Lamp Socrates
history blame contribute delete
No virus
6.53 kB
import uvicorn
import threading
from collections import Counter
from typing import Optional
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification
import pandas as pd
#import datasets
from pprint import pprint
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Dict
# Define the FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()
model_cache: Optional[object] = None
dataset_cache : Optional[object] = None
def load_model():
""" We load the model at startup"""
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("LampOfSocrates/bert-cased-plodcw-sourav")
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("LampOfSocrates/bert-cased-plodcw-sourav")
# Mapping labels
id2label = model.config.id2label
# Print the label mapping
print(f"Can recognise the following labels {id2label}")
# Load the NER model and tokenizer from Hugging Face
#ner_pipeline = pipeline("ner", model="dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english")
model = pipeline("ner", model=model, tokenizer = tokenizer)
return model
def load_plod_cw_dataset():
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("surrey-nlp/PLOD-CW")
return dataset
def get_cached_data():
global dataset_cache
if dataset_cache is None:
dataset_cache = load_plod_cw_dataset()
return dataset_cache
def get_cached_model():
global model_cache
if model_cache is None:
model_cache = load_model()
return model_cache
# Cache the model when the server starts
model = get_cached_model()
#plod_cw = get_cached_data()
class Entity(BaseModel):
entity: str
score: float
start: int
end: int
word: str
class NERResponse(BaseModel):
entities: List[Entity]
class NERRequest(BaseModel):
text: str
def read_root():
"""useful for testing connections"""
return {"message": "Hello, World!"}"/ner", response_model=NERResponse)
def get_entities(request: NERRequest):
""" This is invoked while API Testing """
model = get_cached_model()
# Use the NER model to detect entities
entities = model(request.text)
# Convert entities to the response model
response_entities = [Entity(**entity) for entity in entities]
return NERResponse(entities=response_entities)
def get_color_for_label(label: str) -> str:
# Define a mapping of labels to colors
color_mapping = {
"I-LF": "red",
"B-LF": "pink",
"B-AC": "blue",
"B-O": "green",
# Add more labels and colors as needed
return color_mapping.get(label, "black") # Default to black if label not found
# Define the Gradio interface function
def ner_demo(text):
""" This is invoked while rendering the page"""
model = get_cached_model()
entities = model(text)
print("Entities detected {}".format(Counter( [ entity['entity'] for entity in entities])))
all_html = ""
last_index = 0
for entity in entities:
start, end, label = entity["start"], entity["end"], entity["entity"]
color = get_color_for_label(label)
entity_text = text[start:end]
#colored_entity = f'<span style="color: {color}; font-weight: bold;">{entity_text}</span>'
colored_entity = f'<sup style="color: {color}; font-weight: bold;">{entity_text}</sup>'
# Append text before the entity
all_html += text[last_index:start]
# Append the colored entity
all_html += colored_entity
# Update the last_index
last_index = end
# Append the remaining text after the last entity
all_html += text[last_index:]
return all_html
bo_color = get_color_for_label("B-O")
bac_color = get_color_for_label("B-AC")
ilf_color = get_color_for_label("I-LF")
blf_color = get_color_for_label("B-LF")
PROJECT_INTRO = f"""This is a HF Spaces hosted Gradio App built by NLP Group 27. \n\n
The model has been trained on surrey-nlp/PLOD-CW dataset.
The following Entities are recognized:
<sup style="color: {bo_color}; font-weight: bold;">B-O</sup>
<sup style="color: {bac_color}; font-weight: bold;">B-AC</sup>
<sup style="color: {ilf_color}; font-weight: bold;">I-LF</sup>
<sup style="color: {blf_color}; font-weight: bold;">B-LF</sup>
<sup style="color: black; font-weight: bold;">Rest</sup>
def echo(text, request: gr.Request):
res = '<div>'
if request:
res += f"Request headers dictionary: {request.headers} <p>"
res += f"IP address: {} <p>"
res += f"Query parameters: {dict(request.query_params)} <p>"
res += "</div>"
return res
def sample_data(text):
text = "The red dots represents LCI , the bright yellow rectangle represents RV , and the black triangle represents the /TLCnLCI"
#dat = get_cached_data()
#df = dat['test']['tokens'].sample(5)
data = {
"Text": [text],
"Length": [len(text)]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
# Create the Gradio interface
demo = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Enter text here..."),
title="Named Entity Recognition on PLOD-CW ",
description=f"{PROJECT_INTRO}\n\nEnter text to extract named entities using a NER model."
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("# Named Entity Recognition on PLOD-CW")
gr.Markdown("### Enter text to extract named entities using a NER model.")
text_input = gr.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Enter text here...", label="Input Text")
html_output = gr.HTML(label="HTML Output")
with gr.Row():
submit_button = gr.Button("Submit")
echo_button = gr.Button("Echo Client")
sample_button = gr.Button("Sample PLOD_CW")
sample_output = gr.Dataframe(label="Sample Table")
echo_output = gr.HTML(label="HTML Output"), inputs=text_input, outputs=html_output), inputs=text_input, outputs=echo_output), inputs=text_input, outputs=sample_output)
# Function to run Gradio
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)