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import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
from datetime import datetime
# Set up Streamlit title and description
st.title("Sentiment Analysis , Audio Feedback, and Response Generation")
st.write("Enter a review, guess its sentiment (positive/negative), and get audio feedback on your guess and improve your Enlish.")
# Load the sentiment analysis model
sentiment_analysis = pipeline("text-classification", model="JACOBBBB/CustomModel_JL")
# Load the text-to-speech model
text_to_audio = pipeline("text-to-audio", model="vbrydik/mms-tts-eng-finetune-v3-train")
# Load the text generation model
response_generator = pipeline("text-generation", model="openai-community/gpt2")
# Text input for user to enter the review
review = st.text_area("Enter the review to analyze", "")
# Dropdown for user to guess the sentiment
user_guess = st.selectbox("Guess the sentiment of your review:", ("Positive", "Negative"))
# Perform operations when the user clicks the "Analyze and Respond" button
if st.button("Analyze and Generate"):
# Perform sentiment analysis on the input review
sentiment_result = sentiment_analysis(review)[0]
label = sentiment_result['label'].upper()
score = sentiment_result['score']
# Check user's guess against the analysis
guess_is_correct = (user_guess.upper() == label)
guess_feedback = "Right" if guess_is_correct else "Wrong"
if guess_feedback == "Right":
feedback_text = f"Congratulations! Your guess was {guess_feedback}! The actual sentiment of the review is {label}."
feedback_text = f"Sorry! Your guess was {guess_feedback}! The actual sentiment of the review is {label}."
# Generate audio feedback for the guess
feedback_audio = text_to_audio(feedback_text)
st.audio(feedback_audio['audio'], format='audio/wav', sample_rate=feedback_audio['sampling_rate'])
# Display the sentiment analysis result and feedback
st.write("Predicted Sentiment:", label)
st.write("Confidence Score:", f"{score * 100:.2f}%")
# Generate audio of the review
st.write("Audio of the review for practice your listening")
review_audio = text_to_audio(f"Audio of the review for practice your listening: {review}")
st.audio(review_audio['audio'], format='audio/wav', sample_rate=review_audio['sampling_rate'])
# Generate a professional response based on the review and its sentiment
if label == "POSITIVE":
prompt = "Thank you for sharing your experience and choosing our hotel. We are glad that you had a wonderful stay with us."
prompt = "Thank you for letting us know about the issues that you experienced during your recent stay at our hotel. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."
professional_response = response_generator(prompt, max_length=50, num_return_sequences=1)[0]['generated_text']
# Display the generated professional response
st.write("Generated Professional Response:", professional_response)
st.title('Monthly Best Response Competition')
# Simple form for input using Streamlit
with st.form("user_input_form"):
user_input = st.text_input("Enter your response:")
submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
if submit_button:
# Current time when the input is received
current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Format the entry to be saved
entry = f"{current_time}: {user_input}\n"
# Save the input to a local file
with open("monthly_competition_entries.txt", "a") as file:
st.success("Your response has been saved and entered into the competition!")
# Display outside the form context
st.write("Feel free to submit more responses. Each unique response counts as a separate entry.")