# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb. | |
# %% auto 0 | |
'DEFAULT_COMBINE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE', 'create_model', 'set_openai_key', 'create_base_tutoring_prompt', | |
'get_tutoring_prompt', 'get_tutoring_answer', 'create_tutor_mdl_chain'] | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 3 | |
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI | |
from langchain.llms import OpenAI | |
from langchain import PromptTemplate | |
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, PromptTemplate | |
from langchain.prompts import SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate | |
from langchain.chains import LLMChain, ConversationalRetrievalChain, RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain | |
from langchain.chains.base import Chain | |
from getpass import getpass | |
import os | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 5 | |
def create_model(openai_mdl='gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', temperature=0.1, **chatopenai_kwargs): | |
llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name = openai_mdl, temperature=temperature, **chatopenai_kwargs) | |
return llm | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 6 | |
def set_openai_key(): | |
openai_api_key = getpass() | |
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = openai_api_key | |
return | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 10 | |
# Create system prompt template | |
SYSTEM_TUTOR_TEMPLATE = ("You are a world-class tutor helping students to perform better on oral and written exams though interactive experiences. " + | |
"When assessing and evaluating students, you always ask one question at a time, and wait for the student's response before " + | |
"providing them with feedback. Asking one question at a time, waiting for the student's response, and then commenting " + | |
"on the strengths and weaknesses of their responses (when appropriate) is what makes you such a sought-after, world-class tutor.") | |
# Create a human response template | |
HUMAN_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE = ("I'm trying to better understand the text provided below. {assessment_request} The learning objectives to be assessed are: " + | |
"{learning_objectives}. Although I may request more than one assessment question, you should " + | |
"only provide ONE question in you initial response. Do not include the answer in your response. " + | |
"If I get an answer wrong, provide me with an explanation of why it was incorrect, and then give me additional " + | |
"chances to respond until I get the correct choice. Explain why the correct choice is right. " + | |
"The text that you will base your questions on is as follows: {context}.") | |
HUMAN_RETRIEVER_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE = ("I want to master the topics based on the excerpts of the text below. Given the following extracted text from long documents, {assessment_request} The learning objectives to be assessed are: " + | |
"{learning_objectives}. Although I may request more than one assessment question, you should " + | |
"only provide ONE question in you initial response. Do not include the answer in your response. " + | |
"If I get an answer wrong, provide me with an explanation of why it was incorrect, and then give me additional " + | |
"chances to respond until I get the correct choice. Explain why the correct choice is right. " + | |
"The extracted text from long documents are as follows: {summaries}.") | |
def create_base_tutoring_prompt(system_prompt=None, human_prompt=None): | |
#setup defaults using defined values | |
if system_prompt == None: | |
system_prompt = PromptTemplate(template = SYSTEM_TUTOR_TEMPLATE, | |
input_variables = []) | |
if human_prompt==None: | |
human_prompt = PromptTemplate(template = HUMAN_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE, | |
input_variables=['assessment_request', 'learning_objectives', 'context']) | |
# Create prompt messages | |
system_tutor_msg = SystemMessagePromptTemplate(prompt=system_prompt) | |
human_tutor_msg = HumanMessagePromptTemplate(prompt= human_prompt) | |
# Create ChatPromptTemplate | |
chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([system_tutor_msg, human_tutor_msg]) | |
return chat_prompt | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 14 | |
DEFAULT_ASSESSMENT_MSG = 'Please design a 5 question short answer quiz about the provided text.' | |
DEFAULT_LEARNING_OBJS_MSG = 'Identify and comprehend the important topics and underlying messages and connections within the text' | |
def get_tutoring_prompt(context, chat_template=None, assessment_request = None, learning_objectives = None, **kwargs): | |
# set defaults | |
if chat_template is None: | |
chat_template = create_base_tutoring_prompt() | |
else: | |
if not all([prompt_var in chat_template.input_variables | |
for prompt_var in ['context', 'assessment_request', 'learning_objectives']]): | |
raise KeyError('''It looks like you may have a custom chat_template. Either include context, assessment_request, and learning objectives | |
as input variables or create your own tutoring prompt.''') | |
if assessment_request is None and 'assessment_request': | |
assessment_request = DEFAULT_ASSESSMENT_MSG | |
if learning_objectives is None: | |
learning_objectives = DEFAULT_LEARNING_OBJS_MSG | |
# compose final prompt | |
tutoring_prompt = chat_template.format_prompt(context=context, | |
assessment_request = assessment_request, | |
learning_objectives = learning_objectives, | |
**kwargs) | |
return tutoring_prompt | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 18 | |
def get_tutoring_answer(context, tutor_mdl, chat_template=None, assessment_request=None, learning_objectives=None, return_dict=False, call_kwargs={}, input_kwargs={}): | |
# Get answer from chat | |
# set defaults | |
if assessment_request is None: | |
assessment_request = DEFAULT_ASSESSMENT_MSG | |
if learning_objectives is None: | |
learning_objectives = DEFAULT_LEARNING_OBJS_MSG | |
common_inputs = {'assessment_request':assessment_request, 'learning_objectives':learning_objectives} | |
# get answer based on interaction type | |
if isinstance(tutor_mdl, ChatOpenAI): | |
human_ask_prompt = get_tutoring_prompt(context, chat_template, assessment_request, learning_objectives) | |
tutor_answer = tutor_mdl(human_ask_prompt.to_messages()) | |
if not return_dict: | |
final_answer = tutor_answer.content | |
elif isinstance(tutor_mdl, Chain): | |
if isinstance(tutor_mdl, RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain): | |
if 'question' not in input_kwargs.keys(): | |
common_inputs['question'] = assessment_request | |
final_inputs = {**common_inputs, **input_kwargs} | |
else: | |
common_inputs['context'] = context | |
final_inputs = {**common_inputs, **input_kwargs} | |
# get answer | |
tutor_answer = tutor_mdl(final_inputs, **call_kwargs) | |
final_answer = tutor_answer | |
if not return_dict: | |
final_answer = final_answer['answer'] | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"tutor_mdl of type {type(tutor_mdl)} is not supported.") | |
return final_answer | |
# %% ../nbs/prompt_interaction_base.ipynb 19 | |
DEFAULT_CONDENSE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ("Given the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question, " + | |
"in its original language.\n\nChat History:\n{chat_history}\nFollow Up Input: {question}\nStandalone question:") | |
DEFAULT_QUESTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ("Use the following portion of a long document to see if any of the text is relevant to creating a response to the question." + | |
"\nReturn any relevant text verbatim.\n{context}\nQuestion: {question}\nRelevant text, if any:") | |
DEFAULT_COMBINE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ("Given the following extracted parts of a long document and the given prompt, create a final answer with references ('SOURCES'). "+ | |
"If you don't have a response, just say that you are unable to come up with a response. "+ | |
"\nSOURCES:\n\nQUESTION: {question}\n=========\n{summaries}\n=========\nFINAL ANSWER:'") | |
def create_tutor_mdl_chain(kind='llm', mdl=None, prompt_template = None, **kwargs): | |
#Validate parameters | |
if mdl is None: | |
mdl = create_model() | |
kind = kind.lower() | |
#Create model chain | |
if kind == 'llm': | |
if prompt_template is None: | |
prompt_template = create_base_tutoring_prompt() | |
mdl_chain = LLMChain(llm=mdl, prompt=prompt_template, **kwargs) | |
elif kind == 'conversational': | |
if prompt_template is None: | |
prompt_template = PromptTemplate.from_template(DEFAULT_CONDENSE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE) | |
mdl_chain = ConversationalRetrieverChain.from_llm(mdl, condense_question_prompt = prompt_template, **kwargs) | |
elif kind == 'retrieval_qa': | |
if prompt_template is None: | |
#Create custom human prompt to take in summaries | |
human_prompt = PromptTemplate(template = HUMAN_RETRIEVER_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE, | |
input_variables=['assessment_request', 'learning_objectives', 'summaries']) | |
prompt_template = create_base_tutoring_prompt(human_prompt=human_prompt) | |
#Create the combination prompt and model | |
question_template = PromptTemplate.from_template(DEFAULT_QUESTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE) | |
mdl_chain = RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain.from_llm(llm=mdl, question_prompt=question_template, combine_prompt = prompt_template, **kwargs) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Model kind {kind} not implemented") | |
return mdl_chain | |