import json |
import logging |
import os |
import netifaces |
from schema import Schema, And, Optional, Regex, Or, SchemaError |
from nni.tools.package_utils import create_validator_instance, get_all_builtin_names, get_builtin_algo_meta |
from .common_utils import get_yml_content, print_warning |
def setType(key, valueType): |
'''check key type''' |
return And(valueType, error=SCHEMA_TYPE_ERROR % (key, valueType.__name__)) |
def setChoice(key, *args): |
'''check choice''' |
return And(lambda n: n in args, error=SCHEMA_RANGE_ERROR % (key, str(args))) |
def setNumberRange(key, keyType, start, end): |
'''check number range''' |
return And( |
And(keyType, error=SCHEMA_TYPE_ERROR % (key, keyType.__name__)), |
And(lambda n: start <= n <= end, error=SCHEMA_RANGE_ERROR % (key, '(%s,%s)' % (start, end))), |
) |
def setPathCheck(key): |
'''check if path exist''' |
return And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % key) |
class AlgoSchema: |
""" |
This class is the schema of 'tuner', 'assessor' and 'advisor' sections of experiment configuraion file. |
For example: |
AlgoSchema('tuner') creates the schema of tuner section. |
""" |
def __init__(self, algo_type): |
""" |
Parameters: |
----------- |
algo_type: str |
One of ['tuner', 'assessor', 'advisor']. |
'tuner': This AlgoSchema class create the schema of tuner section. |
'assessor': This AlgoSchema class create the schema of assessor section. |
'advisor': This AlgoSchema class create the schema of advisor section. |
""" |
assert algo_type in ['tuner', 'assessor', 'advisor'] |
self.algo_type = algo_type |
self.algo_schema = { |
Optional('codeDir'): setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
Optional('classFileName'): setType('classFileName', str), |
Optional('className'): setType('className', str), |
Optional('classArgs'): dict, |
Optional('includeIntermediateResults'): setType('includeIntermediateResults', bool), |
Optional('gpuIndices'): Or(int, And(str, lambda x: len([int(i) for i in x.split(',')]) > 0), error='gpuIndex format error!'), |
} |
self.builtin_keys = { |
'tuner': 'builtinTunerName', |
'assessor': 'builtinAssessorName', |
'advisor': 'builtinAdvisorName' |
} |
self.builtin_name_schema = {} |
for k, n in self.builtin_keys.items(): |
self.builtin_name_schema[k] = {Optional(n): setChoice(n, *get_all_builtin_names(k+'s'))} |
self.customized_keys = set(['codeDir', 'classFileName', 'className']) |
def validate_class_args(self, class_args, algo_type, builtin_name): |
if not builtin_name or not class_args: |
return |
meta = get_builtin_algo_meta(algo_type+'s', builtin_name) |
if meta and 'accept_class_args' in meta and meta['accept_class_args'] == False: |
raise SchemaError('classArgs is not allowed.') |
logging.getLogger('nni.protocol').setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
validator = create_validator_instance(algo_type+'s', builtin_name) |
if validator: |
try: |
validator.validate_class_args(**class_args) |
except Exception as e: |
raise SchemaError(str(e)) |
def missing_customized_keys(self, data): |
return self.customized_keys - set(data.keys()) |
def validate_extras(self, data, algo_type): |
builtin_key = self.builtin_keys[algo_type] |
if (builtin_key in data) and (set(data.keys()) & self.customized_keys): |
raise SchemaError('{} and {} cannot be specified at the same time.'.format( |
builtin_key, set(data.keys()) & self.customized_keys |
)) |
if self.missing_customized_keys(data) and builtin_key not in data: |
raise SchemaError('Either customized {} ({}) or builtin {} ({}) must be set.'.format( |
algo_type, self.customized_keys, algo_type, builtin_key)) |
if not self.missing_customized_keys(data): |
class_file_name = os.path.join(data['codeDir'], data['classFileName']) |
if not os.path.isfile(class_file_name): |
raise SchemaError('classFileName {} not found.'.format(class_file_name)) |
builtin_name = data.get(builtin_key) |
class_args = data.get('classArgs') |
self.validate_class_args(class_args, algo_type, builtin_name) |
def validate(self, data): |
self.algo_schema.update(self.builtin_name_schema[self.algo_type]) |
Schema(self.algo_schema).validate(data) |
self.validate_extras(data, self.algo_type) |
common_schema = { |
'authorName': setType('authorName', str), |
'experimentName': setType('experimentName', str), |
Optional('description'): setType('description', str), |
'trialConcurrency': setNumberRange('trialConcurrency', int, 1, 99999), |
Optional('maxExecDuration'): And(Regex(r'^[1-9][0-9]*[s|m|h|d]$', error='ERROR: maxExecDuration format is [digit]{s,m,h,d}')), |
Optional('maxTrialNum'): setNumberRange('maxTrialNum', int, 1, 99999), |
'trainingServicePlatform': setChoice( |
'trainingServicePlatform', 'remote', 'local', 'pai', 'kubeflow', 'frameworkcontroller', 'paiYarn', 'dlts', 'aml'), |
Optional('searchSpacePath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'searchSpacePath'), |
Optional('multiPhase'): setType('multiPhase', bool), |
Optional('multiThread'): setType('multiThread', bool), |
Optional('nniManagerIp'): setType('nniManagerIp', str), |
Optional('logDir'): And(os.path.isdir, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'logDir'), |
Optional('debug'): setType('debug', bool), |
Optional('versionCheck'): setType('versionCheck', bool), |
Optional('logLevel'): setChoice('logLevel', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal'), |
Optional('logCollection'): setChoice('logCollection', 'http', 'none'), |
'useAnnotation': setType('useAnnotation', bool), |
Optional('tuner'): AlgoSchema('tuner'), |
Optional('advisor'): AlgoSchema('advisor'), |
Optional('assessor'): AlgoSchema('assessor'), |
Optional('localConfig'): { |
Optional('gpuIndices'): Or(int, And(str, lambda x: len([int(i) for i in x.split(',')]) > 0), error='gpuIndex format error!'), |
Optional('maxTrialNumPerGpu'): setType('maxTrialNumPerGpu', int), |
Optional('useActiveGpu'): setType('useActiveGpu', bool) |
} |
} |
common_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
Optional('gpuNum'): setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
Optional('nasMode'): setChoice('nasMode', 'classic_mode', 'enas_mode', 'oneshot_mode', 'darts_mode') |
} |
} |
pai_yarn_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'cpuNum': setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'memoryMB': setType('memoryMB', int), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('authFile'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'authFile'), |
Optional('shmMB'): setType('shmMB', int), |
Optional('dataDir'): And(Regex(r'hdfs://(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3})(:[0-9]{2,5})?(/.*)?'), |
error='ERROR: dataDir format error, dataDir format is hdfs://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx'), |
Optional('outputDir'): And(Regex(r'hdfs://(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3})(:[0-9]{2,5})?(/.*)?'), |
error='ERROR: outputDir format error, outputDir format is hdfs://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx'), |
Optional('virtualCluster'): setType('virtualCluster', str), |
Optional('nasMode'): setChoice('nasMode', 'classic_mode', 'enas_mode', 'oneshot_mode', 'darts_mode'), |
Optional('portList'): [{ |
"label": setType('label', str), |
"beginAt": setType('beginAt', int), |
"portNumber": setType('portNumber', int) |
}] |
} |
} |
pai_yarn_config_schema = { |
'paiYarnConfig': Or({ |
'userName': setType('userName', str), |
'passWord': setType('passWord', str), |
'host': setType('host', str) |
}, { |
'userName': setType('userName', str), |
'token': setType('token', str), |
'host': setType('host', str) |
}) |
} |
pai_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
'nniManagerNFSMountPath': setPathCheck('nniManagerNFSMountPath'), |
'containerNFSMountPath': setType('containerNFSMountPath', str), |
Optional('command'): setType('command', str), |
Optional('gpuNum'): setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
Optional('cpuNum'): setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
Optional('memoryMB'): setType('memoryMB', int), |
Optional('image'): setType('image', str), |
Optional('virtualCluster'): setType('virtualCluster', str), |
Optional('paiStorageConfigName'): setType('paiStorageConfigName', str), |
Optional('paiConfigPath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'paiConfigPath') |
} |
} |
pai_config_schema = { |
'paiConfig': { |
'userName': setType('userName', str), |
Or('passWord', 'token', only_one=True): str, |
'host': setType('host', str), |
Optional('reuse'): setType('reuse', bool), |
Optional('gpuNum'): setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
Optional('cpuNum'): setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
Optional('memoryMB'): setType('memoryMB', int), |
Optional('maxTrialNumPerGpu'): setType('maxTrialNumPerGpu', int), |
Optional('useActiveGpu'): setType('useActiveGpu', bool), |
} |
} |
dlts_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
} |
} |
dlts_config_schema = { |
'dltsConfig': { |
'dashboard': setType('dashboard', str), |
Optional('cluster'): setType('cluster', str), |
Optional('team'): setType('team', str), |
Optional('email'): setType('email', str), |
Optional('password'): setType('password', str), |
} |
} |
aml_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('gpuNum'): setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
} |
} |
aml_config_schema = { |
'amlConfig': { |
'subscriptionId': setType('subscriptionId', str), |
'resourceGroup': setType('resourceGroup', str), |
'workspaceName': setType('workspaceName', str), |
'computeTarget': setType('computeTarget', str), |
Optional('maxTrialNumPerGpu'): setType('maxTrialNumPerGpu', int), |
Optional('useActiveGpu'): setType('useActiveGpu', bool), |
} |
} |
kubeflow_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
Optional('nasMode'): setChoice('nasMode', 'classic_mode', 'enas_mode', 'oneshot_mode', 'darts_mode'), |
Optional('ps'): { |
'replicas': setType('replicas', int), |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'cpuNum': setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'memoryMB': setType('memoryMB', int), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('privateRegistryAuthPath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'privateRegistryAuthPath') |
}, |
Optional('master'): { |
'replicas': setType('replicas', int), |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'cpuNum': setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'memoryMB': setType('memoryMB', int), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('privateRegistryAuthPath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'privateRegistryAuthPath') |
}, |
Optional('worker'): { |
'replicas': setType('replicas', int), |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'cpuNum': setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'memoryMB': setType('memoryMB', int), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('privateRegistryAuthPath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'privateRegistryAuthPath') |
} |
} |
} |
kubeflow_config_schema = { |
'kubeflowConfig': Or({ |
'operator': setChoice('operator', 'tf-operator', 'pytorch-operator'), |
'apiVersion': setType('apiVersion', str), |
Optional('storage'): setChoice('storage', 'nfs', 'azureStorage'), |
'nfs': { |
'server': setType('server', str), |
'path': setType('path', str) |
} |
}, { |
'operator': setChoice('operator', 'tf-operator', 'pytorch-operator'), |
'apiVersion': setType('apiVersion', str), |
Optional('storage'): setChoice('storage', 'nfs', 'azureStorage'), |
'keyVault': { |
'vaultName': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){1,127}'), |
error='ERROR: vaultName format error, vaultName support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)'), |
'name': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){1,127}'), |
error='ERROR: name format error, name support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)') |
}, |
'azureStorage': { |
'accountName': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){3,31}'), |
error='ERROR: accountName format error, accountName support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)'), |
'azureShare': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){3,63}'), |
error='ERROR: azureShare format error, azureShare support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)') |
}, |
Optional('uploadRetryCount'): setNumberRange('uploadRetryCount', int, 1, 99999) |
}) |
} |
frameworkcontroller_trial_schema = { |
'trial': { |
'codeDir': setPathCheck('codeDir'), |
'taskRoles': [{ |
'name': setType('name', str), |
'taskNum': setType('taskNum', int), |
'frameworkAttemptCompletionPolicy': { |
'minFailedTaskCount': setType('minFailedTaskCount', int), |
'minSucceededTaskCount': setType('minSucceededTaskCount', int), |
}, |
'command': setType('command', str), |
'gpuNum': setNumberRange('gpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'cpuNum': setNumberRange('cpuNum', int, 0, 99999), |
'memoryMB': setType('memoryMB', int), |
'image': setType('image', str), |
Optional('privateRegistryAuthPath'): And(os.path.exists, error=SCHEMA_PATH_ERROR % 'privateRegistryAuthPath') |
}] |
} |
} |
frameworkcontroller_config_schema = { |
'frameworkcontrollerConfig': Or({ |
Optional('storage'): setChoice('storage', 'nfs', 'azureStorage'), |
Optional('serviceAccountName'): setType('serviceAccountName', str), |
'nfs': { |
'server': setType('server', str), |
'path': setType('path', str) |
} |
}, { |
Optional('storage'): setChoice('storage', 'nfs', 'azureStorage'), |
Optional('serviceAccountName'): setType('serviceAccountName', str), |
'keyVault': { |
'vaultName': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){1,127}'), |
error='ERROR: vaultName format error, vaultName support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)'), |
'name': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){1,127}'), |
error='ERROR: name format error, name support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)') |
}, |
'azureStorage': { |
'accountName': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){3,31}'), |
error='ERROR: accountName format error, accountName support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)'), |
'azureShare': And(Regex('([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|-){3,63}'), |
error='ERROR: azureShare format error, azureShare support using (0-9|a-z|A-Z|-)') |
}, |
Optional('uploadRetryCount'): setNumberRange('uploadRetryCount', int, 1, 99999) |
}) |
} |
remote_config_schema = { |
Optional('remoteConfig'): { |
'reuse': setType('reuse', bool) |
} |
} |
machine_list_schema = { |
'machineList': [Or( |
{ |
'ip': setType('ip', str), |
Optional('port'): setNumberRange('port', int, 1, 65535), |
'username': setType('username', str), |
'sshKeyPath': setPathCheck('sshKeyPath'), |
Optional('passphrase'): setType('passphrase', str), |
Optional('gpuIndices'): Or(int, And(str, lambda x: len([int(i) for i in x.split(',')]) > 0), error='gpuIndex format error!'), |
Optional('maxTrialNumPerGpu'): setType('maxTrialNumPerGpu', int), |
Optional('useActiveGpu'): setType('useActiveGpu', bool), |
Optional('preCommand'): setType('preCommand', str) |
}, |
{ |
'ip': setType('ip', str), |
Optional('port'): setNumberRange('port', int, 1, 65535), |
'username': setType('username', str), |
'passwd': setType('passwd', str), |
Optional('gpuIndices'): Or(int, And(str, lambda x: len([int(i) for i in x.split(',')]) > 0), error='gpuIndex format error!'), |
Optional('maxTrialNumPerGpu'): setType('maxTrialNumPerGpu', int), |
Optional('useActiveGpu'): setType('useActiveGpu', bool), |
Optional('preCommand'): setType('preCommand', str) |
})] |
} |
training_service_schema_dict = { |
'local': Schema({**common_schema, **common_trial_schema}), |
'remote': Schema({**common_schema, **common_trial_schema, **machine_list_schema, **remote_config_schema}), |
'pai': Schema({**common_schema, **pai_trial_schema, **pai_config_schema}), |
'paiYarn': Schema({**common_schema, **pai_yarn_trial_schema, **pai_yarn_config_schema}), |
'kubeflow': Schema({**common_schema, **kubeflow_trial_schema, **kubeflow_config_schema}), |
'frameworkcontroller': Schema({**common_schema, **frameworkcontroller_trial_schema, **frameworkcontroller_config_schema}), |
'aml': Schema({**common_schema, **aml_trial_schema, **aml_config_schema}), |
'dlts': Schema({**common_schema, **dlts_trial_schema, **dlts_config_schema}), |
} |
class NNIConfigSchema: |
def validate(self, data): |
train_service = data['trainingServicePlatform'] |
Schema(common_schema['trainingServicePlatform']).validate(train_service) |
train_service_schema = training_service_schema_dict[train_service] |
train_service_schema.validate(data) |
self.validate_extras(data) |
def validate_extras(self, experiment_config): |
self.validate_tuner_adivosr_assessor(experiment_config) |
self.validate_pai_trial_conifg(experiment_config) |
self.validate_kubeflow_operators(experiment_config) |
self.validate_eth0_device(experiment_config) |
def validate_tuner_adivosr_assessor(self, experiment_config): |
if experiment_config.get('advisor'): |
if experiment_config.get('assessor') or experiment_config.get('tuner'): |
raise SchemaError('advisor could not be set with assessor or tuner simultaneously!') |
self.validate_annotation_content(experiment_config, 'advisor', 'builtinAdvisorName') |
else: |
if not experiment_config.get('tuner'): |
raise SchemaError('Please provide tuner spec!') |
self.validate_annotation_content(experiment_config, 'tuner', 'builtinTunerName') |
def validate_search_space_content(self, experiment_config): |
'''Validate searchspace content, |
if the searchspace file is not json format or its values does not contain _type and _value which must be specified, |
it will not be a valid searchspace file''' |
try: |
search_space_content = json.load(open(experiment_config.get('searchSpacePath'), 'r')) |
for value in search_space_content.values(): |
if not value.get('_type') or not value.get('_value'): |
raise SchemaError('please use _type and _value to specify searchspace!') |
except Exception as e: |
raise SchemaError('searchspace file is not a valid json format! ' + str(e)) |
def validate_kubeflow_operators(self, experiment_config): |
'''Validate whether the kubeflow operators are valid''' |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig'): |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('operator') == 'tf-operator': |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('master') is not None: |
raise SchemaError('kubeflow with tf-operator can not set master') |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('worker') is None: |
raise SchemaError('kubeflow with tf-operator must set worker') |
elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('operator') == 'pytorch-operator': |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('ps') is not None: |
raise SchemaError('kubeflow with pytorch-operator can not set ps') |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('master') is None: |
raise SchemaError('kubeflow with pytorch-operator must set master') |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') == 'nfs': |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('nfs') is None: |
raise SchemaError('please set nfs configuration!') |
elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') == 'azureStorage': |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('azureStorage') is None: |
raise SchemaError('please set azureStorage configuration!') |
elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') is None: |
if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('azureStorage'): |
raise SchemaError('please set storage type!') |
def validate_annotation_content(self, experiment_config, spec_key, builtin_name): |
''' |
Valid whether useAnnotation and searchSpacePath is coexist |
spec_key: 'advisor' or 'tuner' |
builtin_name: 'builtinAdvisorName' or 'builtinTunerName' |
''' |
if experiment_config.get('useAnnotation'): |
if experiment_config.get('searchSpacePath'): |
raise SchemaError('If you set useAnnotation=true, please leave searchSpacePath empty') |
else: |
if experiment_config[spec_key].get(builtin_name) == 'NetworkMorphism': |
return |
if experiment_config[spec_key].get(builtin_name): |
if experiment_config.get('searchSpacePath') is None: |
raise SchemaError('Please set searchSpacePath!') |
self.validate_search_space_content(experiment_config) |
def validate_pai_config_path(self, experiment_config): |
'''validate paiConfigPath field''' |
if experiment_config.get('trainingServicePlatform') == 'pai': |
if experiment_config.get('trial', {}).get('paiConfigPath'): |
pai_config = get_yml_content(experiment_config['trial']['paiConfigPath']) |
taskRoles_dict = pai_config.get('taskRoles') |
if not taskRoles_dict: |
raise SchemaError('Please set taskRoles in paiConfigPath config file!') |
else: |
pai_trial_fields_required_list = ['image', 'paiStorageConfigName', 'command'] |
for trial_field in pai_trial_fields_required_list: |
if experiment_config['trial'].get(trial_field) is None: |
raise SchemaError('Please set {0} in trial configuration,\ |
or set additional pai configuration file path in paiConfigPath!'.format(trial_field)) |
pai_resource_fields_required_list = ['gpuNum', 'cpuNum', 'memoryMB'] |
for required_field in pai_resource_fields_required_list: |
if experiment_config['trial'].get(required_field) is None and \ |
experiment_config['paiConfig'].get(required_field) is None: |
raise SchemaError('Please set {0} in trial or paiConfig configuration,\ |
or set additional pai configuration file path in paiConfigPath!'.format(required_field)) |
def validate_pai_trial_conifg(self, experiment_config): |
'''validate the trial config in pai platform''' |
if experiment_config.get('trainingServicePlatform') in ['pai', 'paiYarn']: |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('shmMB') and \ |
experiment_config['trial']['shmMB'] > experiment_config['trial']['memoryMB']: |
raise SchemaError('shmMB should be no more than memoryMB!') |
warning_information = '{0} is not supported in NNI anymore, please remove the field in config file!\ |
please refer https://github.com/microsoft/nni/blob/master/docs/en_US/TrainingService/PaiMode.md#run-an-experiment\ |
for the practices of how to get data and output model in trial code' |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('dataDir'): |
print_warning(warning_information.format('dataDir')) |
if experiment_config.get('trial').get('outputDir'): |
print_warning(warning_information.format('outputDir')) |
self.validate_pai_config_path(experiment_config) |
def validate_eth0_device(self, experiment_config): |
'''validate whether the machine has eth0 device''' |
if experiment_config.get('trainingServicePlatform') not in ['local'] \ |
and not experiment_config.get('nniManagerIp') \ |
and 'eth0' not in netifaces.interfaces(): |
raise SchemaError('This machine does not contain eth0 network device, please set nniManagerIp in config file!') |