Fsg-Pp / sites /danbooru.py
Kyo-Kai's picture
Upload 18 files
f4d52c1 verified
history blame
9.08 kB
import time
import urllib.request
import os
from random import randint
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from commands.driver_instance import create_url_headers, tab_handler
from commands.exec_path import imgList
from commands.universal import searchQuery, save_Search, continue_Search, contains_works
from ai.classifying_ai import img_classifier
def getOrderedDanbooruImages(driver, exec_path, user_search, num_pics, num_pages, filters, bl_tags, inc_tags, imageControl):
global image_locations, bl_tags_list, inc_tags_list, image_names, ai_mode,rating_filters
image_names = imgList(mode=0)
image_locations = []
link = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/"
if 0 in imageControl:
continue_Search(driver, link, mode=1)
# Rating Filter Creation
rating_filters = ["s","e"]
rating_filters = ["q","s","e"] if 4 in filters else []
# Tag list creation
score = 1 if 0 in filters else 0
match_type = 1 if 1 in filters else 0
r_18 = pg_lenient()
r_18 = pg_strict() if 3 in filters else r_18
ai_mode = 1
continue_search = 1 if imageControl else 0
# Replace spaces to make spaces feasible by the user
user_search = user_search.replace(" ", "_")
score = filter_score(score)
bl_tags_list = create_filter_tag_list(bl_tags, r_18)
inc_tags_list = create_tag_list(inc_tags, match_type) if inc_tags else []
if 0 not in imageControl:
searchQuery(user_search, driver, '//*[@name="tags"]', mode=1, score=score)
if not contains_works(driver, '//*[@class="posts-container gap-2"]'):
print("No works found...")
return []
if ai_mode:
WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=11).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@class="popup-menu-content"]')))
driver.get(driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '(//*[@class="popup-menu-content"]//li)[6]//a').get_attribute("href"))
curr_page = driver.current_url
while len(image_locations) < num_pics*num_pages:
pages_to_search(driver, num_pages, num_pics, exec_path)
if curr_page == driver.current_url and len(image_locations) < num_pics*num_pages:
print("Reached end of search results")
curr_page = driver.current_url
return image_locations
def filter_score(score):
if score:
return " order:score"
return ""
def pages_to_search(driver, num_pages, num_pics, exec_path):
for i in range(num_pages):
WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=11).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@class="posts-container gap-2"]')))
# Selects the picture grids
images = driver.find_element(
By.XPATH, '//*[@class="posts-container gap-2"]'
).find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "post-preview-link")
grid_search(driver, num_pics, images, exec_path, num_pages)
save_Search(driver, mode=1)
if not valid_page(driver) or len(image_locations) >= num_pics*num_pages:
def grid_search(driver, num_pics, images, exec_path, num_pages):
temp_img_len = len(image_locations)
for n_iter, image in enumerate(images):
if len(image_locations) >= num_pics*num_pages or len(image_locations) - temp_img_len >= num_pics:
if image.find_element(By.XPATH, ".//img").get_attribute('src').split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii") in image_names:
print("\nImage already exists, moving to another image...")
# Has to be checked this way otherwise tags are not visible in headless mode
img_tags = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "post-preview")[n_iter].get_attribute('data-tags')
img_rating = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "post-preview")[n_iter].get_attribute('data-rating')
if filter_ratings(img_rating,rating_filters) and filter_tags(bl_tags_list, inc_tags_list, img_tags):
if ai_mode:
checker = 0
image_loc = download_image(exec_path=exec_path, driver=driver, image=image)
if img_classifier(image_loc):
print("AI Mode: I approve this image")
print("AI Mode: Skipping this image")
checker = 1
if checker:
driver, tempImg = tab_handler(driver=driver,image=image)
WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=15).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="post-option-download"]/a')))
download_image(exec_path=exec_path, driver=driver)
driver = tab_handler(driver=driver)
print("\nFilters did not match/Not an image, moving to another image...")
print("\nI ran into an error, closing the tab and moving on...")
if driver.window_handles[-1] != driver.window_handles[0]:
driver = tab_handler(driver=driver)
time.sleep(randint(0,2) + randint(0,9)/10)
def filter_ratings(img_rating,rating_filters):
if img_rating not in rating_filters:
return True
return False
def filter_tags(bl_tags_list, inc_tags_list, img_tags):
# Hashmap of picture's tags for O(1) time searching
img_hash = {}
for img_tag in img_tags.split(" "):
img_hash[img_tag] = 1
# Included tags (exact match or not exact)
if inc_tags_list and inc_tags_list[-1] == 1:
for tag in inc_tags_list:
if not img_hash.get(tag, 0):
return False
elif inc_tags_list:
cond = False
for tag in inc_tags_list:
if img_hash.get(tag, 0):
cond = True
if not cond:
return False
# Note that bl_tags_list is never empty since it filters videos
for tag in bl_tags_list:
if img_hash.get(tag,0):
return False
return True
def create_tag_list(inc_tags, match_type):
temp_tags = [tag.lstrip().replace(" ","_") for tag in inc_tags.split(",")]
if match_type:
return temp_tags
def create_filter_tag_list(bl_tags, r_18):
temp_tags = ["animated", "video", "sound"]
if bl_tags:
temp_tags += [tag.lstrip().replace(" ","_") for tag in bl_tags.split(",")]
if r_18:
temp_tags += r_18
return temp_tags
# Find the next page and ensure it isn't the last page
def valid_page(driver):
cur_url = driver.current_url
driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "paginator-next").click()
if cur_url == driver.current_url:
return 0
return 1
def pg_lenient():
return ["sex","penis","vaginal","completely_nude","nude","exposed_boobs","ahegao","cum","no_panties","no_bra",
"nipple_piercing", "anal_fluid","uncensored", "see-through", "pussy", "cunnilingus", "oral", "ass_focus",
"anal", "sex_from_behind", "cum_on_clothes", "cum_on_face", "nipple","nipples", "missionary"
"fellatio", "rape", "breasts_out","cum_in_pussy", "condom", "dildo", "sex_toy", "cum_in_mouth", "heavy_breathing", "cum_on_tongue"
"panties", "panty_pull", "nude_cover", "underwear_only","grabbing_own_breast","ass_grab","censored","areola_slip","areolae","torn_pantyhose","micro_bikini","steaming_body"]
def pg_strict():
return pg_lenient() + ["piercings", "cleavage","boobs","thongs","fellatio_gesture", "mosaic_censoring", "ass", "mosaic_censoring",
"covered_nipples", "thigh_focus", "thighs", "bikini", "swimsuit", "grabbing_another's_breast", "huge_breasts",
"foot_focus", "licking_foot", "foot_worship", "shirt_lift","clothes_lift", "underwear", "panties_under_pantyhose"]
def download_image(exec_path, driver, image=0):
if not image:
tempDL = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="post-option-download"]/a')
tempDLAttr = tempDL.get_attribute("href")
tempDLName = tempDL.get_attribute("download").encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
tempDLAttr = image.find_element(By.XPATH, ".//img").get_attribute('src')
tempDLName = tempDLAttr.split("/")[-1].encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
img_loc = f"./{exec_path.folder_path}/{tempDLName}"
tempDLAttr, f"./{exec_path.folder_path}/{tempDLName}"
if not image:
return img_loc