interviewer / .env.local.example
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# You can also run models locally or on you own server and use them instead if they are compatible with HuggingFace API
# For local models seletct HF_API as a type because they usse HuggingFace API
# Most probalby you don't need a key for your local model
# But if you have some kind of authentication compatible with HuggingFace API you can use it here
# The main usecase for the local models in locally running LLMs
# You can serve any model using Text Generation Inference from HuggingFace
# This project uses Messages API that is compatible with Open AI API and allows you to just plug and play OS models
# Don't gorget to add '/v1' to the end of the URL
# Assuming you have Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct model running on your local server, your configuration will look like this
# Running STT model locally is not straightforward
# But for example you can one of the whispers models on your laptop
# It requires some simple wrapper over the model to make it compatible with HuggingFace API. Maybe I will share some in the future
# But assuming you manages to run a local whisper-server, your configuration will look like this
# I don't see much value in running TTS models locally given the quality of online models
# But if you have some kind of TTS model running on your local server you can use it here