import openai |
import json |
import os |
import gradio as gr |
openai.api_key = os.environ.get('OPENAI') |
def callAPI(input_prompt, engine_type="text-davinciplus-001", temp=0.2): |
try: |
output = openai.Completion.create( |
engine=engine_type, |
prompt=input_prompt, |
max_tokens=250, |
temperature=temp, |
n=1, |
stop="\n---" |
) |
output = json.dumps(output) |
output = json.loads(output)['choices'][0] |
for ind in output: |
if (ind == 'text'): |
output = output[ind] |
return output |
else: |
print('Error: failed to find text in output') |
raise RuntimeError |
except: |
print('Error: failed to make successful OpenAI API call') |
print(output) |
raise RuntimeError |
def makeValues(text_array): |
print(text_array) |
try: |
output = {} |
for text in text_array: |
if text == '': |
pass |
else: |
try: |
split_text = text.split(": ", 1) |
if split_text[1] == "none" or split_text[1] == "None" or split_text[1] == '': |
output[str(split_text[0])] = "" |
else: |
output[str(split_text[0])] = split_text[1].strip() |
except: |
split_text = text.split(":", 1) |
if split_text[1] == "none" or split_text[1] == "None" or split_text[1] == '': |
output[str(split_text[0])] = "" |
else: |
output[str(split_text[0])] = split_text[1].strip() |
return output |
except: |
print("error converting array values to dict") |
print(output) |
print(text) |
raise RuntimeError |
def company(model, input=None): |
if not input: |
return "Error: Please supply a company's name" |
else: |
company_text="Fill in the company facts table truthfully. If unsure list none.\n---\nFord\nstock_symbol: F\nstock_market: NYSE\nceo: Jim Farley\nheadquarters: Dearborn, MI\nindustry: automotive, manufacturing, electric vehicle\nfounded_date: 1903\nfounders: Henry Ford\nlegal_name: Ford Motor Company\ncompany_website: https://ford.com\nsummary: Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, United States.\ncompetitors: Chevrolet, Toyota, Honda\nwikipedia_url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Motor_Company\ncrunchbase_url: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/ford\ninstagram_url: https://www.instagram.com/ford\ntwitter_url: https://twitter.com/Ford\nyoutube_url: https://www.youtube.com/user/ford\n---\n" |
loaded_prompt=company_text+input |
engine_used=model |
result=callAPI(loaded_prompt, engine_used, 0.2) |
result = result.split('\n') |
formatted_result=makeValues(result) |
try: |
final={} |
final['triples']={} |
final['metadata']={} |
final['subject']=input |
final['type']='company' |
final['triples']['stock_symbol'] = formatted_result['stock_symbol'] |
final['triples']['stock_market'] = formatted_result['stock_market'] |
final['triples']['ceo'] = formatted_result['ceo'] |
final['triples']['industry'] = formatted_result['industry'].split(',') |
final['triples']['headquarters'] = formatted_result['headquarters'] |
final['triples']['founded_date'] = formatted_result['founded_date'] |
final['triples']['founders'] = formatted_result['founders'].split(',') |
final['triples']['legal_name'] = formatted_result['legal_name'] |
final['triples']['company_website'] = formatted_result['company_website'] |
final['triples']['wikipedia_url'] = formatted_result['wikipedia_url'] |
final['triples']['summary'] = formatted_result['summary'] |
final['metadata']['producer']='MIDAS v0.01' |
final['metadata']['nlp_model']=engine_used |
print(final) |
except: |
print('Error: could not form JSON from key:values') |
print(formatted_result) |
return '{"Error": "could not form JSON from key:values"}' |
return final |
def person(model, input=None): |
if not input: |
return "Error: Please supply a company's name" |
else: |
person_text="Fill in the persons fact table truthfully. If unsure list none.\n---\nJim Farley\ncommon_name: Jim Farley\nborn: 1956\nlegal_name: Jim Farley\nsummary: Jim Farley is the CEO of Ford Motor Company.\nwikipedia_url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Farley\ninstagram_url:\ntwitter_url:\nyoutube_url:\n---\n" |
loaded_prompt=person_text+input |
engine_used=model |
result=callAPI(loaded_prompt, engine_used, 0) |
result = result.split('\n') |
formatted_result=makeValues(result) |
try: |
final={} |
final['triples']={} |
final['metadata']={} |
final['subject']=input |
final['type']='person' |
final['triples']['common_name'] = formatted_result['common_name'] |
final['triples']['born'] = formatted_result['born'] |
final['triples']['legal_name'] = formatted_result['legal_name'] |
final['triples']['instagram_url'] = formatted_result['instagram_url'] |
final['triples']['twitter_url'] = formatted_result['twitter_url'] |
final['triples']['wikipedia_url'] = formatted_result['wikipedia_url'] |
final['triples']['summary'] = formatted_result['summary'] |
final['metadata']['producer']='MIDAS v0.01' |
final['metadata']['nlp_model']=engine_used |
print(final) |
except: |
print('Error: could not form JSON from key:values') |
print(formatted_result) |
return '{"Error": "could not form JSON from key:values"}' |
return final |
model_options = { |
"Curie Instruct (OpenAI)": "text-curie-001", |
"GPT-J": "gpt-j", |
} |
def start(types=None, text=None): |
model = "Curie Instruct (OpenAI)" |
if not text or not types or not model: |
return "Error: Please supply an input" |
else: |
if model_options[model] == 'gpt-j': |
return "GPT-J coming soon" |
else: |
if types == "Company": |
return company(model_options[model], text) |
if types == "Person": |
return person(model_options[model], text) |
custom_css = ''' |
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''' |
iface = gr.Interface( |
fn=start, |
inputs=[ |
gr.inputs.Dropdown(["Company", "Person"], label="Entity Type"), |
gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, label="Subject") |
], |
outputs=[ |
gr.outputs.JSON(label="JSON Triples") |
], |
css=custom_css, |
theme="default", |
allow_flagging='never', |
allow_screenshot=False, |
) |
iface.launch(enable_queue=True) |