micahg's picture
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import logging
import os.path
import string
import sys
import unicodedata
import pkg_resources
import regex as re
import panphon
import unicodecsv as csv
from epitran.ligaturize import ligaturize
from epitran.puncnorm import PuncNorm
if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
import subprocess32 as subprocess
import subprocess
logger = logging.getLogger('epitran')
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
def unicode(x):
return x
class Flite(object):
"""English G2P using the Flite speech synthesis system."""
def __init__(self, arpabet='arpabet', ligatures=False, **kwargs):
"""Construct a Flite "wrapper"
arpabet (str): file containing ARPAbet to IPA mapping
ligatures (bool): if True, use non-standard ligatures instead of
standard IPA
arpabet = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, os.path.join('data', arpabet + '.csv'))
self.arpa_map = self._read_arpabet(arpabet)
self.chunk_re = re.compile(r"([A-Za-z'’]+|[^A-Za-z'’]+)", re.U)
self.letter_re = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z'’]+")
self.regexp = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z]')
self.puncnorm = PuncNorm()
self.ligatures = ligatures
self.ft = panphon.FeatureTable()
self.num_panphon_fts = len(self.ft.names)
def _read_arpabet(self, arpabet):
arpa_map = {}
with open(arpabet, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8')
for arpa, ipa in reader:
arpa_map[arpa] = ipa
return arpa_map
def normalize(self, text):
text = unicode(text)
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text)
text = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, text))
return text
def arpa_text_to_list(self, arpa_text):
return arpa_text.split(' ')[1:-1]
def arpa_to_ipa(self, arpa_text, ligatures=False):
arpa_text = arpa_text.strip()
arpa_list = self.arpa_text_to_list(arpa_text)
arpa_list = map(lambda d: re.sub(r'\d', '', d), arpa_list)
ipa_list = map(lambda d: self.arpa_map[d], arpa_list)
text = ''.join(ipa_list)
return text
def english_g2p(self, english):
"""Stub for English G2P function to be overwritten by subclasses"""
return ""
def transliterate(self, text, normpunc=False, ligatures=False):
"""Convert English text to IPA transcription
text (unicode): English text
normpunc (bool): if True, normalize punctuation downward
ligatures (bool): if True, use non-standard ligatures instead of
standard IPA
text = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text)
acc = []
for chunk in self.chunk_re.findall(text):
if self.letter_re.match(chunk):
text = ''.join(acc)
text = self.puncnorm.norm(text) if normpunc else text
text = ligaturize(text) if (ligatures or self.ligatures) else text
return text
def strict_trans(self, text, normpunc=False, ligatures=False):
return self.transliterate(text, normpunc, ligatures)
def word_to_tuples(self, word, normpunc=False):
"""Given a word, returns a list of tuples corresponding to IPA segments.
word (unicode): word to transliterate
normpunc (bool): If True, normalizes punctuation to ASCII inventory
list: A list of (category, lettercase, orthographic_form,
phonetic_form, feature_vectors) tuples.
The "feature vectors" form a list consisting of (segment, vector) pairs.
For IPA segments, segment is a substring of phonetic_form such that the
concatenation of all segments in the list is equal to the phonetic_form.
The vectors are a sequence of integers drawn from the set {-1, 0, 1}
where -1 corresponds to '-', 0 corresponds to '0', and 1 corresponds to
def cat_and_cap(c):
cat, case = tuple(unicodedata.category(c))
case = 1 if case == 'u' else 0
return unicode(cat), case
def recode_ft(ft):
return {'+': 1, '0': 0, '-': -1}[ft]
except KeyError:
return None
def vec2bin(vec):
return map(recode_ft, vec)
def to_vector(seg):
return seg, vec2bin(self.ft.segment_to_vector(seg))
def to_vectors(phon):
if phon == '':
return [(-1, [0] * self.num_panphon_fts)]
return [to_vector(seg) for seg in self.ft.ipa_segs(phon)]
tuples = []
word = unicode(word)
# word = self.strip_diacritics.process(word)
word = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', word)
word = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', word)
while word:
match = re.match('[A-Za-z]+', word)
if match:
span = match.group(0)
cat, case = cat_and_cap(span[0])
phonword = self.transliterate(span)
phonsegs = self.ft.ipa_segs(phonword)
maxlen = max(len(phonsegs), len(span))
orth = list(span) + [''] * (maxlen - len(span))
phonsegs += [''] * (maxlen - len(phonsegs))
for p, o in zip(phonsegs, orth):
tuples.append(('L', case, o, p, to_vectors(p)))
word = word[len(span):]
span = word[0]
span = self.puncnorm.norm(span) if normpunc else span
cat, case = cat_and_cap(span)
cat = 'P' if normpunc and cat in self.puncnorm else cat
phon = ''
vecs = to_vectors(phon)
tuples.append((cat, case, span, phon, vecs))
word = word[1:]
return tuples
class FliteT2P(Flite):
"""Flite G2P using t2p."""
def english_g2p(self, text):
text = self.normalize(text)
arpa_text = subprocess.check_output(['t2p', '"{}"'.format(text)])
arpa_text = arpa_text.decode('utf-8')
except OSError:
logger.warning('t2p (from flite) is not installed.')
arpa_text = ''
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logger.warning('Non-zero exit status from t2p.')
arpa_text = ''
return self.arpa_to_ipa(arpa_text)
class FliteLexLookup(Flite):
"""Flite G2P using lex_lookup."""
def arpa_text_to_list(self, arpa_text):
return arpa_text[1:-1].split(' ')
def english_g2p(self, text):
text = self.normalize(text).lower()
arpa_text = subprocess.check_output(['lex_lookup', text])
arpa_text = arpa_text.decode('utf-8')
except OSError:
logger.warning('lex_lookup (from flite) is not installed.')
arpa_text = ''
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logger.warning('Non-zero exit status from lex_lookup.')
arpa_text = ''
# Split on newlines and take the first element (in case lex_lookup
# returns multiple lines).
arpa_text = arpa_text.splitlines()[0]
return self.arpa_to_ipa(arpa_text)