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A whole-body FDG-PET/CT Dataset with manually annotated Tumor Lesions
Sergios Gatidis, Tobias Hepp1 Marcel Früh, Christian La Fougère, Konstantin Nikolaou Christina Pfannenberg, Bernhard Schölkopf, Thomas Küstner, Clemens Cyran & Daniel Rubin
We describe a publicly available dataset of annotated Positron Emission Tomography/Computed
Tomography (PET/CT) studies. 1014 whole body Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/CT datasets (501
studies of patients with malignant lymphoma, melanoma and non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and
513 studies without PET-positive malignant lesions (negative controls)) acquired between 2014 and
2018 were included. All examinations were acquired on a single, state-of-the-art PET/CT scanner. The
imaging protocol consisted of a whole-body FDG-PET acquisition and a corresponding diagnostic CT
scan. All FDG-avid lesions identified as malignant based on the clinical PET/CT report were manually
segmented on PET images in a slice-per-slice (3D) manner. We provide the anonymized original DICOM
files of all studies as well as the corresponding DICOM segmentation masks. In addition, we provide
scripts for image processing and conversion to different file formats (NIfTI, mha, hdf5). Primary
diagnosis, age and sex are provided as non-imaging information. We demonstrate how this dataset
can be used for deep learning-based automated analysis of PET/CT data and provide the trained deep
learning model.
Background & Summary: Integrated Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) has been established as a central
diagnostic imaging modality for several mostly oncological indications over the past two decades. The unique
strength of this hybrid imaging modality lies in its capability to provide both, highly resolved anatomical information by CT as well as functional and molecular information by PET. With growing numbers of performed
examinations, the emergence of novel PET tracers and the increasing clinical demand for quantitative analysis
and reporting of PET/CT studies is becoming increasingly complex and time consuming. To overcome this
challenge, the implementation of machine learning algorithms for faster, more objective and quantitative medical image analysis has been proposed also for the analysis of PET/CT data. First methodological studies have
demonstrated the feasibility of using deep learning frameworks for the detection and segmentation of metabolically active lesions in whole body Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/CT of patients with lung cancer, lymphoma
and melanoma1–4. Despite these encouraging results, deep learning-based analysis of PET/CT data is still not
established in routine clinical settings. Thus, automated medical image analysis, specifically of PET/CT images
is an ongoing field of research that requires methodological advances to become clinically applicable. In contrast
to the more widely used imaging modalities CT and MRI however, only few datasets of PET/CT studies are
publicly accessible to clinical and machine learning scientists who work on automated PET/CT analysis. Even
fewer datasets contain image-level ground truth labels to be used for machine learning research5,6. This is likely
a major obstacle for innovation and clinical translation in this field. Examples of related areas, such as analysis
of dermoscopy7 or retinal images8, show that the existence of publicly available labeled datasets can serve as a
catalyst for method development and validation. The purpose of this project is thus to provide an annotated,
publicly available dataset of PET/CT images that enables technical and clinical research in the area of machine
learning-based analysis of PET/CT studies and to demonstrate a use case of deep learning-based automated
segmentation of tumor lesions. To this end, we composed a dataset of 1,014 oncologic whole-body FDG-PET/
CT examinations of patients with lymphoma, lung cancer and malignant melanoma, as well as negative controls
together with voxel-wise manual labels of metabolically active tumor lesions. The provided data can be used by
researchers of different backgrounds for the development and evaluation of machine learning methods for PET/
CT analysis as well as for clinical research regarding the included tumor entities.
Table 1. Patient characteristics across the dataset subcategories.
Data collection: Publication of anonymized data was approved by the institutional ethics committee of the
Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen as well as the institutional data security and privacy review board.
Data from 1,014 whole-body FDG-PET/CT examinations of 900 patients acquired between 2014 and 2018 as
part of a prospective registry study9 were included in this dataset. Of these 1,014 examinations, 501 are positive
samples, meaning they contain at least one FDG-avid tumor lesion and 513 are negative samples, meaning they
do not contain FDG-avid tumor lesions. Negative samples stem from patients who were examined by PET/CT
with a clinical indication (e.g. follow-up after tumor resection) but did not show any findings of metabolically
active malignant disease. The selection criteria for positive samples were: age >18 years, histologically confirmed
diagnosis of lung cancer, lymphoma or malignant melanoma, and presence of at least one FDG-avid tumor lesion
according to the final clinical report. The selection criteria for negative samples were: age >18 years, no detectable
FDG-avid tumor lesion according to the clinical radiology report. Of the 501 positive studies, 168 were acquired
in patients with lung cancer, 145 in patients with lymphoma and 188 in patients with melanoma. Patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
PET/CT Acquisition: All PET/CT examinations were performed at the University Hospital Tübingen
according to a standardized acquisition protocol on a single clinical scanner (Siemens Biograph mCT, Siemens
Healthineers, Knoxville, USA) following international guidelines for oncologic PET/CT examinations (Boellaard
et al. FDG PET/CT: EANM procedure guidelines for tumour imaging: version 2.0)10.
Diagnostic whole-body CT was acquired in expiration with arms elevated according to a standardized protocol using the following scan parameters: reference tube current exposure time product, 200 mAs with automated
exposure control (CareDose); tube voltage, 120 kV. CT examinations were performed with weight-adapted
90–120 ml intravenous CT contrast agent in a portal-venous phase (Ultravist 370, Bayer Healthcare) or without
contrast agent (in case of existing contraindications). CT data were reconstructed in transverse orientation with
a slice thickness between 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm with an in-plane voxel edge length between 0.7 and 1.0 mm.
F-FDG was injected intravenously after at least 6 hours of fasting. PET acquisition was initiated 60 minutes after injection of a weight-adapted dose of approximately 300 MBq 18F-FDG (mean: 314.7 MBq, SD:
22.1 MBq, range: [150, 432] MBq). For the purpose of weight adaptation, target FDG injection acitivities
were 250–300 MBq/300–350 MBq/350–400 MBq for patients with a body weight below 60 kg/between 60 and
100 kg/above 100 kg respectively. PET was acquired over four to eight bed positions (usually from the skull
base to the mid-thigh level) and reconstructed using a 3D-ordered subset expectation maximization algorithm
(two iterations, 21 subsets, Gaussian filter 2.0 mm, matrix size 400 × 400, slice thickness 3.0 mm, voxel size of
2.04 × 2.04 × 3 mm3). PET acquisition time was 2 min per bed position. Example PET/CT images are displayed
in Fig. 1a.
Fig. 1 Dataset properties. (a) Coronal views of CT (left) and FDG-PET (right) image volumes without
pathologic findings. (b) Example of manual tumor segmentation (bottom image, green area) of a lung cancer
mass; top: CT, middle: FDG-PET (c) Distribution of mean SUV, MTV and TLG of studies in patients with lung
cancer (blue), lymphoma (red) and melanoma (yellow).
Data labeling and processing: All examinations were assessed by a radiologist and nuclear medicine
specialist in a clinical setting. Based on the report of this clinical assessment, all FDG-avid tumor lesions (primary tumor if present and metastases if present) were segmented by an experienced radiologist (S.G., 10 years of experience in hybrid imaging) using dedicated software (NORA image analysis platform, University of Freiburg,
Germany). In case of uncertainty regarding lesion definition, the specific PET/CT studies were reviewed in
consensus with the radiologist and nuclear medicine physician who prepared the initial clinical report. To this
end CT and corresponding PET volumes were displayed side by side or as an overlay and tumor lesions showing
elevated FDG-uptake (visually above blood-pool levels) were segmented in a slice-per-slice manner resulting in
3D binary segmentation masks. An example slice of a segmented tumor lesion is shown in Fig. 1b. DICOM data
of PET/CT volumes and corresponding segmentation masks were anonymized upon data upload to The Cancer
Imaging Archive11 using the CTP DICOM anonymizer tool.
Data properties: Of the 1014 studies (900 unique patients) included in this dataset, one study was included
of 819 patients, two studies were included of 59 patients, 3 studies of 14 patients, 4 studies of 4 patients and 5
studies of 3 patients. The mean coverage (scan range) of the PET volumes in the longitudinal direction over all
datasets was 1050.7 mm (SD: 306.7 mm, min: 600 mm, max: 1983 mm). The three included tumor entities showed
similar distributions with respect to metabolic tumor volume (MTV), mean SUV of tumor lesions and total lesion
glycolysis (TLG) (Fig. 1c). Overall, in non-negative studies, MTV, mean SUV and TLG amounted to (mean ± SD)
219.9 ± 342.7 ml, 5.6 ± 2.7 and 1330 ± 2296 ml, respectively. For lung cancer studies, these values were
263.6 ± 345.1 ml, 4.4 ± 1.5 and 1234 ± 1622 ml. For lymphoma studies these values 297.5 ± 393.1 ml, 6.3 ± 2.7
and 2042 ± 2941.4 ml. For melanoma studies these values were 121.2 ± 269.4 ml, 6.2 ± 3.1 and 867.3 ± 2113.8 ml.
Data Records: This dataset can be accessed on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) under the collection name
DICOM data: Each individual PET/CT dataset consists of three image series stored in the DICOM format: a whole-body CT volume stored as a DICOM image series, a corresponding whole-body FDG-PET volume stored as a DICOM image series and a binary segmentation volume stored in the DICOM segmentation object format. The entire DICOM dataset consists of 1,014 image studies, 3,042 image series and a total of 916,957 single
DICOM files (total size of approximately 419 GB). The directory structure of the DICOM dataset is depicted in
Fig. 2a. Patients are identified uniquely by their anonymized patient ID.
Conversion to other image formats: To facilitate data usage, we provide Python scripts that allow conversion of DICOM data to other medical image formats (NIfTI and mha) as well as the hdf5 format. (https:// processing). In addition to file conversion, these scripts generate processed image
volumes: a CT volume resampled to the PET volume size and resolution as well as a PET volume with voxel values
Metadata: In addition to imaging data, a metadata file in Comma-separated Values (csv) format is provided
containing information on study class (lung cancer, melanoma, lymphoma or negative), patient age (in years) and
patient sex. In addition, the DICOM header data include information about patient body weight, injected activity
and whether CT was contrast-enhanced (in case of non-enhanced CT, the CT series description includes the key
word “nativ”).
Fig. 2 Dataset structure. Patients are identified by a unique, anonymized ID and all studies of a single patient
are stored under the respective patient path. (a) DICOM data: Each study folder contains three subfolders with
DICOM files of the PET volume, the CT volume and the segmentation mask. (b) NIfTI data: Using the provided
conversion script, DICOM data can be converted to NIfTI files. In addition to NIfTI files of the PET volume
(PET.nii.gz), the CT volume (CT.nii.gz) and the segmentation mask (SEG.nii.gz), this script generates NIfTI
volumes of the PET image in SUV units (SUV.nii.gz) and a CT volume resample to the PET resolution and
shape (CTres.nii.gz).
Fig. 3 Training and evaluation. (a) Representative loss curve on training data (blue) and validation data (red)
from one fold of a 5-fold cross validation. (b) Schematic visualization of the proposed evaluation metrics false
positive and false negative volumes (in addition to the Dice score).
converted to standardized uptake values (SUV). The data structure of the generated NIfTI files is represented in
Fig. 2b. Data in the other formats (mha and hdf5) are generated accordingly.
Fig. 4 Quantitative evaluation of automated lesion segmentation. Top left: Correlation of automatically
predicted tumor volume with ground truth tumor volumes from manual segmentation in positive studies. Top
right: Distribution of Dice coefficients for automated versus manual tumor segmentation in positive studies.
Bottom left: Distribution of false negative volumes over all positive studies. Bottom right: Distribution of false
positive volumes over all studies.
Technical Validation: Deep Learning-based Lesion Segmentation. In order to provide a use case scenario for the provided dataset we trained and evaluated a deep learning model
for automated PET lesion segmentation. To this end, we used a standardized and publicly available deep learning
framework for medical image segmentation (nnUNet13). This framework is based on a 3D U-Net architecture
and provides an automated adaptive image processing pipeline. PET volumes converted to SUV units (SUV.
nii.gz, Fig. 2b) and corresponding re-sampled CT volumes (CTres.nii.gz, Fig. 2b) were used as model inputs.
Training with 5-fold cross validation was performed using the pre-configured model parameters with maximum
number of epochs set to 1,000 and an initial learning rate of 1e-4 in a dedicated GPU (NVIDIA A5000). Typical
loss and validation curves of a single validation step are depicted in Fig. 3a. For validation of algorithm performance, three metrics were used: Dice score, false positive volume and false negative volume (Fig. 3b). False positive volume was defined as the volume of false positive connected components in the predicted segmentation
mask that do not overlap with tumor regions in the ground truth segmentation mask. This can be e.g. areas of
physiological FDG-uptake (e.g. brain, heart, kidneys) that are erroneously classified as tumor. False negative
volume was defined as the volume of connected components in the ground truth segmentation mask (=tumor
lesions) that do not overlap with the estimated segmentation mask. These are tumor lesions that are entirely
missed by the segmentation algorithm. In case of negative examples without present tumor lesions in the ground
truth segmentation, only false positive volume was applicable as a metric.
We introduce these additional metrics (false positive and false negative volumes) due to the specific requirements of automated lesion segmentation. The specific challenge in automated segmentation of FDG-avid
lesions in PET is to avoid false-positive segmentation of anatomical structures that have physiologically high
FDG-uptake (e.g. brain, kidney, heart, etc.) while capturing all - even small - tumor lesions. The Dice score alone
does not differentiate between false positive or negative segmentation within a correctly detected lesion (e.g.
along its borders) and false positive or negative segmentations unconnected to detected lesions (i.e. false positive
segmentation of healthy tissue or entirely missed lesions).
Overall, automated lesion segmentation using the described deep learning model showed good agreement
with manual ground truth segmentation (Fig. 4). On datasets containing lesions, a high correlation of MTVs was
observed between automated and manual segmentation (r = 0.85). The mean Dice score of automated compared
to manual lesion segmentation was 0.73 (±0.23) on positive datasets. Mean false positive/false negative volumes
were 8.1 (±81.4) ml/15.1 (±80.3) ml respectively. Quantitative algorithm performance results on validation
data (5-fold cross validation) are summarized in Fig. 4. Figure 5 provides qualitative examples for automated
segmentation results.
This presented use case scenario demonstrates how this dataset can be used for the development and validation
of algorithms for analysis of PET/CT data. We observed overall high automated segmentation performance that
is comparable to previous studies focusing on specific disease entities4,14. In combination with methodological
advances in the fields of machine learning and computer vision, this dataset can thus contribute to the development of increasingly accurate, robust and clinically useful algorithms for PET/CT analysis.Beyond automated
lesion segmentation, this dataset bears the potential to be used for further tasks such as automated organ segmentation or automated lesion tracking. This would require further annotations which can be integrated with relatively
low additional effort. For example, the recently published MOOSE framework15 for automated organ segmentation on PET/CT data can be directly applied to this dataset providing e.g. information about lesions localization.
Fig. 5 Examples of automated lesion segmentation. (a) Example showing excellent agreement between
manual (green) and automated (blue) tumor segmentation in a patient with lymphoma. Black arrows point
to physiological FDG-uptake in the brain, heart, bowel and urinary bladder (from top to bottom) that was
correctly not segmented. (b) Example of false positive segmentation of physiological structures with elevated
FDG-uptake. Top: False positive partial segmentation of the left kidney. Bottom: False positive partial
segmentation of back muscles.
Usage Notes: For the purpose of visualization, image data can be loaded using freely available medical image data viewers such
as the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit ( or 3D Slicer ( For
the purpose of computational data analysis e.g. in Python, 3D image volumes can be read using freely available
software such as pydicom ( or nibabel (
The data presented in this manuscript is part of the MICCAI autoPET challenge 2022 (https://autopet.
Code availability: We provide the code of the data conversion and processing pipeline under
processing. The trained PET/CT lesion segmentation model is publicly available under
Received: 28 June 2022; Accepted: 23 September 2022;
Published: xx xx xxxx
This project was partly supported by intramural grants of Stanford University and the University of Tübingen.
This project was conducted under Germany’s Excellence Strategy–EXC-Number 2064/1–390727645 and EXC
Author contributions
S.G., D.R., T.K., T.H.: conception and design of the work, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, creation
of new software used in the work, drafting of the manuscript. K.N., C.L.F., M.F., C.P., B.S., C.C.: discussion and
interpretation of results, substantial revision of the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Table 1: This table provides information about the patient characteristics across the dataset subcategories. It includes the diagnosis, patient sex, number of studies, and age (mean and standard deviation). The table includes information for Melanoma, Lymphoma, Lung Cancer, Negative, and All. The All category includes information for both male and female patients.
Table 1: This table provides information about the patient characteristics across the dataset subcategories. It includes the diagnosis, patient sex, number of studies, and age (mean and standard deviation). The table includes information for Melanoma, Lymphoma, Lung Cancer, Negative, and All. The All category includes information for both male and female patients. For female patients, there were 77 studies with an average age of 65.0 ± 12.8. For male patients, there were 111 studies with an average age of 65.7 ± 13.7. For Melanoma, there were no studies included in the table. For Lymphoma, there were 76 male studies with an average age of 47.3 ± 17.9 and 69 female studies with an average age of 45.1 ± 19.7. For Lung Cancer, there were 103 male studies with an average age of 67.0 ± 9.0 and 65 female studies with an average age of 64.2 ± 8.7. For Negative, there were 280 male studies with an average age of 58.7 ± 15.1 and 233 female studies with an average age of 59.1 ± 14.7. For All, there were 570 male studies with an average age of 60.1 ± 15
Table 1: This table provides information about the patient characteristics across the dataset subcategories. For female patients, there were 77 studies with an average age of 65.0 ± 12.8. For male patients, there were 111 studies with an average age of 65.7 ± 13.7. For Melanoma, there were no studies included in the table. For Lymphoma, there were 76 male studies with an average age of 47.3 ± 17.9 and 69 female studies with an average age of 45.1 ± 19.7. For Lung Cancer, there were 103 male studies with an average age of 67.0 ± 9.0 and 65 female studies with an average age of 64.2 ± 8.7. For Negative, there were 280 male studies with an average age of 58.7 ± 15.1 and 233 female studies with an average age of 59.1 ± 14.7. For All, there were 570 male studies with an average age of 60.1 ± 15.9.