run check_pw
5517543 unverified
from pickle import FALSE
from pages.utils import empty
import streamlit as st
import sqlite3
import datetime
# Custom imports
from pages.utils import *
from authenticator import Hasher
def app():
drop_table = False
DATABASE = db_path('quiz_maker.db')
c, conn = db_connect(DATABASE)
if drop_table:
st.write("User Table Dropped.")
query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users"
query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(uct_iso, firstname, lastname, username, email, hashed_password)"
usernames = []
emails = []
query = "SELECT username, email FROM users"
for items in c.execute(query):
st.markdown("## Join")
with st.form("join_form"):
first_name = st.text_input("First Name")
last_name = st.text_input("Last Name")
user_name = st.text_input("User Name")
email = st.text_input("Email")
password1 = st.text_input("Password", type="password")
password2 = st.text_input("Confirm Password", type="password")
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
if empty(first_name) or empty(last_name) or empty(user_name) or \
empty(email) or empty(password1) or empty(password2):
st.warning("Complete all inputs.")
elif submitted and password1.strip() != password2.strip():
st.warning("The passwords do not match.")
elif user_name in usernames:
st.warning("This user name already exists.")
elif email in emails:
st.warning("This email is already being used.")
uct_iso = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
hashed_password = Hasher(password1).generate()
st.write(firstname, lastname, username, email, hashed_password)
query = "INSERT INTO users(uct_iso, firstname, lastname, username, email, hashed_password) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
c.execute(query, (uct_iso, first_name, last_name, user_name, email, hashed_password))
st.success("You have joined.")