb") as buffer:
# take file_cv and cv_upload type file
file_cv_type = file_cv.filename.split(".")[-1]
cv_text = ""
if file_cv_type == "pdf":
cv_text = file_cv_pdf2text(cache_path)
elif file_cv_type == "docx":
cv_text = file_cv_doc2text(cache_path)
return False
# upload file to firebase storage
cv_uploaded_url = upload_file_cvs(cache_path)
# delete file in tmp folder
# Get the current time in UTC
utc_now = datetime.utcnow()
# Specify the Vietnam time zone
vietnam_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh')
# Convert the current time to Vietnam time zone
vietnam_now = utc_now.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(vietnam_timezone).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# add file url to data
data["cv_url"] = cv_uploaded_url
# add cv_content
data["cv_content"] = cv_text
# add created_at
data["created_at"] = vietnam_now
# Create a new document
return True
def delete_cv(id):
# Delete a file from firebase storage
file_url = get_cv_by_id(id)["cv_url"]
# Delete a document by id
return True