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# markup module that provides marked up text as an array
# external imports
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
# internal imports
from utils import formatting as fmt
# main function that assigns each text snipped a marked bucket
def markup_text(input_text: list, text_values: ndarray, variant: str):
# naming of the 11 buckets
bucket_tags = ["-5", "-4", "-3", "-2", "-1", "0", "+1", "+2", "+3", "+4", "+5"]
# flatten the values depending on the source
# attention is averaged, SHAP summed up
if variant == "shap":
text_values = np.transpose(text_values)
text_values = fmt.flatten_attribution(text_values)
elif variant == "visualizer":
text_values = fmt.flatten_attention(text_values)
# Determine the minimum and maximum values
min_val, max_val = np.min(text_values), np.max(text_values)
# separate the threshold calculation for negative and positive values
# visualization negative thresholds are all 0 since attetion always positive
if variant == "visualizer":
neg_thresholds = np.linspace(
0, 0, num=(len(bucket_tags) - 1) // 2 + 1, endpoint=False
# standart config for 5 negative buckets
neg_thresholds = np.linspace(
min_val, 0, num=(len(bucket_tags) - 1) // 2 + 1, endpoint=False
# creating positive thresholds between 0 and max values
pos_thresholds = np.linspace(0, max_val, num=(len(bucket_tags) - 1) // 2 + 1)[1:]
# combining thresholds
thresholds = np.concatenate([neg_thresholds, [0], pos_thresholds])
# init empty marked text list
marked_text = []
# looping over each text snippet and attribution value
for text, value in zip(input_text, text_values):
# setting inital bucket at lowest
bucket = "-5"
# looping over all bucket and their threshold
for i, threshold in zip(bucket_tags, thresholds):
# updating assigned bucket if value is above threshold
if value >= threshold:
bucket = i
# finally adding text and bucket assignment to list of tuples
marked_text.append((text, str(bucket)))
# returning list of marked text snippets as list of tuples
return marked_text
# function that defines color codes
# coloring along SHAP style coloring for consistency
def color_codes():
return {
# -5 to -1: Strong Light Sky Blue to Lighter Sky Blue
# 0: white (assuming default light mode)
# +1 to +5 light pink to strng magenta
"-5": "#008bfb",
"-4": "#68a1fd",
"-3": "#96b7fe",
"-2": "#bcceff",
"-1": "#dee6ff",
"0": "#ffffff",
"+1": "#ffd9d9",
"+2": "#ffb3b5",
"+3": "#ff8b92",
"+4": "#ff5c71",
"+5": "#ff0051",