human_health_gradio / code /
Juliojuse's picture
add requirement
history blame contribute delete
No virus
8.06 kB
import numpy as np
import math
import cv2
import torch
from scipy import signal
from scipy.fft import fft
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt
# from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN
from face_detection import FaceDetection
import joblib
def butter_bandpass(sig, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=2):
# butterworth bandpass filter
sig = np.reshape(sig, -1)
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
y = filtfilt(b, a, sig)
return y
def face_detection(video_list):
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
mtcnn = MTCNN(device=device)
face_list = []
for t, frame in enumerate(video_list):
if t == 0:
boxes, _, = mtcnn.detect(
frame) # we only detect face bbox in the first frame, keep it in the following frames.
if t == 0:
box_len = np.max([boxes[0, 2] - boxes[0, 0], boxes[0, 3] - boxes[0, 1]])
box_half_len = np.round(box_len / 2 * 1.1).astype('int')
box_mid_y = np.round((boxes[0, 3] + boxes[0, 1]) / 2).astype('int')
box_mid_x = np.round((boxes[0, 2] + boxes[0, 0]) / 2).astype('int')
cropped_face = frame[box_mid_y - box_half_len:box_mid_y + box_half_len,
box_mid_x - box_half_len:box_mid_x + box_half_len]
cropped_face = cv2.resize(cropped_face, (128, 128))
print('face detection %2d' % (100 * (t + 1) / len(video_list)), '%', end='\r', flush=True)
face_list = np.array(face_list) # (T, H, W, C)
face_list = np.transpose(face_list, (3, 0, 1, 2)) # (C, T, H, W)
face_list = np.array(face_list)[np.newaxis]
return face_list
def face_detection_ROI(face_detection, frame_list):
face_frame_list = []
ROI1_list = []
ROI2_list = []
for i in range(0, frame_list.shape[0]):
frame = frame_list[i]
frame, face_frame, ROI1, ROI2, status, mask, face_region = FaceDetection.face_detect(face_detection, frame)
return np.array(face_frame_list), np.array(ROI1_list), np.array(ROI2_list), status, face_region
def butter_bandpass(sig, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=2):
# butterworth bandpass filter
sig = np.reshape(sig, -1)
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
y = filtfilt(b, a, sig)
return y
def hr_fft(sig, fs, harmonics_removal=True):
# get heart rate by FFT
# return both heart rate and PSD
sig = sig.reshape(-1)
sig = sig *[0])
sig_f = np.abs(fft(sig))
low_idx = np.round(0.6 / fs * sig.shape[0]).astype('int')
high_idx = np.round(4 / fs * sig.shape[0]).astype('int')
sig_f_original = sig_f.copy()
sig_f[:low_idx] = 0
sig_f[high_idx:] = 0
peak_idx, _ = signal.find_peaks(sig_f)
sort_idx = np.argsort(sig_f[peak_idx])
sort_idx = sort_idx[::-1]
peak_idx1 = peak_idx[sort_idx[0]]
peak_idx2 = peak_idx[sort_idx[1]]
f_hr1 = peak_idx1 / sig_f.shape[0] * fs
hr1 = f_hr1 * 60
f_hr2 = peak_idx2 / sig_f.shape[0] * fs
hr2 = f_hr2 * 60
if harmonics_removal:
if np.abs(hr1-2*hr2)<10:
hr = hr2
hr = hr1
hr = hr1
x_hr = np.arange(len(sig_f))/len(sig_f)*fs*60
return hr, sig_f_original, x_hr
def hr_fft_2(processed, fps):
L = len(processed)
fps = 30#float(L) / (times[-1] - times[-L]) # calculate HR using a true fps of processor of the computer, not the fps the camera provide
LEN = int(fps * 1.55)
# even_times = np.linspace(times[-L], times[-1], LEN)
processed = signal.detrend(processed) # detrend the signal to avoid interference of light change
# interpolated = np.interp(even_times, times[-L:], processed) # interpolation by 1
interpolated = processed
# interpolated = np.hamming(LEN) * interpolated # make the signal become more periodic (advoid spectral leakage)
norm = (interpolated - np.mean(interpolated))/np.std(interpolated)#normalization
# norm = interpolated / np.linalg.norm(interpolated)
raw = np.fft.rfft(norm * 30) # do real fft with the normalization multiplied by 10
raw_r = raw.copy()
freqs = float(fps) / LEN * np.arange(LEN / 2 + 1)
freqs = 60. * freqs
idx_remove = np.where((freqs < 50) & (freqs > 180))
raw[idx_remove] = 0
fft = np.abs(raw) ** 2 # get amplitude spectrum
idx = np.where((freqs > 50) & (freqs < 180)) # the range of frequency that HR is supposed to be within
pruned = fft[idx]
pfreq = freqs[idx]
# freqs = pfreq
fft = pruned
idx2 = np.argmax(pruned) # max in the range can be HR
bpm = pfreq[idx2]
# calculate Respiratory Rate, 计算呼吸率
idx_remove = np.where((freqs < 5) & (freqs > 60))
raw_r[idx_remove] = 0
fft_r = np.abs(raw_r) ** 2
idx = np.where((freqs > 5) & (freqs < 60))
pruned_r = fft_r[idx]
pfreq = freqs[idx]
idx3 = np.argmax(pruned_r)
pruned_r[idx3] = 0
idx3 = np.argmax(pruned_r)
respiratory_rate = pfreq[idx3]
return bpm, respiratory_rate
def calc_rr(peaklist, sample_rate, working_data={}):
peaklist = np.array(peaklist) #cast numpy array to be sure or correct array type
working_data['peaklist'] = peaklist # Make sure, peaklist is always an np.array
rr_list = (np.diff(peaklist) / sample_rate) * 1000.0
rr_indices = [(peaklist[i], peaklist[i+1]) for i in range(len(peaklist) - 1)]
rr_diff = np.abs(np.diff(rr_list))
rr_sqdiff = np.power(rr_diff, 2)
working_data['RR_list'] = rr_list
working_data['RR_indices'] = rr_indices
working_data['RR_diff'] = rr_diff
working_data['RR_sqdiff'] = rr_sqdiff
return working_data
def calculate_hrv(ippg, fps):
peak_array, _ = signal.find_peaks(ippg[-200::2]) # down sample rate: 2
peak_list = peak_array.tolist()
result = calc_rr(peak_list, fps/2)
# print(peak_list)
# RR_list = result['RR_list'].tolist()
# RR_diff = result['RR_diff'].tolist()
# print(RR_list)
# print(RR_diff)
RR_std = 0
if len(result['RR_list']) > 0:
RR_std = np.std(result['RR_list'], ddof=1) # calculate RR interval standard deviation
if math.isnan(RR_std):
RR_std = 0
return RR_std
def RGB_SpO2(ROI_list):
roi_avg = []
roi_std = []
for i in range(len(ROI_list)):
roi_avg.append(np.average(ROI_list[i], axis=(0, 1)))
roi_std.append(np.std(ROI_list[i], axis=(0, 1), ddof=1))
roi_avg = np.array(roi_avg)
roi_std = np.array(roi_std)
mean_red = roi_avg[:, 0]
std_red = roi_std[:, 0]
mean_green = roi_avg[:, 1]
std_green = roi_std[:, 1]
mean_blue = roi_avg[:, 2]
std_blue = roi_std[:, 2]
A = -11.2
B = 109.3
R = (np.average(mean_red) / np.average(std_red)) / (np.average(mean_blue) / np.average(std_blue))
SpO2 = A * R + B
return SpO2
def RGB_HR(ROI_list):
roi_avg = []
roi_std = []
for i in range(len(ROI_list)):
roi_avg.append(np.average(ROI_list[i], axis=(0, 1)))
roi_std.append(np.std(ROI_list[i], axis=(0, 1), ddof=1))
roi_avg = np.array(roi_avg)
roi_std = np.array(roi_std)
mean_red = roi_avg[:, 0]
std_red = roi_std[:, 0]
mean_green = roi_avg[:, 1]
std_green = roi_std[:, 1]
mean_blue = roi_avg[:, 2]
std_blue = roi_std[:, 2]
ippg_chanel_data = np.array((mean_red,std_red,mean_green,std_green,mean_blue,std_blue)).T
print(ippg_chanel_data )
# ippg_chanel_data = np.array(ippg_chanel_data).reshape(len(ippg_chanel_data),6)
HR_pred = []
model_list = joblib.load( './code/model_weight/lgb_model_threechanel2HR.pkl')
for model in model_list:
result = model.predict(ippg_chanel_data)
HR = np.mean(HR_pred, axis=0)
return np.mean(HR)