Build error
Build error
""" | |
The build/compilations setup | |
>> pip install -r requirements.txt | |
>> python install | |
""" | |
import pip | |
import logging | |
import pkg_resources | |
try: | |
from setuptools import setup | |
except ImportError: | |
from distutils.core import setup | |
def _parse_requirements(file_path): | |
pip_ver = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pip').version | |
pip_version = list(map(int, pip_ver.split('.')[:2])) | |
if pip_version >= [6, 0]: | |
raw = pip.req.parse_requirements(file_path, | | | |
else: | |
raw = pip.req.parse_requirements(file_path) | |
return [str(i.req) for i in raw] | |
# parse_requirements() returns generator of pip.req.InstallRequirement objects | |
try: | |
install_reqs = _parse_requirements("requirements.txt") | |
except Exception: | |
logging.warning('Fail load requirements file, so using default ones.') | |
install_reqs = [] | |
setup( | |
name='mask-rcnn', | |
version='2.1', | |
url='', | |
author='Matterport', | |
author_email='', | |
license='MIT', | |
description='Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation', | |
packages=["mrcnn"], | |
install_requires=install_reqs, | |
include_package_data=True, | |
python_requires='>=3.4', | |
long_description="""This is an implementation of Mask R-CNN on Python 3, Keras, and TensorFlow. | |
The model generates bounding boxes and segmentation masks for each instance of an object in the image. | |
It's based on Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and a ResNet101 backbone.""", | |
classifiers=[ | |
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", | |
"Environment :: Console", | |
"Intended Audience :: Developers", | |
"Intended Audience :: Information Technology", | |
"Intended Audience :: Education", | |
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research", | |
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", | |
"Natural Language :: English", | |
"Operating System :: OS Independent", | |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", | |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition", | |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization", | |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Segmentation", | |
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', | |
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', | |
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', | |
], | |
keywords="image instance segmentation object detection mask rcnn r-cnn tensorflow keras", | |
) |