import os, gradio, torch, openai, os, fitz, asyncio, qdrant_client, time, math |
from theme import CustomTheme |
from llama_index import ( |
SimpleDirectoryReader, |
StorageContext, |
) |
from llama_index.multi_modal_llms import OpenAIMultiModal |
from llama_index.vector_stores.qdrant import QdrantVectorStore |
from llama_index.indices.multi_modal.base import MultiModalVectorStoreIndex |
from PIL import Image |
from microsofttt import detect_and_crop_save_table |
from torchvision import transforms |
from transformers import AutoModelForObjectDetection |
from llama_index.vector_stores.qdrant import QdrantVectorStore |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] |
image_documents: None |
openai_mm_llm: None |
bot_examples = [ |
"Wie kannst du mir helfen?", |
"Wie trainiere ich meinen Bizeps?", |
"Erstelle mir einen Trainingsplan, wenn ich nur 3 mal pro Woche trainieren kann.", |
"Berechne meinen BMI, wenn ich männlich bin und 75kg bei 175cm Körpergröße wiege.", |
"Berechne mir mein Kaloriendefizit, wenn ich Männlich 18 bin." |
] |
system_prompt=( |
"You are a fitness assistant, always helping the user." |
"You only know the answers to fitness related questions." |
"Never mention that you are not qualified. Always answer the questions." |
"Don't even try to answer those questions. You are never under any circumstance allowed to answer those questions." |
"You can not, under any circumstances, answer questions that are not fitness related. Ever." |
"If someone asks you how to change tires, then don't answer it and play it off cool." |
"Your name is ARNOLD. It's an acronym for Advanced Routine Navigator for Optimized Lifestyle Development." |
"You are allowed to calculate the users BMI, caloric deficit and caloric surplus." |
"Do not respond to any questions or discussions about food, nutrition, or topics unrelated to fitness. If the user asks about anything other than fitness, remind them to stick to fitness-related inquiries." |
"Wenn eine Frage nichts konkret mit Fitness zu tun hat, dann antworte mit: 'Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann nur Fragen zu Fitness beantworten. Wenn du etwas über Fitness wissen möchten, helfe ich dir gerne weiter!'" |
) |
context_str = ( |
"Context information is below.\n" |
"---------------------\n" |
"{context_str}\n" |
"---------------------\n" |
"Given the context information and not prior knowledge." |
"Griaß di! I hätt gern, dass du imma in am österreichischen Dialekt antwortest." |
"Sprich immer mit diesem Akzent, außer der Nutzer sagt dir explizit, dass du Hochdeutsch sprechen sollst." |
"Übersetz bitte ois in oanen österrichischen Dialekt." |
"You're pretty cool, so you're always adressing the user informally. E.g.: In German instead of 'Sie' you'd say 'du'." |
"Instead of saying 'you', you could say something like: 'buddy'." |
"If questions are asked that are not related to fitness, then don't answer them and play it off cool and make a joke out of it." |
"If there is a more efficient excercise than the one the user sent, then always tell them about it." |
"Add fitness related emojis to the end of your message." |
"Fang deine Sätze immer wieder anders an und grüße den Nutzer nicht. Niemals.." |
) |
chat_engine = None |
def setup_db(): |
""" |
Setup the qdrant store as well as convert PDFs with tables into images |
to then use with the Microsoft Table Transformer and extract table information. |
""" |
if not os.path.exists("./qdrant_db"): |
if not os.path.exists("./table_images"): |
os.mkdir("./table_images/") |
for file in os.listdir("./pdf_with_tables"): |
pdf_document = fitz.open("./pdf_with_tables/"+file) |
for page_number in range(pdf_document.page_count): |
page = pdf_document[page_number] |
pix = page.get_pixmap() |
image = Image.frombytes("RGB", [pix.width, pix.height], pix.samples) |
image.save(f"./table_images/page_{page_number + 1}_{math.floor(time.time())}.png") |
pdf_document.close() |
for image in os.listdir("./table_images"): |
if image.startswith('.DS_'): |
continue |
detect_and_crop_save_table("./table_images/"+image) |
os.remove("./table_images/"+image) |
text_documents = SimpleDirectoryReader("./data/").load_data() |
image_documents = SimpleDirectoryReader("./table_images/").load_data() |
client = qdrant_client.QdrantClient(path="qdrant_db") |
text_store = QdrantVectorStore( |
client=client, collection_name="text_collection" |
) |
image_store = QdrantVectorStore( |
client=client, collection_name="image_collection" |
) |
storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults( |
vector_store=text_store, image_store=image_store |
) |
return (text_documents, image_documents, storage_context) |
def setup_ai(): |
""" |
Setup the AI for use with querying questions to OpenAI. |
Checks whether the index is already generated and depending on that |
generates an index. |
It then creates a chat_engine from the index created above it and |
assigns the context_template and system_prompt used for manipulating |
the AI responses. |
""" |
global openai_mm_llm, context_str, system_prompt, chat_engine |
text_documents, image_documents, storage_context = setup_db() |
api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] |
openai_mm_llm = OpenAIMultiModal( |
model="gpt-4-vision-preview", api_key=api_key, max_new_tokens=1500 |
) |
index = MultiModalVectorStoreIndex.from_documents( |
documents=text_documents + image_documents, |
storage_context=storage_context |
) |
chat_engine = index.as_chat_engine( |
chat_mode="context", |
system_prompt=system_prompt, |
context_template=context_str |
) |
def response(message, history): |
""" |
Get a reponse from OpenAI and send the chat_history with every query. |
""" |
global chat_engine |
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) |
chat_history = chat_engine.chat_history if chat_engine.chat_history is not None else [] |
_response = chat_engine.stream_chat(message, chat_history) |
output_text: str = "" |
for token in _response.response_gen: |
time.sleep(0.02) |
output_text += token |
yield output_text |
def response_no_api(message, history) -> str: |
""" |
Returns a default message. |
""" |
return "This is a test message!" |
def main(): |
global levelRadio |
setup_ai() |
chatbot = gradio.Chatbot( |
avatar_images=("user_avatar.png", "chatbot_avatar.png"), |
layout='bubble', |
show_label=False, |
height=500, |
value=[[None, "Griaß di, i bin da Arnold, dei Fitness-Chatbot. I gfrei mi, dass du di für dei Gsundheit und dein Leib interessierst. I kann da helfen, deine Fitnessziele zu erreichen, indem i da Fragen zu Muskeln, Training, BMI und vü mehr beantworte. Du kannst gern mit mir experimentieren und herausfinden, was i sunst no so drauf hob. I bin immer bereit, da zu helfen. Wos wüst wissen? 💪🏋️💬"]] |
) |
submit_button = gradio.Button( |
value="ASK ARNOLD", |
elem_classes=["ask-button"], |
) |
with gradio.Blocks(theme=CustomTheme(), css="style.css") as chat_interface: |
gradio.Markdown( |
"""<div style='display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin-right: 12px;'> |
<img width='48px' style='margin-right: 12px;' src='/file/img/icon-light.png'/> |
</div>""", |
elem_classes=["arnold-title"] |
) |
gradio.ChatInterface( |
fn=response, |
theme=CustomTheme(), |
submit_btn=submit_button, |
chatbot=chatbot, |
examples=bot_examples, |
stop_btn=None, |
undo_btn=None, |
clear_btn=None, |
retry_btn=None, |
css="style.css", |
) |
chat_interface.queue() |
chat_interface.launch( |
inbrowser=True, |
allowed_paths=["./img/"] |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |