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<h1>Justin Jabo<br />
<p> A qualified and capable Data Analyst professional, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Qualified In Data analyisis Filed with passion, dedication, and enthusiasm. <a href="mailto:jabo.justin@gmail.com?subject=I want to hire you&body=Hello, I want to hire you for..." class="button">Hire me</a>
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<h1>Azubi Africa📈🧪 Data Analytics Program</h1>
<p><span class="image left"><img src="images/pic2.png" alt="" /><h2>The Journey of Justin Jabo</h2>
<!-- Introduction -->
<h3>Introduction: The Foundation</h3>
<p>Welcome to the story of my experience in the Data Analytics Program. Let me take you through the ups and downs, the challenges, and the achievements of my journey.</p>
<!-- Childhood and Discovery -->
<h3>Discovering Data Analytics</h3>
<p>Starting from my childhood on a farm, where we cared for thousands of birds and had a fishery with catfish and trained snails, farming and animals became a significant part of my life in Nigeria. In 2020, during the pandemic, I discovered data science and started learning about it, but self-learning became overwhelming.</p>
<!-- Joining Azubi Africa -->
<h3>Joining Azubi Africa: A Turning Point</h3>
<p>Two years later, my aunt shared a link to Azubi Africa, a program with actual data analysts as instructors. Despite challenges like unreliable power supply, I remained efficient and got a solar panel, fueling my passion for data analysis. Inspired by my parent's financial struggles as University lecturers, I chose the well-compensated and balanced field of technology and data analysis, ready to make my mark.</p>
<!-- Overcoming Challenges -->
<h3>Overcoming Challenges: Power Outages and Efficiency</h3>
<p>One of the major obstacles I faced during the program was the unreliable power supply in Nigeria. There were days when I couldn't work due to the lack of electricity. However, this adversity taught me the value of efficiency. I learned to complete assignments quickly and make the most of the limited time available. To tackle this issue, I invested in a solar panel and power station, which significantly improved my productivity and passion for data analysis.</p>
<!-- Rewarding Journey -->
<h3>The Rewarding Journey: Presentations and Inspiration</h3>
<p>Presenting my work and overcoming various challenges in the program proved to be both tough and rewarding. Throughout this journey, my aunt, who was not directly involved in data analytics but had experience in the tech industry, played a crucial role. She shared stories of colleagues who left their low paying jobs for more fulfilling and lucrative positions as data analysts. Witnessing the dedication of my family members as lecturers, despite their financial struggles, solidified my resolve to pursue a career where hard work would be well-compensated.</p>
<!-- The Appeal of Technology -->
<h3>The Appeal of Technology: A Brighter Future</h3>
<p>Technology and data analysis emerged as the fields that appealed to me the most. They offered not only good pay but also a better work-life balance. Seeing my aunt's success in the tech world, where she earned significantly more and had a healthier work-life balance than my family members in lecturing roles, reinforced my decision. I wanted a career that rewarded me while allowing me time to take online courses and schools to upskill myself.</p>
<!-- Future Plans -->
<h3>Future Plans: Continual Learning and Growth</h3>
<p>Looking ahead, my plan is to continue learning and preparing myself for future opportunities. Data analytics is a rapidly evolving field, and I aim to stay ahead by upskilling and expanding my knowledge.</p>
<!-- Dream Company and Role -->
<h3>Dream Company and Role</h3>
<p>My dream company is one that values innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility, allowing me to make a meaningful impact in the organization. Additionally, I aspire to work in a company that embraces emerging technologies, fosters a diverse and inclusive environment, and encourages professional growth and development.</p>
<p><a href="mailto:jabojustin250@gmail.com?subject=I want to hire you&body=Hello, I want to hire you for..." class="button primary">Hire me</a></p>
<h3>Recommendation Letter</h3>
<p><span class="image"><img src="images/rec1.jpg" alt="" /></p>
<p><span class="image"><img src="images/cert1.jpg" alt="" /></p>
<!-- Fun Fact -->
<h3>Fun Fact: I'm a gym fitness coach, and exercise enthusiast😂</h3>
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<!-- Benin City, Edo, Nigeria </p> -->
<!-- <p><a href="#">(+234) 7019303717</a></p> -->
<p><a href="mailto:oke.kogo@gmail.com?subject=I want to hire you&body=Hello, I want to hire you for...">oke.kogo@gmail.com</a></p>
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<a href="mailto:jabojustin250@gmail.com?subject=I want to hire you&body=Hello, I want to hire you for..." class="button primary">Hire me</a>
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