SearchEngine /
Jai12345's picture
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, CrossEncoder, util
import torch
import pickle
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
bi_encoder = SentenceTransformer("multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1")
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder("cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2")
corpus_embeddings = pd.read_pickle("corpus_embeddings_cpu.pkl")
corpus = pd.read_pickle("corpus.pkl")
def search(query, top_k=100):
print("Top Answer by the NSE:")
ans = []
# Encode the query using the bi-encoder and find relevant passage
question_embedding = bi_encoder.encode(query, convert_to_tensor=True)
hits = util.semantic_search(question_embedding, corpus_embeddings, top_k=top_k)
hits = hits[0] # Get the hits for the first query
# Now, score all retrieved passages with the cross_encoder
cross_inp = [[query, corpus[hit['corpus_id']]] for hit in hits]
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
# Sorting results by the cross-encoder scores
for idx in range(len(cross_scores)):
hits[idx]['cross-score'] = cross_scores[idx]
hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda x: x['cross-score'], reverse=True)
for idx, hit in enumerate(hits[0:5]):
return ans[0]
exp = ["Who is steve jobs?", "Who is Salman Khan?", "Who is Kevin Hart?",
"What is the most interesting thing about our universe?", "What are the most beautiful places on earth?"]
desc = "This is a semantic search engine made with sentence transformer."
inp = gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, default="", label="search you query here")
out = gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="search results")
iface = gr.Interface(fn=search, inputs=inp, outputs=[out], examples=exp, article=desc,
title="Search Engine", theme="huggingface", layout='vertical')