3DFauna_demo / app.py
fix sam mask
history blame
27.7 kB
import os
import fire
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image
from functools import partial
import argparse
import sys
import torch
if os.getenv('SYSTEM') == 'spaces':
os.system('pip install --global-option="--no-networks" git+https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/#subdirectory=bindings/torch')
os.system('pip install fvcore iopath')
os.system('pip install "git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git"')
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from segment_anything import build_sam, SamPredictor
import random
from pytorch3d import transforms
import torchvision
import torch.distributed as dist
import nvdiffrast.torch as dr
from video3d.model_ddp import Unsup3DDDP, forward_to_matrix
from video3d.trainer_few_shot import Fewshot_Trainer
from video3d.trainer_ddp import TrainerDDP
from video3d import setup_runtime
from video3d.render.mesh import make_mesh
from video3d.utils.skinning_v4 import estimate_bones, skinning, euler_angles_to_matrix
from video3d.utils.misc import save_obj
from video3d.render import util
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pytorch3d import utils, renderer, transforms, structures, io
from video3d.render.render import render_mesh
from video3d.render.material import texture as material_texture
_TITLE = '''Learning the 3D Fauna of the Web'''
Reconstruct any quadruped animal from one image.
The demo only contains the 3D reconstruction part.
_GPU_ID = 0
if not hasattr(Image, 'Resampling'):
Image.Resampling = Image
def sam_init():
sam_checkpoint = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sam_pt", "sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth")
model_type = "vit_h"
# sam = sam_model_registry[model_type](checkpoint=sam_checkpoint).to(device=f"cuda:{_GPU_ID}")
# predictor = SamPredictor(sam)
predictor = SamPredictor(build_sam(checkpoint=sam_checkpoint).to("cuda"))
return predictor
def sam_segment(predictor, input_image, *bbox_coords):
bbox = np.array(bbox_coords)
image = np.asarray(input_image)
start_time = time.time()
masks_bbox, scores_bbox, logits_bbox = predictor.predict(
print(f"SAM Time: {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s")
out_image = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 4), dtype=np.uint8)
out_image[:, :, :3] = image
out_image_bbox = out_image.copy()
out_image_bbox[:, :, 3] = masks_bbox[-1].astype(np.uint8) * 255
# return Image.fromarray(out_image_bbox, mode='RGB')
x_nonzero = np.nonzero(masks_bbox[-1].astype(np.uint8).sum(axis=0))
y_nonzero = np.nonzero(masks_bbox[-1].astype(np.uint8).sum(axis=1))
x_min = int(x_nonzero[0].min())
y_min = int(y_nonzero[0].min())
x_max = int(x_nonzero[0].max())
y_max = int(y_nonzero[0].max())
out_image_bbox = out_image_bbox[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]
return Image.fromarray(out_image_bbox, mode='RGBA')
def expand2square(pil_img, background_color):
width, height = pil_img.size
if width == height:
return pil_img
elif width > height:
result = Image.new(pil_img.mode, (width, width), background_color)
result.paste(pil_img, (0, (width - height) // 2))
return result
result = Image.new(pil_img.mode, (height, height), background_color)
result.paste(pil_img, ((height - width) // 2, 0))
return result
def preprocess(predictor, input_image, chk_group=None, segment=False):
RES = 1024
input_image.thumbnail([RES, RES], Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
if chk_group is not None:
segment = "Use SAM to center animal" in chk_group
if segment:
image_rem = input_image.convert('RGB')
arr = np.asarray(image_rem)[:,:,-1]
x_nonzero = np.nonzero(arr.sum(axis=0))
y_nonzero = np.nonzero(arr.sum(axis=1))
x_min = int(x_nonzero[0].min())
y_min = int(y_nonzero[0].min())
x_max = int(x_nonzero[0].max())
y_max = int(y_nonzero[0].max())
input_image = sam_segment(predictor, input_image.convert('RGB'), x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
input_image = expand2square(input_image, (0, 0, 0, 0))
return input_image, input_image.resize((256, 256), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
def save_images(images, mask_pred, mode="transparent"):
img = images[0]
mask = mask_pred[0]
img = img.clamp(0, 1)
if mask is not None:
mask = mask.clamp(0, 1)
if mode == "white":
img = img * mask + 1 * (1 - mask)
elif mode == "black":
img = img * mask + 0 * (1 - mask)
img = torch.cat([img, mask[0:1]], 0)
img = img.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img * 255))
return img
def get_bank_embedding(rgb, memory_bank_keys, memory_bank, model, memory_bank_topk=10, memory_bank_dim=128):
images = rgb
batch_size, num_frames, _, h0, w0 = images.shape
images = images.reshape(batch_size*num_frames, *images.shape[2:]) # 0~1
images_in = images * 2 - 1 # rescale to (-1, 1) for DINO
x = images_in
with torch.no_grad():
b, c, h, w = x.shape
model.netInstance.netEncoder._feats = []
model.netInstance.netEncoder._register_hooks([11], 'key')
#self._register_hooks([11], 'token')
x = model.netInstance.netEncoder.ViT.prepare_tokens(x)
#x = self.ViT.prepare_tokens_with_masks(x)
for blk in model.netInstance.netEncoder.ViT.blocks:
x = blk(x)
out = model.netInstance.netEncoder.ViT.norm(x)
ph, pw = h // model.netInstance.netEncoder.patch_size, w // model.netInstance.netEncoder.patch_size
patch_out = out[:, 1:] # first is class token
patch_out = patch_out.reshape(b, ph, pw, model.netInstance.netEncoder.vit_feat_dim).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
patch_key = model.netInstance.netEncoder._feats[0][:,:,1:] # B, num_heads, num_patches, dim
patch_key = patch_key.permute(0, 1, 3, 2).reshape(b, model.netInstance.netEncoder.vit_feat_dim, ph, pw)
global_feat = out[:, 0]
batch_features = global_feat
batch_size = batch_features.shape[0]
query = torch.nn.functional.normalize(batch_features.unsqueeze(1), dim=-1) # [B, 1, d_k]
key = torch.nn.functional.normalize(memory_bank_keys, dim=-1) # [size, d_k]
key = key.transpose(1, 0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1).to(query.device) # [B, d_k, size]
cos_dist = torch.bmm(query, key).squeeze(1) # [B, size], larger the more similar
rank_idx = torch.sort(cos_dist, dim=-1, descending=True)[1][:, :memory_bank_topk] # [B, k]
value = memory_bank.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1).to(query.device) # [B, size, d_v]
out = torch.gather(value, dim=1, index=rank_idx[..., None].repeat(1, 1, memory_bank_dim)) # [B, k, d_v]
weights = torch.gather(cos_dist, dim=-1, index=rank_idx) # [B, k]
weights = torch.nn.functional.normalize(weights, p=1.0, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, memory_bank_dim) # [B, k, d_v] weights have been normalized
out = weights * out
out = torch.sum(out, dim=1)
batch_mean_out = torch.mean(out, dim=0)
weight_aux = {
'weights': weights[:, :, 0], # [B, k], weights from large to small
'pick_idx': rank_idx, # [B, k]
batch_embedding = batch_mean_out
embeddings = out
weights = weight_aux
bank_embedding_model_input = [batch_embedding, embeddings, weights]
return bank_embedding_model_input
class FixedDirectionLight(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, direction, amb, diff):
super(FixedDirectionLight, self).__init__()
self.light_dir = direction
self.amb = amb
self.diff = diff
self.is_hacking = not (isinstance(self.amb, float)
or isinstance(self.amb, int))
def forward(self, feat):
batch_size = feat.shape[0]
if self.is_hacking:
return torch.concat([self.light_dir, self.amb, self.diff], -1)
return torch.concat([self.light_dir, torch.FloatTensor([self.amb, self.diff]).to(self.light_dir.device)], -1).expand(batch_size, -1)
def shade(self, feat, kd, normal):
light_params = self.forward(feat)
light_dir = light_params[..., :3][:, None, None, :]
int_amb = light_params[..., 3:4][:, None, None, :]
int_diff = light_params[..., 4:5][:, None, None, :]
shading = (int_amb + int_diff *
torch.clamp(util.dot(light_dir, normal), min=0.0))
shaded = shading * kd
return shaded, shading
def render_bones(mvp, bones_pred, size=(256, 256)):
bone_world4 = torch.concat([bones_pred, torch.ones_like(bones_pred[..., :1]).to(bones_pred.device)], dim=-1)
b, f, num_bones = bone_world4.shape[:3]
bones_clip4 = (bone_world4.view(b, f, num_bones*2, 1, 4) @ mvp.transpose(-1, -2).reshape(b, f, 1, 4, 4)).view(b, f, num_bones, 2, 4)
bones_uv = bones_clip4[..., :2] / bones_clip4[..., 3:4] # b, f, num_bones, 2, 2
dpi = 32
fx, fy = size[1] // dpi, size[0] // dpi
rendered = []
for b_idx in range(b):
for f_idx in range(f):
frame_bones_uv = bones_uv[b_idx, f_idx].cpu().numpy()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fx, fy), dpi=dpi, frameon=False)
ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
for bone in frame_bones_uv:
ax.plot(bone[:, 0], bone[:, 1], marker='o', linewidth=8, markersize=20)
ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
ax.set_ylim(-1, 1)
# Convert to image
image = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8)
w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
image.resize(h, w, 3)
rendered += [image / 255.]
return torch.from_numpy(np.stack(rendered, 0).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)).to(bones_pred.device)
def add_mesh_color(mesh, color):
verts = mesh.verts_padded()
color = torch.FloatTensor(color).to(verts.device).view(1,1,3) / 255
mesh.textures = renderer.TexturesVertex(verts_features=verts*0+color)
return mesh
def create_sphere(position, scale, device, color=[139, 149, 173]):
mesh = utils.ico_sphere(2).to(device)
mesh = mesh.extend(position.shape[0])
# scale and offset
mesh = mesh.update_padded(mesh.verts_padded() * scale + position[:, None])
mesh = add_mesh_color(mesh, color)
return mesh
def estimate_bone_rotation(b):
(0, 0, 1) = matmul(R^(-1), b)
assumes x, y is a symmetry plane
returns R
b = b / torch.norm(b, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
n = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 0, 0]]).to(b.device)
n = n.expand_as(b)
v = torch.cross(b, n, dim=-1)
R = torch.stack([n, v, b], dim=-1).transpose(-2, -1)
return R
def estimate_vector_rotation(vector_a, vector_b):
vector_a = matmul(R, vector_b)
returns R
vector_a = vector_a / torch.norm(vector_a, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
vector_b = vector_b / torch.norm(vector_b, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
v = torch.cross(vector_a, vector_b, dim=-1)
c = torch.sum(vector_a * vector_b, dim=-1)
skew = torch.stack([
torch.stack([torch.zeros_like(v[..., 0]), -v[..., 2], v[..., 1]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([v[..., 2], torch.zeros_like(v[..., 0]), -v[..., 0]], dim=-1),
torch.stack([-v[..., 1], v[..., 0], torch.zeros_like(v[..., 0])], dim=-1)],
R = torch.eye(3, device=vector_a.device)[None] + skew + torch.matmul(skew, skew) / (1 + c[..., None, None])
return R
def create_elipsoid(bone, scale=0.05, color=[139, 149, 173], generic_rotation_estim=True):
length = torch.norm(bone[:, 0] - bone[:, 1], dim=-1)
mesh = utils.ico_sphere(2).to(bone.device)
mesh = mesh.extend(bone.shape[0])
# scale x, y
verts = mesh.verts_padded() * torch.FloatTensor([scale, scale, 1]).to(bone.device)
# stretch along z axis, set the start to origin
verts[:, :, 2] = verts[:, :, 2] * length[:, None] * 0.5 + length[:, None] * 0.5
bone_vector = bone[:, 1] - bone[:, 0]
z_vector = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0, 1]]).to(bone.device)
z_vector = z_vector.expand_as(bone_vector)
if generic_rotation_estim:
rot = estimate_vector_rotation(z_vector, bone_vector)
rot = estimate_bone_rotation(bone_vector)
tsf = transforms.Rotate(rot, device=bone.device)
tsf = tsf.compose(transforms.Translate(bone[:, 0], device=bone.device))
verts = tsf.transform_points(verts)
mesh = mesh.update_padded(verts)
mesh = add_mesh_color(mesh, color)
return mesh
def convert_textures_vertex_to_textures_uv(meshes: structures.Meshes, color1, color2) -> renderer.TexturesUV:
Convert a TexturesVertex object to a TexturesUV object.
color1 = torch.Tensor(color1).to(meshes.device).view(1, 1, 3) / 255
color2 = torch.Tensor(color2).to(meshes.device).view(1, 1, 3) / 255
textures_vertex = meshes.textures
assert isinstance(textures_vertex, renderer.TexturesVertex), "Input meshes must have TexturesVertex"
verts_rgb = textures_vertex.verts_features_padded()
faces_uvs = meshes.faces_padded()
batch_size = verts_rgb.shape[0]
maps = torch.zeros(batch_size, 128, 128, 3, device=verts_rgb.device)
maps[:, :, :64, :] = color1
maps[:, :, 64:, :] = color2
is_first = (verts_rgb == color1)[..., 0]
verts_uvs = torch.zeros(batch_size, verts_rgb.shape[1], 2, device=verts_rgb.device)
verts_uvs[is_first] = torch.FloatTensor([0.25, 0.5]).to(verts_rgb.device)
verts_uvs[~is_first] = torch.FloatTensor([0.75, 0.5]).to(verts_rgb.device)
textures_uv = renderer.TexturesUV(maps=maps, faces_uvs=faces_uvs, verts_uvs=verts_uvs)
meshes.textures = textures_uv
return meshes
def create_bones_scene(bones, joint_color=[66, 91, 140], bone_color=[119, 144, 189], show_end_point=False):
meshes = []
for bone_i in range(bones.shape[1]):
# points
meshes += [create_sphere(bones[:, bone_i, 0], 0.1, bones.device, color=joint_color)]
if show_end_point:
meshes += [create_sphere(bones[:, bone_i, 1], 0.1, bones.device, color=joint_color)]
# connecting ellipsoid
meshes += [create_elipsoid(bones[:, bone_i], color=bone_color)]
current_batch_size = bones.shape[0]
meshes = [structures.join_meshes_as_scene([m[i] for m in meshes]) for i in range(current_batch_size)]
mesh = structures.join_meshes_as_batch(meshes)
return mesh
def save_mesh(mesh, file_path):
obj_file = file_path
idx = 0
print("Writing mesh: ", obj_file)
with open(obj_file, "w") as f:
# f.write(f"mtllib {fname}.mtl\n")
f.write("g default\n")
v_pos = mesh.v_pos[idx].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.v_pos is not None else None
v_nrm = mesh.v_nrm[idx].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.v_nrm is not None else None
v_tex = mesh.v_tex[idx].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.v_tex is not None else None
t_pos_idx = mesh.t_pos_idx[0].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.t_pos_idx is not None else None
t_nrm_idx = mesh.t_nrm_idx[0].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.t_nrm_idx is not None else None
t_tex_idx = mesh.t_tex_idx[0].detach().cpu().numpy() if mesh.t_tex_idx is not None else None
print(" writing %d vertices" % len(v_pos))
for v in v_pos:
f.write('v {} {} {} \n'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
if v_nrm is not None:
print(" writing %d normals" % len(v_nrm))
assert(len(t_pos_idx) == len(t_nrm_idx))
for v in v_nrm:
f.write('vn {} {} {}\n'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
# faces
f.write("s 1 \n")
f.write("g pMesh1\n")
f.write("usemtl defaultMat\n")
# Write faces
print(" writing %d faces" % len(t_pos_idx))
for i in range(len(t_pos_idx)):
f.write("f ")
for j in range(3):
f.write(' %s/%s/%s' % (str(t_pos_idx[i][j]+1), '' if v_tex is None else str(t_tex_idx[i][j]+1), '' if v_nrm is None else str(t_nrm_idx[i][j]+1)))
def process_mesh(shape, name):
mesh = shape.clone()
output_glb = f'./{name}.glb'
output_obj = f'./{name}.obj'
# save the obj file for download
save_mesh(mesh, output_obj)
# save the glb for visualize
mesh_tri = trimesh.Trimesh(
faces=mesh.t_pos_idx[0][..., [2,1,0]].detach().cpu().numpy(),
mesh_tri.visual.vertex_colors = (mesh.v_nrm[0][..., [2,1,0]].detach().cpu().numpy() + 1.0) * 0.5 * 255.0
return output_glb, output_obj
def run_pipeline(model_items, cfgs, input_img):
epoch = 999
total_iter = 999999
model = model_items[0]
memory_bank = model_items[1]
memory_bank_keys = model_items[2]
device = f'cuda:{_GPU_ID}'
input_image = torch.stack([torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()(input_img)], dim=0).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
input_image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input_image, size=(256, 256), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
input_image = input_image[:, None, :, :] # [B=1, F=1, 3, 256, 256]
bank_embedding = get_bank_embedding(
memory_bank_topk=cfgs.get("memory_bank_topk", 10),
prior_shape, dino_pred, classes_vectors = model.netPrior(
Instance_out = model.netInstance(
) # frame dim collapsed N=(B*F)
if len(Instance_out) == 13:
shape, pose_raw, pose, mvp, w2c, campos, texture_pred, im_features, dino_feat_im_calc, deform, all_arti_params, light, forward_aux = Instance_out
im_features_map = None
shape, pose_raw, pose, mvp, w2c, campos, texture_pred, im_features, dino_feat_im_calc, deform, all_arti_params, light, forward_aux, im_features_map = Instance_out
class_vector = classes_vectors # the bank embeddings
gray_light = FixedDirectionLight(direction=torch.FloatTensor([0, 0, 1]).to(device), amb=0.2, diff=0.7)
image_pred, mask_pred, _, _, _, shading = model.render(
shape, texture_pred, mvp, w2c, campos, (256, 256), background=model.background_mode,
im_features=im_features, light=gray_light, prior_shape=prior_shape, render_mode='diffuse',
render_flow=False, dino_pred=None, im_features_map=im_features_map
mask_pred = mask_pred.expand_as(image_pred)
shading = shading.expand_as(image_pred)
# render bones in pytorch3D style
posed_bones = forward_aux["posed_bones"].squeeze(1)
jc, bc = [66, 91, 140], [119, 144, 189]
bones_meshes = create_bones_scene(posed_bones, joint_color=jc, bone_color=bc, show_end_point=True)
bones_meshes = convert_textures_vertex_to_textures_uv(bones_meshes, color1=jc, color2=bc)
nv_meshes = make_mesh(verts=bones_meshes.verts_padded(), faces=bones_meshes.faces_padded()[0:1],
uvs=bones_meshes.textures.verts_uvs_padded(), uv_idx=bones_meshes.textures.faces_uvs_padded()[0:1],
# buffers = render_mesh(dr.RasterizeGLContext(), nv_meshes, mvp, w2c, campos, nv_meshes.material, lgt=gray_light, feat=im_features, dino_pred=None, resolution=(256,256), bsdf="diffuse")
buffers = render_mesh(dr.RasterizeCudaContext(), nv_meshes, mvp, w2c, campos, nv_meshes.material, lgt=gray_light, feat=im_features, dino_pred=None, resolution=(256,256), bsdf="diffuse")
shaded = buffers["shaded"].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
bone_image = shaded[:, :3, :, :]
bone_mask = shaded[:, 3:, :, :]
mask_final = mask_pred.logical_or(bone_mask)
mask_final = mask_final.int()
image_with_bones = bone_image * bone_mask * 0.5 + (shading * (1 - bone_mask * 0.5) + 0.5 * (mask_final.float() - mask_pred.float()))
mesh_image = save_images(shading, mask_pred)
mesh_bones_image = save_images(image_with_bones, mask_final)
shape_glb, shape_obj = process_mesh(shape, 'reconstructed_shape')
base_shape_glb, base_shape_obj = process_mesh(prior_shape, 'reconstructed_base_shape')
return mesh_image, mesh_bones_image, shape_glb, shape_obj, base_shape_glb, base_shape_obj
def run_demo():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--gpu', default='0', type=str,
help='Specify a GPU device')
parser.add_argument('--num_workers', default=4, type=int,
help='Specify the number of worker threads for data loaders')
parser.add_argument('--seed', default=0, type=int,
help='Specify a random seed')
parser.add_argument('--config', default='./ckpts/configs.yml',
type=str) # Model config path
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_path', default='./ckpts/iter0800000.pth', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '8088'
dist.init_process_group("gloo", rank=_GPU_ID, world_size=1)
args.rank = _GPU_ID
args.world_size = 1
args.gpu = f'{_GPU_ID}'
device = f'cuda:{_GPU_ID}'
resolution = (256, 256)
batch_size = 1
model_cfgs = setup_runtime(args)
bone_y_thresh = 0.4
body_bone_idx_preset = [3, 6, 6, 3]
model_cfgs['body_bone_idx_preset'] = body_bone_idx_preset
model = Unsup3DDDP(model_cfgs)
# a hack attempt
model.netPrior.classes_vectors = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.nn.init.uniform_(torch.empty(123, 128), a=-0.05, b=0.05))
cp = torch.load(args.checkpoint_path, map_location=device)
memory_bank_keys = cp['memory_bank_keys']
memory_bank = cp['memory_bank']
model_items = [
predictor = sam_init()
custom_theme = gr.themes.Soft(primary_hue="blue").set(
custom_css = '''#disp_image {
text-align: center; /* Horizontally center the content */
with gr.Blocks(title=_TITLE, theme=custom_theme, css=custom_css) as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
gr.Markdown('# ' + _TITLE)
with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
with gr.Column(scale=1):
input_image = gr.Image(type='pil', image_mode='RGBA', height=256, label='Input image', tool=None)
example_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "./example_images")
example_fns = [os.path.join(example_folder, example) for example in os.listdir(example_folder)]
# outputs=[input_image],
label='Examples (click one of the images below to start)',
with gr.Column(scale=1):
processed_image = gr.Image(type='pil', label="Processed Image", interactive=False, height=256, tool=None, image_mode='RGB', elem_id="disp_image")
processed_image_highres = gr.Image(type='pil', image_mode='RGB', visible=False, tool=None)
with gr.Accordion('Advanced options', open=True):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_processing = gr.CheckboxGroup(['Use SAM to center animal'],
label='Input Image Preprocessing',
info='untick this, if animal is already centered, e.g. in example images')
# with gr.Column():
# output_processing = gr.CheckboxGroup(['Background Removal'], label='Output Image Postprocessing', value=[])
# with gr.Row():
# with gr.Column():
# scale_slider = gr.Slider(1, 5, value=3, step=1,
# label='Classifier Free Guidance Scale')
# with gr.Column():
# steps_slider = gr.Slider(15, 100, value=50, step=1,
# label='Number of Diffusion Inference Steps')
# with gr.Row():
# with gr.Column():
# seed = gr.Number(42, label='Seed')
# with gr.Column():
# crop_size = gr.Number(192, label='Crop size')
# crop_size = 192
run_btn = gr.Button('Reconstruct', variant='primary', interactive=True)
with gr.Row():
view_1 = gr.Image(interactive=False, height=256, show_label=False)
view_2 = gr.Image(interactive=False, height=256, show_label=False)
with gr.Row():
shape_1 = gr.Model3D(clear_color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], height=512, label="Reconstructed Model")
shape_1_download = gr.File(label="Download Full Reconstructed Model")
with gr.Row():
shape_2 = gr.Model3D(clear_color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], height=512, label="Bank Base Shape Model")
shape_2_download = gr.File(label="Download Full Bank Base Shape Model")
run_btn.click(fn=partial(preprocess, predictor),
inputs=[input_image, input_processing],
outputs=[processed_image_highres, processed_image], queue=True
).success(fn=partial(run_pipeline, model_items, model_cfgs),
outputs=[view_1, view_2, shape_1, shape_1_download, shape_2, shape_2_download]
demo.queue().launch(share=True, max_threads=80)
# _, local_url, share_url = demo.queue().launch(share=True, server_name="", server_port=23425)
# print('local_url: ', local_url)
if __name__ == '__main__':