import datetime |
import math |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
import gradio as gr |
def boolean_search(paragraph, query): |
words = paragraph.lower().split() |
words_dict = dict.fromkeys(words, True) |
query_words = query.lower().split() |
result = words_dict.get(query_words[0], False) |
for i in range(1, len(query_words), 2): |
operator = query_words[i] |
operand = words_dict.get(query_words[i + 1], False) |
if operator == 'and': |
result = result and operand |
elif operator == 'or': |
result = result or operand |
elif operator == 'not': |
result = result and not operand |
return result |
def parse_retrieved(retrieved_examples,scores,filters,k): |
results=[] |
repo_avail,in_date,boolmet=len(scores),len(scores),len(scores) |
for i in range(len(scores)): |
resdict={} |
for key in keys: |
resdict[key] = retrieved_examples[key][i] |
resdict['arxiv_url'] = "https://arxiv.org/abs/{}".format(retrieved_examples['id'][i]) |
resdict['pdf_url'] = "https://arxiv.org/pdf/{}.pdf".format(retrieved_examples['id'][i]) |
resdict['published'] = retrieved_examples['versions'][0][0]['created'] |
resdict['year'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(resdict['published'], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").year |
resdict['score'] = str(round(scores[i],3))[:5] |
relevant=True |
if resdict['repo_url']==None: |
repo_avail-=1 |
resdict['repo_url']="" |
if filters['limit2_pwc']: |
relevant=False |
if filters['sy']>resdict['year'] or filters['ey']<resdict['year']: |
relevant=False |
in_date-=1 |
print(filters['boolean_terms']) |
if filters['boolean_terms']!="": |
boolean_met=boolean_search(resdict['abstract'], filters['boolean_terms']) |
if not boolean_met: |
relevant=False |
boolmet-=1 |
if relevant: |
results.append(resdict) |
return [results[:k],repo_avail,in_date,boolmet] |
def create_metadata_html(metadata_dict): |
html = ''' |
<div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; background-color: #f9f9f9;"> |
<h2>{title}</h2> |
<pre><p><strong>Relevance_score:</strong> {score} <strong>Published:</strong> {published}</p></pre> |
<p><strong>Authors:</strong> {authors}</p> |
<pre><p><strong>Categories:</strong> {categories} <strong>Year:</strong> {year}</p></pre> |
<pre><p><a href="{arxiv_url}"><strong>ArXiv URL</strong></a> <a href="{pdf_url}"><strong>PDF URL</strong></a></p></pre> |
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> {abstract}</p> |
<p><strong>Repo URL:</strong> <a href="{repo_url}">{repo_url}</a><p> |
</div> |
''' |
return html.format(**metadata_dict) |
def search(query, boolean_terms, sy, ey,limit2_pwc): |
k=30 |
question_embedding = model.encode(query) |
scores, retrieved_examples = ds['train'].get_nearest_examples('embeddings', question_embedding, k=100) |
filters={'limit2_pwc':limit2_pwc,'sy':sy,'ey':ey,'boolean_terms':boolean_terms} |
results = parse_retrieved(retrieved_examples,scores,filters,k) |
divs=[create_metadata_html(r) for r in results[0]] |
divs.reverse() |
html="<br><br><pre><strong>Articles with Repo:</strong> {} <strong>Articles in date range:</strong> {} <strong>Articles meeting boolean terms:</strong> {}</pre><br><strong>Top 30 results returned</strong><br>".format(str(results[1]),str(results[2]),str(results[3]))+"<br>".join(divs) |
return html |
global keys |
keys = ['title','authors','categories','abstract','repo_url','is_official','mentioned_in_paper'] |
ds = load_dataset("Corran/Arxiv_V12July23_Post2013CS_AllMiniV2L6") |
ds['train'].add_faiss_index(column='embeddings') |
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2') |
search_interface = gr.Blocks() |
with search_interface: |
fn = search, |
inputs=[ |
gr.Textbox(label="Query",value="",info="Search Query"), |
gr.Textbox(label="Boolean Terms",value="",info="Simple boolean conditions on words contained in the abstract (AND OR and NOT accepted for individual words, exact phrase isn't supported)"), |
gr.Slider(2013, 2023,step=1, value=2013, label="Start Year", info="Choose the earliest date for papers retrieved"), |
gr.Slider(2013, 2023,step=1, value=2023, label="End Year", info="Choose the latest date for papers retrieved"), |
gr.Checkbox(value=False,label="Limit results to those with a link to a github repo via pwc") |
] |
run = gr.Button(label="Search") |
examples=[ |
["We research the use of chatgpt on scientific article summarisation. Summaries are of scientific articles", "chatgpt AND NOT gpt3", 2013, 2023, True], |
] |
output=gr.outputs.HTML() |
run.click(fn=search, inputs=inputs, outputs=output, api_name="Arxiv Semantic Search") |
search_interface.launch() |