// | |
// WARNING: This file is automatically generated! Please edit | |
// | |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 | |
syntax = "proto2"; | |
package onnx; | |
// Overview | |
// | |
// ONNX is an open specification that is comprised of the following components: | |
// | |
// 1) A definition of an extensible computation graph model. | |
// 2) Definitions of standard data types. | |
// 3) Definitions of built-in operators. | |
// | |
// This document describes the syntax of models and their computation graphs, | |
// as well as the standard data types. Together, they are referred to as the ONNX | |
// Intermediate Representation, or 'IR' for short. | |
// | |
// The normative semantic specification of the ONNX IR is found in docs/ | |
// Definitions of the built-in neural network operators may be found in docs/ | |
// Definitions of the built-in classical machine learning operators may be found in | |
// docs/ | |
// Notes | |
// | |
// Protobuf compatibility | |
// | |
// To simplify framework compatibility, ONNX is defined using the subset of protobuf | |
// that is compatible with both protobuf v2 and v3. This means that we do not use any | |
// protobuf features that are only available in one of the two versions. | |
// | |
// Here are the most notable contortions we have to carry out to work around | |
// these limitations: | |
// | |
// - No 'map' (added protobuf 3.0). We instead represent mappings as lists | |
// of key-value pairs, where order does not matter and duplicates | |
// are not allowed. | |
// Versioning | |
// | |
// ONNX versioning is specified in docs/ and elaborated on in docs/ | |
// | |
// To be compatible with both proto2 and proto3, we will use a version number | |
// that is not defined by the default value but an explicit enum number. | |
enum Version { | |
// proto3 requires the first enum value to be zero. | |
// We add this just to appease the compiler. | |
// The version field is always serialized and we will use it to store the | |
// version that the graph is generated from. This helps us set up version | |
// control. | |
// For the IR, we are using simple numbers starting with 0x00000001, | |
// which was the version we published on Oct 10, 2017. | |
IR_VERSION_2017_10_10 = 0x0000000000000001; | |
// IR_VERSION 2 published on Oct 30, 2017 | |
// - Added type discriminator to AttributeProto to support proto3 users | |
IR_VERSION_2017_10_30 = 0x0000000000000002; | |
// IR VERSION 3 published on Nov 3, 2017 | |
// - For operator versioning: | |
// - Added new message OperatorSetIdProto | |
// - Added opset_import in ModelProto | |
// - For vendor extensions, added domain in NodeProto | |
IR_VERSION_2017_11_3 = 0x0000000000000003; | |
// IR VERSION 4 published on Jan 22, 2019 | |
// - Relax constraint that initializers should be a subset of graph inputs | |
// - Add type BFLOAT16 | |
IR_VERSION_2019_1_22 = 0x0000000000000004; | |
// IR VERSION 5 published on March 18, 2019 | |
// - Add message TensorAnnotation. | |
// - Add quantization annotation in GraphProto to map tensor with its scale and zero point quantization parameters. | |
IR_VERSION_2019_3_18 = 0x0000000000000005; | |
// IR VERSION 6 published on Sep 19, 2019 | |
// - Add support for sparse tensor constants stored in model. | |
// - Add message SparseTensorProto | |
// - Add sparse initializers | |
IR_VERSION_2019_9_19 = 0x0000000000000006; | |
// IR VERSION 7 published on May 8, 2020 | |
// - Add support to allow function body graph to rely on multiple external opreator sets. | |
// - Add a list to promote inference graph's initializers to global and | |
// mutable variables. Global variables are visible in all graphs of the | |
// stored models. | |
// - Add message TrainingInfoProto to store initialization | |
// method and training algorithm. The execution of TrainingInfoProto | |
// can modify the values of mutable variables. | |
// - Implicitly add inference graph into each TrainingInfoProto's algorithm. | |
IR_VERSION_2020_5_8 = 0x0000000000000007; | |
// IR VERSION 8 published on July 30, 2021 | |
// Introduce TypeProto.SparseTensor | |
// Introduce TypeProto.Optional | |
// Added a list of FunctionProtos local to the model | |
// Deprecated since_version and operator status from FunctionProto | |
IR_VERSION_2021_7_30 = 0x0000000000000008; | |
// IR VERSION 9 published on May 5, 2023 | |
// Added AttributeProto to FunctionProto so that default attribute values can be set. | |
IR_VERSION_2023_5_5 = 0x0000000000000009; | |
// IR VERSION 10 published on TBD | |
// Added UINT4, INT4. | |
IR_VERSION = 0x000000000000000A; | |
} | |
// Attributes | |
// | |
// A named attribute containing either singular float, integer, string, graph, | |
// and tensor values, or repeated float, integer, string, graph, and tensor values. | |
// An AttributeProto MUST contain the name field, and *only one* of the | |
// following content fields, effectively enforcing a C/C++ union equivalent. | |
message AttributeProto { | |
reserved 12, 16 to 19; | |
reserved "v"; | |
// Note: this enum is structurally identical to the OpSchema::AttrType | |
// enum defined in schema.h. If you rev one, you likely need to rev the other. | |
enum AttributeType { | |
UNDEFINED = 0; | |
FLOAT = 1; | |
INT = 2; | |
STRING = 3; | |
TENSOR = 4; | |
GRAPH = 5; | |
TYPE_PROTO = 13; | |
FLOATS = 6; | |
INTS = 7; | |
STRINGS = 8; | |
TENSORS = 9; | |
GRAPHS = 10; | |
TYPE_PROTOS = 14; | |
} | |
// The name field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
optional string name = 1; // namespace Attribute | |
// if ref_attr_name is not empty, ref_attr_name is the attribute name in parent function. | |
// In this case, this AttributeProto does not contain data, and it's a reference of attribute | |
// in parent scope. | |
// NOTE: This should ONLY be used in function (sub-graph). It's invalid to be used in main graph. | |
optional string ref_attr_name = 21; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this attribute. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 13; | |
// The type field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
// For 0.0.1 versions of the IR, this field was not defined, and | |
// implementations needed to use has_field heuristics to determine | |
// which value field was in use. For IR_VERSION 0.0.2 or later, this | |
// field MUST be set and match the f|i|s|t|... field in use. This | |
// change was made to accommodate proto3 implementations. | |
optional AttributeType type = 20; // discriminator that indicates which field below is in use | |
// Exactly ONE of the following fields must be present for this version of the IR | |
optional float f = 2; // float | |
optional int64 i = 3; // int | |
optional bytes s = 4; // UTF-8 string | |
optional TensorProto t = 5; // tensor value | |
optional GraphProto g = 6; // graph | |
optional SparseTensorProto sparse_tensor = 22; // sparse tensor value | |
// Do not use field below, it's deprecated. | |
// optional ValueProto v = 12; // value - subsumes everything but graph | |
optional TypeProto tp = 14; // type proto | |
repeated float floats = 7; // list of floats | |
repeated int64 ints = 8; // list of ints | |
repeated bytes strings = 9; // list of UTF-8 strings | |
repeated TensorProto tensors = 10; // list of tensors | |
repeated GraphProto graphs = 11; // list of graph | |
repeated SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23; // list of sparse tensors | |
repeated TypeProto type_protos = 15;// list of type protos | |
} | |
// Defines information on value, including the name, the type, and | |
// the shape of the value. | |
message ValueInfoProto { | |
// This field MUST be present in this version of the IR. | |
optional string name = 1; // namespace Value | |
// This field MUST be present in this version of the IR for | |
// inputs and outputs of the top-level graph. | |
optional TypeProto type = 2; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this value. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 3; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 4; | |
} | |
// Nodes | |
// | |
// Computation graphs are made up of a DAG of nodes, which represent what is | |
// commonly called a "layer" or "pipeline stage" in machine learning frameworks. | |
// | |
// For example, it can be a node of type "Conv" that takes in an image, a filter | |
// tensor and a bias tensor, and produces the convolved output. | |
message NodeProto { | |
repeated string input = 1; // namespace Value | |
repeated string output = 2; // namespace Value | |
// An optional identifier for this node in a graph. | |
// This field MAY be absent in ths version of the IR. | |
optional string name = 3; // namespace Node | |
// The symbolic identifier of the Operator to execute. | |
optional string op_type = 4; // namespace Operator | |
// The domain of the OperatorSet that specifies the operator named by op_type. | |
optional string domain = 7; // namespace Domain | |
// Overload identifier, used only to map this to a model-local function. | |
optional string overload = 8; | |
// Additional named attributes. | |
repeated AttributeProto attribute = 5; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this node. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 6; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 9; | |
} | |
// Training information | |
// TrainingInfoProto stores information for training a model. | |
// In particular, this defines two functionalities: an initialization-step | |
// and a training-algorithm-step. Initialization resets the model | |
// back to its original state as if no training has been performed. | |
// Training algorithm improves the model based on input data. | |
// | |
// The semantics of the initialization-step is that the initializers | |
// in ModelProto.graph and in TrainingInfoProto.algorithm are first | |
// initialized as specified by the initializers in the graph, and then | |
// updated by the "initialization_binding" in every instance in | |
// ModelProto.training_info. | |
// | |
// The field "algorithm" defines a computation graph which represents a | |
// training algorithm's step. After the execution of a | |
// TrainingInfoProto.algorithm, the initializers specified by "update_binding" | |
// may be immediately updated. If the targeted training algorithm contains | |
// consecutive update steps (such as block coordinate descent methods), | |
// the user needs to create a TrainingInfoProto for each step. | |
message TrainingInfoProto { | |
// This field describes a graph to compute the initial tensors | |
// upon starting the training process. Initialization graph has no input | |
// and can have multiple outputs. Usually, trainable tensors in neural | |
// networks are randomly initialized. To achieve that, for each tensor, | |
// the user can put a random number operator such as RandomNormal or | |
// RandomUniform in TrainingInfoProto.initialization.node and assign its | |
// random output to the specific tensor using "initialization_binding". | |
// This graph can also set the initializers in "algorithm" in the same | |
// TrainingInfoProto; a use case is resetting the number of training | |
// iteration to zero. | |
// | |
// By default, this field is an empty graph and its evaluation does not | |
// produce any output. Thus, no initializer would be changed by default. | |
optional GraphProto initialization = 1; | |
// This field represents a training algorithm step. Given required inputs, | |
// it computes outputs to update initializers in its own or inference graph's | |
// initializer lists. In general, this field contains loss node, gradient node, | |
// optimizer node, increment of iteration count. | |
// | |
// An execution of the training algorithm step is performed by executing the | |
// graph obtained by combining the inference graph (namely "ModelProto.graph") | |
// and the "algorithm" graph. That is, the actual | |
// input/initializer/output/node/value_info/sparse_initializer list of | |
// the training graph is the concatenation of | |
// "ModelProto.graph.input/initializer/output/node/value_info/sparse_initializer" | |
// and "algorithm.input/initializer/output/node/value_info/sparse_initializer" | |
// in that order. This combined graph must satisfy the normal ONNX conditions. | |
// Now, let's provide a visualization of graph combination for clarity. | |
// Let the inference graph (i.e., "ModelProto.graph") be | |
// tensor_a, tensor_b -> MatMul -> tensor_c -> Sigmoid -> tensor_d | |
// and the "algorithm" graph be | |
// tensor_d -> Add -> tensor_e | |
// The combination process results | |
// tensor_a, tensor_b -> MatMul -> tensor_c -> Sigmoid -> tensor_d -> Add -> tensor_e | |
// | |
// Notice that an input of a node in the "algorithm" graph may reference the | |
// output of a node in the inference graph (but not the other way round). Also, inference | |
// node cannot reference inputs of "algorithm". With these restrictions, inference graph | |
// can always be run independently without training information. | |
// | |
// By default, this field is an empty graph and its evaluation does not | |
// produce any output. Evaluating the default training step never | |
// update any initializers. | |
optional GraphProto algorithm = 2; | |
// This field specifies the bindings from the outputs of "initialization" to | |
// some initializers in "ModelProto.graph.initializer" and | |
// the "algorithm.initializer" in the same TrainingInfoProto. | |
// See "update_binding" below for details. | |
// | |
// By default, this field is empty and no initializer would be changed | |
// by the execution of "initialization". | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto initialization_binding = 3; | |
// Gradient-based training is usually an iterative procedure. In one gradient | |
// descent iteration, we apply | |
// | |
// x = x - r * g | |
// | |
// where "x" is the optimized tensor, "r" stands for learning rate, and "g" is | |
// gradient of "x" with respect to a chosen loss. To avoid adding assignments | |
// into the training graph, we split the update equation into | |
// | |
// y = x - r * g | |
// x = y | |
// | |
// The user needs to save "y = x - r * g" into TrainingInfoProto.algorithm. To | |
// tell that "y" should be assigned to "x", the field "update_binding" may | |
// contain a key-value pair of strings, "x" (key of StringStringEntryProto) | |
// and "y" (value of StringStringEntryProto). | |
// For a neural network with multiple trainable (mutable) tensors, there can | |
// be multiple key-value pairs in "update_binding". | |
// | |
// The initializers appears as keys in "update_binding" are considered | |
// mutable variables. This implies some behaviors | |
// as described below. | |
// | |
// 1. We have only unique keys in all "update_binding"s so that two | |
// variables may not have the same name. This ensures that one | |
// variable is assigned up to once. | |
// 2. The keys must appear in names of "ModelProto.graph.initializer" or | |
// "TrainingInfoProto.algorithm.initializer". | |
// 3. The values must be output names of "algorithm" or "ModelProto.graph.output". | |
// 4. Mutable variables are initialized to the value specified by the | |
// corresponding initializer, and then potentially updated by | |
// "initializer_binding"s and "update_binding"s in "TrainingInfoProto"s. | |
// | |
// This field usually contains names of trainable tensors | |
// (in ModelProto.graph), optimizer states such as momentums in advanced | |
// stochastic gradient methods (in TrainingInfoProto.graph), | |
// and number of training iterations (in TrainingInfoProto.graph). | |
// | |
// By default, this field is empty and no initializer would be changed | |
// by the execution of "algorithm". | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto update_binding = 4; | |
} | |
// Models | |
// | |
// ModelProto is a top-level file/container format for bundling a ML model and | |
// associating its computation graph with metadata. | |
// | |
// The semantics of the model are described by the associated GraphProto's. | |
message ModelProto { | |
// The version of the IR this model targets. See Version enum above. | |
// This field MUST be present. | |
optional int64 ir_version = 1; | |
// The OperatorSets this model relies on. | |
// All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that | |
// specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is | |
// being imported. | |
// | |
// All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator | |
// with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version | |
// in the referenced operator sets. | |
repeated OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8; | |
// The name of the framework or tool used to generate this model. | |
// This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework | |
// emitted the model. | |
optional string producer_name = 2; | |
// The version of the framework or tool used to generate this model. | |
// This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework | |
// emitted the model. | |
optional string producer_version = 3; | |
// Domain name of the model. | |
// We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example: | |
// `com.facebook.fair` or `` | |
// | |
// Together with `model_version` and, this forms the unique identity of | |
// the graph. | |
optional string domain = 4; | |
// The version of the graph encoded. See Version enum below. | |
optional int64 model_version = 5; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this model. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 6; | |
// The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model. | |
optional GraphProto graph = 7; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14; | |
// Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored | |
// `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following | |
// the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training | |
// iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model | |
// (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute | |
// all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs | |
// using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s. | |
// | |
// If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined. | |
repeated TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20; | |
// A list of function protos local to the model. | |
// | |
// The (domain, name, overload) tuple must be unique across the function protos in this list. | |
// In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority, | |
// or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by | |
// the runtimes. | |
// | |
// The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones | |
// imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos. | |
// Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto | |
// or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but, | |
// the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination | |
// for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body. | |
// | |
// One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference | |
// is not allowed. | |
repeated FunctionProto functions = 25; | |
}; | |
// StringStringEntryProto follows the pattern for cross-proto-version maps. | |
// See | |
message StringStringEntryProto { | |
optional string key = 1; | |
optional string value = 2; | |
}; | |
message TensorAnnotation { | |
optional string tensor_name = 1; | |
// <key, value> pairs to annotate tensor specified by <tensor_name> above. | |
// The keys used in the mapping below must be pre-defined in ONNX spec. | |
// For example, for 8-bit linear quantization case, 'SCALE_TENSOR', 'ZERO_POINT_TENSOR' will be pre-defined as | |
// quantization parameter keys. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto quant_parameter_tensor_names = 2; | |
} | |
// Graphs | |
// | |
// A graph defines the computational logic of a model and is comprised of a parameterized | |
// list of nodes that form a directed acyclic graph based on their inputs and outputs. | |
// This is the equivalent of the "network" or "graph" in many deep learning | |
// frameworks. | |
message GraphProto { | |
// The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically. | |
repeated NodeProto node = 1; | |
// The name of the graph. | |
optional string name = 2; // namespace Graph | |
// A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph. | |
// Each initializer (both TensorProto as well SparseTensorProto) MUST have a name. | |
// The name MUST be unique across both initializer and sparse_initializer, | |
// but the name MAY also appear in the input list. | |
repeated TensorProto initializer = 5; | |
// Initializers (see above) stored in sparse format. | |
repeated SparseTensorProto sparse_initializer = 15; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this graph. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 10; | |
// The inputs and outputs of the graph. | |
repeated ValueInfoProto input = 11; | |
repeated ValueInfoProto output = 12; | |
// Information for the values in the graph. The's | |
// must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list. | |
repeated ValueInfoProto value_info = 13; | |
// This field carries information to indicate the mapping among a tensor and its | |
// quantization parameter tensors. For example: | |
// For tensor 'a', it may have {'SCALE_TENSOR', 'a_scale'} and {'ZERO_POINT_TENSOR', 'a_zero_point'} annotated, | |
// which means, tensor 'a_scale' and tensor 'a_zero_point' are scale and zero point of tensor 'a' in the model. | |
repeated TensorAnnotation quantization_annotation = 14; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 16; | |
reserved 3, 4, 6 to 9; | |
reserved "ir_version", "producer_version", "producer_tag", "domain"; | |
} | |
// Tensors | |
// | |
// A serialized tensor value. | |
message TensorProto { | |
enum DataType { | |
UNDEFINED = 0; | |
// Basic types. | |
FLOAT = 1; // float | |
UINT8 = 2; // uint8_t | |
INT8 = 3; // int8_t | |
UINT16 = 4; // uint16_t | |
INT16 = 5; // int16_t | |
INT32 = 6; // int32_t | |
INT64 = 7; // int64_t | |
STRING = 8; // string | |
BOOL = 9; // bool | |
// IEEE754 half-precision floating-point format (16 bits wide). | |
// This format has 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits, and 10 mantissa bits. | |
FLOAT16 = 10; | |
DOUBLE = 11; | |
UINT32 = 12; | |
UINT64 = 13; | |
COMPLEX64 = 14; // complex with float32 real and imaginary components | |
COMPLEX128 = 15; // complex with float64 real and imaginary components | |
// Non-IEEE floating-point format based on IEEE754 single-precision | |
// floating-point number truncated to 16 bits. | |
// This format has 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 7 mantissa bits. | |
BFLOAT16 = 16; | |
// Non-IEEE floating-point format based on papers | |
// FP8 Formats for Deep Learning,, | |
// 8-bit Numerical Formats For Deep Neural Networks, | |
// Operators supported FP8 are Cast, CastLike, QuantizeLinear, DequantizeLinear. | |
// The computation usually happens inside a block quantize / dequantize | |
// fused by the runtime. | |
FLOAT8E4M3FN = 17; // float 8, mostly used for coefficients, supports nan, not inf | |
FLOAT8E4M3FNUZ = 18; // float 8, mostly used for coefficients, supports nan, not inf, no negative zero | |
FLOAT8E5M2 = 19; // follows IEEE 754, supports nan, inf, mostly used for gradients | |
FLOAT8E5M2FNUZ = 20; // follows IEEE 754, supports nan, not inf, mostly used for gradients, no negative zero | |
// 4-bit data-types | |
UINT4 = 21; // Unsigned integer in range [0, 15] | |
INT4 = 22; // Signed integer in range [-8, 7], using two's-complement representation | |
// Future extensions go here. | |
} | |
// The shape of the tensor. | |
repeated int64 dims = 1; | |
// The data type of the tensor. | |
// This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value | |
optional int32 data_type = 2; | |
// For very large tensors, we may want to store them in chunks, in which | |
// case the following fields will specify the segment that is stored in | |
// the current TensorProto. | |
message Segment { | |
optional int64 begin = 1; | |
optional int64 end = 2; | |
} | |
optional Segment segment = 3; | |
// Tensor content must be organized in row-major order. | |
// | |
// Depending on the data_type field, exactly one of the fields below with | |
// name ending in _data is used to store the elements of the tensor. | |
// For float and complex64 values | |
// Complex64 tensors are encoded as a single array of floats, | |
// with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions, | |
// and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the | |
// subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i] | |
// is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0] | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be FLOAT or COMPLEX64. | |
repeated float float_data = 4 [packed = true]; | |
// For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint4, int4, bool, float8 and float16 values | |
// float16 and float8 values must be bit-wise converted to an uint16_t prior | |
// to writing to the buffer. | |
// uint4 and int4 values must be packed to 4bitx2 prior to writing to the buffer, the first element is stored in | |
// the 4 LSB and the second element is stored in the 4 MSB. | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be | |
repeated int32 int32_data = 5 [packed = true]; | |
// For strings. | |
// Each element of string_data is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode | |
// string. No trailing null, no leading BOM. The protobuf "string" | |
// scalar type is not used to match ML community conventions. | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be STRING | |
repeated bytes string_data = 6; | |
// For int64. | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64 | |
repeated int64 int64_data = 7 [packed = true]; | |
// Optionally, a name for the tensor. | |
optional string name = 8; // namespace Value | |
// A human-readable documentation for this tensor. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 12; | |
// Serializations can either use one of the fields above, or use this | |
// raw bytes field. The only exception is the string case, where one is | |
// required to store the content in the repeated bytes string_data field. | |
// | |
// When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value, elements MUST | |
// be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order. | |
// Floating-point data types MUST be stored in IEEE 754 format. | |
// Complex64 elements must be written as two consecutive FLOAT values, real component first. | |
// Complex128 elements must be written as two consecutive DOUBLE values, real component first. | |
// Boolean type MUST be written one byte per tensor element (00000001 for true, 00000000 for false). | |
// uint4 and int4 values must be packed to 4bitx2, the first element is stored in the 4 LSB and the second element is stored in the 4 MSB. | |
// | |
// Note: the advantage of specific field rather than the raw_data field is | |
// that in some cases (e.g. int data), protobuf does a better packing via | |
// variable length storage, and may lead to smaller binary footprint. | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST NOT be STRING or UNDEFINED | |
optional bytes raw_data = 9; | |
// Data can be stored inside the protobuf file using type-specific fields or raw_data. | |
// Alternatively, raw bytes data can be stored in an external file, using the external_data field. | |
// external_data stores key-value pairs describing data location. Recognized keys are: | |
// - "location" (required) - POSIX filesystem path relative to the directory where the ONNX | |
// protobuf model was stored | |
// - "offset" (optional) - position of byte at which stored data begins. Integer stored as string. | |
// Offset values SHOULD be multiples 4096 (page size) to enable mmap support. | |
// - "length" (optional) - number of bytes containing data. Integer stored as string. | |
// - "checksum" (optional) - SHA1 digest of file specified in under 'location' key. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto external_data = 13; | |
// Location of the data for this tensor. MUST be one of: | |
// - DEFAULT - data stored inside the protobuf message. Data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field. | |
// - EXTERNAL - data stored in an external location as described by external_data field. | |
enum DataLocation { | |
DEFAULT = 0; | |
EXTERNAL = 1; | |
} | |
// If value not set, data is stored in raw_data (if set) otherwise in type-specified field. | |
optional DataLocation data_location = 14; | |
// For double | |
// Complex128 tensors are encoded as a single array of doubles, | |
// with the real components appearing in odd numbered positions, | |
// and the corresponding imaginary component appearing in the | |
// subsequent even numbered position. (e.g., [1.0 + 2.0i, 3.0 + 4.0i] | |
// is encoded as [1.0, 2.0 ,3.0 ,4.0] | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE or COMPLEX128 | |
repeated double double_data = 10 [packed = true]; | |
// For uint64 and uint32 values | |
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be | |
// UINT32 or UINT64 | |
repeated uint64 uint64_data = 11 [packed = true]; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 16; | |
} | |
// A serialized sparse-tensor value | |
message SparseTensorProto { | |
// The sequence of non-default values are encoded as a tensor of shape [NNZ]. | |
// The default-value is zero for numeric tensors, and empty-string for string tensors. | |
// values must have a non-empty name present which serves as a name for SparseTensorProto | |
// when used in sparse_initializer list. | |
optional TensorProto values = 1; | |
// The indices of the non-default values, which may be stored in one of two formats. | |
// (a) Indices can be a tensor of shape [NNZ, rank] with the [i,j]-th value | |
// corresponding to the j-th index of the i-th value (in the values tensor). | |
// (b) Indices can be a tensor of shape [NNZ], in which case the i-th value | |
// must be the linearized-index of the i-th value (in the values tensor). | |
// The linearized-index can be converted into an index tuple (k_1,...,k_rank) | |
// using the shape provided below. | |
// The indices must appear in ascending order without duplication. | |
// In the first format, the ordering is lexicographic-ordering: | |
// e.g., index-value [1,4] must appear before [2,1] | |
optional TensorProto indices = 2; | |
// The shape of the underlying dense-tensor: [dim_1, dim_2, ... dim_rank] | |
repeated int64 dims = 3; | |
} | |
// Defines a tensor shape. A dimension can be either an integer value | |
// or a symbolic variable. A symbolic variable represents an unknown | |
// dimension. | |
message TensorShapeProto { | |
message Dimension { | |
oneof value { | |
int64 dim_value = 1; | |
string dim_param = 2; // namespace Shape | |
}; | |
// Standard denotation can optionally be used to denote tensor | |
// dimensions with standard semantic descriptions to ensure | |
// that operations are applied to the correct axis of a tensor. | |
// Refer to | |
// for pre-defined dimension denotations. | |
optional string denotation = 3; | |
}; | |
repeated Dimension dim = 1; | |
} | |
// Types | |
// | |
// The standard ONNX data types. | |
message TypeProto { | |
message Tensor { | |
// This field MUST NOT have the value of UNDEFINED | |
// This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
optional int32 elem_type = 1; | |
optional TensorShapeProto shape = 2; | |
} | |
// repeated T | |
message Sequence { | |
// The type and optional shape of each element of the sequence. | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
optional TypeProto elem_type = 1; | |
}; | |
// map<K,V> | |
message Map { | |
// This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
// This field MUST refer to an integral type ([U]INT{8|16|32|64}) or STRING | |
optional int32 key_type = 1; | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
optional TypeProto value_type = 2; | |
}; | |
// wrapper for Tensor, Sequence, or Map | |
message Optional { | |
// The type and optional shape of the element wrapped. | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
// Possible values correspond to OptionalProto.DataType enum | |
optional TypeProto elem_type = 1; | |
}; | |
message SparseTensor { | |
// This field MUST NOT have the value of UNDEFINED | |
// This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value | |
// This field MUST be present for this version of the IR. | |
optional int32 elem_type = 1; | |
optional TensorShapeProto shape = 2; | |
} | |
message Opaque { | |
// When missing, the domain is the same as the model's. | |
optional string domain = 1; | |
// The name is optional but significant when provided. | |
optional string name = 2; | |
// parameters that help defining the type | |
// DEPRECATED do not use. | |
// repeated TypeProto parameters = 3; | |
} | |
oneof value { | |
// The type of a tensor. | |
Tensor tensor_type = 1; | |
// NOTE: DNN-only implementations of ONNX MAY elect to not support non-tensor values | |
// as input and output to graphs and nodes. These types are needed to naturally | |
// support classical ML operators. DNN operators SHOULD restrict their input | |
// and output types to tensors. | |
// The type of a sequence. | |
Sequence sequence_type = 4; | |
// The type of a map. | |
Map map_type = 5; | |
// The type of an optional. | |
Optional optional_type = 9; | |
// Type of the sparse tensor | |
SparseTensor sparse_tensor_type = 8; | |
Opaque opaque_type = 7; | |
} | |
// An optional denotation can be used to denote the whole | |
// type with a standard semantic description as to what is | |
// stored inside. Refer to | |
// for pre-defined type denotations. | |
optional string denotation = 6; | |
} | |
// Operator Sets | |
// | |
// OperatorSets are uniquely identified by a (domain, opset_version) pair. | |
message OperatorSetIdProto { | |
// The domain of the operator set being identified. | |
// The empty string ("") or absence of this field implies the operator | |
// set that is defined as part of the ONNX specification. | |
// This field MUST be present in this version of the IR when referring to any other operator set. | |
optional string domain = 1; | |
// The version of the operator set being identified. | |
// This field MUST be present in this version of the IR. | |
optional int64 version = 2; | |
} | |
// Operator/function status. | |
enum OperatorStatus { | |
STABLE = 1; | |
} | |
message FunctionProto { | |
// The name of the function, similar to op_type in NodeProto. | |
// This is part of the unique-id (domain, name, overload) of FunctionProtos in a model. | |
optional string name = 1; | |
// Deprecated since IR Version 8 | |
// optional int64 since_version = 2; | |
reserved 2; | |
reserved "since_version"; | |
// Deprecated since IR Version 8 | |
// optional OperatorStatus status = 3; | |
reserved 3; | |
reserved "status"; | |
// The inputs and outputs of the function. | |
repeated string input = 4; | |
repeated string output = 5; | |
// The attribute parameters of the function. | |
// It is for function parameters without default values. | |
repeated string attribute = 6; | |
// The attribute protos of the function. | |
// It is for function attributes with default values. | |
// A function attribute shall be represented either as | |
// a string attribute or an AttributeProto, not both. | |
repeated AttributeProto attribute_proto = 11; | |
// The nodes in the function. | |
repeated NodeProto node = 7; | |
// A human-readable documentation for this function. Markdown is allowed. | |
optional string doc_string = 8; | |
// The OperatorSets this function body (graph) relies on. | |
// | |
// All nodes in the function body (graph) will bind against the operator | |
// with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version | |
// in the referenced operator sets. This means at most one version can be relied | |
// for one domain. | |
// | |
// The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones | |
// imported by ModelProto. Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by FunctionProto | |
// and ModelProto then versions for the operator set may be different but, | |
// the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination | |
// for both the versions should be same. | |
repeated OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 9; | |
// The domain which this function belongs to. | |
// This is part of the unique-id (domain, name, overload) of FunctionProtos in a model. | |
optional string domain = 10; | |
// The overload identifier of the function. | |
// This is part of the unique-id (domain, name, overload) of FunctionProtos in a model. | |
optional string overload = 13; | |
// Information for the values in the function. The's | |
// must be distinct and refer to names in the function (including inputs, | |
// outputs, and intermediate values). It is optional for a value to appear | |
// in value_info list. | |
repeated ValueInfoProto value_info = 12; | |
// Named metadata values; keys should be distinct. | |
repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14; | |
} | |
// For using protobuf-lite | |
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; | |