Runtime error
Runtime error
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
1 |
import streamlit as st
2 |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
3 |
import networkx as nx
4 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 |
from import Network
6 |
import got
7 |
import numpy as np
8 |
import pandas as pd
9 |
import time
10 |
import re
11 |
import graphviz as graphviz
12 |
import pydeck as pdk
13 |
14 |
from st_click_detector import click_detector
15 |
16 |
17 |
digraph {
18 |
Income -> AbleToBuyOnlyNecessities
19 |
Income -> DifficultyBuyingNecessities
20 |
Income -> DifficultyWithMoneyManagement
21 |
Income -> LowNoIncome
22 |
Income -> UninsuredMedicalExpenses
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
digraph {
28 |
Income -> Continuityof -> Care
29 |
Income -> Durable -> Medical -> Equipment
30 |
Income -> Finances
31 |
Income -> LegalSystem
32 |
Income -> Medical -> Dental -> Care
33 |
Income -> Medication -> Coordination -> Ordering
34 |
Income -> Other -> Community -> Resources
35 |
Income -> SocialWork -> Counseling -> Care
36 |
Income -> Supplies
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
digraph {
42 |
MentalHealth -> Apprehension -> Undefined -> Fear -> Anxious
43 |
MentalHealth -> Attempts -> Suicide -> Homicide
44 |
MentalHealth -> Difficulty -> Managing -> Anger
45 |
MentalHealth -> Difficulty -> Managing -> Stress
46 |
MentalHealth -> Expresses -> Suicidal -> Homicidal -> Thoughts
47 |
MentalHealth -> False -> Beliefs -> Delusions
48 |
MentalHealth -> False -> Perceptions -> Hallucinations -> Illusions
49 |
MentalHealth -> FlatAffect -> LackofEmotion
50 |
MentalHealth -> Irritable -> Agitated -> Aggressive
51 |
MentalHealth -> LossofInterest -> Involvementin -> ActivitiesSelfCare
52 |
MentalHealth -> MoodSwings
53 |
MentalHealth -> Narrowedto -> Scattered -> Attention -> Focus
54 |
MentalHealth -> Purposeless -> Compulsive -> RepetitiveActivity
55 |
MentalHealth -> Sadness -> Hopelessness -> Decreased -> SelfEsteem
56 |
MentalHealth -> Somatic -> Complaints -> Fatigue
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
digraph {
62 |
MentalHealth -> Anger -> Management
63 |
MentalHealth -> Behavioral -> Health -> Care
64 |
MentalHealth -> Communication
65 |
MentalHealth -> Continuityof -> Care
66 |
MentalHealth -> Coping -> Skills
67 |
MentalHealth -> Dietary -> Management
68 |
MentalHealth -> Discipline
69 |
MentalHealth -> EndofLife -> Care
70 |
MentalHealth -> Interaction
71 |
MentalHealth -> LegalSystem
72 |
MentalHealth -> Medical -> Dental -> Care
73 |
MentalHealth -> Medication -> ActionSideEffects
74 |
MentalHealth -> Medication -> Administration
75 |
MentalHealth -> Medication -> CoordinationOrdering
76 |
MentalHealth -> Nursing -> Care
77 |
MentalHealth -> Nutritionist -> Care
78 |
MentalHealth -> Other -> Community -> Resources
79 |
MentalHealth -> Relaxation -> Breathing -> Techniques
80 |
MentalHealth -> Rest -> Sleep
81 |
MentalHealth -> Safety
82 |
MentalHealth -> Screening -> Procedures
83 |
MentalHealth -> SignsSymptoms -> MentalEmotional
84 |
MentalHealth -> SignsSymptoms -> Physical
85 |
MentalHealth -> SocialWork -> Counseling -> Care
86 |
MentalHealth -> Stress -> Management
87 |
MentalHealth -> Support -> Group
88 |
MentalHealth -> Support -> System
89 |
MentalHealth -> Wellness
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
digraph {
96 |
Respiration -> Abnormal -> BreathSoundsCrackles
97 |
Respiration -> Abnormal -> IrregularBreathPatterns
98 |
Respiration -> Abnormal -> RespiratoryLaboratoryResults
99 |
Respiration -> Abnormal -> Sputum
100 |
Respiration -> Cough
101 |
Respiration -> Noisy -> RespirationswheezingRalesRhonchi
102 |
Respiration -> Rhinorrhea -> NasalCongestion
103 |
Respiration -> UnabletoBreathe -> Independently
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
digraph {
109 |
Respiration -> Anatomy -> Physiology
110 |
Respiration -> Continuityof -> Care
111 |
Respiration -> Coping -> Skills
112 |
Respiration -> Dietary -> Management
113 |
Respiration -> Durable -> Medical -> Equipment
114 |
Respiration -> Education
115 |
Respiration -> EndofLife -> Care
116 |
Respiration -> Environment
117 |
Respiration -> Exercises
118 |
Respiration -> Infection -> Precautions
119 |
Respiration -> Laboratory -> Findings
120 |
Respiration -> Medical -> Dental -> Care
121 |
Respiration -> Medication -> Action -> SideEffects
122 |
Respiration -> Medication -> Administration
123 |
Respiration -> Medication -> Prescription
124 |
Respiration -> Medication -> SetUp
125 |
Respiration -> Mobility -> Transfers
126 |
Respiration -> Nursing -> Care
127 |
Respiration -> Positioning
128 |
Respiration -> Relaxation -> Breathing -> Techniques
129 |
Respiration -> Respiratory -> Care
130 |
Respiration -> Respiratory -> Therapy -> Care
131 |
Respiration -> Safety
132 |
Respiration -> Screening -> Procedures
133 |
Respiration -> SignsSymptoms -> MentalEmotional
134 |
Respiration -> SignsSymptoms -> Physical
135 |
Respiration -> Specimen -> Collection
136 |
Respiration -> Supplies
137 |
Respiration -> Support -> Group
138 |
Respiration -> Support -> System
139 |
Respiration -> Wellness
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
digraph {
146 |
Circulation -> Abnormal -> BloodPressureReading
147 |
Circulation -> Abnormal -> CardiacLaboratoryResults
148 |
Circulation -> Abnormal -> Clotting
149 |
Circulation -> Abnormal -> HeartSoundsMurmurs
150 |
Circulation -> Anginal -> Pain
151 |
Circulation -> Cramping -> Pain -> ofExtremities
152 |
Circulation -> Decreased -> Pulses
153 |
Circulation -> Discoloration -> ofSkinCyanosis
154 |
Circulation -> EdemaSwelling -> inlegsarmsfeet
155 |
Circulation -> ExcessivelyRapid -> HeartRate
156 |
Circulation -> IrregularHeartRate
157 |
Circulation -> SyncopalEpisodes -> Fainting -> Dizziness
158 |
Circulation -> TemperatureChange -> inAffectedArea
159 |
Circulation -> Varicosities
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
digraph {
165 |
Circulation -> Anatomy -> Physiology
166 |
Circulation -> Cardiac -> Care
167 |
Circulation -> Continuityof -> Care
168 |
Circulation -> Coping -> Skills
169 |
Circulation -> Dietary -> Management
170 |
Circulation -> Durable -> Medical -> Equipment
171 |
Circulation -> Exercises
172 |
Circulation -> Finances
173 |
Circulation -> Infection -> Precautions
174 |
Circulation -> Laboratory -> Findings
175 |
Circulation -> Medical -> Dental -> Care
176 |
Circulation -> Medication -> Action -> SideEffects
177 |
Circulation -> Medication -> Administration
178 |
Circulation -> Medication -> SetUp
179 |
Circulation -> Mobility -> Transfers
180 |
Circulation -> Nursing -> Care
181 |
Circulation -> Personal -> Hygiene
182 |
Circulation -> Relaxation -> Breathing -> Techniques
183 |
Circulation -> Safety
184 |
Circulation -> Screening -> Procedures
185 |
Circulation -> SignsSymptoms -> MentalEmotional
186 |
Circulation -> SignsSymptoms -> Physical
187 |
Circulation -> Support -> Group
188 |
Circulation -> Support -> System
189 |
Circulation -> Wellness
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
df = pd.read_csv("testfile.csv")
194 |
195 |
def convert_df(df):
196 |
return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
197 |
csv = convert_df(df)
198 |
199 |
"Press to Download",
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
st.title('Streamlit Visualization')
208 |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 20),
209 |
columns = ('col %d' % i
210 |
for i in range(20)))
211 |
212 |
213 |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5),
214 |
columns = ('col %d' % i
215 |
for i in range(5)))
216 |
217 |
st.write('This is a line_chart.')
218 |
219 |
220 |
st.write('This is a area_chart.')
221 |
222 |
223 |
st.write('This is a bar_chart.')
224 |
225 |
226 |
st.write('Map data')
227 |
data_of_map = pd.DataFrame(
228 |
np.random.randn(1000, 2) / [60, 60] + [36.66, -121.6],
229 |
columns = ['latitude', 'longitude'])
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
st.title('Pyvis VisJS DOTlang Legend')
234 |
235 |
236 |
# make Network show itself with repr_html
237 |
238 |
def net_repr_html(self):
239 |
nodes, edges, height, width, options = self.get_network_data()
240 |
html = self.template.render(height=height, width=width, nodes=nodes, edges=edges, options=options)
241 |
return html
242 |
243 |
Network._repr_html_ = net_repr_html
244 |
245 |
st.sidebar.title('Choose your favorite Graph')
246 |
option=st.sidebar.selectbox('select graph',('Simple','Karate', 'GOT'))
247 |
physics=st.sidebar.checkbox('add physics interactivity?')
248 |
249 |
250 |
if option=='Simple':
251 |
HtmlFile = open("test.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
252 |
source_code =
253 |
components.html(source_code, height = 900,width=900)
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
if option=='GOT':
258 |
HtmlFile = open("gameofthrones.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
259 |
source_code =
260 |
components.html(source_code, height = 1200,width=1000)
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
if option=='Karate':
265 |
HtmlFile = open("karate.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
266 |
source_code =
267 |
components.html(source_code, height = 1200,width=1000)