import base64 | |
import json | |
import os | |
import uuid | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import pandas as pd | |
import pytz | |
import streamlit as st | |
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset, Features, Value | |
from huggingface_hub import CommitScheduler | |
# File paths as constants | |
USERS_JSON = 'leaders/users.json' | |
MATCHES_JSON = 'matches.json' | |
OUTCOMES_JSON = 'match_outcomes.json' | |
OUTCOMES = 'outcomes/match_outcomes.json' | |
PLAYERS_JSON = 'players.json' | |
image_path = 'ipl_image.png' | |
PREDICTIONS_FOLDER = Path("predictions") | |
PREDICTIONS_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
users_file = Path("leaders") / f"users.json" | |
USERS_FOLDER = users_file.parent | |
USERS_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
outcomes_file = Path("outcomes") / f"match_outcomes.json" | |
OUTCOMES_FOLDER = outcomes_file.parent | |
OUTCOMES_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
# Initialize CommitScheduler | |
scheduler = CommitScheduler( | |
repo_id="DIS_IPL_Preds", | |
repo_type="dataset", | |
folder_path=PREDICTIONS_FOLDER, # Local folder where predictions are saved temporarily | |
path_in_repo="predictions", # Path in dataset repo where predictions will be saved | |
every=720, # Push every 240 minutes (4 hours) | |
) | |
# Initialize CommitScheduler | |
scheduler = CommitScheduler( | |
repo_id="DIS_IPL_Leads", | |
repo_type="dataset", | |
folder_path=USERS_FOLDER, # Local folder where users are saved temporarily | |
path_in_repo="leaders", # Path in dataset repo where predictions will be saved | |
every=720, # Push every 240 minutes (4 hours) | |
) | |
# Initialize CommitScheduler | |
scheduler = CommitScheduler( | |
repo_id="DIS_IPL_Outcomes", | |
repo_type="dataset", | |
folder_path=OUTCOMES_FOLDER, # Local folder where users are saved temporarily | |
path_in_repo="outcomes", # Path in dataset repo where predictions will be saved | |
every=720, # Push every 240 minutes (4 hours) | |
) | |
def load_data(file_path): | |
""" | |
Load data from a JSON or CSV file. | |
Args: | |
file_path (str): The path to the file to load. | |
Returns: | |
pd.DataFrame or dict: The loaded data. | |
""" | |
try: | |
if file_path.endswith('.json'): | |
with open(file_path, 'r') as file: | |
return json.load(file) | |
elif file_path.endswith('.csv'): | |
return pd.read_csv(file_path) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
if file_path.endswith('.json'): | |
return {} | |
elif file_path.endswith('.csv'): | |
return pd.DataFrame() | |
def get_base64_of_image(path): | |
with open(path, "rb") as image_file: | |
return base64.b64encode( | |
# Get today's date in IST to load today's match | |
def get_current_date_ist(): | |
tz_IST = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata') | |
datetime_ist = | |
return datetime_ist.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
# Function to get matches for today | |
def get_today_matches(): | |
today = get_current_date_ist() | |
matches = load_data(MATCHES_JSON) | |
today_matches = [match for match in matches if match['date'] == today] | |
return today_matches | |
# Function to check if prediction submission is allowed | |
def is_submission_allowed(match_id): | |
matches = load_data(MATCHES_JSON) # This loads matches correctly with IST times | |
for match in matches: | |
if match["match_id"] == match_id: | |
# Parse the match start time in IST | |
tz_IST = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata') | |
match_datetime_str = f'{match["date"]} {match["time"]}' | |
# The match time string is like "2024-03-21 7:30 PM" | |
match_datetime = datetime.strptime(match_datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p") | |
match_datetime = tz_IST.localize(match_datetime) # Set the timezone to IST | |
# Get the current time in IST | |
current_datetime = | |
if current_datetime > match_datetime: | |
return False | |
else: | |
return True | |
return False # If match_id not found, default to False | |
# Submit prediction function | |
def submit_prediction( | |
user_name, | |
match_id, | |
predicted_winner, | |
predicted_motm, | |
bid_points, | |
max_bid_points | |
): | |
# Validation for user selection | |
if user_name == "Select a user...": | |
st.warning("Please select a valid user.") | |
return | |
# Check if prediction submission is allowed for the match | |
if not is_submission_allowed(match_id): | |
st.error("Prediction submission time has passed. Predictions can't be submitted after match start.") | |
return | |
if bid_points > max_bid_points or bid_points < 100: | |
st.error(f"Oops, Invalid bid! 🙈 You must bid at least 100 points and not exceed the 20% limit of your total points. Maximum allowed bid points: {max_bid_points}.") | |
# st.error(f"Oops! 🙈 Looks like you're going overboard with your bid points! Your bid points cannot exceed your total points. Maximum allowed bid points: {max_bid_points} 😱") | |
return | |
prediction_id = uuid.uuid4().hex | |
prediction_time ='%Y-%m-%d') | |
prediction_data = { | |
'prediction_id': prediction_id, | |
'user_name': user_name, | |
'match_id': match_id, | |
'predicted_winner': predicted_winner, | |
'predicted_motm': predicted_motm, | |
'bid_points': bid_points, | |
'prediction_date': prediction_time # Include the prediction time | |
} | |
# Construct the filename to include match_id for easier retrieval | |
prediction_file_name = f"prediction_{match_id}_{user_name}.json" | |
prediction_file = PREDICTIONS_FOLDER / prediction_file_name | |
# Load existing predictions for the user and match, if any | |
existing_predictions = [] | |
if prediction_file.exists(): | |
with"r") as file: | |
for line in file: | |
existing_predictions.append(json.loads(line.strip())) | |
# Update existing prediction if it exists for the same user and match | |
prediction_updated = False | |
for existing_prediction in existing_predictions: | |
if existing_prediction['user_name'] == user_name and existing_prediction['match_id'] == match_id: | |
existing_prediction.update(prediction_data) | |
prediction_updated = True | |
break | |
# Save the updated predictions back to the file | |
with scheduler.lock: | |
if not prediction_updated: | |
# Append the new prediction if it doesn't already exist | |
with"a") as file: | |
file.write(json.dumps(prediction_data)) | |
file.write("\n") | |
else: | |
with"w") as file: | |
for prediction in existing_predictions: | |
file.write(json.dumps(prediction)) | |
file.write("\n") | |
st.success("Prediction submitted successfully!") | |
def get_user_total_points(user_name): | |
# users_dataset = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Leads", split="train") | |
# users = users_dataset.to_dict() | |
users = load_users(USERS_JSON) | |
return users.get(user_name, {}).get('points') | |
def calculate_max_bid_points(user_name): | |
total_points = get_user_total_points(user_name) | |
max_bid_points = int(total_points * 0.20) # 20% of total points | |
return max_bid_points | |
def load_users(USERS_JSON): | |
try: | |
with open(USERS_JSON, 'r') as file: | |
return json.load(file) | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
return {} | |
def user_selection_and_prediction(): | |
users = list(load_data(USERS_JSON)) | |
user_name = st.selectbox("Select User", ["Select a user..."] + users) | |
max_bid_points = None | |
if user_name != "Select a user...": | |
max_bid_points = calculate_max_bid_points(user_name) | |
st.write(f"Maximum bid points you can submit: {max_bid_points}") | |
matches = get_today_matches() | |
if matches: | |
match_choice = st.selectbox("Select Today's Match", matches, format_func=lambda match: f"{match['teams'][0]} vs {match['teams'][1]}") | |
match_id = match_choice['match_id'] | |
teams = match_choice['teams'] | |
predicted_winner = st.selectbox("Predicted Winner", teams) | |
player_list = load_data(PLAYERS_JSON) | |
predicted_motm = "" | |
if predicted_winner in player_list: | |
players = player_list[predicted_winner] | |
predicted_motm = st.selectbox("Predicted Man of the Match", players) | |
bid_points = st.number_input("Bid Points", min_value=0, value=100, format="%d") | |
if st.button("Submit Prediction"): | |
submit_prediction(user_name, match_id, predicted_winner, predicted_motm, bid_points, max_bid_points) | |
else: | |
st.write("No matches are scheduled for today.") | |
def display_predictions(): | |
if st.button("Show Predictions"): | |
all_predictions = [] | |
# Check if the directory exists | |
if not os.path.exists(PREDICTIONS_FOLDER): | |
st.write("No predictions directory found.") | |
return | |
# List all JSON files in the directory | |
for filename in os.listdir(PREDICTIONS_FOLDER): | |
if filename.endswith('.json'): | |
file_path = os.path.join(PREDICTIONS_FOLDER, filename) | |
# Read each JSON file and append its contents to the list | |
with open(file_path, 'r') as file: | |
prediction = json.load(file) | |
all_predictions.append(prediction) | |
# Convert the list of dictionaries to a DataFrame | |
predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(all_predictions) | |
if not predictions_df.empty: | |
predictions_df['prediction_date'] = predictions_df.apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x['prediction_date'], '%Y-%m-%d'), axis=1) | |
# Filter for today's predictions | |
today_str ='%Y-%m-%d') | |
todays_predictions = predictions_df[predictions_df['prediction_date'] == today_str] | |
# Remove the 'prediction_id' column if it exists | |
if 'prediction_id' in todays_predictions.columns: | |
todays_predictions = todays_predictions.drop(columns=['prediction_id', 'prediction_date']) | |
st.dataframe(todays_predictions, hide_index=True) | |
else: | |
st.write("No predictions for today's matches yet.") | |
def display_leaderboard(): | |
if st.button("Show Leaderboard"): | |
try: | |
# # Load the 'leaders' configuration | |
dataset = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Leads", split='train') | |
users_data = [] | |
if dataset: | |
for user, points_dict in dataset[0].items(): | |
points = points_dict.get("points", 0) | |
last_5_results = " ".join(points_dict.get("last_5_results", ["⚪"] * 5)) # Default: 5 white circles | |
users_data.append({'User': user, 'Points': points, "Last 5 Bids": last_5_results}) | |
else: | |
data = load_users(USERS_JSON) | |
for user, points_dict in data.items(): | |
points = points_dict.get("points", 0) | |
last_5_results = " ".join(points_dict.get("last_5_results", ["⚪"] * 5)) # Default: 5 white circles | |
users_data.append({'User': user, 'Points': points, "Last 5 Bids": last_5_results}) | |
leaderboard = pd.DataFrame(users_data) | |
# Sort DataFrame by points in descending order | |
leaderboard = leaderboard.sort_values(by='Points', ascending=False) | |
# Add a 'Rank' column starting from 1 | |
leaderboard['Rank'] = range(1, len(leaderboard) + 1) | |
# Select and order the columns for display | |
leaderboard = leaderboard[['Rank', 'User', 'Points', 'Last 5 Bids']] | |
st.dataframe(leaderboard, hide_index=True) | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.write("Failed to load leaderboard data: ", str(e)) | |
# Streamlit UI | |
encoded_image = get_base64_of_image(image_path) | |
custom_css = f""" | |
<style> | |
.header {{ | |
font-size: 50px; | |
color: #FFD700; /* Gold */ | |
text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 1px 1px 0 #000; /* Black text shadow */ | |
text-align: center; | |
padding: 10px; | |
background-image: url('data:image/png;base64,{encoded_image}'); | |
background-size: cover; | |
}} | |
</style> | |
""" | |
# Apply custom CSS | |
st.markdown(custom_css, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Use the custom class in a div with your title | |
st.markdown('<div class="header">DIS IPL Match Predictions</div>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.write("🏆 Predict, Compete, and Win 🏏 - Where Every Guess Counts! 🏆") | |
user_guide_content = """ | |
### 📘 User Guide | |
#### Submitting Predictions | |
- **Match Selection**: Choose the match you want to predict from today's available matches. | |
- **Team and Player Prediction**: Select the team you predict will win and the "Man of the Match". | |
- **Bid Points**: Enter the number of points you wish to bid on your prediction. Remember, the maximum you can bid is capped at **20% of your total points**. | |
#### Scoring System | |
- **Winning Team Prediction**: | |
- ✅ **Correct Prediction**: You earn **2000 points** plus your bid amount. | |
- ❌ **Incorrect Prediction**: You lose **200 points** plus your bid amount. | |
- **Man of the Match Prediction**: | |
- ✅ **Correct Prediction**: You earn **an additional 500 points**. | |
- ❌ **Incorrect Prediction**: No penalty. | |
- **No Prediction Submitted**: | |
- ❌ **You lose 1000 points** automatically for not submitting a prediction. | |
#### Bid Point Constraints | |
- You cannot bid more than 20% of your current total points. | |
- Bid points will be doubled if your prediction is correct, and deducted if incorrect. | |
#### Rules for Submission | |
- **Predictions must be submitted before the match starts**. | |
- **Only one prediction per match is allowed**. | |
- **Review your prediction carefully before submission, as it cannot be changed once submitted**. | |
#### 🔴🟢⚪ Match Performance Tracking | |
- After each match, your last **5 predictions will be tracked** and displayed on the leaderboard: | |
- 🟢 **Green** → Correct prediction. | |
- 🔴 **Red** → Wrong prediction. | |
- ⚪ **White** → No prediction submitted. | |
🚀 **Compete, strategize, and climb the leaderboard!** | |
""" | |
# User Guide as an expander | |
with st.expander("User Guide 📘"): | |
st.markdown(user_guide_content) | |
with st.expander("Submit Prediction 📝"): | |
user_selection_and_prediction() | |
with st.expander("Predictions 🔍"): | |
display_predictions() | |
with st.expander("Leaderboard 🏆"): | |
display_leaderboard() | |
############################# Admin Panel ################################## | |
ADMIN_PASSPHRASE = "admin123" | |
def fetch_latest_predictions(match_id): | |
# Load the dataset. Adjust "split" to "train" or appropriate if "predictions" is a configuration. | |
dataset = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Preds", split="train") | |
# Convert the dataset to a pandas DataFrame | |
df = pd.DataFrame(dataset) | |
# Ensure the DataFrame is not empty and contains the required columns | |
if not df.empty and {'user_name', 'match_id'}.issubset(df.columns): | |
# Filter rows by 'match_id' | |
filtered_df = df[df['match_id'] == match_id] | |
# Drop duplicate rows based on 'user_name' | |
unique_df = filtered_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['user_name']) | |
return unique_df | |
else: | |
return pd.DataFrame() | |
def update_leaderboard_and_outcomes(match_id, winning_team, man_of_the_match, outcome_only=False): | |
features = Features({ | |
'match_id': Value('string'), | |
'man_of_the_match': Value('string'), | |
'winning_team': Value('string'), | |
}) | |
# Load existing match outcomes | |
outcomes = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Outcomes", split="train") | |
outcomes_df = pd.DataFrame(outcomes) | |
# Directly update or add the match outcome | |
outcome_exists = False | |
for idx, outcome in outcomes_df.iterrows(): | |
if outcome['match_id'] == match_id: | |[idx, 'winning_team'] = winning_team | |[idx, 'man_of_the_match'] = man_of_the_match | |
outcome_exists = True | |
break | |
if not outcome_exists: | |
new_outcome = {"match_id": match_id, "winning_team": winning_team, "man_of_the_match": man_of_the_match} | |
outcomes_df = pd.concat([outcomes_df, pd.DataFrame([new_outcome])], ignore_index=True) | |
outcomes = Dataset.from_pandas(outcomes_df) | |
if not outcome_only: # Update user scores only if outcome_only is False | |
# Load predictions only if necessary | |
predictions = fetch_latest_predictions(match_id) | |
# Load users' data only if necessary | |
users = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Leads", split="train") | |
users_df = pd.DataFrame(users) | |
# Update user points based on prediction accuracy | |
users_with_predictions = set(predictions['user_name']) | |
for user_name in users_df.columns: | |
user_points = users_df[user_name][0]['points'] | |
if user_name in users_with_predictions: | |
prediction = predictions[predictions['user_name'] == user_name].iloc[0] | |
predicted_winner = prediction['predicted_winner'] | |
predicted_motm = prediction['predicted_motm'] | |
bid_points = prediction['bid_points'] | |
# Update points based on prediction accuracy | |
if predicted_winner == winning_team: | |
user_points += 2000 + bid_points | |
result_indicator = "🟢" # Correct Prediction | |
if predicted_motm == man_of_the_match: | |
user_points += 500 | |
else: | |
user_points -= 200 + bid_points | |
result_indicator = "🔴" # Wrong Prediction | |
else: | |
# Deduct 1000 points for not submitting a prediction | |
user_points -= 1000 | |
result_indicator = "⚪" # No Prediction | |
# Ensure user_points is never negative | |
user_points = max(user_points, 0) | |
# Update user's points in the DataFrame | |
users_df[user_name][0]['points'] = user_points | |
users[user_name][0]['points'] = user_points | |
# Maintain last 5 prediction results | |
if "last_5_results" not in users_df[user_name][0]: | |
users_df[user_name][0]["last_5_results"] = [] | |
users_df[user_name][0]["last_5_results"].insert(0, result_indicator) # Insert at beginning | |
users_df[user_name][0]["last_5_results"] = users_df[user_name][0]["last_5_results"][:5] # Keep only last 5 | |
if "last_5_results" not in users[user_name][0]: | |
users[user_name][0]["last_5_results"] = [] | |
users[user_name][0]["last_5_results"].insert(0, result_indicator) # Insert at beginning | |
users[user_name][0]["last_5_results"] = users[user_name][0]["last_5_results"][:5] # Keep only last 5 | |
users.to_json(USERS_JSON) | |
updated_dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(users_df) | |
updated_dataset.push_to_hub("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Leads", split="train") | |
outcomes.to_json(OUTCOMES) | |
outcomes.push_to_hub("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Outcomes", split="train") | |
# Function to fetch matches for a given date | |
def fetch_matches_by_date(matches, selected_date): | |
return [match for match in matches if datetime.strptime(match['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() == selected_date] | |
with st.sidebar: | |
expander = st.expander("Admin Panel", expanded=False) | |
admin_pass = expander.text_input("Enter admin passphrase:", type="password", key="admin_pass") | |
if admin_pass == ADMIN_PASSPHRASE: | |
expander.success("Authenticated") | |
all_matches = load_data(MATCHES_JSON) | |
match_outcomes = load_dataset("Jay-Rajput/DIS_IPL_Outcomes", split="train") | |
submitted_match_ids = [outcome["match_id"] for outcome in match_outcomes] | |
# Filter matches to those that do not have outcomes submitted yet | |
matches_without_outcomes = [match for match in all_matches if match["match_id"] not in submitted_match_ids] | |
# If matches are available, let the admin select one | |
if matches_without_outcomes: | |
# Optional: Allow the admin to filter matches by date | |
selected_date = expander.date_input("Select Match Date", key="match_date") | |
if selected_date: | |
filtered_matches = fetch_matches_by_date(matches_without_outcomes, selected_date) | |
else: | |
filtered_matches = matches_without_outcomes | |
if filtered_matches: | |
match_selection = expander.selectbox("Select Match", filtered_matches, format_func=lambda match: f"{match['teams'][0]} vs {match['teams'][1]} (Match ID: {match['match_id']})", key="match_selection") | |
selected_match_id = match_selection['match_id'] | |
teams = match_selection['teams'] | |
# Let admin select the winning team | |
winning_team = expander.selectbox("Winning Team", teams, key="winning_team") | |
# Fetch and display players for the selected winning team | |
player_list = load_data(PLAYERS_JSON) | |
if winning_team in player_list: | |
players = player_list[winning_team] | |
man_of_the_match = expander.selectbox("Man of the Match", players, key="man_of_the_match") | |
else: | |
players = [] | |
man_of_the_match = expander.text_input("Man of the Match (Type if not listed)", key="man_of_the_match_fallback") | |
# Add checkbox for outcome only submission | |
outcome_only = expander.checkbox("Submit Outcome Only", key="outcome_only_checkbox") | |
if expander.button("Submit Match Outcome", key="submit_outcome"): | |
if outcome_only: | |
# Submit match outcome without updating user scores | |
update_leaderboard_and_outcomes(selected_match_id, winning_team, man_of_the_match, outcome_only=True) | |
expander.success("Match outcome submitted!") | |
else: | |
# Submit match outcome and update user scores | |
update_leaderboard_and_outcomes(selected_match_id, winning_team, man_of_the_match) | |
expander.success("Match outcome submitted and leaderboard updated!") | |
else: | |
expander.write("No matches available for the selected date.") | |
else: | |
expander.write("No matches are available for today.") | |
else: | |
if admin_pass: # Show error only if something was typed | |
expander.error("Not authenticated") | |