import streamlit as st |
import sqlite3 |
import hashlib |
DB_FILE = "users.db" |
def create_user_table(): |
conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
cursor.execute(""" |
username TEXT PRIMARY KEY, |
password TEXT |
) |
""") |
conn.commit() |
conn.close() |
def add_user(username, password): |
conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() |
try: |
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)", (username, hashed_password)) |
conn.commit() |
except sqlite3.IntegrityError: |
st.error("Username already exists. Please choose a different username.") |
conn.close() |
def authenticate_user(username, password): |
conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() |
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?", (username, hashed_password)) |
user = cursor.fetchone() |
conn.close() |
return user |
def main(): |
st.title("Welcome to Your Streamlit App") |
create_user_table() |
if "authenticated" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.authenticated = False |
if not st.session_state.authenticated: |
st.subheader("Please Log In or Register to Continue") |
auth_mode = st.radio("Choose an Option", ["Log In", "Register"], horizontal=True) |
if auth_mode == "Log In": |
st.subheader("Log In") |
username = st.text_input("Username", key="login_username") |
password = st.text_input("Password", type="password", key="login_password") |
if st.button("Log In"): |
if authenticate_user(username, password): |
st.success(f"Welcome back, {username}!") |
st.session_state.authenticated = True |
st.session_state.username = username |
else: |
st.error("Invalid username or password. Please try again.") |
elif auth_mode == "Register": |
st.subheader("Register") |
username = st.text_input("Create Username", key="register_username") |
password = st.text_input("Create Password", type="password", key="register_password") |
if st.button("Register"): |
if username and password: |
add_user(username, password) |
st.success("Account created successfully! You can now log in.") |
else: |
st.error("Please fill in all fields.") |
if st.session_state.authenticated: |
st.subheader(f"Hello, {st.session_state.username}!") |
st.write("This is your workspace. All your saved work will appear here.") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |