March07's picture
add transferability information
"dataset": "cola",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 80.5,
"origin_prompt": "Examine the sentence and decide if its grammar is 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'.",
"atk_acc": 39.5,
"atk_prompt": "Exams the sentence and defining if its jargon is 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 85.9,
"transfer_atk_acc": 83.1
"dataset": "cola",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 81.0,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a syntax analyzer, examine the grammar of the provided sentence and decide if it is correct, answering with 'acceptable' for grammatically correct sentences or 'unacceptable' for incorrect ones.",
"atk_acc": 76.0,
"atk_prompt": "Across the role of a syntax analyzer, examine the dictionary of the provided chastisement and decide if it is adequate, answered with 'acceptable' for grammatically correct sentences or 'unacceptable' for deceptive ones. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 86.5,
"transfer_atk_acc": 87.0
"dataset": "mrpc",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 73.0,
"origin_prompt": "Assess if the two given sentences have equivalent meanings by selecting 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 59.0,
"atk_prompt": "Appraisal if the two accorded sentences enjoys equivalent connotation by choice 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 84.06862745098039,
"transfer_atk_acc": 85.04901960784314
"dataset": "mrpc",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 71.5,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a textual comparison specialist, examine the given sentences and decide if they share the same meaning, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 57.0,
"atk_prompt": "De the role of a textual comparisons scholar, revisited the given sentences and decide if they exchange the same feel, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 87.00980392156863,
"transfer_atk_acc": 86.02941176470588
"dataset": "qnli",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 84.5,
"origin_prompt": "Examine the context and question, and determine if the context logically implies the answer by selecting 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 63.5,
"atk_prompt": "Discuss the background and question, and determine if the framework intuitively presupposes the answer by akhtar 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.5,
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.7
"dataset": "qnli",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 85.5,
"origin_prompt": "As a textual analyst, examine if the given context logically implies the answer to the question and indicate your decision with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 68.5,
"atk_prompt": "Iike a textual analyst, analyze if the submitted regard rationally implies the replies to the issuing and indicates your clout with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.2,
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.0
"dataset": "qqp",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 83.5,
"origin_prompt": "Determine if the given pair of statements can be considered the same by responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 80.0,
"atk_prompt": "Determine if the given pair of representations can constitute felt the same by responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 88.8,
"transfer_atk_acc": 88.8
"dataset": "qqp",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 83.0,
"origin_prompt": "Acting as a question equivalence instrument, determine if the provided questions are equivalent in meaning, answering with 'equivalent' for similar questions or 'not_equivalent' for dissimilar ones.",
"atk_acc": 80.0,
"atk_prompt": "Interim as a issues equivalence instrument, determine if the provided aspects are equivalent in meaning, answering with 'equivalent' for selfsame questions or 'not_equivalent' for dissimilar ones. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 88.6,
"transfer_atk_acc": 88.4
"dataset": "rte",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 84.5,
"origin_prompt": "Does the relationship between the given sentences represent entailment or not_entailment? Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 79.5,
"atk_prompt": "Do the coitus between the given sentences comprised entailment or not_entailment? Meet with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 93.86281588447653,
"transfer_atk_acc": 93.14079422382672
"dataset": "rte",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 83.0,
"origin_prompt": "As an entailment identification system, examine the connection between the following sentences and respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 79.5,
"atk_prompt": "As an entailment identification system, revisited the connection between the following sentences and respondent with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 92.7797833935018,
"transfer_atk_acc": 92.7797833935018
"dataset": "sst2",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 96.0,
"origin_prompt": "Read the provided excerpt and choose between 'positive' and 'negative' to describe its sentiment.",
"atk_acc": 85.0,
"atk_prompt": "Lu the rendered excerpt and withheld between 'positive' and 'negative' to describe its foreboding. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 96.67431192660551,
"transfer_atk_acc": 96.78899082568807
"dataset": "sst2",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 97.5,
"origin_prompt": "Emulating a sentiment classification system, indicate whether the provided text is 'positive' or 'negative'.",
"atk_acc": 91.5,
"atk_prompt": "Emulating a ambience classification mechanisms, describe whether the presented writings is 'positive' or 'negative'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 96.55963302752293,
"transfer_atk_acc": 96.67431192660551
"dataset": "wnli",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 69.01,
"origin_prompt": "Indicate if the connection between the following sentences is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 59.15,
"atk_prompt": "Indicate if the connection between the subsequently sentences is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 76.05633802816901,
"transfer_atk_acc": 76.05633802816901
"dataset": "wnli",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 66.2,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a semantic relationship analyzer, examine the connection between the given sentences and decide if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 57.75,
"atk_prompt": "In the role of a semantic contacts analyzer, analysed the connecting between the given sentences and choose if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 76.05633802816901,
"transfer_atk_acc": 74.64788732394366
"dataset": "mmlu",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 67.0,
"origin_prompt": "Please respond to the multiple-choice question about {} by selecting the appropriate answer: 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"atk_acc": 60.0,
"atk_prompt": "Asking reactions to the multiple-choice question about {} by selecting the appropriate reacts: 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 53.36879432624113,
"transfer_atk_acc": 52.659574468085104
"dataset": "mmlu",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 66.0,
"origin_prompt": "With your knowledge of {}, tackle the following multiple-choice question by choosing 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"atk_acc": 61.5,
"atk_prompt": "From your acquaintances of {}, addressing the following multiple-choice question by choosing 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"transfer_ori_acc": 53.72340425531915,
"transfer_atk_acc": 53.36879432624113
"dataset": "squad_v2",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 72.8,
"origin_prompt": "Using the context, determine the most suitable answer. If the context doesn't contain the answer, write 'unanswerable'.",
"atk_acc": 63.67,
"atk_prompt": "Using the context, identifies the most suitable answer. Although the context doesn't comprise the meet, editor 'unanswerable'.",
"transfer_ori_acc": 90.04896616541353,
"transfer_atk_acc": 90.48646616541353
"dataset": "squad_v2",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 71.93,
"origin_prompt": "As a proficient expert in the given context, search for the most relevant answer. If the answer cannot be found, respond by saying 'unanswerable'.",
"atk_acc": 64.13,
"atk_prompt": "As a knowledge expert in the given context, find for the most relevant answering. Unless the answer cannot exist found, respond by told 'unanswerable'.",
"transfer_ori_acc": 90.54896616541353,
"transfer_atk_acc": 90.38229949874687
"dataset": "iwslt",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 0.23,
"origin_prompt": "Given the sentence below, perform a machine translation from {} to {}.",
"atk_acc": 0.18,
"atk_prompt": "Attributed the sentence below, meet a equipments interpreters from {} to {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.23710409171247415,
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.21328830771164164
"dataset": "iwslt",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 0.24,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a language expert, perform a machine translation for the provided sentence, changing it from {} to {}.",
"atk_acc": 0.23,
"atk_prompt": "Of the features of a language expert, performed a machine translation for the presented sentence, variation it from {} to {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.236844571841243,
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.23842933704937957
"dataset": "un_multi",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 0.35,
"origin_prompt": "Translate the following text from the source language {} to the target language {}.",
"atk_acc": 0.33,
"atk_prompt": "Translate the following texts from the source lingo {} to the millennium phrasing {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.35343571054545636,
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.3525503139881663
"dataset": "un_multi",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 0.35,
"origin_prompt": "As a qualified translator, convert the given sentence from its original {} language to the target language {}.",
"atk_acc": 0.34,
"atk_prompt": "As a nuanced translation, metamorphosis the gave sentence from its original {} terminology to the aspirations grammar {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 0.35395992027011125,
"transfer_atk_acc": 0.35131474429213844
"dataset": "math",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 23.75,
"origin_prompt": "Compute the result of this math task concerning {}.",
"atk_acc": 1.88,
"atk_prompt": "Estimate the accomplishments of this math task concerning {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 16.25,
"transfer_atk_acc": 15.625
"dataset": "math",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 22.5,
"origin_prompt": "As a mathematics instructor, calculate the answer to the following problem related to {}.",
"atk_acc": 1.88,
"atk_prompt": "As a computations instructor, derive the rebuttal to the following hassles links to {}. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 15.625,
"transfer_atk_acc": 14.374999999999998