import os |
import json |
import re |
import tempfile |
from subprocess import call, Popen |
from .rest_utils import rest_get, check_rest_server_quick, check_response |
from .config_utils import Config, Experiments |
from .url_utils import trial_jobs_url, get_local_urls |
from .constants import REST_TIME_OUT |
from .common_utils import print_normal, print_error, print_green, detect_process, detect_port, check_tensorboard_version |
from .nnictl_utils import check_experiment_id, check_experiment_id |
from .ssh_utils import create_ssh_sftp_client, copy_remote_directory_to_local |
def parse_log_path(args, trial_content): |
'''parse log path''' |
path_list = [] |
host_list = [] |
for trial in trial_content: |
if args.trial_id and args.trial_id != 'all' and trial.get('id') != args.trial_id: |
continue |
pattern = r'(?P<head>.+)://(?P<host>.+):(?P<path>.*)' |
match = re.search(pattern, trial['logPath']) |
if match: |
path_list.append(match.group('path')) |
host_list.append(match.group('host')) |
if not path_list: |
print_error('Trial id %s error!' % args.trial_id) |
exit(1) |
return path_list, host_list |
def copy_data_from_remote(args, nni_config, trial_content, path_list, host_list, temp_nni_path): |
'''use ssh client to copy data from remote machine to local machien''' |
machine_list = nni_config.get_config('experimentConfig').get('machineList') |
machine_dict = {} |
local_path_list = [] |
for machine in machine_list: |
machine_dict[machine['ip']] = {'port': machine['port'], 'passwd': machine['passwd'], 'username': machine['username'], |
'sshKeyPath': machine.get('sshKeyPath'), 'passphrase': machine.get('passphrase')} |
for index, host in enumerate(host_list): |
local_path = os.path.join(temp_nni_path, trial_content[index].get('id')) |
local_path_list.append(local_path) |
print_normal('Copying log data from %s to %s' % (host + ':' + path_list[index], local_path)) |
sftp = create_ssh_sftp_client(host, machine_dict[host]['port'], machine_dict[host]['username'], machine_dict[host]['passwd'], |
machine_dict[host]['sshKeyPath'], machine_dict[host]['passphrase']) |
copy_remote_directory_to_local(sftp, path_list[index], local_path) |
print_normal('Copy done!') |
return local_path_list |
def get_path_list(args, nni_config, trial_content, temp_nni_path): |
'''get path list according to different platform''' |
path_list, host_list = parse_log_path(args, trial_content) |
platform = nni_config.get_config('experimentConfig').get('trainingServicePlatform') |
if platform == 'local': |
print_normal('Log path: %s' % ' '.join(path_list)) |
return path_list |
elif platform == 'remote': |
path_list = copy_data_from_remote(args, nni_config, trial_content, path_list, host_list, temp_nni_path) |
print_normal('Log path: %s' % ' '.join(path_list)) |
return path_list |
else: |
print_error('Not supported platform!') |
exit(1) |
def format_tensorboard_log_path(path_list): |
new_path_list = [] |
for index, value in enumerate(path_list): |
new_path_list.append('name%d:%s' % (index + 1, value)) |
return ','.join(new_path_list) |
def start_tensorboard_process(args, nni_config, path_list, temp_nni_path): |
'''call cmds to start tensorboard process in local machine''' |
if detect_port(args.port): |
print_error('Port %s is used by another process, please reset port!' % str(args.port)) |
exit(1) |
with open(os.path.join(temp_nni_path, 'tensorboard_stdout'), 'a+') as stdout_file, \ |
open(os.path.join(temp_nni_path, 'tensorboard_stderr'), 'a+') as stderr_file: |
log_dir_cmd = '--logdir_spec' if check_tensorboard_version() >= '2.0' else '--logdir' |
cmds = ['tensorboard', log_dir_cmd, format_tensorboard_log_path(path_list), '--port', str(args.port)] |
tensorboard_process = Popen(cmds, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file) |
url_list = get_local_urls(args.port) |
print_green('Start tensorboard success!') |
print_normal('Tensorboard urls: ' + ' '.join(url_list)) |
tensorboard_process_pid_list = nni_config.get_config('tensorboardPidList') |
if tensorboard_process_pid_list is None: |
tensorboard_process_pid_list = [tensorboard_process.pid] |
else: |
tensorboard_process_pid_list.append(tensorboard_process.pid) |
nni_config.set_config('tensorboardPidList', tensorboard_process_pid_list) |
def stop_tensorboard(args): |
'''stop tensorboard''' |
experiment_id = check_experiment_id(args) |
experiment_config = Experiments() |
experiment_dict = experiment_config.get_all_experiments() |
config_file_name = experiment_dict[experiment_id]['fileName'] |
nni_config = Config(config_file_name) |
tensorboard_pid_list = nni_config.get_config('tensorboardPidList') |
if tensorboard_pid_list: |
for tensorboard_pid in tensorboard_pid_list: |
try: |
cmds = ['kill', '-9', str(tensorboard_pid)] |
call(cmds) |
except Exception as exception: |
print_error(exception) |
nni_config.set_config('tensorboardPidList', []) |
print_normal('Stop tensorboard success!') |
else: |
print_error('No tensorboard configuration!') |
def start_tensorboard(args): |
'''start tensorboard''' |
experiment_id = check_experiment_id(args) |
experiment_config = Experiments() |
experiment_dict = experiment_config.get_all_experiments() |
config_file_name = experiment_dict[experiment_id]['fileName'] |
nni_config = Config(config_file_name) |
rest_port = nni_config.get_config('restServerPort') |
rest_pid = nni_config.get_config('restServerPid') |
if not detect_process(rest_pid): |
print_error('Experiment is not running...') |
return |
running, response = check_rest_server_quick(rest_port) |
trial_content = None |
if running: |
response = rest_get(trial_jobs_url(rest_port), REST_TIME_OUT) |
if response and check_response(response): |
trial_content = json.loads(response.text) |
else: |
print_error('List trial failed...') |
else: |
print_error('Restful server is not running...') |
if not trial_content: |
print_error('No trial information!') |
exit(1) |
if len(trial_content) > 1 and not args.trial_id: |
print_error('There are multiple trials, please set trial id!') |
exit(1) |
experiment_id = nni_config.get_config('experimentId') |
temp_nni_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'nni', experiment_id) |
os.makedirs(temp_nni_path, exist_ok=True) |
path_list = get_path_list(args, nni_config, trial_content, temp_nni_path) |
start_tensorboard_process(args, nni_config, path_list, temp_nni_path) |