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Subject: your membership community charset = iso - 8859 - 1
your membership community & commentary ( august 3 , 2001 )
it ' s all about making money
information to provide you with the absolute
best low and no cost ways of providing traffic
to your site , helping you to capitalize on the power
and potential the web brings to every net - preneur .
- - - this issue contains sites who will trade links with you ! - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
in this issue
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
top ten most important things to do today
member showcase
commentary quick tips
win a free ad in community & commentary
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today ' s special announcement :
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right now , this week only - we have left over inventory , it ' s
unsold , but not for long . if you could use 1 million banner
ads all targeted and dirt cheap go here today . this package
is guaranteed ! ! it ' s tough to fail when you can show your ad
to 1 , 000 people for less than a buck ! a free custom banner
will be made for you with this deal !
| | | = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = > >
you are a member in at least one of these programs
- you should be in them all !
http : / / www . bannersgomlm . com
http : / / www . profitbanners . com
http : / / www . cashpromotions . com
http : / / www . mysiteinc . com
http : / / www . . com
http : / / www . freelinksnetwork . com
http : / / www . myshoppingplace . com
http : / / www . bannerco - op . com
http : / / www . putpeel . com
http : / / www . putpeel . net
http : / / www . sellinternetaccess . com
http : / / www . be - your - own - isp . com
http : / / www . seventhpower . com
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top ten most important things to do today
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top ten most important things to do today
by michael e . angier
this is my list . they ' re the ones i ' ve selected for my life at
present . consider them suggestions for yourself - - ideas to
help you generate your own top ten list . by getting clear
on and acting upon your most important steps , you ' ll be
moving toward and experiencing your highest and best .
1 . practice gratefulness . reflect upon the things in my life for
which i ' m grateful . if i appreciate more of what i have , i will
have even more to appreciate .
2 . write out my three most important goals and visualize
how my life will be when i have achieved them . feel it .
experience it in as much sensory detail as i can possibly
imagine .
3 . take some action steps toward each of the three goals .
4 . exercise my body and monitor carefully what i eat and
drink . reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more
calories . eat only small amounts at one time .
5 . read something educational , inspirational or
entertaining - - preferably all three .
6 . meditate . empty my conscious mind and listen to the
super - conscious .
7 . have fun doing something i love to do . experience joy .
8 . write something - - anything . if not an article or part of
my book , then write in my journal .
9 . perform some act of kindness . do a thoughtful ,
magnanimous thing - - anonymously if possible .
10 . finish something . do something i can call complete .
bonus step : make something work better - -
practice ads : automate , delegate and systemize .
copyright 2001 michael angier & success networks international .
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about the author . . .
michael angier is the founder and president of success networks .
success net ' s mission is to inform , inspire and empower people
to be their best - - personally and professionally . download their
free ebooklet , keys to personal effectiveness from
http : / / www . successnet . org / keys . htm . free subscriptions ,
memberships , books and successmark cards are available at
http : / / www . successnet . org
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member showcase
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examine carefully - those with email addresses included will
trade links with you . . . you are encouraged to contact them .
there are many ways to build a successful business - just look
at these successful sites & programs other members are involved
in . . .
* * * * * * * * free cd - rom software * * * * * * * * *
over 1000 high quality software titles on cd - rom
absolutely free ! yes , the software is free , ( s / h )
click here : http : / / www . adreporting . com / at . cgi ? a = 156074 & e = / 2 /
stop smoking - free lesson ! !
discover the secret to stopping smoking .
to master these powerful techniques , come to
http : / / www . breath - of - life . net for your free lesson .
act now ! p . s . tell someone you care about .
trade links - jturco 3 @ hotmail . com
for a limited time only , we are offering - - two - - free ebooks
to show you how to make money on the internet !
use our proven , duplicatable methods to get in on
this exploding opportunity now ! visit us at :
http : / / www . abundance - group . com to collect your free offers !
trade links - gina @ abundancegroup . com
life without debt ! what would you do with 5 , 000 10 , 000
20 , 000 100 , 000 ? a " dream team " of heavy hitters are
gathering to promote life without debt . get in now to
receive massive spillover in the 2 x matrix .
http : / / trafficentral . com / lwd / index . htm
if you have a product , service , opportunity or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide , reach your
targeted audience ! for a fraction of what other large
newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here , and
trade links for only $ 8 cpm . compare that to the
industry average of $ 10 - $ 15 cpm . why ? . . . because as a
valuable member we want you to be successful ! order today -
showcases are limited and published on a first come , first
serve basis . for our secure order form , click here :
http : / / bannersgomlm . com / ezine
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commentary quick tips
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website recommendation :
here is a site with some useful tips .
example - test your internet connection speed .
http : / / www . camscape . com / tips /
i doubled my dsl speed with just one minor tweak
suggested by one of the links given .
submitted by f . knopke
imco @ telusplanet . net
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
do you have a marketing hint , product recommendation , or
online gem of wisdom you ' d like to share with your fellow
subscribers ? with your 2 - 10 line quick tip include your
name and url or email address and we ' ll give you credit
for your words of wisdom .
and , if you ' re looking for free advertising , this isn ' t
the place - check out the ' one question survey ' below for
a great free advertising offer .
send it in to mailto : submit @ aeopublishing . com
with ' quick tip ' in the subject block .
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win a free ad in community & commentary
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to keep this interesting , how about this , every month we ' ll
draw a name from the replies and that person will win one
sponsorship showcase in the community & commentary , for free .
that ' s a value of over $ 800 . 00 ! respond to each weekly survey ,
and increase your chances to win with four separate entries .
question of the week ( 08 / 03 / 01 ) . . .
no right or wrong answers , and just by answering
you are entered to win a sponsorship showcase - free !
~ ~ ~ how many email messages do you get per day ? ~ ~ ~
less than 40 mailto : one @ aeopublishing . com
41 - 100 mailto : two @ aeopublishing . com
101 - 300 mailto : three @ aeopublishing . com
301 - 1000 mailto : four @ aeopublishing . com
more than 1000 mailto : five @ aeopublishing . com
to make this as easy as possible for you , just click on the
hyperlinked answer to send us an e - mail - you do not need to
enter any information in the subject or body of the message .
* * add your comments ! follow directions above and
add your comments in the body of the message , and we ' ll
post the best commentaries along with the responses .
you will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
sponsorship ad in the community & commentary . please
respond only one time per question . multiple responses
from the same individual will be discarded .
last weeks ' s survey results paid the fees ;
and , promptly assigned my www . schoolofgeomatics . com
address to a porn shop . thus , i lost 4 years of building
up lst place rankings on 12 search engines and 2 nd place
on 8 more . this set me back about 4 months : i believe i
lost a minimum of $ 50 , 000 .
i have also been hit with viruses about 10 times . the first
time i lost almost 4 months of work . now , i back up often
enough to not to lose so much time . this is also internet
theft . these people are nothing but out and out criminals
and should spend years behind bars .
customers are well protected from credit card theft ;
however , merchants can lose a lot of money . i sell only by
purchase order and certified or registered company checks .
- - peter s . http : / / www . gssgeomatics . com
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
july winner announced !
and the july ' one - question survey ' winner is . . .
john stitzel - oldstitz @ yahoo . com
congratulations john !
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to change your subscribed address , send both new and old
address to mailto : submit @ aeopublishing . com
see the link ( below ) for our subscription center to unsubscribe
or edit your interests .
please send suggestions and comments to :
mailto : editor @ aeopublishing . com
i invite you to send your real successes and showcase
your strategies and techniques , or yes , even your total bombs ,
" working together we can all prosper . "
mailto : submit @ aeopublishing . com
for information on how to sponsor your membership
community & commentary visit : http : / / bannersgomlm . com / ezine
copyright 2001 aeopublishing . com
web : http : / / www . aeopublishing . com
this email has been sent to jm @ netnoteinc . com at your
request , by your membership newsletter services .
visit our subscription center to edit your interests or unsubscribe .
http : / / ccprod . roving . com / roving / d . jsp ? p = oo & id = bd 7 n 7877 . 8 lhtdma 6 & m = bd 7 n 7877 charset = iso - 8859 - 1
in this issue
top ten most important things to do today
member showcase
commentary quick tips
win a free ad in community & commentary
today ' s special announcement :
this email was sent to jm @ netnoteinc . com , at your request , by your membership newsletter services .
visit our subscription center to edit your interests or unsubscribe .
view our privacy policy .
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