<script> |
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner'; |
import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; |
import { prompts } from '$lib/stores'; |
import { onMount, tick, getContext } from 'svelte'; |
const i18n = getContext('i18n'); |
import { getPrompts, updatePromptByCommand } from '$lib/apis/prompts'; |
import { page } from '$app/stores'; |
let loading = false; |
let title = ''; |
let command = ''; |
let content = ''; |
const updateHandler = async () => { |
loading = true; |
if (validateCommandString(command)) { |
const prompt = await updatePromptByCommand(localStorage.token, command, title, content).catch( |
(error) => { |
toast.error(error); |
return null; |
} |
); |
if (prompt) { |
await prompts.set(await getPrompts(localStorage.token)); |
await goto('/workspace/prompts'); |
} |
} else { |
toast.error( |
$i18n.t('Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.') |
); |
} |
loading = false; |
}; |
const validateCommandString = (inputString) => { |
const regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/; |
return regex.test(inputString); |
}; |
onMount(async () => { |
command = $page.url.searchParams.get('command'); |
if (command) { |
const prompt = $prompts.filter((prompt) => prompt.command === command).at(0); |
if (prompt) { |
console.log(prompt); |
console.log(prompt.command); |
title = prompt.title; |
await tick(); |
command = prompt.command.slice(1); |
content = prompt.content; |
} else { |
goto('/workspace/prompts'); |
} |
} else { |
goto('/workspace/prompts'); |
} |
}); |
</script> |
<div class="w-full max-h-full"> |
<button |
class="flex space-x-1" |
on:click={() => { |
history.back(); |
}} |
> |
<div class=" self-center"> |
<svg |
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
viewBox="0 0 20 20" |
fill="currentColor" |
class="w-4 h-4" |
> |
<path |
fill-rule="evenodd" |
d="M17 10a.75.75 0 01-.75.75H5.612l4.158 3.96a.75.75 0 11-1.04 1.08l-5.5-5.25a.75.75 0 010-1.08l5.5-5.25a.75.75 0 111.04 1.08L5.612 9.25H16.25A.75.75 0 0117 10z" |
clip-rule="evenodd" |
/> |
</svg> |
</div> |
<div class=" self-center font-medium text-sm">{$i18n.t('Back')}</div> |
</button> |
<form |
class="flex flex-col max-w-2xl mx-auto mt-4 mb-10" |
on:submit|preventDefault={() => { |
updateHandler(); |
}} |
> |
<div class="my-2"> |
<div class=" text-sm font-semibold mb-2">{$i18n.t('Title')}*</div> |
<div> |
<input |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-sm w-full bg-transparent border dark:border-gray-600 outline-none rounded-lg" |
placeholder={$i18n.t('Add a short title for this prompt')} |
bind:value={title} |
required |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="my-2"> |
<div class=" text-sm font-semibold mb-2">{$i18n.t('Command')}*</div> |
<div class="flex items-center mb-1"> |
<div |
class="bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-600 font-semibold px-3 py-1 border border-r-0 dark:border-gray-600 rounded-l-lg" |
> |
/ |
</div> |
<input |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-sm w-full bg-transparent border disabled:text-gray-500 dark:border-gray-600 outline-none rounded-r-lg" |
placeholder="short-summary" |
bind:value={command} |
disabled |
required |
/> |
</div> |
<div class="text-xs text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-500"> |
{$i18n.t('Only')} |
<span class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium" |
>{$i18n.t('alphanumeric characters and hyphens')}</span |
> |
{$i18n.t('are allowed - Activate this command by typing')} "<span |
class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium" |
> |
/{command} |
</span>" |
{$i18n.t('to chat input.')} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="my-2"> |
<div class="flex w-full justify-between"> |
<div class=" self-center text-sm font-semibold">{$i18n.t('Prompt Content')}*</div> |
</div> |
<div class="mt-2"> |
<div> |
<textarea |
class="px-3 py-1.5 text-sm w-full bg-transparent border dark:border-gray-600 outline-none rounded-lg" |
placeholder={$i18n.t(`Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].`)} |
rows="6" |
bind:value={content} |
required |
/> |
</div> |
<div class="text-xs text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-500"> |
ⓘ {$i18n.t('Format your variables using square brackets like this:')} <span |
class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium">[{$i18n.t('variable')}]</span |
>. |
{$i18n.t('Make sure to enclose them with')} |
<span class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium">'['</span> |
{$i18n.t('and')} |
<span class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium">']'</span>. |
</div> |
<div class="text-xs text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-500"> |
{$i18n.t('Utilize')}<span class=" text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-medium"> |
{` {{CLIPBOARD}}`}</span |
> |
{$i18n.t('variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.')} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="my-2 flex justify-end"> |
<button |
class=" text-sm px-3 py-2 transition rounded-xl {loading |
? ' cursor-not-allowed bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800' |
: ' bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-gray-800'} flex" |
type="submit" |
disabled={loading} |
> |
<div class=" self-center font-medium">{$i18n.t('Save & Update')}</div> |
{#if loading} |
<div class="ml-1.5 self-center"> |
<svg |
class=" w-4 h-4" |
viewBox="0 0 24 24" |
fill="currentColor" |
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
><style> |
.spinner_ajPY { |
transform-origin: center; |
animation: spinner_AtaB 0.75s infinite linear; |
} |
@keyframes spinner_AtaB { |
100% { |
transform: rotate(360deg); |
} |
} |
</style><path |
d="M12,1A11,11,0,1,0,23,12,11,11,0,0,0,12,1Zm0,19a8,8,0,1,1,8-8A8,8,0,0,1,12,20Z" |
opacity=".25" |
/><path |
d="M10.14,1.16a11,11,0,0,0-9,8.92A1.59,1.59,0,0,0,2.46,12,1.52,1.52,0,0,0,4.11,10.7a8,8,0,0,1,6.66-6.61A1.42,1.42,0,0,0,12,2.69h0A1.57,1.57,0,0,0,10.14,1.16Z" |
class="spinner_ajPY" |
/></svg |
> |
</div> |
{/if} |
</button> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |