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"dataset": "cola",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 62.2,
"origin_prompt": "Assess the grammatical structure of the given sentence and classify it as 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'.",
"atk_acc": 2.2,
"atk_prompt": "Assess the grammatically s𝚝ructure of the ɡiven sentecne and clasisfy it as 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 76.3,
"transfer_atk_acc": 77.10000000000001
"dataset": "cola",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 48.0,
"origin_prompt": "While performing grammar analysis, classify the grammar of the following sentence as 'acceptable' for correct grammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect grammar.",
"atk_acc": 0.0,
"atk_prompt": "Whie peⲅforming grammar analysis, ϲlassify the grammatical of the following sentence as 'acceptable' for correct grammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect grammr. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 75.7,
"transfer_atk_acc": 75.8
"dataset": "mrpc",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 68.38,
"origin_prompt": "Assess if the two given sentences have equivalent meanings by selecting 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 44.61,
"atk_prompt": "Assessing if the t wo given sentences have equivalent meanings by selectiոg 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 82.84313725490196,
"transfer_atk_acc": 81.12745098039215
"dataset": "mrpc",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 68.14,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a sentence comparison analyst, assess the provided sentences and indicate if they convey the same meaning by selecting 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 44.36,
"atk_prompt": "Onto the role of a senteոce c omparison analys𝚝, assess the given sentences and indicate if they convey the same meaning by selecting 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 80.3921568627451,
"transfer_atk_acc": 80.14705882352942
"dataset": "qnli",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 38.9,
"origin_prompt": "Analyze the context and question, and indicate if the context entails the answer by choosing 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 0.7,
"atk_prompt": "Analyze the context and question, and depicts if the context involves the ans wer by choosiոg 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 87.3,
"transfer_atk_acc": 85.0
"dataset": "qnli",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 41.4,
"origin_prompt": "As a semantic researcher, evaluate whether the provided context supports the answer to the question and choose 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 0.0,
"atk_prompt": "As a semantic reesarcher, evaluating whether the provided context supports the answering to the question and chosen 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 87.3,
"transfer_atk_acc": 85.8
"dataset": "qqp",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 41.8,
"origin_prompt": "Do the following expressions mean the same thing? Provide your answer as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 26.7,
"atk_prompt": "Wo the following expressions meant the same thing? Provide your aոswer as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 87.8,
"transfer_atk_acc": 87.2
"dataset": "qqp",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 33.6,
"origin_prompt": "In your role as a question comparison tool, assess the following pair of questions and classify them as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.",
"atk_acc": 15.0,
"atk_prompt": "For your roⅼe as a question compɑrison tool, evaluate the 𝚏ollowing pair of questions and categorized them as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 85.2,
"transfer_atk_acc": 83.5
"dataset": "rte",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 43.68,
"origin_prompt": "Review the two statements and categorize their relationship as either 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 2.53,
"atk_prompt": "Revіew the two sta𝚝ements and categorize their relationship as or 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 84.83754512635379,
"transfer_atk_acc": 83.39350180505414
"dataset": "rte",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 36.82,
"origin_prompt": "In the role of a semantic relationship analyzer, examine the connection between the given sentences and decide if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 0.0,
"atk_prompt": "In the role of a semantic relationship analyzeⲅ, examine the connection between the givn sentences and determine if they exhibi𝚝 entailment or not_entailment. Answers with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 81.2274368231047,
"transfer_atk_acc": 82.31046931407943
"dataset": "sst2",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 18.12,
"origin_prompt": "Evaluate the sentiment of the given text and classify it as 'positive' or 'negative'.",
"atk_acc": 0.0,
"atk_prompt": "Evaluate the vibe of the gievn text and calssify it as 'positive' or 'negative'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 94.61009174311926,
"transfer_atk_acc": 94.61009174311926
"dataset": "sst2",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 33.37,
"origin_prompt": "Taking on the role of an emotion classifier, specify if the provided phrase is 'positive' or 'negative'.",
"atk_acc": 0.57,
"atk_prompt": "Taking on the roles of an emotions classi𝚏ier, speci𝚏y if the povided phrase is 'positive' or 'negative'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 94.38073394495413,
"transfer_atk_acc": 94.26605504587155
"dataset": "wnli",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 23.94,
"origin_prompt": "Does the relationship between the given sentences represent entailment or not_entailment? Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 0.0,
"atk_prompt": "Does the relations between the given sentences ⲅepresent entailment or not_entailment? Respоnd with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 63.38028169014085,
"transfer_atk_acc": 60.56338028169014
"dataset": "wnli",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 16.9,
"origin_prompt": "In your role as an entailment analysis tool, assess the relationship between the given sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.",
"atk_acc": 1.41,
"atk_prompt": "During your role as an entailment aalysis tool, assess the relationshiр between the given sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 57.74647887323944,
"transfer_atk_acc": 57.74647887323944
"dataset": "mmlu",
"type": "task",
"origin_acc": 9.1,
"origin_prompt": "Answer the subsequent multiple-choice question about {} by picking the right option among 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"atk_acc": 3.5,
"atk_prompt": "Responding the subequent multipl-echoice question about {} by pick the right op𝚝ion amongst 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ",
"transfer_ori_acc": 45.92198581560284,
"transfer_atk_acc": 45.92198581560284
"dataset": "mmlu",
"type": "role",
"origin_acc": 9.68,
"origin_prompt": "With your understanding of {}, kindly answer the subsequent multiple-choice question by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"atk_acc": 2.45,
"atk_prompt": "Witհ your understand of {}, 𝒌indly answer the successive mսltiple-choice question by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.",
"transfer_ori_acc": 45.39007092198582,
"transfer_atk_acc": 44.858156028368796